When asked about the economy and Mtuli Ncube, Mr Biti said among other things, "Mthuli is a Loud mouth that doesn't have a connection with its brain and the economy has found him out. This is about (1) realism, this is about (2) intelligence and this is about (3) honesty. These three things are lacking in Mtuli Ncube.” reported Thabo Makuyana.
Professor Mthuli Ncube's greatest failing has to be his folly in believing the Zimbabwe economy can ever recover much less thrive whilst the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. He was so thrilled with his appointment as Minister of Finance he refused to accept that Zanu PF rigged last year's election confirming Zimbabwe as a pariah state.
Still only someone, like Thabo Makuyana, who has no clue what the 2008 to 2013 GNU was all about would describe Biti as the “Honourable Tendai Biti, Zimbabwe's former and without doubt most successful Finance Minister this Century”!
The primary task of the MDC in the GNU was to implement the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. MDC failed to implement even one reform in five years because the party leaders were bribed by Mugabe with the trappings of high office and, with their snouts in the feeding trough, they forgot about the reforms.
If Morgan Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC leaders, Tendai Biti was a senior MDC leader in the GNU, had implemented the democratic reforms the country will not be in this political and economic mess we are in.
Tendai Biti and his fellow MDC leaders have continued to participate in flawed and illegal elections, knowing fully well that Zanu PF would rig the elections, out of greed as David Coltart readily admitted.
In his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of tyranny in Zimbabwe, former MDC – Ncube Senator and Minister of Education in the GNU, David Coltart, gave details of how Zanu PF flouted the electoral rules, it was clear the upcoming 2013 elections would not be free and fair. And yet both the two MDC factions participated in the elections regardless.
“The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn’t now do the obvious – withdraw from the elections,” explained Senator Coltart.
“The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility.”
Three of the main MDC factions did come together to form the MDC Alliance before the 2018 elections. Again the Alliance went on to participate in the elections knowing fully well that with no reforms in place Zanu PF would blatantly rig the elections, which the latter did.
The MDC A leaders did not mind the elections were flawed and illegal as long as they win the few gravy train seats! Both Tendai Biti and David Coltart were among the lucky few who did win the few seats Zanu PF gave away as bait.
Tendai Biti and his fellow MDC A have withheld their full endorsement of last year’s rigged elections, MDC A accept the parliamentary results but not the presidential; to pressure Mnangagwa to grant Chamisa and one or two other party leaders gravy train seats.
The inclusion of Chamisa and one or two other MDC A leaders in the illegitimate Zanu PF regime will not change the reality on the ground - Zimbabwe will still be a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. The only way to change this reality is for Zanu PF to step down.
If the MDC A leaders had publicly and unreserved endorsed the EU, the Commonwealth and other election observers’ dismissal of Zimbabwe’s July 2018 elections as a farce; Mnangagwa and his regime would have known they are illegitimate and the pressure for the regime to step down would be mounting with each day they remained in power. Better still, the MDC A should have never even participated in these elections!
It is rich for Tendai Biti to accuse Professor Mthuli Ncube of lacking realism, intelligence and honesty when for five years he and his MDC A friends failed to implement even one democratic reform in five years. Where were they all hiding their realism, intelligence and honesty; assuming anyone of them has ever had any these virtues!
An online publication ZimEye has announced that the supporters and trustees of ZimEye Media have successfully push for the International Criminal Court to open a case against the President Emmerson Mnangagwa led government for the killings of protestors on 1 August 2018.
ReplyDeleteThe case number is OTP-CR-174/19.
Well done! There are more eyes trained on the regime and watching all its moves day and night!
“At the time Government decided to adopt the multi-currency regime where we started using, the US dollar, Rand, the British Pound or Pula for transacting. It was a policy measure to address the challenges that were being faced then. We however, cannot not continue going forward without our own currency.
ReplyDeleteThe challenges, i.e. the lack of financial disciple and competency, that forced inflation to soar to dizzying heights of 500 billion % are still there today and, indeed, they are the main reason why Zanu PF wants the Z$ back! Inflation has already started to increase, from 10% in January to 75% today.
