Thursday, 18 July 2024

"2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachitonga" Zanu PD MPs are stupid but not that stupid - they know Vision 2030 is a mirage. W Mukori

 There is a story of how the Soviet Union leaders gave an 11-minute thunderous standing ovation to one of Joseph Stalin's speeches. Their fear of the paranoid and vengeful dictator was so much so it was unwise to be the first to stop clapping! 

A Soviet Union style cloud of fear is hanging over Zimbabwe.

“There is a growing movement within Zanu-PF structures and affiliates across Zimbabwe calling for President Mnangagwa to continue leading the country beyond 2028 to achieve Vision 2030. Despite Mnangagwa's indication that he will not continue past 2028 in accordance with the Constitution, the slogan "2030 vanenge vachipo" (Mnangagwa will still be in power in 2030) is gaining traction,” reported Bulawayo 24.

“At a recent Zanu-PF caucus in Parliament, legislators chanted "2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachitonga" (Mnangagwa will still be ruling in 2030). Similar sentiments have been echoed in District Coordinating Committee (DCC) meetings nationwide, where Mnangagwa's leadership is credited with transforming Zimbabwe, stabilizing its currency, and restoring its status as the breadbasket of Africa.”

The irony is Mnangagwa should not even be in office as we speak! He rigged the 2023 elections and both SADC and AU condemned the flawed elections process.

“Conclusion 13.3

The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.

The regional grouping has accepted the damning SEOM report but have decided to take no further action against Zanu PF largely because the country’s opposition had done nothing to stop the rigging even when they had the opportunity to do so and they participated in the flawed elections out of greed. Nelson Chamisa had lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con millions of Zimbabweans into participating. 

It is not that these Zanu PF supporters believe the Vision 2030 lie of Zimbabwe rising from the ashes of economic ruins, like the Phoenix. They are stupid but not that stupid; they know Mnangagwa has failed to tame  mismanagement, corruption and lawlessness, the root causes of the economic meltdown. 

Indeed these three evils have become rampant in the last seven years since the 2017 military coup as exemplified by the wholesale looting and the rigged elections. 

“At a recent Zanu-PF caucus in Parliament, legislators chanted "2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachitonga" (Mnangagwa will still be ruling in 2030).” Of course, all the party’s legislators joined in; who would dare do otherwise!

49% of our people are living in abject poverty today and come 2030 the number would have increased significantly. We all know that Vision 2030 is a mirage but few, if any will dare say it. We have become a nation ruled by fear and ignorance instead of rule of law and reason.


  1. @ Nomazulu Thata

    “Even if he (Mnangagwa) were to die, Cabinet meetings would still be held at his grave at National Heroes Acre: the nation was told this today 17.07.2024. Such visceral statements are uttered unchallenged by Gen Zs in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe youth must visit Kenyan social media to comprehend, to grasp it, what is political activism? What does it take to stage a true revolution? Politics is a game of fear. However, it takes absolute courage to stand up to Ruto regime. How long are Gen Zs in Zimbabwe going to stomach insulting behaviour of their own parents? What has President Mnangagwa tangibly done to the nation for anyone to casually utter such abomination. The bootlicking frenzy in Zim has no boundaries: Someone wants to be heard uttering nonsense to gain favour from Mugabe mark two: President Mnangagwa. (or seeking some relevance in the Trump era)

    Even by optimistic calculations, Mnangagwa is nowhere near a presidential material. Even Robert Mugabe never wanted Mnangagwa to take over power from him! Mnangagwa was inflicted on us by a coup that was not a coup but a continuation and an extension of Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Where in the whole world have people gone to the graves of former rulers to hold cabinet meetings, except in Zimbabwe? My humble question is, does the current government hold meetings at Robert Mugabe's grave in Kutama? That was the rhythm and grammar when Mugabe still lived, this is what we were told, back then. Mugabe was nearer God, they said. Bootlicking is not a sign of educated citizenry but the opposite of it. What Mnangagwa knows best is murdering dissenting voices that dare critique his administration. Are we going to worship a person who eliminated over twenty thousand in Matabeleland? Where is Itai Dzamara and how did he meet his death? Politics is indeed a game of fear; Gen Zs must tell Mnangagwa that he must go, he has failed: instead, they worship him and unequivocally tell us they will do so even if he has died: they will go to Mnangagwa's grave and continue to worship him. Naivety in the extreme! Stupidity on stealth!”

