Friday 24 May 2024

Intelligentsia did very little during liberation war and they are at it still they should demanding reforms. W Mukori

 There is no doubt that these men and women have been brainwashed, decades of propaganda has taken it toll, they cannot think for themselves. Of course, Chivayo has become the embodiment of corruption and criminal waste of resources by the filthy rich at the expense of the millions now living in abject poverty. 

It is easy to mock the brainwashed and make funny of them for grovelling to the men and women who are giving them with one hand, make a big song and dance about it, whilst robbing them blind with the other! 

Is it the fault of the masses, they have been brainwashed? Or is it the fault of those who should have stopped the Zanu PF juggernaut all these last 44 years but chose to do nothing?

Evil men and women are thrived cause untold suffering and death to others all because good men and women has looked on and said nothing, indifferent to the evil and the tragic misery to brought. 

In his book Animal Farm, a story basic on real events of Russia’s Great October 1917 Bolshevik Socialist Revolution, George Orwell of Benjamin the donkey, who could read as well as any of the pigs but took no part in the unfolding events. Of course, Benjamin’s cynical indifference allowed the evil pigs to do as they damn well pleased and hence one of the main reasons why it revolution failed. 

In Zimbabwe the intelligentsia, the nose-brigade, have certainly played they role in Zimbabwe being the world text book case failed state. Some joined Zanu PF after independence in the spirit of go along to get along. They have since switched their allegiance to the opposition with much the same outsider indifference. 

Others have joined Zanu PF in the spirit of the opportunists, if you cannot beat them join them. Of course, Minister of Finance Professor Mthuli Ncube and Minister Coventry, as with many others before them, know that Zanu PF has been rigging elections and, per se is illegitimate; still they could not resist the gravy train carrot when it was dangled in their faces. 

The opposition is full of the same intelligentsia opportunists or be it their greed has turned into foolishness. The intelligentsia in the diaspora and in the urban centres back home have been the bedrock of the opposition and they have cheered and applauded as MDC/CCC blundered from pillar to post. They have never asked why MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform in 24 years and they were just as easily conned into believing the “I plugged the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” as the rest of the opposition wildebeest herd members. 

Zimbabwe is heading for yet another rigged election in 2028; Zanu PF has no choice if it is to hang on to power and Chamisa and company will participate to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power. Zanu PF will bribe all the relevant key players from village heads right up to the judges and coerce povo to all play their part in the vote rigging. 

Chamisa will conning the opposition herd with the usual promises of winning because he has winning in RIGGED election strategies. The herd will believe him, the worsening economic situation has made the herd even more desperate for change. You can not reason with them just as nothing can stop a wildebeest stampede. 

If anyone can stop the insanity of yet another Zimbabwe rigged elections then it must be the intelligentsia in the Zanu PF and opposition camps. If they stopped mocking the poor, the victims of the dictatorship they helped create and nurture, and instead denounce the sheer futility of participating in these flawed elections to perpetuate the failed state; this insanity will end!

SADC would have never walked away after the damning election report by Dr Nevers Mumba if there had been a deafening clamour by Zimbabweans themselves demanding the implementation of democratic reforms before the elections and demanding that Zanu PF must be deny political legitimacy after the damning report. The silence before and after the rigged 203 elections is to this day deafening!


  1. “SADC is never organised its a group of old peoples protecting eact other. Useless body we are our own SADC. Zimbabwe needs civil war for it to get reforms.”

    The 2008 to 2013 did offer the best chance to implement the reforms we must accept that MDC leaders sold out. The war of independence deliver the Zanu PF thugs - no use. The 2017 military coup only resulted in a musical chair shuffle!

    Reforms can be implemented, we just need opposition leaders who are committed to reform and will not be corrupted by Zanu PF. A tough call but not an impossible one!

    Indeed, the SADC snd AU damning 2023 election reports have open the door for reforms to be implemented if only we have the right opposition leaders!

  2. This was just another one of Chamisa's unfounded claims no different from "I plugged all Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" Only a sick mind would believe that USA, Europe, etc. would radically change their foreign policy because Chamisa told them to do so. If that was so then why did the West refuse to lift the sanctions during the GNU when all MDC leaders had their snouts in the feeding trough and forgot about implementing reforms and wanted sanctions lifted!

    Zanu PF has always dismissed MDC leaders as puppets of the West and yet when it comes to sanctions the regime want us to believe MDC leaders dictated to the West to impose the sanctions. So now the puppet is pulling the string and the puppeteer is the one performing the vigorous 360 degree rotation, flapping and contortion of the head, torso and limbs jig jive!


    Chamisa is a boastful upstart who claim to have talked the West to impose sanctions is as nonsensical as his claim to have plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes.The greatest tragedy for Zimbabwe is that millions of Zimbabweans are ignorant, naive and gullible enough to believe and act on these idiotic claims. Two million of them were conned into participating in flawed election last year only to give Zanu PF legitimacy, give CCC leaders a few gravy train seats and to perpetuate the nation's suffering under this dictatorship.

    Chamisa is gearing to participate in the flawed 2028 elections and con his followers to do the same. After 44 years of rigged elections are we really saying we do not have the intellect to stop this insanity!
