Friday, 21 June 2019

Moyo fighting for farm because "I bought it" - rubbish, 1000s other buyers were booted out N Garikai

Professor Jonathan Moyo has stuck to his guns that the farm that he owns is not part of the land reform process but he purchased the farm after the government put it on a willing buyer willing seller plan.

"I usual don't respond CIO operatives on Twitter ask Hon Kasukuwere. This even you need to know: In 2001, offer letter had an option to lease or purchase. My family opted to purchase, govt evaluated the farm and asked for ZW6million and we paid government. It's government that SOLD the farm!" commented Professor Moyo.

Professor Moyo should know that the are hundreds if not thousands of others out there who bought their farms under the same willing buyer willing seller plan who were booted out of their farms taking nothing other than the shirt on their back! Now that he is no longer protected by the party, indeed, is considered the enemy even; he is fair game!

If Professor Moyo was to return to Zimbabwe, he will lose a lot more than the farm!

Should we feel sorry for Professor Moyo? Hell no! Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess today because of sell-out like Professor Jonathan Moyo who worked tirelessly with Robert Mugabe, Mnangagwa and other Zanu PF thugs to establish and retain this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship.

Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of Southern Africa, we produced enough food to feed all our people with plenty left over to export. The nation earned a fortune from the sale of beef, tobacco and other cash crops. The country had a boom economy. Our agricultural sector collapse following the seizure of farms by the Zanu PF thugs and dragging the national economy down with it.

Thanks to Professor Moyo and his fellow Zanu PF thugs Zimbabweans are starving in a country which is for all practical purposes the Garden of Eden. There are millions of Zimbabweans who now live in abject poverty they are worthy of my sympathy than a Zanu PF thug like Professor Jonathan Moyo whose worry is losing a looting farm!  


  1. SADC executive secretary Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax has formally briefed President Mnangagwa, who is taking over as chair of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation at the regional summit slated for August in Tanzania.

    President Mnangagwa is replacing outgoing chairman and Zambian President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

    Dr Tax briefed the President at State House in Harare yesterday.

    She brushed off MDC-Alliance's bid to push Sadc to have Zimbabwe on its agenda.

    The political and economic situation in Zimbabwe is so volatile everyone is fearful of social unrest from people protesting the worsening economic situation or army staging another coup or parliament impeaching Mnangagwa to head-off the social unrest.

    SADC had its chance to force Mnangagwa to hold free, fair and credible elections and they wasted it. If the regional body thinks that Zimbabwe is now stable then they are naïve!

  2. Zimbabwe's economy is in total meltdown the country's health sector, for example, has all but collapsed; we can only pay the nurses enough for them to work 2 day week. The sick are sick 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Now we hear the tyrant behind the country's rot is living in luxury in Singapore!

    To end the economic meltdown, Zanu PF must be forced to step down. The next step would be to recover the country's looted wealth and give it back to the people.
