Friday 10 May 2024

SADC is "seized" by Zimbabwe's disputed August 2023 elections. Yeah but to what end and purpose. W Mukori

 The Sadc election observer mission said the Zimbabwean elections failed to meet regional and international standards on holding of free, fair and credible polls.

NewsDay has established that Chamisa has since last year been writing to Sadc seeking its intervention on the electoral dispute after efforts to engage Mnangagwa over the matter hit a brick wall.

An official from Sadc confided in NewsDay yesterday that the regional body was “seized with the Zimbabwean political matter” and disclosed that Chamisa had last week written to the regional body following up on his earlier request for the regional body to facilitate resolution of the electoral dispute.

Sadc has reportedly responded to Chamisa’s request by saying that it was forwarding his case to the relevant Sadc structures for consideration, the source said.

In his follow-up letter, Chamisa told the regional body that he was under pressure from the citizens who had pinned their hopes on Sadc to resolve the political crisis facing Zimbabwe.

If this report is true, then this is typical blundering incompetence on the part of  both Chamisa and SADC.

SADC election observer mission report led by Dr Nevers Mumba of Zambia was clear enough; Zimbabwe’s August 2023 elections were flawed and illegal. The regional body accepted the report and its damning conclusion. The region body decided to do nothing about denying Zanu PF legitimacy for whatever reasons. Why they have failed to publicly state that beggars belief; especially in the face of the many circulating reports, fake or otherwise, claiming SADC was going to hold fresh elections. 

What exactly is Chamisa hoping to accomplish by pushing for SADC intervention in the 2023 elections. Yes Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections but was he not the one who insisted in the elections going ahead even though it was clear Zanu PF was rigging the elections. “I have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes!” he proclaimed. “#Godisinit!”

CCC imploded soon after the August 2023 elections and he has since abandoned the party himself claiming it was heavily infiltrated by Zanu PF. He does have a political party, has no MPs or senators. 

So he is asking SADC to declare Mnangagwa illegitimate and appoint him president to govern the country all by himself! Of all the foolish notions to come from that upstart, that takes the biscuit! 

 Of course, SADC would be totally irresponsible to even consider such an idiotic scheme. SADC leaders must dismiss this idiotic report and finally put the matter to bed, the speculation is not doing the regional body any favours! 



    SADC is "seized" with Zimbabwe's disputed 2023 elections, reported News Day. Yeah but to what end and purpose?

    The failure by SADC to communicate its decision to do nothing to deny Zanu PF legitimacy after the rigged 2023 elections has fuelled endless speculation of the regional body holding fresh elections or something. SADC must now come out an quash this nonsense once and once for all.

    CCC has all but imploded soon after the 2023 elections; Zanu PF would be contesting the fresh election alone! The people of Zimbabwe must have a viable alternative to choose from. Why would SADC want to be involved in such a nonsensical hare-brain scheme?

  2. True if God had planned that CCC will win big then CCC would have won big. That did not happen proof that Chamisa was lying that God had planned for CCC to win big! The tragedy is that Chamisa has lied again and again and many people still believed each and everyone of these lies!

    MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one democratic reform in 24 years and still millions continue to follow these failed leaders blindly. Of course, the nation has paid dearly for our folly!

  3. @ Chifedza

    Mwonzora did participate in the 2013 and 2018 elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging. He pulled out of 2023 elections for some other reasons but not because Zanu PF was rigging!


  4. @ Ngwenya

    "Sadc condemned the Elections so the idea that Chamisa shouldn't have contested doesn't hold an water coz without him contesting ,the results wld hv been accepted by the Sadc more so after these other fringe political parties wld hv participated"

    SADC condemned the 2023 elections because ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters' roll, there was no free media, etc. These things were common knowledge from the 2008 elections which both SADC and AU had condemned forcing Zanu PF to sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement and MDC leaders were supposed to implement the reforms to stop these happening again.

    Are you telling me they failed to implement even one reform because they wanted SADC to see these flaws again? How naive! How anyone can even say something so dum and stupid beggars belief!

  5. He is talking nonsense! Both ZiG and US$ are legal tender in Zimbabwe and so if two individual decide to exchange the two currency at whatever agreed exchange rate, what business is it of anyone else including the authority?

