Tuesday 21 May 2024

Zanu PF stubbornly deny rural povo title deed, they are poorest and rural areas are party's strongest hold. Surprised! W Mukori

 Ian Smith refused to give rural peasants the right to own even a piece of land the size of football field and yet white settlers were given title deeds to farms thousands of square kilometres. No one owned the land; all land was owned owned by the tribe (read state) hence Tribal Trust Land. Government could remove you from wherever you had settle if it so decide and so it was unwise to invest time or resources in building a decent home. 

With no title deed to the land you could not use your home for collateral security.

Denying blacks ownership to the land was a very effective way of keeping the blacks poor and economically and politically powerless.

It is ironic but not at all surprising that Zanu PF has stubbornly refused to give blacks title deeds. It is no coincidence that the rural folk are the poorest of the poor in Zimbabwe and Zanu PF considers rural areas it political stronghold. Mnangagwa himself is on record boasting of how Zanu PF would frogmarch rural voters to the polling stations!

The sheer cynicism and callous indifference with which Zanu PF removed families soon after the 2023 elections, supposedly for settling on State land without authority; was, no doubt, meant to remind us all of the regime's limitless satanic power over our lives. 

There really is no excuse why rural folk should continue to be denied title deeds to one square kilometre of land on which their home is built. It will spur them to build decent homes and look after the land better than the soulless Tribal Trust has ever done!

It there is one thing that would mean the most to the rural folk, it is the right to own the land on which their home stand. The right to free, fair and credible elections; freedom of expression and all the others rights and freedoms and nothing to these people in comparison to having a place they can finally call their own. 

If the rural folk had title deeds to the land then these Chinese would not be kicking them off the land so willy-nilly!

For Pete’s sake, give the rural folk title deeds, no more of these offer letters which not worth the paper they are written on, to the land and let’s end this abomination now! 


  1. @ Chaka

    Chihuri’s mansion is worth US$ 7 m for Pete's sake what are you wittering about. If the state could afford to pay him such a generous wage and allowances why is it that the same state failed to pay teachers and nurses a living wage? The ruling elite are not the only ones who fought in the war of independence. There are thousands of war veterans who are living in abject poverty.

    There is rampant corruption in Zimbabwe but scum like you have been brainwashed by Zanu PF propaganda, you will never see nor admit it even now with the country in the gutter. These corrupt and murderous Zanu PF thugs have been rigging elections to protect their looted booty and this must be stopped.

  2. @ Chaka

    “I didn't know i had so much power.”

    You do indeed wield a lot of power; you have a loud voice and, even more significantly, the vote. Give scum like you the vote is like giving a monkey a loaded gun for you have abused it to keep the corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF thugs in power. You do not even know ending corruption and rigged elections is in the national interest and that includes you.

    As I said, Zimbabwe would have been better off if scum like you were never born!

  3. “In a strategic move, ZANU PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reassigned key members of the ZANU PF Politburo to new positions within the party's hierarchy. Adv J.F. Mudenda, formerly the Party’s Secretary for Legal Affairs, is now the Treasurer General. This role swap sees P.A. Chinamasa, previously the Treasurer General, taking over Mudenda's former position as the Secretary for Legal Affairs. These changes are part of Mnangagwa’s broader effort to streamline party operations and reinforce his administration’s commitment to efficient governance.

    Additionally, M. Machacha, who was the Principal of the Chitepo School of Ideology, has been appointed as the Party’s Secretary for Commissariat, taking over from Dr M.C. Bimha. While Dr. Bimha will remain a member of the Politburo, this reassignment is seen as a critical shift aimed at strengthening the party's grassroots mobilization efforts. These strategic reassignments reflect Mnangagwa's ongoing adjustments within ZANU PF to maintain political stability and reinforce the party’s ideological and operational frameworks.”

    Zanu PF rigged the August 2023 elections and as much as the party would want the matter swept under the carpet and forgotten, this remains a sole point that cannot be wished away.

