Saturday, 27 July 2024

Mayor Coltart warns of Bulawayo water crisis. He knows his greed is giving Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the crisis. W Mukori

 Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart has highlighted the city's severe water crisis and urgently called for US$14 million to upgrade the Mtshabezi and Insiza pipelines,” reported Bulawayo 24.

“During a visit to Umzingwane Dam and Ncema pump stations, Coltart described the situation as catastrophic.

“Umzingwane Dam is nearly dry at 2% capacity and has been decommissioned, while Inyankuni Dam is at 22% and faces a similar fate without significant rainfall.”

This comes as no surprise to anyone who have been following Zimbabwe’s economic and political history. Zimbabwe is a failed state, a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thugs who have rigged elections to stay in power. 44 years of being stuck with the dictatorship have left the country is economic ruin and political turmoil.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state there will be no meaningful economic recovery and no end to the tragic human suffering as the country drifts deeper and deeper into this hell-on-earth we find ourselves stuck in.

What is infuriating here is that the nation has had many opportunity to end the Zanu PF dictatorship with the best of these coming during the 2008 to 2013 GNU; all of the opportunities have been wasted. Mayor Coltart was a senior MDC leader in the GNU that failed to implement even one democratic reform in five years.

Robert Mugabe bribed Coltart and his fellow MDC friends with the trappings of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos, the very generous salaries and allowances, US$4m mansion for Tsvangirai, etc., etc. In return, the MDC leaders kicked the democratic reforms into the devil-thorn cactus thicket! 

Ever since the GNU debacle, Coltart and company have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging the elections and that participating would only give the process “credibility”, as Coltart readily admitted and thus give Zanu PF legitimacy.  

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

The people of Bulawayo should know that root cause of their water problems, as with the multitude of other economic, political and social problems, is their Mayor’s greed. Mayor Coltart and his fellow MDC/CCC friends have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship out of greed. Pure and simple! And as long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state, there will be no end to our suffering.

All signs are, Mayor Coltart and his friends will be participating in the coming 2028 elections with not even a token democratic reform implemented out of greed - but, of course! Zanu PF will once again get away with the rigged elections as long as Zimbabweans participating in the flawed elections in their  millions, as before. 

Chamisa will conned his followers with another “I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” idiotic lie. The  herd will believe him, they have always believed such lies no questions asked. How is it possible that anyone can be so ignorant and naive to believe such nonsense; beggars belief. And yet millions of Zimbabweans have believed such blatant lies again and again for 24 years and counting. 

It is said nations get the government they deserve. We, in Zimbabwe, certainly deserve this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its equally corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC side-kick. We have done certainly done nothing to deserve a healthy and functioning democratic government. 

“Coltart warned that without immediate action, Bulawayo faces a disaster, noting that the outdated water purification systems and pumps at Ncema are operating at only 35% capacity and require urgent upgrades,” the report concluded.

Alas! The most immediate impediment to economic recovery and political change in Zimbabwe is the opposition’s greed. Coltart and company have been participating in elections “so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step was to withdraw” to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.


  1. @ Zhou

    “Haaa Wilbert akawenga chamisa , sei kumuwenga kusvika muropa rako chairo. Unomboziva kuti sei achidiwa neruzhinji rwe Zimbabwe iwe pasina anombotaurawo nezvako. Vana ve Zimbabwe wavakuziva vanhu kana kuti munhu wavanoda . Uyu chitongomusiya hako nekuti idzo chairo. Ndinotoona kuti ukaswera usina kuti Chamisa akashata chikafu hachipindi nekuti ruvengo rwakabvira mugazi chairo.”

    Chamisa lied to con Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections with disastrous consequences. Chamisa sold out big time and must be held to account. Of course, he must be held to account particularly when it is almost certain he is playing to con his brain dead followers to participate in another flawed 2028 elections.

    How anyone can say holding Chamisa to account for selling out beggars belief! No wonder we are a failed nation, we really have some village idiots in Zimbabwe!

  2. @ Tendai Tsuro Matemai

    “U a not one of the Zimbabweans but u love ED u have lied and killed.”

    This is not a beauty contest dimwit! Are you saying it is ok for Chamisa to lie and con the nation into giving Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship? The very fact that anyone would even argue on such a common sense notion goes to show just how shallow, thick and slow some people are! But it underlines why we are a failed state.

  3. @ Zhou

    “Imi maona kuti akatadza semunhu Mukuru makaiteyi kugadzirisa pakatadzwa ndinongoona muchingonyomba imi musina chamaita chinobatika. Asi munogona kunyomba chete here zvimwe zvese pasina chamunogona?”

    So you think pointing out where Chamisa fcuked up and where his brain dead followers fcuked up too is not important?

