Saturday 18 May 2024

Zimbabwe's very own Emperor Nero is burning down every used by povo to build palatial facilities for filthy rich few. Wilbert Mukori

 “The closer the collapse of the empire, the crazier its laws” Marcus Tullius Cicero. 

Well we in Zimbabwe are witness this first hand. Zanu PF introduced the new local currency insisting it would never lose its value pegged at ZiG 13.73 = US$ 1.00. because it would backed by Zimbabwe Gold in the RBZ vault hence the name ZiG. There was a token amount of gold in the vault on the day of the launch as all could see in the photograph of Mnangagwa inspecting the vault. And so it is not surprising that the regime has adopted other unscrupulous means to stop the run away devaluation of the ZiG.

The regime created a shortage of the ZiG so people have to queue for hours only to get a few ZiGs. The Police backed by the Zanu PF party's green-bombers militia are terrorising the public to stop currency trading. Of course, it is foolish law; the US$, ZiG and all the other foreign currencies are legal tender in Zimbabwe so why should trading in these currencies be illegal!

When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe in 2017, following the military coup, he was cocksure his “Zimbabwe is open for business!” would lift Zimbabwe out of poverty just as Mugabe before him was cocksure to do the same with his “gutsa rizhinji”. When the hoped for foreign investors failed to turn up, Mnangagwa turned inward convince he pay for Zimbabwe’s development from her own resources. “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo!” was born. Sadly he did not know how.

In 2019 the then Governor of RBZ, Dr John Mangudya, admitted that Zimbabwe could pay off it foreign debt and from hence forth pay for all her development IF the country stopped the criminal waste of her resources through loot. He admitted the country was losing a fortune every year through smuggling of gold and diamonds. 

When Mnangagwa took office in 2017 he had promised “zero tolerance on corruption”. Under his watch corruption has gone into overdrive. The Al Jazeera Gold Mafia documentary has revealed the extend of the rot, up to 80% of the US$2 billion per year gold production in Zimbabwe is smuggled out of the country. The documentary name Mnangagwa as “Number One”, the godfather. 

Whilst the country’s basic infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, roads, are in varying stages of rot and decay because of decades of neglect and under funding. Meanwhile Mnangagwa is going full steam ahead in prestigious project such as the new parliament, a four lane up four lane down highway from Harare City Centre to the new parliament, building villas, suburbs, shopping malls, etc. for the rich. 

In Mnangagwa Zimbabwe has its own Emperor Nero, burning down everything used by the filthy poor mass up and down the country and replacing it with palatial facilities for the rich and powerful. All paid for with looted wealth and national resources sold to the Chinese and others for a song.

The Zanu PF dictatorship should have died after the 2008 to 2013 GNU, at the latest; it has survive to this day because MDC/CCC leaders sold out. Zanu PF has not only capture key state institutions like the judiciary, Police, Army, etc. but the opposition too are in the regime’s deep pockets, hence the political paralysis. 

For any good it has ever done, the Zanu PF dictatorship has been on its death bed for decades but, thanks to the political paralysis, the regime has lingered on, like a smouldering candle. 44 years and counting we have been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship. And if we do not do some thing to end the dictatorship there will be very little left of Zimbabwe as we know it! 


  1. @ Darlington

    “If someone chooses their line of stupidity I guess they are best left to it.”

    Not it the stupidity is at other people’s expense. Zanu PF stupidity is at the ordinary people’s expense who have to queue for hours just to withdraw the pittance. The drip feed is just enough to keep you alive no more! Why should the nation be subjected to this abuse and torture?

    Zimbabwe is a pariah state and Zanu PF has confirmed this by rigging elections. And as long as Zimbabwe remain a pariah state there will be no meaningful economic recovery and the regime’s kiya kiya policies are not working.

  2. @ Murerwa

    “Guyz wasting your time muchitaura neprogramed robot muchifunga kuti munhu.”

    So why is Zimbabwe a failed state if you were so clever? This is just another foolish excuse for not addressing the issues on the table. If MDC/CCC leader had a vision other than getting a seat on the gravy train why are you not telling us what the vision was?