    If ANC get a bloody nose in the 29 May 2024 SA elections, Ramaphosa, Mbalula and the rest of the ANC leaders will know that the party’s cosy relationship with Zanu PF in the last two decades had a lot to do with the electorate’s anger. ANC leaders will, hopeful, not want to be seen as becoming Zanu PF in all but name.

    Some SADC leaders want Zimbabwe’s damning 2023 election report brought up at the regional body’s August Summit meeting. The prospect of having Mnangagwa, an illegitimate head, appointed chairperson of SADC is sickening, especial in the light of Zimbabweans registering to vote in Mozambique’s coming October 2024 elections!

    “Zanu PF is the people’s party!” Yeah right. So the party was promoting the people’s interests by rigging the elections, for the umpteenth time!!!!

    Zimbabwe must work to cure itself of the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance. No one has the divine right to govern the country. The mandate to govern must come from the people in free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF rigged 2023 elections and, per se, this regime is illegitimate.

  4. Alas! Zimbabwe certainly has more than her fair share of very stupid people. People were warned of the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering and more than 2 million ignored the warning and participated in the flawed elections! Of course, we deserve to suffer!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Presidential elections was held in Zimbabwe on 16 and 17 March 1996. The elections were contested by the incumbent President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe Rhodesia-era Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa, and ZANU–Ndonga leader Ndabaningi Sithole. Mugabe won, claiming over 90% of the vote, though turnout was just 32.3%, largely as a result of Sithole and Muzorewa withdrawing their candidacies shortly before the election (though their names remained on the ballot) due to threats of violence.

    Presidential elections were held in Zimbabwe between 9 and 11 March 2002. The elections were contested by the incumbent president Robert Mugabe, Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai,  ZANU–Ndonga leader Wilson Kumbula, Shakespeare Maya of the National Alliance for Good Governance and independent candidate Paul Siwela. Although Mugabe won with 56.2% of the vote, it was the closest presidential election to date.

    Mnangagwa recently abandoned the idea of a third term after experiencing fierce internal resistance mounted by Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga and his military-backed Zanu PF faction.

    “Mnangagwa’s third term project was blocked by the army. Now he has a new plan,” a senior Zanu PF official told The NewsHawks.

    “He no longer wants to have a third term because that route is complicated as it involves amending the constitution and a two-thirds parliamentary majority, plus a referendum, which doesn’t benefit the incumbent, a disincentive to do that.

    “Now the new plan under consideration is to amend the constitution and electoral law to de-harmonise elections, with the effect of holding parliamentary polls in 2028; presidential election in 2030. That’s different from a third term and it’s less complex.”

    In 2002 Mugabe faced the electorate alone in the presidential elections and was nearly defeated winning 56.2% of the votes compared to 1996 when he won 90%. He had learned his lesson never to face the electorate alone.

    The next presidential elections were due in 2008 and he moved the parliamentary elections next due in 2010 to be held in the 2008 under the pretext of harmonising the elections. Now he wants to reintroduce the maximum presidential term of six years whilst keeping the parliamentary term still fixed at five years. He really is desperate to extend his own stay in power by hook or by crook.

    De-coupling the presidential race from the parliamentary elections would create a myriad of problems including having a president who party has lost public support in the form of elected parliament and therefore a very weak government. Other than Mnangagwa being able to stay in power for one more year, there really is much to be gained by the nation by allowing this Mnangagwa brain brain scheme to go ahead.

  7. https://www.facebook.com/4415858595176450/videos/2052162851850953

    Zimbabwean have been warned against the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating their own suffering. The electoral process is "so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw," warned David Coltart back in 2016. They paid no heed again and again and they are set to do so again come 2028 elections!

    It is absurd to argue the people have participated because they have no competent political alternative to MDC/CCC. One does not need a political alternative to do the obvious and only logical thing - withdraw from participating! The so called competent alternative would have told them the same thing - do not participate.

  8. @ Drifter

    “Kkkk same statement daily.... Can u try to research n write something izvozvo wakambotiudza kakawandisa.”