    The regime is introducing all these illegal controls for the sake of keeping the forex trade to the select few who, because of their political connections are never arrested!! Young Mutsvangwa was arrested because his political connections' influence has just expired!

  6. In his facebook post, posted an hour ago he expressed that his wife remains undeterred by the situation involving their son, maintaining her commitment to representing Zimbabwe at the African Women Entrepreneur Conference in Abu Dhabi.

    Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa has reaffirmed his wife’s resilience, likening her strength to that of the Zimbabwe Gold Currency(ZiG), which is anticipated to fortify the economy of Zimbabwe.

    Well the ZiG is now being protected by the Police and green bombers to stop it losing its value. Mutsvangwa will need similar protection for his wife now that the son has not received the usual catch and release!!

  7. Zanu PF apologists have the knack of denying the truth about Zimbabwe, falsifying what is happen in the country to justify their blind loyalty to Zanu PF and will not hesitate to abuse other people in defence of the regime! What they forget is things change, Mugabe never imagined he would lose power and when he did it was such a shock he probably died of it!

  8. @ Bornwell

    "Do you know about the Jacob diaspora? How long did it take Israel to come out of Egypt?

    We crafted a new constitution. Devolution is our brain 🧠 child. Running mate is out brain 🧠 child. Abolition of the death sentence is our brain 🧠 child.
    Bumbiro SUNGAMUSANA yovupenyu takaidza chose, against satanic odds."

    Well with that mentality it would take another generation before the country has free and fair elections, if at all! You have learned nothing from the last 44 years and you are clearly beyond the pale of ever learning anything useful.


    What goes round comes round! Chris Mutsvangwa has praised the Zanu PF dictatorship's ruthless oppression of the ordinary people because he was one of the ruling elite filthy rich and untouchable. He has fallen out with Mnangagwa and his son has just been arrested, now he is touchable. Now Chris will have time to reflect on the need for rule of law!

  10. One thing one can say with absolutely certainty about dictators is that only a fool would trust the dictator from one day to the next. As we already know there are Zanu PF big shots would have had to run away with their tails between their legs and were have happy to escape with their lives. Not every big shot can expect catch and release!

  11. @ Shumba S

    This is why Zanu PF just like the whites before them will never allow the rural peasants to own even one acre of land the one thing that would empower the peasants! If Zanu PF was to ever do that, then the party will never again call rural areas its strong-hold!

    Giving the rural folk title deeds to a few acres of land on which their homes are built will mean more to the them than the free vote! Indeed, giving them the title deeds will spur them to value the importance of a free, fair and credible vote!

  12. @ Bornwell

    "And where are Wilbert? The terraces?"

    So I should not dare hold Chamisa to account for failing to implement even one reform in 24 years and for conning village idiots like you to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy because I am on the "terraces"! Pray tell me who is ALLOWED to hold these politicians to account?

    Zimbabwe is a failed state because we, the people have failed to hold those in power to account. How can we? Leaders like Chamisa and Mnangagwa are protected by a wall of party faithfuls who who has their heads buried in the leaders' backsides whom they consider demigods who must not be held to account by mere mortals.

    Even now with the country in total economic meltdown how anyone can still treat these corrupt and incompetent politicians as demigods beggars belief.

    Well Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one. He must account for selling out on reforms regardless of whether I am on the terraces, out of the country, or wherever. That is not negotiable and village idiots like you must end the dirty habit of burying you head in leader's backside!! It is you not me who need to change here.

  13. "Let me take this opportunity to highlight it to all of us in this group that Zimbabweans in the country and Diaspora are one. Negatively labeling each other either for being in the country or in the diaspora must be stopped. Let us all refrain from destructive behavior and cyber bullying here.
    The problem in our country is not caused by ordinary citizens but politicians so let us respect each other in this group please 🙏🏾.

    Thank you very much for your teamwork"

    Totally agree. No one has the monopoly of knowledge and people's contribution must be judge on merit not where they are, tribe, gender, etc.!

  14. @ Bornwell

    I am holding those in power to account. And I am kicking the backsides of the village idiots who have their heads stuck in leaders like Chamisa's backsides and think him an infallible demigod.

