Sunday 26 May 2024

"Mnangagwa may retire soon." Cold comfort as long as Zanu PF rigs elections and whack povo; tail mercilessly whacking the dog! W Mukori

 “Mnangagwa may retire soon!” read the headline in Bulawayo 24. Judging from the number of views, the story was well received.

“Speaking in Shona, Mnangagwa suggested that he might not seek further leadership beyond the constitutionally defined limits. He remarked, ‘When I look at this place, I envision establishing my own cattle business here after retirement to generate income from selling cattle in the butcheries that will be housed here.’”

Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023 elections, even SADC and AU have said so, and is therefore illegitimate. He should not be in power! And yet we all started wringing our hands at the prospect he would extend his stay in power beyond the stipulated two team limit because we knew we are helpless to stop him. 

And now we are so relieved to hear he MAY not stay in power beyond 2028 we readily forget and forgive him for being illegitimate and celebrate. May is not WILL and it will not take much for him to decide to stay on. 

The story illustrates how utterly powerless and helpless we are. Mnangagwa, like every other politician, should be democratically accountable to the people and the ultimate expression of the democratic power of the people is being able to remove politicians from office in a free, fair and credible elections. Something Zimbabweans have failed to do. 

Zanu PF has blatantly rigged elections these last 44 years. Zimbabwe is yet to hold free, fair and credible elections ever since the country’s independence in 1980.

Even if Mnangagwa gives up on the idea of extending his stay in office beyond 2028; it is cold comfort for the nation because Zanu PF is not giving up its carte blanche powers to rig elections. Nelson Chamisa and his opposition fiends will con the ordinary people to participate in the flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu Pf legitimacy for the sake of the few gravy train seats. We are not out of the woods! 

As long as Zanu PF is able to rig elections the people will remain powerless and helpless. It is the people who should hold the politicians to account, in Zimbabwe Zanu PF is holding the nation captive and utterly helpless. In Zimbabwe the tail is wagging the dog and it is a sorry sight! 



    So Ian Smith was right "if blacks are to rule themselves people in towns will be walking on sewage until they believe it's normal," Zimbabweans are trading on shit everyday! At the time, we dismissed it as white racism but now that it has come to pass we are forced to revisit it.

    What was it that Smith saw in our constitution, our DNA, as blacks that enable him to for warn Zimbabwe's failed state status with such surgical precision? Why is it that many Zimbabweans today still fail to see our weaknesses much less deal with them even today with the benefit of 44 years of bad governance!

  2. @ Lee- Roy

    “Blaming ordinary Zimbabweans for Zanu-PF turning the country into a Military dictatorship.

    The Zanu-PF Gvt has been condemned in Africa and the whole world for stealing elections.

    The MDC/CCC tried their best to that which is war towards citizens, the button has now been handed to you.

    Please talk about what you will do in Zimbabwe like what the EFF you admire to SA.”

    You continued stupidity in denying historic facts is one of the reasons why Zimbabwe is stuck in this mess.
    MDC/CCC leaders sold out in failing to implement even one reform and have been conning Zimbabwe to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. They are gearing to participated again in 2028 contrary to your foolish belief that they have retired.

    of course, the people were foolish to be conned by Chamisa’s idiotic lies about plugging vote rigging loop holes. There is a real danger that they will be conned again and that must be resisted at all costs.

  3. Opposition leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa has made a bold promise to swiftly address the challenges facing Zimbabwe. In a statement made on Saturday, Chamisa expressed his confidence in the ability to rapidly transform the nation, particularly highlighting the plight of rural areas.

    Chamisa emphasized the urgency and feasibility of his plans. He stated, “In rural Zimbabwe it won’t take us time to fix the broken. #OnePeople.”

    One of the consequences of our failed political system that has clearly failed to hold leaders to account is that the leaders have been emboldened to make one outrageous claim after another confident they will never be held to democratic account.

    Mnangagwa has Mugabe’s righthand henchman for 37 years and yet the morning after the coup he was putting as much distance between himself and Mugabe, calling his administration the second republic to underline the separation. The truth is he did not want to account for the past and so pretended the two were worlds apart and distinct. The reality is the Second Republic is the continuation of the first in every respect.

    Indeed, Zimbabwe is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss faster now than ever. Corruption under Mnangagwa has gone into overdrive!

    Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends sold out on reforms and thus allowing Zanu PF to rig elections and get away with it. He and his fiends have never accounted for selling out and so he is moving on promising changes in record time just to entice the people to participate in yet another flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

  4. @ President Netanyahu

    “How can you honestly say Ian Smith was right. Did not blacks who tried to change their countries get assassinated by white people. Mukoswa wako mhani. Fokoro.”