    Zanu PF has been rigging election for 44 years and counting; the problem has not changed and so has the solution -do not participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

    Chamisa and company have lied to you these last 24 years that MDC/CCC can win rigged elections. Funny enough you have not only believed the stupid lies but have participated in flawed elections these last 24 years without question. I have only reminded you of your foolishness and already you are fuming and frothing because you want to participate in 2028! What a village idiot!

    People were warned again and again in the past of the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections. Last years Chamisa told them he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and over two million believed him and participated. Can you assure me that will not happen again come 2028?

    You are fuming because you do not want to hear the warning reminding you of your stupidity. Indeed, you want to continue in your stupid ways and that is all you care about. I want the insanity of rigged elections to stop and that is all I care about.

    Well I am here to make sure village idiots like you DO NOT participate in 2028 elections and I can see that I have to use a sludge hammer to drive the message home. I have the hammer and am using it with gusto!

  9. @ Alligator

    “A response to Somebody who alleged that ZANU PF does not care about the generality of Zimbabweans but only its people in the central committee and politburo.”

    Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections and has rigged elections since independence in 1980 - are you saying the party did that too for the people of Zimbabwe or was that for Mnangagwa and Zanu PF ruling elite? This Zanu PF regime is illegitimate and has never ever been democratically accountable to the people of Zimbabwe.

    You talk of Hwange unit 7 and 8 but forget to mention that Zanu PF got the feasibility reports for Hwange unit 7 and 8 and Batoka Gorge Hydropower station from Ian Smith in 1980. The whites would have completed all these project by 1980 if it was not for the war. Zanu PF only complete the Hwange units last year, not because there was no money.

    Billions of dollars were creamed off to build mansions, buying posh cars and luxuries for the few filthy rich Zanu PF ruling elite.

    Indeed, that is why Zanu PF has never ever held free and fair elections; with all the corruption and tyranny the regime would have been booted out of office a long, long time ago. No amount of propaganda can change the reality that Zimbabwe is a failed state ruled by corrupt and tyrannical thugs who have rigged elections to stay in power.

    Well, Zanu PF’s reign of terror is drawing to a close. Both SADC and AU condemned 2023 Zimbabwe elections as a farce, this Zanu PF regime is illegitimate. How long do you think the regime can hang on now, especially if ANC should get a bloody nose in the 29 May vote in SA? Thank God we will be spared having to listen to all this Zanu PF propaganda bulls***t!

    Zanu PF yapera. Chisingaperi chinoshura!

  10. @ Drifter

    “An idiot is a person like you who thinks that saying same statement each n every hour for the next five years will change people's mentality...who are you to tell us what to do people must do whatever they want at anytime without consulting you.”

    Of course, you and your friends, all two million of you, were free to ignore the warning that participating in flawed elections would give Zanu PF legitimacy. I am here to remind you that you were very foolish to do that. You are just angry with me because you cannot bear to be reminded you are an idiot.

    Stop being an idiot and I will not call you one!

    If you think threatening me will silence me then think again. Take off that “drifter” name mask and I will call you an idiot to you face!

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UZvI5SRXFs

    Absolute power is a power and highly addictive drug and, after 44 years, Mnangagwa is hooked. He has rigged elections, committed mass murders to create and retain the de facto one-party dictatorship, staged an electoral coup in 2008 and a military coup in 2017 to stay in power, he has been behind the wholesale looting of the nation's wealth to feed his insatiable greed for wealth and to bankroll the vote rigging juggernaut and now he gerrymandering with the constitution, again, to extend his rule. Enough is bloody enough!


  12. @ Drifter

    “U think making empty statements is bravery ...why do you think i participated in the election and who are you to tell that those who participated are fools.”

    Participating in a flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating one's own suffering is foolish to everyone except the few Zanu PF ruling elite and Chamisa and his cronies. The majority of two million who voted for Chamisa are not in these two groups and are, per se, fools. I do not have to say it and you can deny it all you want, that will not change the reality.

