It is bad enough to claim a square is a circle one minute and then the exact opposite, a square is NOT a circle, the next minute. The Zimbabwe elections have Chamisa and company in totally confusion they are now saying a square is a circle and is NOT a circle in the same breath!
Officially CCC has backed SADC, AU, Carter Centre, EU and many other observer missions’ preliminary reports who have condemned Zimbabwe’s 23 August 2023 elections as flawed and illegal, so flawed and illegal the process could not produce legitimate result. The party’s leaders boycotted Mnangagwa’s inauguration ceremony in tune with many other leaders from SADC, Africa and beyond.
If the election process was condemned as flawed and illegal it could not produce a legitimate winner and so ZEC’s declaration of Mnangagwa as the winner of the elections did confer legitimacy on him. Boycotting the inauguration therefore saved the important purpose of underlining Mnangagwa was not legitimate.
The double take rises from CCC leaders attending their own swearing in ceremonies up and down the country so they can take they seats on the gravy train. The same flawed and illegal election process, judged could not produce a legitimate president is producing legitimate CCC MPs and councillors. And here is how CCC tried to square the circle!
“Champions good afternoon.
The position of the party remains as articulated at the press conference on the 29th of August 2023 that:
1) we reject the election results because they did not meet our domestic laws and SADC guidelines and principles.
2. Because of the above we are calling for FRESH elections underwritten and supervised by SADC and AU.
3. Where ever we won, under very difficult circumstances, it shows our resolve and tenacity as a party and we will continue to occupy such spaces and regard such as liberated zones.
4. We will embark on a diplomatic offensive as well as taking political action.
The above sums the broad party position. What we should also remember is that we are controlling 33/34 towns and cities and the swearing of them is also pending.
The swearing in is for all who were declared by ZEC as winners and will not retard our fight for FRESH ELECTIONS.
Be guided accordingly.”
The contradiction, confusion and sheer hypocrisy in CCC’s position becomes glaring obvious when the above is applied to the 2008 to 2013 GNU; greed ruled the roost and there was no “liberated zone” to hide.
MDC leaders failed to implement not even one democratic reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU because Mugabe bribed Morgan Tsvangirai and company with the trappings of high office, the ministerial limos, generous salaries and allowances including US$60 000 for a car and US$ 4 million mansion for Tsvangirai. In return MDC leaders throw reforms out of the window.
“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” (MDC leaders have learned to enjoy the gravy train good life, they will not rock the boat!) boasted Zanu PF cronies when asked why MDC were not implementing reforms during the GNU.
If any MDC leaders had tried to rationalise and justify their treasonous failure to implement even one democratic reform in five years of the GNU then the party would have borrowed a page from George Orwell’s Animal Farm. MDC leaders forgot about the reforms during the GNU because they had the snouts in the feeding trough, just like the pigs in Animal Farm gorged themselves on milk and apples.
“When Squealer explains to the animals why the pigs have been getting all the milk and apples, he reveals his rhetorical skill and ability to "skip from side to side" to convince the animals that the pigs' greed is actually a great sacrifice,” explained Cliff in Cliff Notes.
“Appealing to science (which presumably has proven that apples and milk are "absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig") and lying about pigs disliking the very food they are hoarding, Squealer manages a great public-relations stunt by portraying the pigs as near-martyrs who only think of others and never themselves. "It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples," Squealer explains, and his dazzling pseudo-logic persuades the murmuring animals that the pigs are, in fact, selfless.
“Squealer's rhetorical question, "Surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones back?" is the first of many times when Squealer will invoke the name of Jones to convince the animals that — despite any discontentment they may feel — their present lives are greatly preferable to the ones they led under their old master.
“Orwell's tone when describing the animals' reaction to Squealer ("The importance of keeping the pigs in good health was all too obvious") is markedly ironic and again signals to the reader that the pigs are slowly changing into a new form of their old oppressors.”