    You, what are you doing beside trying to silence anyone who has dared hold people like Chamisa to account! And being the village idiot you are, even think you are doing the nation a great favour! What a twat!

    The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that we have many twats like you and they have the vote!

  4. @ Riche Busey

    "Vanhu munongonetsa kuti dai chaimisa asina kupinda mu flawed elections .zvaibatsira chii. ZEC yaitadza kuita ma elections nokuti Chamisa aramba iyo Zec yacho iri Zanu Pf. Morgan Tswangirai akazviita wani akaramba pa re-run nguva ya Mugabe .vanhu vachiuraiwa nguva yema short sleeve asi ZEC yakaenderera mberi nema elections."

    So you think Chamisa was doing the nation a great favour participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy? Why did MDC leaders fail to implement even one reform during the GNU? Was that to do the nation another big favour too? You really have no clue what is going here, do you?

  5. Mkwananzi call on SADC leaders act on SADC Election Observer Mission damning report and condemn 2023 elections as illegitimate. However CCC still believes its elected officials are legitimate.

    Nelson Chamisa and his cronies want to have their political cake and eat it too, Zanu PF has taken full advantage of the greed and confusion and SADC have ignored him. The regional leaders are bracing themselves for CCC’s incessant whining over Zimbabwe’s rigged 2023 elections, even now with the benefit of hindsight, Chamisa is still demanding to have his political cake and to eat it too!

    Poor SADC, as much as they would like to help Zimbabwe get out of this political mess, this is impossible as long as Zimbabwe has such incompetent and childish opposition leaders.

  6. This comes as no surprise to anyone who have been following Zimbabwe’s economic and political history. Zimbabwe is a failed state, a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thugs who have rigged elections to stay in power. 44 years of being stuck with the dictatorship have left the country is economic ruin and political turmoil.

    As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state there will be no meaningful economic recovery and no end to the tragic human suffering as the country drifts deeper and deeper into this hell-on-earth we find ourselves stuck in.

    Coltart and his MDC/CCC friends have known that there will be no meaningful economic recovery in Zimbabwe as long as the country remains a pariah state. They have kept Zanu PF in power by failing to implement reforms and by participating in flawed elections out of greed. The people of Bulawayo as with the rest of the country have been slow to realise MDC/CCC are sell out and are paying dearly for it.


    Zimbabwe is a failed state because we are stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 44 years, the last 24 years of which with the connivance of MDC/CCC. Zanu PF blatantly rigged 2023 elections precisely because MDC/CCC have not only failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

    Chamisa & Co. will never ever implement any democratic reforms and will con their followers to participate in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. We must stop them and put an end to this insanity!

  8. @ Evangelist Faith

    “Satan go do your own opposition part wosiyana Na nekurota Chamisa pose pose.”

    Chamisa lied to con people to participate in a flawed elections that has helped to keep Zanu PF in power and perpetuate the nation’s suffering. Of course, he must be held to account for it!

    I know there are village idiots like you think Chamisa is a demigod and must not be held to account. It would be irresponsible to let village idiots have the final say on any matter but especially in such matters of great national importance!

  9. @ Mukanya

    “His mandate is to demonize Chamisa at any given chance.”

    If Chamisa did implement the democratic reforms and stopped Zanu PF rigging the elections and I am falsely accusing him of failing to implement any reforms; then I will readily admit to demonising Chamisa. However, if Chamisa & Co. have indeed betrayed the nation by selling out on reforms then it is you who is false and denying the truth.

    Of course, Chamisa is not a demigod but a mere mortal with a well documented track record proving beyond doubt that he is corrupt, incompetent and a liar. How any one can still pretend Chamisa is a demigod beggars belief!

    “His mandate is to demonize Chamisa at any given chance.” And you, what is your mandate: to glorify the corrupt, incompetent and lying Nelson Chamisa!

    The tragic reality is that you are not the only one who is braindead and belief Chamisa is a demigod, there are millions of others and, worst of all, you all have a vote. Poor Zimbabwe; is it a wonder we are a failed state!

  10. @ Lionel

    “But SADC said the elections were stolen. Is it Chamisa's problem or it's the Thief's problem. Why are you blaming the victim. You can have buggler bars and cctv cameras but a thief is a thief. They will break in. If they fail to break in they will send another thief in the name of Tshabangu for mop up operations.”

    Chamisa and company had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms during the GNU. Who stopped them?

    Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections knowing Zanu PF will rig, that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy and yet they have soldiered on because of greed. Chamisa was hell-bent on participating he even lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to hide the real reason was greed and to entice his braindead followers to participate.

    Here is what David Coltart said on opposition participating in elections.

    “The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

    How can Chamisa and his CCC friends ever be the “victims” of Zimbabwe’s rigged election when they are the one who failed to implement even one reform and have been hell-bent on participating in flawed elections all out of greed and incompetence?