    Only a fool would do some thing to harm his or her own interest and there can be nothing worse than participating in flawed elections to perpetuate one's own suffering.

    I have already establish that you are a village idiot and so I completely understand why all this does not make any sense. I am here to hammer so sense into some of your equally challenged friends BEFORE 2028 elections! As I said that I will do with gusto!

    Just because you are a fool, you should not think you are free to do as you damn well please. You will be held to account for your stupidity particularly since millions are paying dearly for your stupidity!

  13. EFF supporters painted the town red as they marched through city centre.

    Elections in SA are free, fair and credible; that is the number one thing that no one can deny. It is the one thing Zimbabwean elections have never been!

    Zanu PF has managed to get away with rigged elections thanks to MDC/CCC leaders who not only failed to implement even one reform in 24 years but have been conning the people to participate in flawed elections claiming they have plugged vote rigging loop hole. Alas! Our ignorant and gullible voters believed the lies and participated only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering.

    Unless something is done about it now; Zanu PF is going to hold 2028 elections without even one token reform implemented, Chamisa and company are hell bent on participating and the herd will do as they are directed. And so we will have yet another rigged elections!

    How is it possible that millions can be so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering time and time again. Man is supposed to be a creature of reason and not follow blindly like wildebeest herd!

  14. Former Senegal President arrested for looting US$9 b.

    This is precisely why Zanu PF thugs have been rigging elections, when you have been looting for 44 years and your hands are red with the blood of the many innocent people you murdered you have to be president for life or killed trying.

  15. @ Jeff

    Do you think Zanu PF will reform itself out of office? Why did MDC call themselves movement for democratic change if they were in no position to deliver any democratic changes? Do you know what the democratic changes are much less that the GNU's primary purpose was to implement the reforms?

  16. https://bulawayo24.com/index-id-opinion-sc-columnist-byo-241964.html

    Title deed to the land will mean more to rural voters than right to a free vote! Indeed, the title deed will underwrite and guarantee their right to free, fair and credible elections. And it is precisely for this reason that Mnangagwa, just like Ian Smith before him, is stubbornly refusing to allow rural people to own even the ground on which their mud huts are built!

    The surest way to stop Mnangagwa frogmarching povo to vote for Zanu PF is to demand povo's right to own something and call it their own, land. Stop Mnangagwa using povo as a political football to be kicked around!

  17. @ Jeff

    You started by asking a very good question. DO YOU THINK ZANU WILL REFORM ITSELF FROM OFFICE? That is a big NO to me, and do you also think opposition can manage to reform ZANU from Office, in which way?"

    If you do not believe MDC can deliver democratic change then why has the nation risked all to elect them into power all these last 24 years?

    I don't think you know what the reforms are much less that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement reforms.

  18. Running under the theme: "Empower Youth: Secure the Future", the event will be graced by His Excellency the President, Cde Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa who will deliver the keynote address, as well as launch the Youth Service in Zimbabwe Programme.

    Muswere urged Zimbabweans to embrace and support the programme saying it seeks to inculcate values of Ubuntu/Unhu, patriotism and leadership to the country's youthful population.

    Formerly the National Youth Service, the Youth Service Zimbabwe programme is a six-month training course.

    In a country where unemployment is 80% plus government should be occupied with how to revive the economy. Instead the regime is obsessed with brainwashing people!

    Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections, this regime is illegitimate and like all such regime it is blundering from pillar to post and is obsessed about its own survival, many of these youths will no doubt graduate to be the party’s notorious green bombers.

    As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by vote rigging thugs, the country will remain a failed state with all that entails!

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBiy0CpJtY8

    I agree with you, Brett MuVheti, that Zanu PF is paying people to be in the opposition and to keep the masses quiet and always hopeful that change is round the corner. The danger of millions of Zimbabweans participating in the next elections with no reforms only to repeat 2023 on false hope of "2028 zvinhu zvinochinja chete!" is real.