  15. @ Poundman

    “Who is in power?
    Is Chamisa in power,
    And is he the only one in the opposition, i guess yes he is, as you are openly confessing that all other oppositions are Zanu nokuti uri kungoita take take nemukomana.
    What about all other 30 or more oppositions.”

    I have been crystal clear what Chamisa and his MDC/CCC must account for:

    1) they failure to implement even one toke reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU

    2) they participating in flawed elections knowing “the process was so flawed and so illegal the logical step was to withdraw,” to quote David Coltart. But they going ahead regardless to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed

    3) Why the lied about winning RIGGED elections to con povo into participating in the flawed to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship.

    If there are other opposition leaders who should be held to account for the above or many other things, then go ahead and hold them to account. You suggestion that I cannot hold Chamisa to account until I hold all other opposition leaders to account is foolish and must be dismissed with the contempt it rightly deserve. For it is just another way of saying Chamisa is a demigod who must never be held to account.

    Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one. Of course, he is accountable to the people. That is a basic truth that must be hammered into village idiots like you’s empty heads and I am here to hammer it in!


    Those who have, are holding or are aspiring to hold public office; must be accountable to the people and it is the sacred duty of ALL the citizens in a healthy and functioning democracy to hold those in power to account.

    It is therefore disappointing that even now after 44 years of rigged elections and with the country in a serious economic and political mess there are millions of Zimbabweans who still regard political leaders as demigods who must never be held to account.

    Of course, it is foolish to regard a mere mortal as a demigod, especial when they have a proven record as corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless. Of course, these leaders must and will be held to democratic account - that is not negotiable.

  17. @ Mambo

    "Pane umwe akambouya nezano kwaro pano. Blaz imi muri kutobhowa kudarika chero zanu pf. Ko madii mangoita yenyu like what one member once said here, pakupedzera hasha dzenyu pana chamisa? Itai yenyu party vanhu vavhotere imi musingarevi nhema,huye makarongeka.”

    The sheer stupidity of your remark betrays the sick mind!

    Let’s get this one right! I am furious that after 44 years since independence we are still failing to hold free and fair elections and I am demanding that we implement the reforms to end this insanity. And you, in your infantile wisdom, are "bored" that should be calling for reforms; you are indifferent to the reality of rigged elections nor the tragic consequence of the fail state. Of course, I am dumbfounded; how is it possible that anyone can be so, so stupid but here we are!

    No wonder Zimbabwe is now the world renowned textbook failed state. We have some of the world’s most astounding village idiots!

  18. @ Magaya

    “Sei musingaone nhai munhu washe criticising Chamisa arikutoda kukusunungurai dai mambofungawo nezveupenyu hweruzhinji kwete kungoda kufunga nezvemhuri yenyu chete.”

    Chamisa is saving the nation by failing to implement even one token reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU. Saving the nation by participating in flawed elections to give zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. How any one can fail to see the sheer stupidity of that position is what is shocking here!

    With such a braindead electorate it is clear 2028 will be a repeat of 2023 - millions participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship because they once again believed a lie that the opposition will win RIGGED elections!

  19. @ Mambo wevaRozvi

    What is so clever about being conned into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate one's own suffering by believing something so foolish as winning RIGGED elections. Of course, it is stupid!

  20. @ Chivagire

    "Ukwane iwe ko iwe wakanyura pa leadership yani taurai muchiziva kuti vanhu vanofunga uye vakadzidzao semi uye vanotoonao sokuona kwamoita zvinhu."

    Are you saying there is nothing wrong with people participating in flawed elections to perpetuating their own suffering, especially when they have been warned on the sheer folly of doing so? If you are saying so, then are proving the point that Zimbabwe has indeed some braindead people, you being one such example. QED!

  21. @ Rebhara

    “The problem with you my brother is that you give your blame mostly to Chamisa n vanhu vobvunz kt ko Chamisa ndiye ega an opposition leader her the answer is no then vanhu vobva vaona kut u are not against the people who participate in flawed election but u are just against an individual.”

    So you are arguing that I should hold the people for being ignorant and naive in allowing themselves to be conned by the corrupt and incompetent upstart Chamisa. I totally agree with that, of course the people are accountable for being so stupid.

