Monday, 10 June 2019

MDC ratchet up calls for mass protests - piggybacking the TA, another MDC sell-out N Garikai

"It's not criminal to demonstrate and voice your concerns; voice what we are saying are the main problems. It's a national crisis and as you can see, besides me as a politician speaking, there is a wave out there," said MDC Deputy National Youth Chairperson Cecilia Chimbiri.

"We have a national crisis. So, for me confronting the system means the streets will be my second home we will make sure that we demonstrate peacefully and make sure we mount the necessary pressure. You can see that the people do not want ED anymore, so we will put pressure so that he steps down and gives a chance to those people who want to fix the country, the people who want to represent the people."
MDC is a party of confused people. Whilst everyone else dismissed last year’s elections as a farce because of the blatant rigging. ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters’ roll, for Pete’s sake. MDC, like the result of the other 130 opposition parties participated in the flawed and illegal elections regardless and thus giving the process some modicum of credibility.
Whilst all the other participating opposition parties went on to endorse the election process as free, fair and credible and the results as valid and legitimate. MDC endorsed everything else except Mnangagwa’s victory, claiming that Chamisa got more votes although MDC failed to produce the documentary evidence so observers could verify the claim, just like ZEC failed to do the same for all the other election results. MDC was just cherry picking!
The street protests are to pressure Mnangagwa to give Chamisa a gravy train seat in the proposed Transition Authority (TA) MDC has been calling for. The TA is just a watered-down version of the 2008 GNU in which MDC leaders have gravy train seats but no political power since Zanu PF will still have its 2/3 majority in parliament and senate.   
Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections, the party has no democratic mandate, it is illegitimate. It was the opposition parties, including MDC’s, participation and endorsement that gave Mnangagwa and Zanu PF some legitimacy. Now the MDC idiots want to force Mnangagwa and Zanu PF to resign.
Why did they give the regime the undeserved legitimacy in the first place?
During the 2008 GNU, MDC had five years to implement the democratic reforms, they failed to get even one reform implemented. They now want the TA, a toothless puppy, to implement the same reforms!  
It is one thing for MDC leaders to claim they will have “peaceful demonstrations”; another maintaining discipline in their rank and file to ensure there is no violence.  
There is no doubt that the country’s worsening economic situation is causing untold economic suffering and easily avoidable deaths in Zimbabwe. The solution is for Mnangagwa and his junta to step down, they rigged last year’s elections and are therefore illegitimate.
The country needs the political space to reset its corrupt and dysfunctional political system, to implement the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible election and thus end the curse of rigged elections. This is clear national objective every Zimbabwean will have no qualm supporting and, if necessary, risk life and limb for.
The people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb to elect Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, David Coltart and all the other MDC leaders into power on the understanding the party will bring about the democratic changes the nation has been dying for. After 19 years and many, many golden opportunities to deliver the changes; MDC have failed to implement even one meaningful change. Not one!
After 19 years of being taken for a ride, we must wise up; MDC leaders have long stopped fighting for democratic changes, for free, fair and credible elections, etc. MDC are fighting for seats on the gravy train and a TA. If Zanu PF is still in power in 2023, be it on its own or in a TA; we can be certain there will be no meaningful reforms implement and the party will rig that year’s elections. This is the one thing we must not allow to happen!

The only sure way to guarantee free, fair and credible elections and an end to the curse of rigged elections is for Zanu PF to step down to allow for meaningful democratic reforms to be implemented. The demand for Zanu PF to step down is therefore not negotiable. What MDC is doing is piggyback the party’s toothless as a soft landing for the nation. This is nonsense, the TA would be MDC selling-out, once again, and another Zanu PF whitewash!


  1. Zanu PF rigged last year's elections and regime is illegitimate but it is the MDC and the others opposition parties who have given it some modicum of legality by participating and endorsing the flawed elections.

    The MDC is not calling for mass protest to push MDC's agenda for Zanu PF to form the transition authority (TA) in which Chamisa and a few other leaders are given gravy train seats. The TA will have no power or authority to implement any meaningful democratic reforms and will be just another excuse for Zanu PF to remain in power.

    If Zanu PF is in power in 2023, the party will rig that year's elections, guaranteed. The only way to stop this is for Zanu PF to step down a,s,a.p. to allow the appointment of a interim administration that can be trusted to implement the reforms. This is not negotiable. The TA is selling out!