    The solution is for people to stop being so ignorant and gullible, to stop being so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. When will they ever learn!

  20. @ JR Ewing Holding

    "Report to your nearest police station."

    No need, I have this well covered. I will never let people, especially his idiotic Zanu PF supporters, forget that Mnangagwa is the illegitimate president of Zimbabwe! Watch this space!

  21. @ Fearless

    "You are in London and you insult us voters as gullible and ignorant,I say ignorance and gullibility grows more in diasporian quasi-scholars than in the villages of rural Zimbabwe."

    What would call those who were conned into participating in flawed elections "so flawed, so illegal that the only logic step was to withdraw," to quote David Coltart? They believed Chamisa's idiotic lies including "plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" All they did was give Zanu PF legitimacy, give CCC leaders who conned them a few gravy train seats and for the mass, perpetuate their suffering.

    By the way there were very many people in the diaspora who were conned by Chamisa too so being ignorant and gullible is not limited to those in Zimbabwe alone!

  22. https://www.facebook.com/4415858595176450/videos/1169630824036060

    Former President of Senegal was arrested for looting US$ 9 billion. No wonder some people (no names necessary, zvinemuto ndozvineyi) have been rigging elections even committed mass murders just to hang on to power; they know they go to Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison straight from State House!

    The elections in SA are causing sleepless nights for our illegitimate fiends, they know that if ANC are given a bloody nose by the voters on 29 May 2024 they will have no backers in SADC and their bacon is sizzling and the count down to Chikurubi has started.

  23. @ Tarvan

    “Thought you have now finished compiling your Chamisa song mate alas you are still on the first album.”

    Chamisa is your infallible demigod, who is untouchable. And so you must be fuming and frothing to see him being dismissed as not just a mere mortal but a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless one at that.

    You are one of those who believed Chamisa’s “I plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” And it must feel like a stab in the bum every time this is quoted and dismissed as idiotic nonsense that only a village idiot would believe in!

    Well, it really was idiotic nonsense and only a first class village idiot would still believe in even now with the benefit of hindsight!

    It is my duty to hold Chamisa to account for his and MDC/CCC blatant betrayal of the people of Zimbabwe in failing to implement reforms and stopping Zanu PF rigging the elections. Every Zimbabwean out there must know Chamisa and company will not deliver change and therefore stop following these fools.

    You are desperate to silence me by all manner of dirty tricks. You can try but I can tell you here and now, you will fail. I will not be silenced

    I will not let Chamisa and co. con this nation into participating in the 2028 flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, give Chamisa et al a few gravy train seats and thus perpetuate the dictatorship and the suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans. Another rigged elections in 2028 is unthinkable.

  24. https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1dRKZEZoDodxB

    Dr Simba Makoni told Trevor Ncube that within a month of entering into government in 1980 Prime Minister Mugabe replace the Peugeot 504 Ian Smith had issued to his ministers with E-Class Mercedes Benz firing the start of political patronage system. Mugabe was bribing his fellow Zanu PF leaders with the trappings of high office and they returned the favour by their blind loyalty to him.

    Even at the height of the Gukurahundi massacre, not even one Zanu PF leaders dared to risk their chef privileges by holding Mugabe to account for the barbarism at play.

    Mugabe bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends with the same trappings of high office when they joined government in the GNU. The MDC leaders, just like their Zanu PF counter parts, repaid the dictator by throwing the promised reforms out of the window. Why some people continue to deny MDC leaders sold out even in the face of all the evidence proving that they did, beggars belief.

  25. @ Arnold

    “That was then, now todii?”

    The solution has been staring us in the face all these years; our political system is broken and dysfunctional, it is idiotic to keep up this pretence that we can make it work. Participating in a flawed election "so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step is to withdraw," to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate one's own suffering is the most foolish thing anyone can do.

    After 44 years of rigged elections it is insane to keep participating and hoping for the best! And all because we are conned into participating in flawed elections time and time again by a corrupt and incompetent upstart.

