Friday, 28 June 2019

Zanu PF rigged 2018 elections, and it was not the first either but it must and WILL be the last W Mukori

Both Zanu PF and MDC know that the solution to ending Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis is implementing the democratic reforms to ensure there free, fair and credible elections. Both parties have had many opportunities to get this done but have wasted them dragging the nation deeper and deeper into this abyss.

Both Zanu PF and MDC realize the seriousness of the situation the country is in are are calling for national dialogue for the purpose of consolidating their own selfish political interest first and foremost. If the dialogue was to bring about any meaningful economic revival, that would be a bonus.

There two most important things Mnangagwa want out of the political dialogue are:

1)     Legitimacy Mnangagwa knows that Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections and all international election observers of note said so. He is hoping that the political dialogue will bring in all the political parties and civic organisations solidly behind him and thus pile the pressure on the Western nations in particular to accept that all Zimbabweans have accepted his regime as legitimate regardless of the flaws and illegalities in last year’s elections.

2)     If the political dialogue should bring about any economic recovery, Mnangagwa would claim the lion’s share of the credible. If there is no meaningful economic recovery, he would go to town in pointing out that no one else would have done better. He would certainly take exception to anyone pointing the finger of blame at him.

The two things on MDC A’s wish list from the political dialogue are:

1)     Force Zanu PF into power sharing arrangement in which MDC A are given gravy train positions.

2)     Force Zanu PF to concede power to secure more gravy train seats for the party in future. MDC would like to see the constitution amended to create the post of Official Opposition Leader complete with shadow minister entitled to all the usual ministerial limo, generous salary and allowances.

Anyone out there who expect the political dialogue to result in the implementation of meaningful political reforms and free, fair and credible elections is day-dreaming. Mnangagwa and Zanu PF would rather see Zimbabwe reduced to ruins first before they would give up power. The closest the party came to conceding to have the reform implemented was during the 2008 GNU the new power sharing being proposed will leave Zanu PF in total control, they will see to it that no meaningful reforms are ever implemented.

Besides Mnangagwa knows MDC A leaders will be quite content if their second wish is implemented.

The only way to ensure the democratic reforms are implemented is by forcing Zanu PF to step down, because nothing will ever be accomplished whilst they remain in power. Nothing.

How are we going to force Mnangagwa and Zanu PF to step down?

This is a fair question to ask but the solution is not the mission impossible of tying the bell round the cat’s neck, some people think.

"Legitimacy is an issue - last year's elections were illegal, and not free and fair. All reasonable observers concede that," David Coltart, MDC Alliance Treasurer General admitted the other day.

It has taken almost a year for the MDC A to admit this but now that they have it is up to us, the people to run with this. It is for us to remind Zanu PF, the main opposition party, the MDC A, and all the other minions of opposition parties and candidates that an election process that is accepted as having been “illegal and not free and fair” cannot produce a legitimate winner. Legitimacy only comes from winning the majority votes in a free, fair and credible election.

Having failed to hold free, fair and credible elections the contestants cannot hold their own political dialogue, indaba, in which they decree the “illegal, and not free and fair elections” legal, free, fair and credible and their claim to office legitimate. No nation worthy of that name can ever accept such blatant disregard of the rule of law and common decency.

Zanu PF, the MDC A and all those who took part in last year’s elections KNEW that with no meaningful democratic reform in place the elections would not be free, fair and credible. They all participated in the flawed and illegal elections for their own selfish reasons. They were all partners in conspiring to deny the majority of ordinary Zimbabweans their basic right to a meaningful vote. They are all committed high treason.

Is it bad enough that these politicians failed to deliver free, fair and credible elections and thus landed the nation into this constitution mess of having no legitimate government. The politicians have usurped our power to elect who governs it would be criminal to let the politicians get away with it.

Besides, if we, the people, at least those of us who understand what is going on here, allowed Zanu PF and their partners in crime usurp the people’s right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country today who will stop the usurpers doing it again and again and again. Indeed, Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess precisely because Zanu PF thugs have been allowed to rig elections and get away with it for the last 39 years.

When Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs rigged last year’s elections; it was not the first time they rigged elections, they have done so ever since the nation attained her independence in 1980. It is our duty and responsibility to see to it that Zanu PF does not get away with another rigged elections. And the only sure way to ensure the July 2018 are the last elections Zanu PF rigged is by making sure the regime step down and all the reforms are implemented before 2023.

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