Judging from the reaction in social media, many of the CCC supporters see nothing wrong with the duplicity of condemning the flawed elections and calling Mnangagwa illegitimate and yet convenient ignore that the electoral process was flawed to justify celebrating CCC electoral victory.
The truth is MDC/CCC leaders have been participating in these flawed and illegal elections knowing fully well that they are flawed, that participating will give the process some modicum of credibility and thus give Zanu PF legitimacy. They have soldiered on regardless out of greed. What is more, they have known all these things all along.
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
If any one thought that Chamisa et al would have the common sense not to openly contradict and undermine SADC and AU by taking up their gravy train seats the Zanu PF regime some modicum of illegitimate. They were wrong, greed rules the CCC roost, there is no reasoning with that lot!
Chamisa will insist that he and his MDC/CCC friends have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years, have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship and they today defying SADC and U to take up their gravy train seats for the benefit of the ordinary Zimbabweans.
"It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples," Squealer explained.
Chamisa spoke to SABC News and says they will continue to seek recourse as their members are convinced the elections were not free and fair.
ReplyDelete"There is no need for us to go to court. The SADC is a court. The court of the public opinion has already made a determination that this election is a sham. There is no need for us to waste time by ploughing the same field twice. We have been down this road in 2018, we went to the court and we know the dispossession and the attitude of the court, so we don't want to waste time.”
Nelson Chamisa is an opposition party leader with a reputation of lying and posturing and has lost all political credibility. It is no secret that he did not have all V11 forms because CCC did have election agents at many polling stations. So his claim to have won these elections is just guess work; he claims to have all the V11 but many know he is lying. He could not challenge the results without V11 forms.
He says the elections were a sham, true enough they were a sham but one of his own making since he insisted on participating without first implementing the reforms. He said he had plugged all vote rigging loop hole, but that was just hot air.
He accepts the elections were rigged one minute and the next his CCC friends are taking up their gravy train seats regardless - proof CCC does not care that the elections are rigged as long as they get a share of the spoils!
Thank God for Dr Nevers Mumba and his SADC Election Observer Million, they were honest enough to report on what they found on the ground and rightly condemned the election process. What Zimbabwe needs now is a new GNU to implement the reforms. Both Zanu PF and CCC must not be included in the new GNU. They are the problem and therefore cannot be the solution too as the 2008 to 2013 GNU showed.
@ J Moyo
ReplyDelete“THE CURTAIN HAS FALLEN, as elected CCC councillors took their oath of office, with elected CCC MPs set to take theirs tomorrow, on the back of the presidential oath of office taken by Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on Monday.
It's game over.
No wonder the bogus and ill-fated CCC 'legal strategy' to purportedly seek fresh elections under the auspices of foreigners was leaked in advance of the oath taking by councillors and MPs, that started today and which will end tomorrow.
Just like CCC has no constitution, no structures and no V11s; CCC has no 'legal strategy' for fresh elections organised by foreigners; or, put differently, no 'diplomatic offensive' for fresh elections.”
I totally agree that if this fight was dependent of what CCC does it would be game over alright. The minute the party decided the elected MPs, councillors and Senators would take up the gravy train seats it was proof the party had thrown down the towel.
Professor Jonathan Moyo must have known that with CCC leaders greed would always prevail over reason. He was in the 2008 to 2013 GNU and watched with his Zanu PF colleagues as the five years ticked by with MDC leaders failing to implement even one reform.
However in this fight CCC had a minor role to play and, in many ways, it is good that everyone knows Chamisa and company are fighting in Zanu PF’s corner.
The fact that CCC MPs, senators and councillors have all taken up their gravy train sets does not give Zanu PF legitimacy. The SEOM report and its damning recommendations still stands, 2023 elections are still flawed and illegal and, per se, failed to produce a legitimate government. Now that both SADC and AU have condemned these Zanu PF elections both bodies know that their political credibility will be on the line if they were sell out and grant Zanu PF political legitimacy.