  26. @ Arnold

    “This is beginning to make sense, given Zanu PF's iron rule. Now, if you withdraw from participating in elections, what are the possible outcomes considering Zanu bigwigs are war mongers and have this, "I don't care attitude.”?

    Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections confident they would get away with it. When both SADC and AU condemned the elections and dismissed them as a farce, Zanu PF was taken aback. The regime fought back with the usual reckless disregard for truth and decorum for the singular purpose of discrediting Dr Nevers Mumba and his SADC election observer team no matter what. Proof, if any was wanted, that the “I don’t care attitude!” is all but a potato skin thick facade!

    Mnangagwa is putting up a brave face, do not be fooled; he is worried sick about the illegitimate label that is hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles.

    If ANC get a bloody nose on 29 May 2024 SA elections, Ramaphosa, Mbalula and the rest will know that South Africans are punishing them for cosying up to Zanu PF. You cannot cuddle a skunk without some of its stench rubbing off on you! The plus is ANC will from henceforth carry a stick to keep the skunk away!

    I bet SADC would have denied Zanu PF political legitimacy after the damning SADC report on the 2023 Zimbabwe elections if ANC had not intervened. Without ANC’s support, Zanu PF’s name is mud! M U D, mud!

  27. @ Arnold

    “The problem is the
    electorate, rural vs. urban.
    The rural keeps Zanu Pf.
    The urban wants change.
    How do you revolutionize the rural mindset?
    That's where the solution is.
    We want to reach a stage where even rigging is not possible... a stage where the opposition has an outright majority support.
    Zanu PF is rigging because it still has formidable support from the rural folks.
    Ndicho chaita musoro uteme.”

    Zanu PF has the political and economic muscle to frogmarch the rural voters to attend its rallies and then to vote. Unless you have the resources to march then you will sure lose.

    In the urban areas MDC/CCC has mobilised its supporters by conning them into believing the opposition will win big because they have “winning in RIGGED elections strategies.” How anyone could be so dumb and stupid to believe some of these idiotic strategies time after time beggars belief. Get the urban voters to open their eyes and minds and see they are the idiots participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering.

    Chamisa and company are paid by Zanu PF with the reward of the few gravy train seats for mobilising the urban voters to give the election process some modicum of credibility. Deny Chamisa and company the urban voters’ blind and idiotic support and Zanu PF is in deep trouble.

    The regime will be forced to frogmarch rural voters to attend Zanu PF rallies, bus them into urban areas to attend opposition rallies. And on voting day do the same again, frogmarch to rural polling stations to vote for Zanu PF and bus them to urban centres to vote for opposition. There will be the added challenge of producing an urban voters’ roll to accommodate the rural voters. Of course, it whole operation will be such a cumbersome operation, it will not work!

    One does not need both the rural and urban voters, the latter alone is good enough, to stop participating in the flawed elections to force Zanu PF to accept the reality the regime cannot rig the elections and get away with it. The biggest problem right now is the ignorance and naivety of the urban voters.

    If is unbelievable that even the voters in such places as Mt Pleasant have been easily conned by politicians like Fadzayi Mahere. It has always been clear she would participate in these flawed elections no matter how flawed the process got out of selfish greed, why the voters did not see this beggars believe. They are supposed to be creme de la creme of Zimbabwe’s electorate for Pete’s sake!

  28. @ Star Zimbabwe

    “I'd be happy if you could answer your last question in last para above. Without insulting the same people you want to listen to you. Thank you.”

    “How is it possible that millions can be so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering time and time again?”

    Is a rhetorical question that does not need an answer for the answer is self evident. We both know these people are idiots because only an idiot would easily conned into acting repeatedly to harm themselves.

    So you want me to lie and say these men and women are wiser than King Solomon himself, for participating repeatedly in flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering was a very wise decision, just to get them to listen to me? Well, that is indeed very foolish advice and only a fool will pay heed!