    Zanu PF has murdered over 40 000 innocent Zimbabweans since independence for selfish political gain beside the evidence of economic failures Ian Smith talked about. Only an idiot like you would want to justify these heinous crimes under the pretext Ian Smith committed similar crimes.

    Millions of Zimbabweans risked all in the fight for independence and now they are being denied their freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful vote even the right to life! And you do not want this truth to be said. What a nincompoop!

    The Zanu PF dictatorship is a curse to the nation and it must be resisted and ended a.s.a.p. Watch this space!

  5. @ Charles Mavhunga


    “Ian Smith's statement was rooted in racist and paternalistic attitudes towards black people. His prediction was not based on any inherent flaws in black people or their DNA, but rather a product of his own biases ,his damaged understanding of blacks, and a desire to maintain white minority rule, and White Superiority.Smith was a mistake in the categorisation of human beings as a people,A rogue in the field of humanity.

    It's essential to acknowledge that Zimbabwe's current challenges are a result of complex historical, political, and economic factors, including the legacy of colonialism and sanctions crafted by Chamisa and his fellow seniors.”

    But even village idiots like you cannot deny millions of Zimbabweans are walking on sewage and it has become normal!

    Smith was right in predicting that this would happen because it is in the DNA of village idiots to bury their heads in the backside of leaders and pretend everything is fine or find a scapegoat to blame for all the nation’s ills.

    We inherited working sewage system, tarred roads, etc. In 44 years this infrastructure has decayed and rotted whilst billions of dollars are wasted building mansions, buying posh cars, etc. Zanu PF thugs have murdered over 40 000 Zimbabweans for political gain. What has colonialism and sanctions to do with it?

  6. @ Kure

    “Come back home my brother we don’t want cowards here.”

    We are to assume that you are at home and therefore not a coward. Please tell us what exactly you have ever done to prove you are not a coward.

  7. @ Kure

    “Come back home my brother we don’t want cowards here.”

    We are to assume that you are at home and therefore not a coward. Please tell us what exactly you have ever done to prove you are not a coward.

    Zimbabwe is a failed state and God knows the country has had so many declared national heroes and now we have self-proclaimed brave warriors per excellence. I say all these heroes and brave warriors are fakes!

  8. @ Chrisswell

    “Where l feel u ar not honest is yo repeated statement of Zimb being a failed state, that's not true and u know very well that a good example of a failed state is Somalia and Zim is not anywhere close to that for a fact, yes u may criticise what u feel is wrong within out system but for u to say Zim is a failed state is not honest.”

    So we must wait until Zimbabwe become another Somalia because we call it a failed state! This is not a beauty contest, you idiot!

    Millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty, with no clean water, no electricity, health care and education have collapsed. Looting of the nation’s resources has gone into overdrive. The regime has murdered over 40 000 Zimbabweans. Both SADC and AU have called it out for rigging elections, etc. These are all signs of a failed state!

    Zimbabwe is a failed state, period! Some of the nauseating nonsense one has to put up with!

  9. @ Lee Roy

    "Iwewe you failed to hold SADC to account after CHAMISA exposed ZANU-PF rigging to SADC.

    You are a con artist Wilbert."

    So MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform these last 24 years including 5 in the GNU. Chamisa himself lied that he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes to con Zimbabweans into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for the purpose of "exposing Zanu PF rigging to SADC". Only a village idiot would have no shame repeating such nonsense!

  10. This is just a hopeless case! MDC/CCC leaders have been on the political stage for 24 years and counting, including 5 in the GNU, and yet have failed to implement even one democratic reform. The sold out during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them and yet they still claim they are on course only because they know the electorate have no clue what the reforms are much less that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement the reforms and MDC leaders sold out.

    Both Zanu PF and CCC leaders have deliberately kept the Zimbabwe electorate ignorant, naive and gullible for the purpose of exploiting the voters. The task of educating the voters is now the nation’s number one priority because as long as the voters remain ignorant they will be abused by both Zanu PF and CCC.

    Statesman! Yeah right! Zimbabwe is stuck in this political mess because the statesman sold out on reforms for 30 pieces of silver!

  11. @ Wale

    "U are not chamisa so don't go ahead of his brain apology for what nothing to apology bt hiz going ahead with us n tactics."

    He sold out on reforms and conned Zimbabweans into participating in flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. The days when politicians can do as they damn well pleased are over - they must account for what they did or failed to do! Read my lips - A C C O U N T!