Why is Mnangagwa wasting time sweeping the streets when he should be “sweeping” corruption in high places. He rigged last year’s elections stopping the nation electing someone who would deal with such problems as corruption only for him to sweep the street!
With unemployment a staggering 90% the country has no shortage of people to sweep the street if anyone offered to pay them a living wage. The economic is in total meltdown crippled by such things as corruption and we are doing nothing to end these problems because those who should are themselves the godfathers of corruption masquerading as street sweepers! What a sick joke!
There is nothing wrong with criticism as long as you give good reasons to justify the criticism. Unity for the sake of unity will not stop the nation blundering from pillar to post!
ReplyDeleteLinda and her fellow opposition opportunists participated in last year's election and ignored the warnings not to until reforms are implemented; what good came out of that stupidity?
@ Zhee
ReplyDelete“Only unless if Zanu pf is willing to bring democracy, I can assure u we can criticise each till death do us part, nothing will ever change no matter how intelligent we are,” you said.
“Zanu pf is the army, the gvt, the police, the prison, the courts and everything that matters. Zanlaz will never agree to a policy that is a threat to their power.”
This is true but even you will have to admit that you never imagined that Mugabe and Zanu PF would ever sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement (GPA) agreeing to the implementation of the raft of democratic reforms designed to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship. And yet it is a historic fact that Mugabe did sign the GPA.
The fact that not even one meaningful reform was ever implemented in five years was not Mugabe or Zanu PF’s fault. Yes, the tyrant bribed Tsvangirai and company to kick the reforms out of the window but he was only taking advantage of MDC leaders being corrupt and incompetent.
If the ordinary Zimbabweans had been wide-awake they would have seen to it that MDC implemented the reforms during the GNU. Most Zimbabweans have no clue MDC leaders sold-out during the GNU even today with the benefit of hindsight. Indeed, MDC leaders sold-out by taking part in last year’s flawed and illegal elections but are getting away with it because we have a naïve and gullible electorate.
Zimbabwe is not yet ready for a competent and democratic government and that has nothing to do with Zanu PF or MDC leaders but with the naïve and gullible electorate. Democracy demands a vigilant and alert electorate not sheep who will follow corrupt and incompetent leaders no questions asked.
Local Government minister July Moyo has been implicated in a massive tender scandal at the Harare City Council (HCC) after he allegedly directed the local authority to award a Netherlands-based company a €120 million (US$134 million) contract for the construction of a waste-to-energy plant at the Pomona dumpsite on the outskirts of the city without following tender procedures, it has emerged.
ReplyDeleteHe would not be the first Zanu PF leader to be caught with his hands in the cookie-jar nor would he be the first one to get away with it! Mnangagwa himself admitted that corruption in Zimbabwe “was deep rooted” and hence the reason he has failed to uproot it.
The Zanu PF bigwigs are the godfathers of corruption. The regime blatantly rig the elections not to uproot corruption but to do the exact opposite – make sure corruption is protected and thrives!
This is just the usual diatribe nonsense the nation has been force fed dating back to the colonial days!
ReplyDeleteOnly a village idiot would believe Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown is cause by sanction when US$15 billion are being swindled away under their nose. They form in the mouth agitated about US foreign policy, sanctions, over which they have no say but have never said a word of protest over the rot, corruption, in their own country over which they have a duty to stamp out!
Mthuli Ncube has been taxing the poorest of the poor with his 2% transaction tax and yet has not taxed the millions looted by the filthy rich ruling elite much less done anything to stop the looting. This is just voodoo economic that is only going to drag this nation even deeper into this hell-on-earth we find ourselves stuck in.
"The situation has moved yet to another level!" says Chamisa.
ReplyDeleteSorry, this is smacking on one so desperate to grab the headlines he is making a mountain out of a mole hill. If there is something going on then Chamisa should just come out and say what it is and not expect the nation to take his word for it from a posted photo. This is fake news at its most idiotic level!