    Anyone who dares to point out that MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt and incompetent must be a Zanu PF project, a robot or some such nonsense!

    It is sad those who have the knack for burying their heads in the backsides of leaders and have the “Comrade Napoleon is always right mentality have the loudest voices and, worst of all, have the vote. It will be hard stopping these nincompoops participating in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy after they have been conned by another idiotic winning in Rigged election strategy promise. Poor, poor Zimbabwe!

  3. @ D Chakona

    “Who is supposed to be blamed, the riger or rigged? Isn't ZANU PF the actual problem?. Why not speaking to ZANU so that they change. It's like a child is raped, instead of apprehending and charge the rapper, you blame and bit the one raped.

    I wonder if you can convince anyone with your writing. They become somehow irritating rather encouraging the broken hearted Zimbabweans.

    People will only see the bad in Chamisa after ZANU changes it's bad ways.

    Don't you see and agree that Chamisa is a victim.”

    How nauseating! So you think Chamisa and company are as innocent as a child, even now with the benefit of hindsight? No wonder some people have pointed out that Zimbabwe is beyond saving we have too many people whose IQ is so low one cannot reason with them.

    If some one can be easily conned into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering by a foolish promise that CCC would win big because “I have plugged all the vote rigging loop hole.” When the upstart did not even get a verified voters’ roll - that says it all.

    No! You are the victim here. Chamisa and company participated in the flawed elections out of greed. They took advantage of your stupidity to con you and millions of other into participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy and all you ever got was perpetuating your own suffering. You are so dumb, you do not even know it!

  4. @ Developer

    "5 years dzino pera pasina chaitwa vanhu vachingo tendekana
    Vanhu veZimbabwe so."

    After 24 years of MDC/CCC failing to implement even one reform and hence the reason why Zanu PF is rigging elections and yet some people still refuse to admit MDC leaders have failed! You ask them to name one reform they have implemented and they fail.

    It is a crazy world, I agree! No wonder we are a failed nation and, at this rate, with no chance of ever getting out of this hell- hole.


    Zanu PF is stopping the run on the value of the ZiG by making it scarce and by other dubious means. This is kiya kiya economics, it will never work.

    Zanu PF should have collapsed by now if it was not for MDC/CCC leaders who are selling out!

  6. The is not enough US$ for all day to day trading! We are just going round and round in circles! Kiya kiya!


    Zimbabwe is a failed state and we are suffering for it and deserve to suffer!

    Mnangagwa was a key player in the Gukurahundi Massacre, he was the frontman in the 2008 electoral coup and wanton violence of 2008 elections, kingpin in the 2017 military coup and both SADC and AU admitted he rigged 2023 elections. And now he is presiding over one of the most notorious wholesale looting of a nation's resources in human history.

    Meanwhile we continue to helplessly wringing our fingers waiting for him to rig 2028 elections! Of course, we deserve to suffer and we aren't seen nothing yet!

  8. Did they fail to implement even one reform in five years of the GNU because of me? So why ask a stupid question! Chamisa and company sold out on reforms and they must account for it!

  9. @ Gustav

    “Ndiye woga anonyora zvine musoro pano.”

    Thank you.

    Robert Mugabe imposed a political system on the nation designed to stifle debate and turn us all into brainwashed village idiots and I dare say, many have indeed turned into village idiots.

    Only a village idiot would believe such idiotic nonsense as Chamisa claiming he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit! How can God Almighty have anything to do with such nonsense. And yet nearly two million Zimbabweans not only believe Chamisa they were foolish enough to participate in the elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating their own suffering.

    After 44 years of rigged elections we still do not have the common sense to admit to ourselves that our political system is not working and change it. The village idiot mentality is now so deeply imbedded in our psycho some now believe Chamisa is an infallible demigod whom no one should dare hold to account!

    The anger and fury on this site has been directed at me for no other reason than that I have dared to say Chamisa is not just a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one. I have given the evidence of his failures but one cannot reason with a village idiot whose brain has ossified into fat!

    I, for my part refuse to be silence by village idiots and told them so to their faces. You can just imagine them turning coal-black with fury! Of course, they know that they are village idiots and, indeed, it is that inner voice that is nagging the hell out of them!

