“Well, this is not a pie in the sky. What is our attitude to Mthuli Ncube's Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP)? A lot of us really want us to go back to the hiatus,” is the latest diatribe from The Herald.
“The economy is hitting us hard and we no longer want to go forward. We are now doubting the essence of his reform. But we need the reforms. We are at breaking point, we are doubting his vision.
“Like Moses, is Mthuli being given a chance?
Hell no!”
Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because we have become a nation of brainwashed sloths, happy following leaders blindly no questions asked. Even when presented with a mountain of evidence the leaders are corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs we have again and again chosen to ignore the evidence and argue we must give them another chance.
After 39 years of death and destruction under this ruinous Zanu PF dictatorship there are people out there who still expect the dictatorship to deliver economic prosperity, justice and freedom.
The moral of the story of the Children of Israel’s perilous journey to the Promised Land is that in this world we mortals, even God’s chosen people, have to fight our way to the Promised Land and when we get there have to fight for every inch of it! Those who have never lifted a finger to fight for their freedoms and basic human rights have blundered from slavery, to colonial exploitation, to corrupt and tyrannical rule under their own kith and kin, etc.
Minister Mthuli Ncube has imposed 2% transaction tax aimed at squeezing a few dollars from the poorest of the poor because they were not paying income tax as they are unemployed. He has done nothing to tax the ruling elite’s millions of dollars every month from corruption and the wholesale looting.
In 2016 Mugabe admitted the country was being swindled out of US$15 billion in diamond revenue alone. We all know that not even one diamond swindler has ever been arrested and not a penny of the loot recovered. Worse still, we know the looting is still taking place to this day. Former Finance Minister, Patrick Chinamasa, told parliament in 2017 that government was getting 1/6 of the expected diamond revenue.
Of course, Minister Ncube is aware of the looting and has deliberately targeted the poor to pay for the ruling elite’s extravagant lifestyles. Only a first class village idiot would believe this voodoo economic will end Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown much less turn the country into the “Vision 2030 Upper Middle Income” he keeps wittering about.
“They would rather Zimbabwe does not talk to EU or EU does not talk to Zimbabwe. The stalemate, which has worked wonders for the opposition in the form of biting sanctions, hard presses the ordinary citizens and aptly pits the citizenry against Government. They make the Government unpopular and readies people for regime change,” we are told.
The EU knows that Zanu PF blatantly rigged last year’s elections and if this had happened in any of the EU member countries the regime would have been booted out before sunset. The only reason the EU is re-engaging the illegitimate regime is because there are EU member countries like Belgium who have been desperate to join countries like China, India, Russia, Israel, etc. who have been looting Zimbabwe’s diamonds.
Again only a village idiot would believe Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown is cause by sanction when US$15 billion are being swindled away under their nose. They form in the mouth agitated about US foreign policy, sanctions, over which they have no say but have never said a word of protest over the rot, corruption, in their own country over which they have a duty to stamp out!
The greatest disservice Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs have ever inflicted on this nation is not the criminal waste of the nation's human and material resources or even the many murdered in cold blood - heinous and barbaric as these are. The greatest disservice the regime has inflicted on the nation was to retain the colonial laws and practices that had systematically denied the people the opportunity to open their minds and think for themselves.
Top on the list of democratic reforms the nation needs is the dismantling of the country's public media. We must banish government control of the media and fire the Zanu PF apologists masquerading as journalist in The Herald, ZBC, etc. We want our people to think for themselves and freed from all this brainwashing diatribe, mysticism and heresy!
The Zimbabwe Independent has reported that President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government through the Zimbabwe Republic Police have purchased weapons which include 3 343 AK-47 assault rifles and about 600 sniper rifles so that they are able to crush anticipated protestors who might take to the streets to show their displeasure at how the country is being run.
ReplyDeleteThe nation is marching deeper and deeper into the hell-on-earth Zanu PF frog marched the nation into these last 39 years. We had the chance to dismantle the dictatorship during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and we wasted it. We failed to implement even one reform in five years and now we are regretting it!
Quite clearly, the so-called "Second Republic" has failed to live up to President Emmerson Mnangagwa's hype regarding a new political culture, proving the government's unwillingness to re-join the family of nations by upholding democratic tenets such as respect for human rights and allowing workers their right to demonstrate.
ReplyDeleteThe government should simply sort out its political mess if it ever wants to deliver the economic salvation the majority of citizens are desperate for. Abducting, threatening or arresting outspoken people is not going to help its cause, both at home and abroad. It is really strange, but not surprising, that such horrendous acts on Masaraure would be carried out right at a time the government is engaging the European Union (EU) to try and curry favour with the powerful bloc after many years in the cold.
The ”Second Republic” was a myth to fool the naïve and gullible just as the November 2017 military coup was “a military assisted transition” to fool those foolishness to believe every nonsense they hear.
The EU knows that Zanu PF rigged last July’s elections and the regime is illegitimate and yet they are re-engaging it regardless for the sake of joining in the wholesale looting of the country’s resources. EU countries like Belgium want a share of the diamonds coming from Marange and Chiadzwa; they do not care that Zanu PF is illegitimate, is abducting its people and murdering others! The EU does not care about any of those things!
Professor Mthuli Ncube has made some breath taking blunders ever since his appointment as Minister of Finance. I agree that the taxing of the poorest of the poor, whom he should have on welfare, is one of the heartless things he has ever done. I am not an economist but I really do not believe that made any economic sense, especially when he has done nothing to end the wholesale looting.
ReplyDeleteOnly someone in Herald House would comapre Mthuli Ncube to Moses! These Zanu PF apologists treat these Zanu PF leaders as if they are infalliable and no wonder the thugs themselves have often claimed themselves chosen by God to lead the nation. It is this conceited that has given birth to arrogance and murder.
Professor Mthuli Ncube is, just like Mnangagwa and all the other Zanu PF thugs, not accountable to the people of Zimbabwe and hence the reason he has pursued his policies with such careless indifference!
“Top on the list of democratic reforms the nation needs is the dismantling of the country’s public media. We must banish government control of the media and fire the Zanu PF apologists masquerading as journalist in The Herald, ZBC, etc. We want our people to think for themselves and freed from all this brainwashing diatribe, mysticism and heresy!”
ReplyDeleteOne of the greatest crimes the white colonialists committed against our people was to deny them the opportunity to think for themselves, as chance to be human beings. The crime was compounded by the Zanu PF regime which used exactly the same dirty tricks of denying the people freedom of expression and a free media for the same reasons.
It has been an uphill struggle to get a health and functional democracy in Zimbabwe because most of our people have been brainwashed into following blindly like sheep, they do not ask questions even when things are clearly going wrong. They are unable to think for themselves.
Comparing Mthuli Ncube with all his human faults and blunderings to Moses goes to show the sheer shallowness of some people! A nation of such shallow minded people is doomed to wallow in poverty and despair and we are!