    Nonetheless of course Chamisa et al must also account for blatantly betraying the nation by selling out. As leaders, they must shoulder the sorry state the nation is in than povo.

    Of course, it is foolish to think Chamisa can retain the foolish untouchable demigod status by shifting all blame for MDC/CCC’s betrayal on Zanu PF, povo or other opposition leaders! Chamisa is accountable - that is not negotiable. It is shocking how some village idiot continue to argue on this point, close the front door, they try the backdoor, the window, the chimney, etc.! Fcuk me!

  22. @ Rebhara

    "My question is y don't you blame the people n all the opposition political parties."

    So until I have "blamed all the people in all the opposition parties" I must not hold Chamisa to account? If that is not foolish, then what is. Chamisa is accountable - that is not negotiable. Don't worry you have a serious mental problem accepting that reality; I have a sledge hammer and will hammer it into your thick head!

  23. @ Lee-Roy

    “This perfectly describes your, hamuna Action pa ground mkoma. You want Chamisa to do the heavy lifting for you in your creature comforts in the UK.”

    And Chamisa has been doing all the “heavy lifting” these last 24 years including 5 in the GNU by FAILING to implement even one reform and worse still by participating in flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

    So if I, Wilbert Mukori, am enjoying my “creature comforts in UK” I should not be concerned that Zimbabwe is a failed state and millions are living in abject. The only reason therefore I am very concerned about Zimbabwe’s sorry state of affairs must be out of the long suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans living in the country today and the generations to come.

    Chamisa et al must implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections; that is what the people of Zimbabwe elected them to do. It is only a village idiot like you would argue that they should be left off the hook for selling out under the pretext those calling for leaders to be accountable are doing so out of selfishness.

  24. @ Shava

    "Who told you ? Tipewo ma V11 .. ..? Goreriya makadaro futi .. ..what happened to God wamakati arimo muma Elections.. .. .. kikikiki kana zvana hazvidero kunyerera Mwari.. .. if God is involved in politics dzacho Israel nana Jerusalem kwakazvarirwa Jesus kuine runyararo.."

    What are you wittering about? The regime failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters' roll. Just because CCC leaders are corrupt and incompetent and participated to Zanu PF legitimacy does not mean everyone is stupid enough not to know what is going on here!

  25. @ Mutaranyika

    “Problem yako is that you are fighting chamisa who enjoys Zimbabwe million support so what you can only do is to highlight where he must correct zvinhu than fighting him , as gentle man just tell chamisa possible changes that's he must make for progress sake but don't fight him.”

    Yes Chamisa is enjoying the support of millions of Zimbabweans who are so dumb and stupid they believed him when he conned to participate in elections “so flawed, so illegal the only rational step was to withdraw”, to quote David Coltart, to perpetuate the dictatorship and their own suffering.

    Chamisa and company were hell bent on participating because they knew Zanu PF was offering a few gravy train seats as bait; bait they found irresistible.

    Both SADC and AU election observers have condemned the 2023 elections as a farce. SADC would have denied Zanu PF legitimacy was it not for the millions of the braindead Zimbabweans who participated in the flawed elections. And to crown it, CCC leaders took up their gravy train seats, regardless the SADC and AU damning election reports. They insisted wherever CCC had won, the elections were free and fair and these were liberated zones.

    A truck load of bull to hide that CCC was conniving with Zanu PF to deny the people the right to free, fair and credible elections for a share of the spoils of power.

    What is worrying is the millions of brainwashed Chamisa supporters are going to participate in the 2028 elections. It does not take much to con this lot, as we already know! The challenge is to knock some sense into their empty head heads and force them to open their eyes to see the truth. I agree it is a tough call but not an impossible one.


    Nearly two million Zimbabweans were conned by Chamisa to participate in 2023 elections which were "so flawed, so illegal the logical step was to withdraw," to quote David Coltart, only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. This was not the first time these people were conned into participating in flawed elections and into doing a host of other foolish things to harm their own interests. The brains has ossified into fat, where there should be clear thinking there is a fog - cataract of the brain.