  10. If only Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe and his government in 1980 had built on Rhodesia economically - as the most industrialised country in sub-Saharan Africa outside South Africa - and transformed it to be inclusive, Zimbabwe would almost certainly be a far bigger and better economy than what it is now - a leading nation in terms of shared economic prosperity in the region and Africa.

    Zimbabwe was derailed but it can be put back on the track if we cure ourselves of he double curse of rigged elections and bad governance! Shame that after 44 years of of rigged elections many are still failing to define what constitute free and fair elections much less demand the necessary reforms.

  11. @ Gustav

    Hupenzi enyama yegakava! Chamisa conned them into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, give Chamisa and company a few gravy train seats and all they, the people, got is perpetuating the nation's suffering. The village idiots are itching to do the same again in 2028 - if we let them!

  12. @ Grace Ruzvidzo

    "Mukoma Wilbert ; today is Sunday ; imboturayi mafemo kutuka vangu . Tiwane kunamata Mwari aka tıpa mweya wekufema handiti . Happy Sunday Mukoma."

    You still do not get it, do you? Why is saying Mnangagwa rigged the elections or Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop hole insulting? If you worship the God I have read about in the Bible then you should be respecting the truth especially on a Sunday!

    Shame! You clearly do not know about the God you pretend to preach of. What is wrong with speaking the truth to end the unnecessary suffering of millions living in abject poverty on a Sunday or any other day. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.

  13. Aging is a disease, and it will be cured over time as it is a common condition. We are on the verge of greatness. Just stay alive.

    Very interesting!

  14. @ Mr C

    “I never complained about anyone either ruling party or opposition. All I wanted was to say was there is new leadership in CCC in case you did not know(taking from your arguments),why can't you demand reforms from them NOW going forward ....


    In case they don't know which reforms, kindly list them for them to take note



    Your stupidity oozes out of you like sweat! You want me to hold these leaders to account “now going forward” for what they might or might not do in the future? People are held to account for what they did or failed to do in the present or past - you nincompoop!

    Chamisa et al have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU and thus allowing Zanu PF to continue to rig elections. They must account for their treasonous betrayal. None of you idiotic arguments and feeble excuses will get them off the hook!

    Chamisa is a mere mortal and a corrupt and incompetent one at that; not an untouchable demigod as you think. You have your head in his backside and that is your foolish business, not mine!

  15. @ Gustav

    "You said this before elections, reforms first otherwise what ever comes without reforms its adding strength to the elephant."

    Every Zimbabwean should be hanging his/her head in shame that we have failed to hold free and fair elections now 44 years and counting! If anything bespeaks volumes of our failure to govern ourselves it is that! Worse still, we are clearly heading for yet another rigged elections in 2028; proof we are incapable of learning from the past and thus, possibly, beyond the pale.

    Well I certainly intend to kick some arses of these village idiots before I throw in the towel!


  16. @ None Profitable

    “I have to respect you but when you use stupid in your statement you are wrong.

    So what are you doing to have reforms in stop Zanu pf rigging the 2028. Which organisation are you pushing with.”

    It was very foolish and irresponsible for any one to believe in Chamisa’s idiot claim that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop hole when the country did not even have a verified voters’ roll. He did not even deploy election agents at all the polling stations even though he received the funding for it, for Pete’s sake.

    Zimbabwe has had 44 years of rigged elections and we are already heading for the same idiotic folly of participating in flawed elections on the basis of another Chamisa idiotic “winning in RIGGED election strategy”. Of course, we must put an end to this insanity. And you expect me to praise the stupid village idiots to the high heavens for their folly! Fcuk that!

    If you do something stupid; I cannot think of anything for foolish than participating in flawed election to perpetuate one’s own suffering, worse still after 44 years of rigged elections; then you are stupid and will told so in your face!

  17. Well ZEFFA has a very important point, SADC cannot accept that Zanu PF rigged the 2023 election and do nothing about it let alone reward Mnangagwa with chairmanship of the regional body! If ANC get a bloody nose in the 29 May 2024 SA elections - the SADC will we see from thereafter will be different from the present toothless dog because of Ramaphosa!


