Tuesday, 4 June 2019

ED wants talk-shop dialogue - cover to ban protests and stop reforms P Guramatunhu

“In a surprise move, the Zanu-PF youth league has called for broad-based inclusive dialogue to fix the country's worsening socio-economic meltdown,” reported Bulawayo 24. 

“The call comes after talks launched by President Emmerson Mnangagwa involving candidates who participated in the July 30 presidential polls.”
The trouble with people who have no clue that the problem is, is that they often propose a solution that will do nothing to end the problem because it is irrelevant. Or worse still it will make a bad situation worse by compounding the problem. The proposed political dialogue has the potential of doing both!
Chamisa has refuses to accept Mnangagwa as legitimate President of the Republic because the election process was not free, fair and credible. All the election observers worth their salt have condemned the July 2018 election as a farce because of the glaring flaws and illegalities Many have dismissed Chamisa’s acceptance of the parliamentary result whilst rejecting the presidential race results as cherry picking since the two races were subjected to the same flaws and illegalities.
But putting Chamisa’s cherry picking aside; Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF party are illegitimate because the election process was flawed and illegal. The political dialogue Chamisa is demand is no substitute for free, fair and credible elections and therefore it is absurd to suggest the dialogue will “sort out the illegitimacy issue”!
The country’s worsening economic meltdown is linked to the political problem of rigged elections, investors do not like to do business in a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. The investors are not going to be fooled into believing Zimbabwe is no longer a pariah state just because Chamisa and a few other MDC leaders have joined the Zanu PF cabinet.
The only dialogue needed here is one leading to Zanu PF stepping down to allow the country the space to appoint an interim body that will implement the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections.
Mnangagwa has proposed the formation of forum to encourage dialogue between political parties and other stakeholders such as trade unions. The forum will have no legal basis with no power to do anything and whose decisions will not be worth the paper it is written on. The forum will just be a talk-shop. Mnangagwa would use the forum as an excuse to ban all protest, arguing that all aggrieved parties should bring their concerns to the forum.
The political dialogue will serve the added purpose of appearing to address Mnangagwa and Zanu PF’s legitimacy problem, even is participants never actually come to any definitive decision on the matter. What Zanu PF wants is to waste time, so nothing is done to implement any democratic reforms between now and the next elections in 2023. As long as no reforms are implemented Zanu PF will have the opportunity to rig that year’s elections and thus extend its tyrannical rule by another five more years. 


  1. I agree, anyone who thinks that this Zanu PF regime will get us out of the mess we are in is naive. It is a great pity that we have wasted the many chances we had to implement the democratic reforms and end the Zanu PF dictatorship. If the truth must be said, it is naive to think that Tendai Biti and his fellow MDC friends will ever get us out of the mess - they are the ones who wasted many of the golden chances!

  2. Gene told Reuters that implementing fiscal and monetary policy reforms, including the removal of exchange restrictions to stabilise the exchange rate and inflation, would be hard without external funding and after a severe drought.

    At 75.86% in April, Zimbabwe’s inflation is still nowhere near the 500 billion% reached during the hyperinflation era of 2008. But the consumer price index is at its highest in a decade and eroding incomes and savings.

    Zimbabwe increased the price of fuel by nearly half last month, the second increase since January, angering citizens battling with soaring prices of basic goods.

    As inflation soars, the new RTGS dollar that was introduced in February continues to weaken. The currency was trading at 8 to the dollar on the black market compared with 5.52 on the official interbank market.

    The local currency has now depreciated by 91% on the black market and 121% on the official market since its introduction.

    Well Finance Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube believes this is all possible. He is saying inflation will be below 10% by the end of this year. The Minister has made so many claims only to be proven wrong I have lost confidence in him and so has many other people. The man talks too much and most of it is rubbish!

  3. Zanu PF has already passed laws designed to stop all street protests "until wage negotiations are complete". The regime will see to it that wage negotiations are a long and drawn out process.

    Make no mistake about it, the regime would love to have Trade Unions joining these Political Dialogue forums. Whilst the forum is discussing the union's concerns, there will be no street protest!

    People of Zimbabwe should be concerned about Mnangagwa's political machinations; why is he creating all these extra bodies, the Political Dialogue forum, the President Advisory Council, etc. with no legal basis, elected and accountable to himself and no one else, etc. Meanwhile by filling parliament and senate with members who rigged elections he has rendered these body toothless and a waste of time. We would not need these extra bodies if parliament and the senate was full of competent members!

    Zanu PF rigged last year's elections and we should focus on forcing the regime to step down in preparation for fresh free, fair and credible elections and stop wasting time in these utterly useless Political Dialogue forums!

    If Zanu PF is still in power come 2023 then we will only have ourselves to blame for it for we have been warned about the party's time wasting tactics!

  4. THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Zimbabwe must step up efforts to increase foreign currency supply and allow exporters to sell their earnings directly on the interbank market to improve liquidity.

    The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) introduced the market back in February as part of monetary measures to facilitate the availability of foreign currency and tame a thriving parallel market, but the platform has failed to excite the market with few trades taking place.

    HOW? As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs the Zimbabwe economic meltdown will continue to get worse!

  5. @ Doctors Muko

    “Nhai Wilbert how do you force??????? You want 100heads of people so that the NATO can intervene manje tavakuzviziva hatiende ku demo shaaa moda kutiurayisa.”

    Zimbabwe’s health services has all but collapsed. Even big hospitals like Harare and Mpilo do not have pain killers and bandages and the situation is even worse in provincial and district hospitals. The ruling elite are spending fortunes in SA, India, Singapore, etc. for their health care needs; fortunes drained for the nation’s meagre resources which have only help accelerate the collapse of the local economy and health service. How many Zimbabweans are dying everyday of simple and curable diseases?

    So people are dying already; the choice is are you going to suffer and die in silence like sheep in a slaughter house. Or are you going to stand up and demand an end to the madness behind the criminal waste of the country’s human and material resources!

    You have a choice to join the MDC A demos whose principle purpose is to secure a gravy train seat for Chamisa and a few others. The demos have, more often than not, been violent which is exactly what Zanu PF want to justify its use of brute force. The interim authority, MDC A are asking for is just a watered down version of the 2008 to 2013 GNU that failed to implement even one reform hence the reason we are still in this mess.

    The only demo worth the candle is one demanding that the illegitimate Zanu PF regime steps down to allow for the appointment of an interim administration that will implement the reforms and guarantee free, fair and credible elections. If you can see that bigger picture as contrast to the gravy train seat of a few leaders, you will also see the fertility of violent demos that place straight into Zanu PF’s hands.

    The people of Sudan have shown that it is possible for ordinary people to be mobilised round a bigger national agenda far beyond the usual individual selfish gravy train interest. And once so mobilised to keep them focused on the ball and keep out the disruptive violent elements.

    Yes it is possible that Zanu PF will still shoot to kill peaceful demonstrators, just as happened in Sudan where 100 people were killed. But if the people of Sudan hold their nerve this could well be the turning point for that nation. The same would happen in Zimbabwe and if that marked the day the country started doing something to restore our collapsed health service and end the 100 unnecessarily deaths everyday that started decades ago and will last for decades yet then it would be a great achievement indeed!
