Sunday, 30 June 2019

ED is not particularly worried even if imposing Z$ is a disaster as long as he can rig elections P Guramatunhu

Belling the Cat is a fable concerns a group of mice who debate plans to nullify the threat of a marauding cat,” explained Wikipedia. 

“One of them proposes placing a bell around its neck, so that they are warned of its approach. The plan is applauded by the others, until one mouse asks who will volunteer to place the bell on the cat. 

“All of them made excuses. 

“The story is used to teach the wisdom of evaluating a plan on not only how desirable the outcome would be but also how it can be executed. It provides a moral lesson about the fundamental difference between ideas and their feasibility, and how this affects the value of a given plan.”

This is a moral lesson we, in Zimbabwe, have yet to learn and have paid dearly for it!

Zimbabwe is not a democratic country in which those in positions of power and authority are democratically accountable to the people. Zimbabwe is a de facto one-party state in which those in power do as they please and we, the ordinary people, have no say. None!

A lot has been said in support and against the regime’s recent decision to ban the use of the multi currency as legal tender in Zimbabwe. No one, absolutely no one can ever deny that the move could result in the hyperinflation of 2000 to 2008 because that is a historic fact. Inflation peaked at 500 billion %, the Z$ was so worthless we needed Z$35 quadrillion (35 followed by 24 zeros) to buy US$1.00. 

A Commission of inquiry has since established that US$ 5 billion was lost from the Insurance and Pension Funds as a result of the hyper inflation. Many people lost their life-time savings and many business closed and the national economic took a beating and has never recovered. 

The worthless Z$ was finally scrapped in November 2008 but the damage was already done and echos of it are still reverberating to this day.

So, even those who genuinely believe the abolishing of the multi currency system is a good thing; they cannot deny that the move could lead to yet another hyperinflation fuelled economic meltdown because it has happened before. 

Besides, inflation has already started to creep upwards again. The monthly inflation was 5% in January and is 100% today. The threat of yet another inflation fuelled total economic meltdown is not hypothetical, it is a distinct possibility. Even if it was a certainty, that would not have made an difference, Zanu PF would still have abolished the multi currency system regardless. 

Zimbabwe is in this economic mess because of a string of one economic blunder after another be it rampant corruption; the seizure of the white-owned farms to give to party cronies; the printing of money, the crazy fuelling the last hyperinflation; etc.; etc.  Many papers were written pointing out the folly of all these policies but the powers that be did not pay any attention. 

Minister Mthuli Ncube, President Mnangagwa and, indeed, all of us know that even if the banning of the multi currency system should prove to be yet another disastrous blunder; there is nothing, absolutely nothing, we will do about it other than the usual crying, gnashing of teeth and dying. Nothing!

We should have the full confidence of holding Mnangagwa and Mthuli Ncube to democratic account; removing the individual from public office in a free, fair and credible election is the ultimate expression of democratic accountability; over, not only, this matter of multi currency system but everything. We do not have any such democratic power. 

It is this political helplessness that we should be concerned about. 

At least the mice in the fable had the common sense to abandon the bell plan as soon as it was not feasible. We expend our time, energy and treasure discussing Zanu PF's fast track land reform, multi currency system, everything else whilst doing nothing to implement the democratic reforms needed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections! This is equivalent to the mice wasting time embellishing the bell plan with details of ring-tone, the colour of the ribbon, etc. 

After 39 years of corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF misrule one would think we have finally woken up to the reality that Zimbabwe is not a healthy and functioning democracy in which the freedoms and rights of the individual are respected and protected. Instead of those in power being the servants of the people, the politicians are the lords and the people grovel before them. 

Whilst the liberation war helped to end white colonial rule it also created a big problem in that it created a hawkish ruling elite who turned the AK47 rifle on the civilians to deny them their freedoms and basic human rights including the right to a meaningful vote and even the right to life. When you are look up the business end of a gun; you do as you are told.

Still, after 39 years there is no excuse for us failing to reassert our freedoms and rights. Indeed, it is our duty and responsibility to make sure the country has a good and competent government, a government accountable to the people. Forcing Mangagwa and his Zanu PF junta to step down so we can implement the necessary democratic reforms is not the belling of the cat task some people think, especially since regime is illegitimate and the worsening economic situation is piling on the pressure for meaningful change.


  1. Yes we need electricity but it is not the only thing! We need investment in health, education, roads, dams, you name it! After 39 years of misrule, rot and decay the chickens are coming home to roost.

    The only way Zimbabwe can ever hope to start repairing the damage of years of Zanu PF misrule is by starting at the very top, we need to replace our failed one-party dictatorship political system with one that will guarantee good governance.

