After decades of blaming the sanctions imposed by West for Zimbabwe’s economic woes Mugabe stop doing so in 2016 after he admitted the country was swindled of US$15 billion in diamond revenue. Even he knew that whatever economic disruptions the sanctions were causing it was nothing compared to the damage cause by wholesale looting he had just admitted.
When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe is 2017 he acknowledged that corruption was a serious problem and never blamed sanctions for the country’s economic woes. It was only after he rigged the elections but failed to rig economic recovery that he reverted to blaming sanctions.
Now Mnangagwa has admitted Zanu PF chefs got as many as 9 farms with some farms being allocated to children as young as two years old. “Grace Mugabe has 16 farms!” he admitted.
It is no secret the collapse of Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector, once pride of the whole region, was a precursor of the collapse of the country’s economy. The agricultural sector itself collapse because productive farms were seized by individuals who failed to put them to productive use.
It is totally unacceptable that President Mnangagwa has been in power now for nearly two years, of course he knew there had been serious looping of farms all along, and has done nothing to end solve this problem. How much longer is the nation expected to starve whilst he twiddles his thumbs with this land audit!
Some people have said the people of Zimbabwe should have rejected Mnangagwa and his military junta as the replacement of Mugabe in November 2017. We should have demanded a meaningful regime change, we would not be still stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime.
I will scream the house down if I ever again hear Mnangagwa blame sanctions for Zimbabwe’s economic mess. Sanctions did not give Grace Mugabe 16 farms, Zanu PF did!
"We do not want dialogue, we want fresh elections!"
ReplyDeleteWell that makes a lot sense.
The institutions of government, i.e. the executive and the legislature are the one empowered to formulate and implement policies designed to solve the nation's economic, social and political problems. The very fact that the economic meltdown has go worse and worse over the last 39 years is proof our political system, the de facto one party dictatorship, has not worked. Last year's elections failed to produce a competent executive and legislature and hence the reason the country's economic meltdown has continued.
For the last 39 years Zimbabwe's political system has failed to produce a competent government and hence the reason the country has experience economic decline year after year for 39 years. Zanu PF rigged last year's election and thus perpetuating the failed the system of one corrupt and incompetent government after another. Instead of demanding that the illegitimate Zanu PF regime step down those calling for dialogue are hoping the transition authority (TA) will take over as the government and get the nation out of the mess.
The proposed TA have no legal powers and yet will be expected to tell the Zanu PF executive and legislature what to do. To expect the Zanu PF executive and legislature to agree to reform themselves to allow free, fair and credible elections, they are certain to lose is to expect too much. Both Zanu PF and MDC know that no mmeaningful reforms will ever be implemented hence the reason Zimbabwean must reject the dialogue and demand that Zanu PF steps down.
The seizure of the white owned farms started in 2000 triggering the food shortages and was definitely one of the causes of the economic collapse. The country is still suffering the ill effect of food shortages and the economic collapse to this day. One would have thought that Mnangagwa would have hit the ground running by taking away some of the looted farms and give them to those best able to put them to productive use and so kick start the food production and the economic recovery.
ReplyDeleteIn January 2018 he has off to Switzerland with his "Zimbabwe is open for business!" mantra and yet was doing nothing to kick start business in Zimbabwe. It is now nearly two years since he replaced Mugabe and still we have farms lying idle whist the nation starve. He is waiting for the land audit, he tells us. How stupid is that!
People know that Mugabe was a control freak who surrounded himself with individuals of little or no intellectual ability so he was the bright star amongst the multitude of dead planets. He appointed very few individuals with a brain to his cabinet but saw to it that they never have any real power to change anything. He undermined them at every turn.
ReplyDeleteWhen Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe following the November 2017 coup, he was clearly relieved to have finally emerged out of Mugabe's shadow. He was as keen as mustard to show he was his own man and hence all that "Zimbabwe is open for business!", "Second Republic!", "New dispensation!" rhetoric. Yes it was just empty rhetoric with no substance.
Mnangagwa was as keen as mustard to show the world that he is a great intellectual and statesman and not just this braindead idiot doing all Mugabe's dirty laundry. Sadly for him and the people of Zimbabwe he did not have any intelligence to be that great intellectual and statesman. The man does not even have the common sense, for Pete's sake!
Reviving Zimbabwe's agricultural sector is one sure bet to kick-start the country's comatose economy. The idiot has admitted that many Zanu PF chefs got more than the one farm per family agreed so what stopped him taking away the extra farms and making sure they were put to productive use. He did not need to go to Davos Switzerland or anywhere else to boost food production by 50% or more!
So the nation has wasted millions of dollars on imported food these last 18 months and counting because of inactivity whilst Mnangagwa await the land audit.
It is said that a few months before one of Africa's dictator died, the doctors drain half a pint of water from his head. The tragic state he had left the country he had ruled for decades with an iron fist spoke volumes of his incompetence and the drained water confirmed he had no brain. A brain scan of Mugabe and Mnangagwa will reveal the thugs have very few functional brain cells the rest atrophied and turned into fatty tissue decades ago.