    Zimbabwe has a great abundance of minerals and other resources to have become the South Korea of Africa. 44 years of rigged elections and bad governance has made us the textbook case failed state.

    We can rise from the ruins like the Phoenix if only we would cure ourselves of the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance. But how can we, when we have failed to grasp what constitute free and fair elections much less demand the reforms to secure free elections, not even after 44 years of rigged elections and in this day and age!

  19. The best time for SADC leaders to have taken decisive action was after SADC election observers had condemning the elections. They did not act because ANC did not want Zanu PF removed in Zimbabwe in case that should encourage South Africans to do the same and remove ANC.

    Eddie Cross said in a recent video clip, that ANC leaders have long feared that the removal of Zanu PF in Zimbabwe would encourage South Africans to remove ANC. This explains why ANC leaders have been so supportive of Zanu PF and did not give a damn Zanu PF was rigging elections.

    If ANC get a bloody nose in 10 days time, that will force them to review their blind support of the vote rigging Zanu PF. They will have the bloody nose to remind them of that!


    Zimbabwe is the world textbook case failed state with vast wealth wasted through gross mismanagement and corruption with the country's basic services such as health care and education have collapse. And yet Mnangagwa continues wittering about vision 2030!

    We need to put an end to the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance. We must accept the political reality that MDC/CCC leaders will never implement the necessary democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections; they failed to do so for 24 years including 5 in the GNU.

    What will it take to finally open our eyes and minds to the reality the present political system is not working?


    Democracy works where there is the spirit of cooperation and trust in the rule of law and not when the driving force is dominate or be dominated. We need people who see the bigger picture, what is good for society and not just me, here and now.

    Societies where the spirit to dominate other is powerful, it is easy for outsiders to divide and rule.

  22. @ Janje Wills

    “Guys ,come back and fight the regime on the ground. Zanu pf aibve pachigaro nokunyora muri kwamuri uko. Zanu pf needs action on the ground. Zanu pf aivhunduke zvinyorwa zvisina push on the ground. You are wasting time guys with a lot of theories which have no actors on the ground. I'm an MDC member, very strong Cadre since the formation of the MDC. I'm here in Zimbabwe. I know how Zanu pf, and is very ruthless and do not even worried about noise makers outside Zimbabwe. The more people leave Zimbabwe fleeing from Zanu pf misrule the more advantage to it. Guys come back home and we join hands to demand good governance. and electoral reforms whilst on the ground.”

    If being on the ground was the solution then why have you and millions of others who are on the ground failed to remove Zanu PF? Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and the failed to implement even one token reform in five years. Not even one! Yet they were all “on the ground” throughout all the five years!

    There are many Zimbabweans who were “on the ground” all these last 44 years and they do not even know what the democratic reforms are much less that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement reforms. I must add that there are many who are outside the country who too have no clue what the reforms are. Proof that being in the country with your feet “on the ground” or being outside is no guarantee you have the answers.

    Indeed, only an empty head would just wittering about being “on the ground” as if it is a virtue. It is totally irrelevant.

    “Armchair critics” is another favourite of the empty drums. So you who is not an armchair critic with his feet on the ground what exactly have you accomplished? This is just another excuse for silencing all those holding the politicians to account.

    The politician are in the trenches and one must be in the trenches too to hold them to account. Bullshit! All those who have held public office are accountable to the public and that includes those in Zimbabwe and outside, armchair critics or not, etc, - that is not negotiable!

    For the last 44 years we have been bombarded with this Chris Mutsvangwa idiotic nonsense that only Zanu PF cadres have the right to govern Zimbabwe because the fought in the liberation war. Now when the nation was getting over it, we have to put up with with the same nonsense by empty heads claiming they are “on the ground” when they have done fcuk all, at best, or fcuked up by participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy! Enough is enough!


    Mnangagwa and Ncube are holding talks and we know what they are talking about: the former is asking the latter to endorse the 2023 rigged elections as free, fair and credible to cleanse Mnangagwa's illegitimacy. Ncube will do it for the right bribe. Zimbabwe's political leaders have always sold out the nation for the right bribe from the days of Muzorewa signing the 1978 Internal Settlement, Zanu PF leaders saying nothing during Gukurahundi, MDC leaders failing to implement even one reform during the GNU, etc.