    It is a fact that repeatedly participating in the flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering was very stupid. If these people refuse to listen and participate again in 2028 and perpetuate their suffering. We know that Chamisa is already gearing to con them with more winning in RIGGED election strategies.

    “2028 ndeyedu! Takawina! Ndato appoint cabinet! #Godisinit!” The art of telling the mob what they want to hear!

    Of course, there are benefits in being an idiot - you are so gullible it does not take much to get you excited!

  29. @ Arnold

    “Solutions for Zim:
    1) Wait for the Zanu PF bigwigs to die naturally... we are almost there.
    2) An eye for an eye for those with zero liberation stuggle trying to hijack Zanu for their selfish tummies, e.g. Java, Wicknell, Pastor Angel, etc. etc.
    3) Put reforms in place.
    4) Conduct free and fair elections
    New Zimbabwe (NZ).”

    Dream on. Who am I to stop you daydreaming.

    Just because Mugabe tried and failed to hand the baton to G40 does not mean there are only old madharas in Lacoste! Mnangagwa is already trying to surreptitious hand over power to his relatives and start his own dynasty. There will never be a vacuum in Zanu PF because there are so many vying to be the top dog.

    One more thing, whilst Zanu PF thugs are fighting each other for top dog, they are like baboons they will unite to fight a common enemy. As much as each faction would want to rule, they also know letting the opposition win will a disaster for them all. Lacoste has let most of the G40 leaders keep their loot!

  30. @ Chisa

    “Who is denying the MDCs sold out? The only question is should we do now. Unfortunately u can't answer this question.”

    Well, the sludge hammer has certain managed to knock some sense into that granite hard empty head! So you are NOT denying MDC leaders sold out! And from the above statement you are suggesting no one out there is denying that neither. Great!

    Well if you are the mob believe MDC leaders sold out then why the hell are you nincompoops still following them blindly like sheep to the slaughter. Chamisa conned you lot into participating in flawed elections claiming CCC would win big because he had “plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” And you idiots believed him.

    Are you blaming me for your folly of believing Chamisa’s lies, the upstart you admit sold out, because I did not tell you what to do? It is nice to be a nincompoop, you do not have to be rational!

  31. https://www.facebook.com/4415858595176450/videos/836313685022282

    If we are serious about stamping out corruption in Zimbabwe then we must stop fishing for forex traders, the kapenta, and instead go for the crocodile, zimai redziva, the godfathers of corruption. To catch kapenta you use light but that will not catch the crocodile.

    We need to implement the democratic reforms and deny the Zanu PF thugs the carte blanche powers to rig elections and impose themselves as the government. Once in power they have abused their power to grant themselves the licences to loot, to institutionalise corruption!

  32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2azdtOx0XMA

    Mnangagwa is selling Zimbabwe's resources for a song in his desperate bid to stay in power at all cost. Zimbabwe cannot afford this criminal waste of resources and unless we do something about there will be no tomorrow for us and we will only have ourselves to blame for it.

    In Zanu PF, we have a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime that will happily burn down the whole country and us all in it for the love of power. We owe it to ourselves and posterity to end this insanity.

  33. In a bid to address the concerns of war veterans, Mnangagwa pledged to enhance their quality of life and facilitate their integration into the economy and national development initiatives.

    "My administration is committed to empowering our war veterans to actively engage in economic activities and contribute to the nation's industrialization and modernization," Mnangagwa assured, directing ministries to expedite interventions benefiting war veterans.

    Expressing concern over the aging war veteran population, Mnangagwa urged his comrades to mentor the younger generation to safeguard the party's legacy and ensure its enduring rule.

    So Zanu PF is promising to economically empower the war veterans now 44 years after independence after 44 years of making the same empty promise. It is a pity that there are always some people gullible enough to believe the bulls****t!

    Indeed, those who believe this only show just how naive and gullible they are - one of the major reason why Zimbabwe is a failed state! With such a naive, ignorant and gullible electorate, Zimbabwe never had any hope of having a competent government. A healthy and functioning democracy demands a knowledgeable and diligent electorate.