    Stupidity is not an exclusive preserve of Zanu PF generation Z alone it sweeps across all the generation. A Zanu PF parliamentary caucus was chanting “2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachitonga!”

    If the truth be told, stupidity is not confined to Zanu PF members alone either; who can deny the bouts of stupidity that swept the MDC/CCC supporters making them believe Chamisa’s nauseating nonsense of plugging all the vote rigging loop holes.

    What matters is that nearly 2 million Zimbabweans voted for Chamisa forcing SADC to do nothing to punish Zanu PF for rigging the elections. If Zimbabweans are stupid enough to participate in elections “so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart put it. It was not for SADC to deny Zanu PF legitimacy!


  2. Generation Z (often shortened to Gen Z), also known as Zoomers,[1][2][3] is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years. Most members of Generation Z are the children of Generation X or older Millennials.[4][5]
    As the first social generation to have grown up with access to the Internet and portable digital technology from a young age, members of Generation Z, even if not necessarily digitally literate, have been dubbed "digital natives".[6][7][8][9] Moreover, the negative effects of screen time are most pronounced in adolescents, as compared to younger children.[10] Compared to previous generations, members of Generation Z tend to live more slowly than their predecessors when they were their age,[11][12] have lower rates of teenage pregnancies, and consume alcohol (but not necessarily other psychoactive drugs) less often.[13][14][15] Generation Z teenagers are more concerned than older generations with academic performance and job prospects,[16][11] and are better at delaying gratification than their counterparts from the 1960s, despite concerns to the contrary.[17] Sexting among adolescents has grown in prevalence; the consequences of this remain poorly understood.[18] Youth subcultures have not disappeared, but they have been quieter.[19][20] Nostalgia is a major theme of youth culture in the 2010s and 2020s.[21][22][23]
    Globally, there is evidence that the average age of pubertal onset among girls has decreased considerably compared to the 20th century, with implications for their welfare and their future.[24][25][26][27][28] Furthermore, the prevalence of allergies among adolescents and young adults in Generation Z is greater than the general population;[29][30] there is greater awareness and diagnosis of mental health conditions,[16][15][31][32] and sleep deprivation is more frequently reported.[7][33][34] In many countries, Gen Z youth are more likely to be diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disorders than older generations

    Lost Generation
    Greatest Generation
    Silent Generation
    Baby boomers
    Generation X
    Generation Z
    Generation Alpha

  3. "If blacks were slaves again, 90% would say it is God's will!"

    Food for thought. Indeed one can even say many of us have never been free, we gave up a white colonial master only to get a Chinese colonial master who has imposed black puppets to lord over us.

  4. @ Mushereketi


    “Pple like u re modern day slaves in europe its just that u think u are better that us back home coz u spend yo day speaking e language of e coloniser and live next door to e coloniser.”

    If you are now master in your own land then that is as it should be. But would the 49% of ordinary Zimbabweans living in abject poverty agree with your positive outlook?

    Zimbabwe is a failed state all because we have failed to hold free and fair elections and thus denying ourselves a meaningful say in the governance of the country. The Chinese have helped Zanu PF rig elections for their own benefit - they are at the heart of the wholesale looting of Zimbabwe’s resources. Only a village idiot would be indifferent to the reality going on especially affecting their own wellbeing.

    Slavery comes in all forms my friend one of them being the inability to think for oneself. Failing to recognise what is in your own best interest is certainly one of the manifestations of slave mentality.


    It was not the first lie nor was it the last and Zimbabweans have swallowed all in turn bait, hook, line and sinker. No wonder we are a failed state!

  6. @ Chief Ndiweni

    You and many others have voted for Chamisa and company these last 24 years, what has MDC/CCC accomplished? Even if I have never voted for Chamisa he is still accountable to me as a Zimbabwean. This is sometime a village idiot like you cannot comprehend!

    All those holding public office are accountable to the people - that is not negotiable.


    If blacks were slaves again, 90% would believe it is God'S will but only because we are mental slaves. By failing to think for ourselves those we have entrusted to think for us have retained mastery over us.

    We have failed to come up with a healthy and functioning system of government, we did not have need to reinvent democracy only to adopt it. We have failed to govern ourselves but only because we cannot think nor act rationally.

    44 years after independence and we still failing to hold free, fair and credible elections. We participate in elections so flawed and illegal the rational thing would be to withdraw. We participate to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our own suffering! Of course, it is foolish!