  12. If this is true then every South African, including ANC supporters, must condemn this for the sake of the country! The selfish interests of the party must never ever be allowed to trump the national interests. The political stability of the country will depend of everyone having confidence in the electoral process.

  13. @ Two Mbiri

    "This guy munhu weZanu chaiye uyu."

    The idea that leaders must be democratically accountable to the people is alien to both Zanu PF and CCC supporters alike given the country present political culture in which supporters are expected to put the party and leaders’ interest above those of the nation. The blind loyalty to the party leaders has given rise to the “Give Mnangagwa a chance!” mantra and “Chamisa Chete Chete!” personality cult mentality.

    A healthy and functioning democracy demands that the electorate must be educated, knowledgeable and diligent in holding leaders to account. We are clearly way off the mark considering the blind loyalty of voters to these corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF buffoons and CCC sell outs!

    You are just one of these brainwashed Chamisa Chete Chete nincompoops who think Chamisa is an infallible demigod who must not be held to account. He sold out on reforms and must account for it - that is not negotiable!

  14. She said the IEC had noted another incident in eThekwini where a presiding officer was woken up at home in the middle of the night about bulk material stored at the Baptist Church voting station in Chesterville. Bulk material covers voting booths, voting station signage/banners and new unfolded ballot boxes.

    "This bulk electoral material was taken to Cato Manor police station in eThekwini, in KwaZulu-Natal," said Bapela.

    She said the commission strongly condemned threats to its staff.

    "No party nor its representatives have authority to gain access to private homes of electoral staff. Worse still, no party nor its representatives may take control of election material without being authorised.

    "We want to assure the public that additional measures have been implemented to secure these various storage sites across the country," Bapela said.

    This left users speculating that this might be part of vote rigging.

    According to SAPS, South Africans are warned against publishing false news during this period.

    "No person may publish any false information with the intention of (a) disrupting or preventing an election; (b) creating hostility or fear in order to influence the conduct or outcome of an election; or (c) influencing the conduct or outcome of an election," said police.

    Police national spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe was contacted for comment, but there had been no response from her at the time of going to print.”

    If this is true then every South African, including ANC supporters, must condemn this for the sake of the country! The selfish interests of the party must never ever be allowed to trump the national interests. The political stability of the country will depend of everyone having confidence in the electoral process.

    SA has successful held free, fair and credible elections these last 30 years, long may this continue!

  15. @

    “Yes true we the current crop of Dumbu opposition MPs we are too soft to zanu pf.
    So todii coz at the moment kuda kana kusada we have one popular candidate Nero how can we capitalize on him.”

    Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they are corrupt, breathtakingly incompetent and utterly useless. They not only sold out on reforms but have conned the public to participate in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship out of greed.

    To even suggest they are still useful only goes to show that one has failed to understand the evidence of their performance these last 24 years! Which part of CCC leaders are utterly useless, they conned the public to perpetuate the dictatorship and the people’s suffering is the voter failing to understand.

    Both Zanu PF and CCC leaders have taken full advantage of the very fact that Zimbabweans voters are ignorant, naive and gullible. The answer is to educate the voters and not to be encouraging their naivety and thus the continued exploitation by the politicians!

  16. @ Chrisswell

    “I will never call a human being an idiot on social media never l have watched u doing it to anyone who tries to give a divergent view to yours and l think u need to undergo anger management lessons thanks.”

    What would call some one who repeatedly participate in flawed elections after he/she has been warned that they will never change the out come, that participating would give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuate their own suffering and millions of others?

    Whilst we still at it, what would call the individual who continue to defend the above foolish act?

    Before you answer, let me remind you that Zimbabwe is a failed state because for 44 years and counting the nation has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections. Worst of all if the foolishness is allowed to continue in 2028 the country will have yet another rigged elections.

    If you are not angry about the failed state and the tragic human suffering it has caused, it can only be because you do not have the common sense to see what is going on.

    If Jesus, our Lord and God, was angry to whip those defiling the temple I, a mere, mortal should be expected to get angry at sometime without some village idiot, who clearly has no clue what is going on telling I need anger management.


    Chamisa promises to give a definitive statement on the disputed August 2023 elections tomorrow 27 May 2024. Please do not hold your breath - it is just another one of his silverback gorilla grandstanding "full of sound and fury signifying nothing!"


    Chamisa's much anticipated statement on the disputed August 2023 Zimbabwe elections has confirmed that SADC is NOT doing anything about the issue. And he himself is doing nothing although he still wants his ignorant, naive and gullible followers to continue to believe he is doing something and hence the usual optimistic closing remark.

    "Stand ready. Change is upon us.

    #Foreveryone #Godisinit!"