    The very fact that there are millions of Zimbabweans out there who still refuse to see Chamisa & Co. for the corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless leaders they are, even now with the benefit of hindsight, speaks volumes of these people. With such a braindead electorate, it is little wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state and, worst of all, is doomed to remain a failed state.

  11. @ Lionel

    “What are you saying
    "ZanuPF blatantly rigged elections"
    So you know elections were rigged
    So you know as we all know that ZanuPF lost the 2023 Plebiscite.
    So you know as SADC knows that Elections were not free and fair.
    It's not about electoral reforms. It's about the army staying out of politics, it's about chiefs and sabhuku staying out of politics
    It's about letting the people express their will by voting freely
    ZanuPF has been losing elections since 2000.”

    Did you and the millions who participated in the 2023 elections KNOW the elections were going to be rigged and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy?

    How would you have known that, you might ask. Because these are not the first elections Zanu PF has rigged and, with no meaningful reforms implemented, it was clear Zanu PF would rig the 2023 elections too?

    If you KNEW Zanu PF was going to rig 2023 elections, what swayed you and millions of others to participate in the flawed elections?

    If you participate in a flawed election process, knowing it is flawed and that participating will give the vote rigging party legitimacy. In this case, boasting to have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. Of course, it is nonsensical to complain the elections were rigged afterwards.

    “ZanuPF has been losing elections since 2000.” SADC would have denied Zanu PF legitimacy if CCC had not participated and taken up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU had condemned the process. Why did millions of Zimbabweans participate in an election they knew was flawed?

  12. @ Tau

    “How many opposition parties do we have in Zimbabwe? Why are you after just Chamisa?”

    Here we go again! You can tell you are dealing with a mentally retarded from the question they ask!

    So Chamisa did not implement even one token reform and must not be held to account for it because there are many other opposition parties?

    Chamisa has held public office and is therefore accountable for what he and his MDC/CCC friends did and/or failed to do. This is the foundation of democratic accountability and good governance and hence none negotiable.

    Why this simple political reality is incomprehensible is a measure of your intellectual ability.

  13. @ Mukanya

    “Yes he is not a demigod but you spend most of your time attacking him, Zimbabwe is a military state and you want to create the perception that opposition is failing dismally when everyone knows the military regime manipulates the electoral process, even SADC for the first time condemned the elections and yet you pretend not to see all that, in fact you basically praising the military regime for remaining in power πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό”

    SADC and AU were also aware that MDC/CCC had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 years in the GNU because they are breathtakingly incompetent and corrupt. Both the regional and continental body also know that CCC participated in the 2023 elections out of greed. They knew Chamisa was lying about plugging the vote rigging loop holes.

    SADC did NOT deny Zanu PF political legitimacy last year because CCC and millions of Zimbabweans participated in the flawed elections, knowing fully well that doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Of course, Zimbabweans shot themselves in the foot by participating in the flawed elections and only a first class village idiot like you would deny it!

  14. @ Mutaranyika

    “If a thief comes in your home is it your problem or of the thief.”

    Mugabe and his Zanu PF risked life and limb in the fight for freedom, liberty and justice for all, at least that is what many believed at the time. It was not long after independence that it was clear they fought to end white colonial oppression only to be the new oppressors.

    The people of Zimbabwe have risked livelihoods, limbs and lives; over 500 were murdered by Zanu PF in the 2008 elections alone; to elect MDC/CCC leaders into power on the promise they would bring about the necessary democratic changes to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. Mugabe bribed them and they forgot about the people’s suffering just as Zanu PF thugs forgot about freedom and liberty for all.

    MDC/CCC leaders have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed, they have been getting a few gravy train seats. How anyone can still continue to view Chamisa & Co as “victims” of the dysfunctional political system when they are active partners beggars belief. The ordinary Zimbabweans are the victims of the system, not Chamisa & Co.!

  15. @ Mataranyika

    “White reforms do think chamisa should have done , let's first if hear of the proposed reforms that you think chamisa should have done that zanu could have agreed to.”

    Of course, you have no clue what the democratic reforms are much less how they were to be implemented. So you will never criticise MDC/CCC leader for failing to implement reforms because you do not know the reforms, etc.

    Still, I will not bother explain to you what the reforms are, how they were to be implemented, etc., etc. because if you have failed to grasp these issued all these years, it must be because you are thick.

    In his book Animal Farm, George Orwell, wrote of Boxer the horse who took as long to learn the first 4 letters of the alphabet as other animals took to learn all 26 letters. Boxer took as long again to learn the next 4 letters and by then he had forgotten the first 4 letters. Orwell had people like you in mind when he wrote that!

    I have better things to do than spend the rest of my life teaching you about first 4 reforms the rest of this years only to do that all over again next year because you would have forgotten!