  2. “Do you know that top MDC officials stole US$8million from the $12million donated for the 2013 election &bought farms on the Zambian maize belt from Monza, Mazabuka, Chome, Kabwe where they are doing cattle ranching? There is a lot of cleaning up to do in Zimbabwe,” said Masarira.

    Corruption is rampant in Zimbabwe, it will be a big surprise if many MDC leaders are still clean are they cosy relation with Zanu PF during the GNU!

  3. To ban the multicurrency when the Z$ is losing its value was a foolish decision and there is no excuse for it!

  4. "We ran the economy well. The figures speak for themselves.”

    You are very selective in analysis, whilst it is true that there was s significant improvement in the selling and buying of good and services there was no corresponding improvement in productive sector. Indeed there were more companies closing during the GNU than starting up hence the reason unemployment continued to rise. The figures speak for themselves.

    MDC's primary task was to implement the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections and thus end the curse of rigged elections and pariah state. You lot failed to implement even one reform in five years. As long as the problem of bad governance remains Zimbabwe's economic and political problems will remain too.

    You and your fellow MDC friends are desperate to get back on the gravy train in the transition authority but let me state it here that you will not revive the Zimbabwe economic as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs! The country's worsening economic mess speaks volumes!

  5. @ Jonathan Shem Mutsau

    True, but do you know that Zanu PF would not be back in power if MDC had implemented the reforms designed to stop the vote rigging? Have you ever asked Tendai Biti why MDC failed to implement even one reform in five years?

    We cannot keep on complaining about Zanu PF oppression when we keep wasting the opportunity to dismantle the dictatorship!

  6. November 2018

    "We have to choose an option that is credible, that is sustainable and that is least costly, both in terms of time administratively and in terms of time building reserves. There is a cost to introducing a currency; so you have to evaluate all of this. But before you do that, sort out the fundamentals," Ncube tells editors that a new currency will only be introduced when fundamentals are in place.

    April 2019

    "With currency reforms, you can never be precise, but I say 12 months. I am preparing minds; I am preparing your mind, so it is coming," Ncube warns of impending currency reforms while attending the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington.

    June 2019

    "What was happening in the market was that, the market was self-US-dollarising; it was uncontrollable and we felt that we needed to bring the situation under control," Ncube explains why government re-introduced the Zimbabwean dollar on Monday.
    The primary reason Ncube has blundered from pillar to post without any worry in the world of the havoc and human suffering he was causing is because he knew he would never ever be held to account for anything. Zimbabwe must address its bad governance problem by ending this curse of rigged elections and pariah state. Nothing of any substance will ever be accomplished until we implement the reforms and end the culture of rigged elections.

  7. "People want a definitive outcome not just another public holiday!"

    Could not agree with you more! The worsening economic hardship are real but even that is not enough to get people to join a mass-action with no clearly defined objectives.

    I would not join an MDC A demo either because I do not agree with its selfish objective of forcing Zanu PF to share power so that party leaders like Chamisa can get back on the gravy train. There is nothing in it for me and millions of other ordinary Zimbabweans because we all know at the end of the transition authority we will face the same problem of not even one reform implemented and another rigged elections.

    If MDC failed to get even one reform implemented during the 2008 GNU in which SADC leaders were pushing Tsvangirai and company to implement reforms; only a fool will believe MDC will do an better now.

    If there is going to be sustained protests, comparable to those taking place in Sudan, then there must be a clearly defined objective. We should be demanding that Zanu PF to steps down so the country can appointed a interim administration tasked to implement the reforms and deliver free, fair and credible elections!

  8. “Whilst the liberation war helped to end white colonial rule it also created a big problem in that it created a hawkish ruling elite who turned the AK47 rifle on the civilians to deny them their freedoms and basic human rights including the right to a meaningful vote and even the right to life. When you are look up the business end of a gun; you do as you are told.”
    Sadly, this is all too familiar a theme in Zimbabwe and many parts of Africa: in which yesterday’s liberators turning into today’s oppressors and today’s liberators turning into tomorrow’s oppressors. Still the cup is full to overflowing.
    It is possible to force Zanu PF to step down but this is very difficult if not impossible when that effort is being undermined by a corrupt, incompetent and intransigent opposition. People like Tendai Biti, Nelson Chamisa and David Coltart have tasted power and they betray the nation again and again just to get back on the gravy train. Having sold-out the first time now it comes as easily to them as a murderer killing his tenth victim.
    The fight to stop MDC sell-outs selling out is itself made difficult by the army of MDC supporters who have continued to follow these corrupt and incompetent leaders blindly like sheep. It is impossible to have a healthy and functioning democracy with such a blind and useless electorate.