Professor Moyo this fight is not over! It will only be over when the one standing is SADC and AU. SADC and AU have truth, time and the worsening economic meltdown on their side and Zanu PF has only discredited spin doctors to rely on.
CCC MPs, senators and councillors are defying SADC and AU to take up their gravy train seats. Once again greed rules the CCC roost!
Mnangagwa and his apologists have attaked Dr Nevers Mumba ever since he read out the SADC Election Observer Mission report condemning Zimbabwe's 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. Since the regime could not deny the glaring flaws and llegalities, the message, they have gone for the messenger, Dr Mumba.
ReplyDeleteOne only hopes that SADC and AU will not be bullied and bamboozled by Mnangagwa and his hounds into granting vote rigging Zanu PF political legitimacy.
SADC and AU have for the second time in Zimbabwe's history come to the rescue of the long suffering ordinary Zimbabweans by condemning the 23 August 2023 elections. Mnangagwa has defied SADC and AU to declare himself legitimate. CCC leaders have joined his regime out of greed. The battle lines are drawn and there cannot be any sitting on the fence.
ReplyDeleteWhich side are YOU on? Are you backing SADC and AU and the long suffering povo fighting to end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance? Or fighting to defend the status quo of rigged elections?
Of course they will! CCC leaders will take up their gravy train seats regardless of the fact everybody, including SADC and AU this time, have condemned these elections as a farce. They were hell bent on participating in these flawed elections knowing fully well the process was flawed and illegal and that doing so would give Zanu pF legitimacy.
ReplyDeleteThey soldiered on regardless for the same reasons they are taking up the seats now, the same reasons they have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years - greed and breath-taking incompetence.
MDC/CCC have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds. Ever since the GNU debacle they have abandoned the fight for reforms and free elections and conned their wildebeest gullible followers into believing the party had winning in rigged elections strategies. All hot air, of course.
By siding with Zanu PF in defiance of SADC and AU CCC leaders have shown they really don’t care about ending the curse of rigged electing and thus end the suffering of povo. All they care about is getting the seat on the gravy train at all cost!
It is now up to us the people to fight for reforms and free elections. SADC and the AU are on our side and we should come out n numbers to support them. Chamisa and company are fighting in Zanu PF’s corner out of greed and it is foolish to believe otherwise!
@ Chitando
ReplyDelete“ZanuPF must accept that the flawed elections are over and SADC has declared that those were far from being termed free, fair ,credible and democratic elections. We must move on to the next step. All Observer Missions condemned the elections. This means we did not hold elections acceptable to international standard. Let us move on .... and prepare to bring back Zimbabwe to greatness again. Let us move on out not to be ashamed of doing things badly again. Let us move on ... rerun election will be the best to address our battered image and be accepted by all nations. Do you think ED will love to see a Zimbabwe hated, disliked, isolated and sanctioned by the world because he soiled the democratic election napkins? Let us move on…."
Chitando, you really are a village idiot!
“Let us move on out not to be ashamed of doing things badly again. Let us move on!” What that the reason why you and you MDC/CCC fiends have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years and been participating in these flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy because you are “not ashamed of doing things badly again and again” out of greed!
If you think CCC is going to continue selling out the nation to gratify you and your greed CCC friends - think again. You lot will be held to democratic account and the years of doing as you damn well pleased are over!
@ George
ReplyDelete“This Mukori guy just hates Chamisa , I wonder if he was the opposition what was he going to do?
To him ZANU has been a good party since 1980, for him there is nothing wrong about ZANU.”
SADC and AU have condemned these elections as a farce.
“A” sides with SADC and AU and demands that Zanu PF must be denounce as illegitimate.
“B” decides to pay lip service by agreeing with SADC and AU and when push comes to shove takes up the gravy train Zanu PF offered as bait to entice the opposition to participate no matter how flawed the election process got.
Which one of the two, “A” or “B”, would Zanu PF consider their friend?