    The challenge is to hammer some home truth into the braindead mob so they can finally see the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering. No stone will be left unturned in the fight to stop the two million participating in the 2028 elections!

  27. @ Mthuli Ncube

    “The road to liberation was fraught with challenges, yet you, our veterans, stood resolute in the face of adversity. Your courage knew no bounds as you fought tirelessly for the ideals of freedom, justice and equality.”

    Even after 44 years of Zanu PF riding roughshod over the people denying them their basic human rights and freedom and dignity; they regime continues to pay lip service to party’s pre-independence promises of freedom and justice for all.

    Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and this time even SADC and AU election observers dismissed the process as a farce. The regime has soldiered on indifferent to the damning report. All Mnangagwa cares about is absolute power and does not give a damn how he gets it much less that Zimbabwe is a failed state and the tragic human suffering it has caused.

  28. @ Zhuwarara

    “Zvinongotumirwa nevanhu vakuru vanenge pwere so iwe hauna chawakaita kuti nyika inake . Kungotumwa kuti utaure rubbish almost everyday, unofunga kuti hatizive zvatinoda here?“

    MDC/CCC did sell out on reforms and are the ones keeping Zanu PF in power and you think that is rubbish! Well that speaks volumes about you.

    You are just one of the braindead nincompoops who participated in the 2023 elections to perpetuate their own suffering and will do it again in 2028! I am here to hammer some sense into your empty head. I have the sledge hummer to do the job!

  29. @ Clean In Service

    “Given the opportunity to meet chamisa what do you want him to do after his resignation even though I know you have his numbers
    What you are trying to do here(changing people's mind) will never work.”

    MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement even one reform these last 24 years including the 5 in the GNU because they are corrupt and incompetent - not because they did not get advice. SADC leaders nagged MDC leaders to implement the reforms throughout the GNU to no avail. SADC leaders begged, literally, Tsvangirai and company not to participate in the 2013 elections without reform and, again, the advice was ignored.

    If MDC/CCC leaders ignored SADC leaders’ advice, it is naive to think they would have listened to Wilbert Mukori or anyone else for that matter.

    Frankly the suggestion is typical of what one has come to expect from the braindead Chamisa chete chete brigade who cannot accept that Chamisa is corrupt and incompetent and therefore have to find scapegoats for his checked track record. Blame Wilbert for failing to advise him, why not; especially since he has dared to hold Chamisa to account.

    Chamisa is corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless; that is a historic fact no amount of lying and glossing over will change that.

  30. @ Zhuwarara

    “Tell your kids those rubbish not on putting here . Isu we know what we want as Zimbabwe citizens. Zvako zvekutumwa kuita mahumbwe sepwere itira kumba kwako."

    In short, you prefer to continue to bury your head in Chamisa's backside even after 24 years of him failing to implement even one token reform. Well, I think you deserve a kick in your backside. I will kick your arse until it raw, to the bone if necessary, and force you to stop your dirty habit!

    It is tragic that we have two million plus Zimbabweans who are braindead; only some one who is braindead would repeatedly participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering; and they have the vote. We cannot let the braindead continue to hold the whole nation to ransom. Kicking them to force them to snap out of their sloth-like mental slumber is doing them and the nation a great favour!

  31. @ Gorejena

    "Ah as of me I failed to understand his line of reasoning I don't see his contribution to our struggle."

    And you have seen where MDC/CCC are going? After 24 years with not even one reform implemented and you still to follow them blindly like sheep to the slaughter. Nhamo inenharo!


    Minister Mthuli Ncube tell war veterans that they will have their own Bank (no doubt their accounts will have US$ not the green-bomber backed ZiG) and they all start enjoying the upper middle income lifestyle (the rest have to wait for 2030). At last after awaiting for 44 years! And the war veterans were over the moon with joy!

    The country has been sinking for the last 44 years and the decline has accelerated with the wholesale looting of the nation's resources. By blatantly rigging the 2023 elections Zanu PF has confirmed the nation's status as a pariah state. Zimbabwe has become the textbook case failed state.

    As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state the country’s economic decline is set to continue. How then is it possible anyone would can be so naive and gullible to buy this pie in the sky vision 2030 even after 44 years to being conned.