    The culture of selling out for the right bribe must end!

    If Ncube is allowed to sell out this will be the thin end of the wedge to Mnangagwa rigging the 2028 elections. The very idea of yet another rigged election and perpetuating this failed state is unthinkable!

  24. @ Jane Wills

    “kkkkkk the end result of all this long writings is nothing except noise which does not even move Zanu pf even an inch from it's dictatorial tendencies. I hope one day these theories will make an impact and make Zanu pf feel the heat of your writings from abroad and leave the echelons of power without ground actions. My brother, come back home and take Zanu pf head on ndicho chirume chaicho chero zvikanonoka hazvo.

    I bet ,your writings will get you tired and join Zanu pf at the end just like Jonathan Moyo did before he became a staunch member of Zanu pf. He was a very good critic writer against Zanu pf but at the end became a mouth piece of it. You are mostly like to go the same route. I rest my case.”

    You rest your case! You are still wittering about you virtues on being “on the ground” and yet Zanu PF is still in power. You have been on the ground either doing fcuk all or fcuking up!

  25. @ Evange Faith

    “Zvigoitika vamukori varimoo mu helicopter Ummm misodzi yeropa chaiyo.”

    I still say Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless one. As for all those who believed his blatant lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes, events have shown you for what you are - village idiots. Wish me dead will not change the reality that Chamisa is not a demigod nor that you are a village idiot!

    It is a great pity that village idiots have a loud voice and a vote. My number one task is to make sure as few as possible village idiots participate in 2028 to perpetuate the dictatorship!

  26. It very sad that we are a failed nation because we have allowed the brain dead have a voice a vote and they elected buffoons, on both sides of the political divide and they are the ones keeping the buffoons in power each in their own foolish ways!

    These voters have been brainwashed into believing that their loyalty to the leader and to the party, they don't know of anything called the common good. Their brains have all but ossified into fat; evidence, truth, logic, etc. mean nothing to this lot.

    Zanu PF supporters believe Mnangagwa is a great leader even thou they are wallowing in abject poverty. Mnangagwa blatant rigged 2023 elections but what of it, particularly since that delivered their desired outcome.

    MDC supporters have clamoured for democratic change but had no idea what these changes are much less how there were supposed to be implemented. And so 24 years later with not even a token reform implemented because MDC leaders sold out the supporters continue to their blind support to the leaders.

    A brain dead electorate is a curse to democracy and we are paying dearly for it.


    The Zimbabwe electorate are a fanatical lot who loyalty to the leader and party is total. They do not know any such thing as national interest and common cause. Hence it has never bothered Zanu PF supporters that the party has rigged elections these last 44 years. All they cared about is that rigging delivered party victory and that is all they care about. They have never seen the bigger picture of free, fair and credible elections being the essence of good governance.

    As long as Zimbabwean voters remain ignorant and naive, there will be no quality government. Democracy demands an educated, knowledgeable and diligent electorate; Zimbabweans are way off that mark!

  28. You have said last year's elections were free, fair and credible; I told you that there were rig. There is little to be gained opening up that debate again. I will hang on to my views and you can do the same. Let the reader make up their own mind.

  29. @ Lee Roy

    "If i was marking your paper, i would give you 2/10. 20%, you paper is academic and lacks practical solutions to Zimbabwe's electoral environment.

    At tertiary level you don't get marks for regurgitating the Obvious and ma notes.

    We want to see you apply you mind and proffer practical solutions."

    What practical solution have you ever proffered?

    You have failed to understand the problem much less offer any solution. And yet you think yourself competent to mark what others say. It is to be expected of pompous empty heads.

    You worship Chamisa and cannot bear to hear some one say he is corrupt and incompetent and so you have tried every dirty trick to silence all those who have dared to criticise Chamisa. I have asked you many times and will do so again: name one democratic reform Chamisa and MDC have implemented in 24 years including 5 in the GNU?

    You have failed to name one reforms because they have failed to implement any. So you want practical solution from me but have never asked the same of MDC even after 24 years?