  34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGz78_ZXl_E

    Dr Nevers Mumba, chairman of SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM) is right in saying it is for the people of Zimbabwe to take the report and make sure the reforms are implemented to ensure future elections are free, fair and credible. It is most disheartening that the Zimbabwe intelligentsia, who should be leading in this, are doing nothing about it.

    Zimbabwe is heading for yet another rigged elections in 2028 and it is none other than the intelligentsia who are to blame for it. The "Nose Brigade" contributed very little during the war of independence and now they are at it again!

  35. @ Musariri

    “Last year's elections were never tested in a competent court of law to and against the contrary of free and fair and or credible.

    And taking about the bench of the courts being occupied by say five (5) judges or so - I have this to say to you my leader Wilbert Mukori:

    |"Judgments that a controversial are not and should also not be viewed as rebellious or undemocratic for they are and represent DEMOCRACY AT WORK.”

    By the same logic are we going to say none of the 20 000 murdered in the Gukurahundi massacre and many more who have been murdered by the regime are alive since the said murders were never tested in a court of law? What the court says is not the only source of historic facts, truth and reality in this world.

    It is a very known fact that ZEC did not produce a verified voters’ roll, for example. Indeed, Zimbabwe has never ever produced a verified voters’ roll in the last 44 years. It is foolish to suggest there can be free, fair and credible elections without a verified voters’ roll.

    We cannot have an honest and productive debate if one of us denies acknowledged facts, truth and reality!

  36. @ BE Onward

    “If these reforms are not implemented no elections are to be done. But to surprise you will hear chamisa saying ngatipinde takahwina kare kkkkkk guys sometimes i feel chamisa na ED vanozivana ini kkkkkk.”

    Mugabe bribed MDC leaders with the trappings of high office during the GNU and, in return, they forgot about implementing reforms. Ever since the GNU MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for the sake of a few gravy train seats.

    The real big surprise here is that many Zimbabwe have failed to realise that MDC/CCC leaders have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds for decades now.

  37. Is that what Chamisa is doing, leading you, and you have followed him blindly - with your head stuck in his back side in your case! No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we have too many braindead people who will never stop to think for themselves much less question where those in power are going or hold them to account.

  38. @ Chisa

    “Au saying there are no legitimacy issues following Scarfmore.”

    It is very difficult to have an intelligent discussion with you because you cannot focus on the issue under discussion without bring up some other issues.

    The issue here was that Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop hole to con people to participate in the flawed elections. Did he do this or not? Where does “Scarfmore” come in there?

  39. https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1gqxvQaZAXzJB

    Mnangagwa's love of absolute power is insatiable, he blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and, per se, he is illegitimate and should not be in power. And yet he is already scheming on how he can extend his stay in power beyond 2028.

    It took a coup to final prise Mugabe off the throne, it may be the only way to remove Mnangagwa! The nation gained nothing from the 2017 coup and will almost certainly do no better if there should be another coup.

    We can avoid another coup by the simple act of refusing to participate in future elections without first implementing the reforms! Simple if we did not have such a naive and gullible electorate who would be easily conned into participating by such idiotic promises as "I plugged all vote rigging loop holes! #Godisinit!"

  40. @ Two Mbiri

    “Election tinopinda kunyanya fresh election hatiregi."

    I know, you participated in 2023 elections because Chamisa assured you CCC will win big because he "plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" You clearly did not know what that meant and even now, with the benefit of hindsight, you still have no clue. All the warning of participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy have fallen on deaf ears.

    It is not all who see who perceive, who hear and understand. Some will never comprehend anything and so are destined to blunder blindly to their grave!

    Of course, it is tragic that anyone should be so curse to have the eyes and ears and yet to neither perceive nor understand because their brain has ossified into fat. It is worse for a nation if such should have the vote and, as is the case in Zimbabwe, the blind moles number in their millions!