  33. @ Godfrey

    “Us who are so critical of Opposition - how do we respond to outsiders who label us stupid fools for waiting these many years and counting for a solution to come from the same people we criticise.”

    I totally agree, the criticism has been long over due. Still it is better late than never!

    Remember Thomas Mapfumo’s song Maiti kurima hamubviri, “Kwapera makore mangani takamiri zvamakavhimbisa? Madzidzo yenyu zviroto kanhi?” he asked of the Zanu PF leaders.

    It was not until the late 1990s that the nation started to question Zanu PF leaders and hold them to account. By then the regime was deeply entrenched and hence the reason why it has been hard to remove it from office.

    MDC/CCC leaders promised to implement the democratic changes to end the Zanu PF dictatorship the very fact that we have not asked why there has been not even one reform after 24 years shows we learned nothing from the Zanu PF days. Does it real take 24 years to realise no reforms were implemented?


    After 44 years of rigged elections and the country a textbook case failed state, Zimbabwe cannot afford yet another rigged elections in 2028. We cannot stop Zanu PF rigging the 2028 nor stop Chamisa and company participating in the flawed elections for a share of the spoils of power.

    What we can do is make sure the usual ignorant, naive and gullible Chamisa Chete Chete mob do not participate to give Zanu PF legitimacy. A tall order given how easily Chamisa has conned them to participate in the past. Still, it is not mission impossible after all the mob has gained nothing and, instead, perpetuate their own suffering.

  35. @ Patience Mangezi

    “KuvengaChamisq kunotadzisa vanhu kurara.”

    Some people will never admit that MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt and incompetent no matter how much evidence is produced to prove the case. For some, accepting the likes of Chamisa is a mere mortal much less a fallible one is just too bitter a pill to swallow; they have worshiped the guy for decades, he is their demigod, and they will not have it any other way.

    The reality that participating in flawed elections has only helped to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuate the dictatorship and the ordinary people’s suffering; has no effect whatsoever on these braindead mob. It is all water off a duck’s back. When one is brain dead reason and even the brutal reality of one’s own suffering and death has no effect; they never comprehend anything mentally.

    Ignorance has its own advantages, the ignorant are blissfuly unaware of what is going on! They are like one blundering along in a fog and since they do not know any better they accept this as normal.

    Why would you lose any sleep over Zanu PF rigging elections for 44 years? You do not know what constitutes free, fair and credible elections, for Pete’s sake!

  36. @ Patience Mangezi

    “Saka Manga mati zvonzwiii murikutaura solution hamuna.”

    So you have never admitted that MDC/CCC leaders are corrupt and incompetent in the face of the mountain of evidence of their failures including the reality of Zanu PF rigging elections because Mukori failed to present a solution? You have blindly followed these leaders and defended them all these years and it is all my fault.

    Hupenzi inyama yegakava!

  37. The irony is that UAE has received the most indirect investment from Zimbabwe in the form of smuggled gold, diamonds and other minerals and the bloody smugglers do not have the decency to return the favour in the form of direct investment. Trust the gold mafia operatives to show their gratitude by kicking us in the teeth! No doubt, they are do not trust No 1 (Mnangagwa) not to demand another cut, particularly if they should fall out with him or he should by replace by some one else - now that the coup is legal in Zimbabwe!

  38. @ Pictures

    "Can't you see you're talking about yourself here
    Who usually insults others here on this platform?”

    It is a great pity that you see but do not perceive, hear but never understand.

    The article talks of how some people can become dogmatic. So will telling some one that they are being dogmatic and explain why that is so be insulting?

    If you are being stupid (which in your case comes as naturally as breathing) it is not insulting to remind you to blow your nose!

    You never address the big issues on the table such as that MDC/CCC failed to implement the reforms and dwell instead on trivial matters such as accusing me of blaming or hating Chamisa. The choice is simple, either to let you drag the debate into the gutter of trivial or tell you “enda unovhiya mbudzi”.

    The issue of Zimbabwe being stuck for 44 years and counting with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship is important and it would irresponsible to let a village idiot stifle debate. I will never be moved by you crying buckets of crocodile tears as “the insulted one”!