  2. The challenge before us is to make sure Zimbabwe has free, fair and credible elections and it is none other than MDC who have wasted one opportunity after another. During the 2008 to 2013 GNU it was MDC leaders who sold out and failed to get even one reform implemented.

    Ever since the 2014 to 2018 MDC insisted they would get the reforms implemented but actually did nothing. MDC went on to participate in the 2018 elections with not even one reform in place. ZEC failed to produce even something as basic as a verified voters' roll.

    What Chamisa and his fellow MDC A friends have been campaigning for since the 2018 elections is for him and his friends to be given seats on gravy train. The dialogue and the TA that MDC A have been calling for will not get even one reform implemented. This is just another MDC A time wasting gimmick!

    The international community must see MDC A for what they are; corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless. MDC A leaders are hunting with hounds and running with the hare!

  3. "Recently, the government of Zimbabwe, through the Minister of Home Affairs, introduced the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill to Parliament (MOPA). This Bill, that will replace the reviled Public Order and Security Act (POSA), inter alia seeks to govern public demonstrations and gatherings. It is therefore a very important factor in Zimbabwe's march towards democracy."

    This is just MDC leaders giving their usual meaningless prattle!MDC failed to scrap obnoxious laws like POSA when they had the chance to do so and now they are surprised that Zanu PF is carrying out meaningless changes to these laws!

    There is nothing to be gained in engaging Zanu PF is these clause by clause discussions of POSA and other undemocratic laws and practices. What we need to do here is force the regime to step down so we can implement the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections.

  4. @ A T Kudada

    “Greediness has no limit, the more they want and the more they care less about the plight of suffering Zimbabweans.

    When Munangagwa comes with dialogue programs it is just a worst of time buying time as he pretends he wants the country moving forward. This is the man who promised to shame individuals externalizing foreign currency. He promised to come hard on corrupt individuals but to date not one big fat corrupt cat has seen the inside of a cell.

    These dialogues will feature in the Zanu-PF mouthpieces as if it is what we have been waiting for until we realize it is 2023. Mnangagwa has no solution, he is clueless.He will buy his time while fooling the nation with the impression of a concerned leader.
    The oligarchy will resist changes that threaten their thieving because they are connected to those in power. As such calls for dialogues are a worst of time as long as those that have played a major role in foreign currency allocations retain their influence as well as those beneficiaries of the fuel industry.

    The problem is how can this be resolved when our leader is the party of this oligarchy?”

    Could not agree with you more, dialogue is a waste of time because even if the two political leaders met and formed this Transition Authority, it will never implement any reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections. Without free, fair and credible elections Zimbabwe’s oligarchy will retain its strangle hold on the nation.

    Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections, the regime is illegitimate; that should be our starting point. Zanu Pf must step down to allow the appointment of a truly independent administration that can be trusted to implement the reforms and hold free, fair and credible elections.

    It is in both Mnangagwa and Chamisa’s selfish interest to keep this political dialogue nonsense going so that no meaningful reforms are ever implemented. They would want to to share the spoils of power in 2023 just as the have done in last year’s elections.

  5. @ Langton

    We, ordinary Zimbabweans can change the situation if we applied ourselves, afterall these thugs ruling the country are mere mortals just like us. God does not do for man what man can do for himself!

  6. RTGS$ trading at !:6 on the interbank and 1:8 on the black market.

    Mthuli Ncube says one thing and the RTGS$ does the opposite!

  7. Government's fiscal consolidation measures and other initiatives introduced into Zimbabwe's economic programmes should see prices of goods starting to drop from next month, Finance and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube has said.

    In a pre-recorded Governors' Statement released here during the 54th Meeting of the Boards of Governors of the African Development Bank and the 45th Annual Meeting of the African Development Fund currently underway at the Sipopo Conference Centre, Professor Ncube said the reforms introduced under the Transitional Stabilisation Programme were starting to bear fruit.

    "The reforms being implemented by Government under the Transitional Stabilisation Programme of October 2018 to 2020, are beginning to show positive developments as the twin deficit challenge of the fiscal and the current account are coming under control.

    "Government has started realising a budget surplus. On the other hand, with regards to prices, fiscal consolidation measures, reinforced with a tight monetary stance together with liberalisation of the exchange rate are containing inflationary pressures which are expected to slow down in the third quarter of the year," he said.

    Professor Mthuli Ncube has made countless claims and promises which have, more often than not, turned out to be wrong. Many people will treat this claim with the same scepticism. “Totenda dzamwa dzasvera nebadzi!” as one would say in Shona.
