Wednesday, 12 June 2019

"Striking, new Bill has 20 of 23 POSA clauses" says Mwonzora - idiot expected democratic changes P Guramatunhu

“Recently, the government of Zimbabwe, through the Minister of Home Affairs, introduced the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill to Parliament (MOPA). This Bill, that will replace the reviled Public Order and Security Act (POSA), inter alia seeks to govern public demonstrations and gatherings. It is therefore a very important factor in Zimbabwe's march towards democracy."

“What is striking is that out of the 23 in POSA the Bill retains a whopping 20 Clauses as they are word for word. It makes minor amendments to 2 Clauses and repeals only a single provision of POSA. Further key provisions of this Bill are duplicated word for word from the Regulation of Public Gatherings Act No. 205 of 1993 of South Africa enacted before that country attained its independence. This Bill is therefore simply POSA by another name and appears not to have been made with any democratic design in mind.”

This is just MDC leaders giving their usual meaningless prattle to draw attention to themselves in their fight to get back on the gravy train. When they are is power, they have done absolutely nothing! 

Mnangagwa and his thugs were given six months to replace POSA and they have done so or be it by retaining 20 out of the 23 obnoxious clauses! Tell us Mr Mwonzora how many clauses of POSA or any of the other obnoxious laws did MDC replace in five years of the GNU? Not one! And yet the primary task of the GNU was to implement the raft of democratic reforms.

What does Mwonzora hope to achieve with his criticism of MOPA? With its 2/3 Zanu PF majority in parliament, this law will sail through into law. 

Zimbabweans must ignore these MDC A idiots who are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless. Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF junta rigged last year’s elections, the regime is illegitimate and should not even be in office. Zimbabweans must focus on piling the pressure on the regime to step down a.s.a.p. and not allow themselves to be distracted by what the regime is doing.

If Zanu PF is still in power in 2023, the regime will rig those elections. We must not allow that to happen!

Zimbabwe is stuck in this hell-on-earth of serious economic meltdown and political paralysis. The only way out is by implementing the raft of democratic reforms agreed at the onset of the 2008 to 2013 GNU designed to restore the individual freedoms and rights including the right to free, fair and credible elections. 

We must not forget that the people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb to elect MDC leaders on the promise they would scrap POSA and the other undemocratic laws and practices. MDC had many, many golden opportunities to delivery the democratic changes but wasted them all. The nation is still stuck with the corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime because MDC sold-out!

“What is striking is that out of the 23 clauses in POSA the new Bill retains a whopping 20 Clauses!” What is striking is not that Zanu PF is carrying out meaningless cosmetic changes but that MDC idiots like Mwonzora clearly expect the nation to be impressed to note he can count the cosmetic changes!


  1. In a memorandum circulated on Wednesday, the hospital increased the minimum admission fee to RTGS$ 600 per day, just more than what the average civil servant including nurses at the hospital earns in a month.

    This is madness! In a country where 3/4 of the people earn US$30 or less a month how can hospital fees be US$100 per day (at RTGS$ 6: 1 US$. For the 3/4 of the people health care is simply a luxury they cannot afford!

  2. A politician's work is never done! As rule of thumb, politicians make a career out of promising the people to make their lives better. But, of course, better is a relative word; they never say better than what, when, how, etc. and so remain as slippery as fish when it comes to holding them to account.

    In Zimbabwe, opposition politicians are elected on a ticket to bring about democratic changed they do nothing about change but have become specialists at telling the people just how miserable they are because there is no change.

    Only an idiot like Douglas Mwonzora would be surprise that MOPA is just as oppressive as POSA given that both laws are crafted by the same corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship. What is infuriating is the nation risked life and limb to elect Mwonzora to scrap POSA and end the dictatorship but the idiot clearly thinks his job is to remind us all how miserable we are under the Zanu PF dictatorship!