Of course, “B” is selling out in defying SADC and AU to take up their gravy train seats. So according to you “A” hates “B” for merely pointing out the obvious. Your stupidity George knows no limits!
Chamisa not only failed to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, having rigged the elections he is now helping Zanu PF get out with in by giving the illegitimate regime some modicum of credibility. But I would not expect a myopic Chamisa supporter to see any of this - after all you spend so much time with your head stuck up Chamisa's backside, you see nothing!
ReplyDeleteYou are doing what you have always done defend Chamisa no matter what! Even now with all the evidence of Chamisa's corrupt and breath-taking incompetence you cannot bear to hear him questioned. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state.
@ Armes
ReplyDelete“If the government is not legit, no problem everything done by such government will not be legit.
That's a way of avoiding ZANU to call for by- elections in those areas and just be as illegal as them but not allowing them to put mayors in towns, and have the power to amend or pass legislature.”
So you have no problem that Zimbabwe remain a pariah state in which 49% of the people are already living in abject poverty. Chamisa and company are propping up the regime out of selfish greed.
No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we really have some dum and stupid people in Zimbabwe! Fcuk me! They don’t even know what is in their own interest, even something as obvious as the need to end the Zanu PF dictatorship!
The most important point here is that the British and, indeed, the rest of the democratic world, MUST play a very active role in supporting SADC and AU’s call for Zimbabwe’s return to legitimacy. During the 2008 to 2013 GNU, SADC dd not receive much help from the international community in getting Zanu PF and MDC to implement any democratic reforms.
ReplyDeleteThe British government can help SADC to make sure competent men and women are appointed in the next GNU if we are to avoid another wasted opportunity. Both Zanu PF and CCC leaders were in the last GNU that failed to implement even one reform; the two parties would want to play the dominant roles in charting the way forward. Indeed, they would want to hold the nation to ransom. No efforts should be spared to make sure this does not happen!
@ Bvanyangu
ReplyDeleteYou have always supported whatever Chamisa said do not try to justify why CCC leaders are taking up their seats as if you understand any thing. You don't! Leaders like David Coltart have already admitted it is irrational participating in these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. They are doing it out of greed.
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
What is irritating about nincompoop like you is that you are not only failing the nation in your duty to hold those in office to democratic account. Worst of all, in your foolish eager to ingratiate yourself to the leaders you have been stifling debate and stopping others holding the leaders to account.
SADC has said these elections are flawed and cannot produce a legitimate government and CCC are defying that by taking up their seats in the same government, sending the message that they are happy with the status quo! CCC are undermining SADC out of selfish greed and all you can say is “The ball is in SADC’s court!”
@ Zimbabwe
ReplyDelete“You're also an idiot because you are still repeating the same thing for 2 to 3 months.”
One can always tell the intellectual capacity of some one from what they consider important.
I have repeatedly warned that without first implementing the democratic reforms Zimbabwe will have yet another rigged elections. After 43 years of rigged elections and the country a failed state with all the tragic human suffering that bring; the fight is on to get the reforms implemented and end this tragedy.
Zimbabwe has just had yet another rigged elections and one would have thought that will help focus everyone’s mind on why we did not implement the blood reforms. But of course if your brain has ossified into fat you will not be concerned about the rigged elections but trivial matters like why are we being warned against failing to implement reforms. You don’t even know what the reforms are!
Being called an idiot by some one who cannot name even one reform has no effect on me other than pity Zimbabwe. We are a failed state because we have more than our fair share of idiots who do not even know what is in their own interest and are given to shooting themselves in the foot.
After 43 years of rigged elections and the penny has not dropped! Fcuk me!
@ Nay Chosen
ReplyDelete“Okay tomboti Chamisa mutengesi as you all say, Why is ED not seeing the need to help his people instead of buying expensive cars. Look at all these small boys for Zanu , the cars they are driving and yet hospitals look like this. Who does that??”
By the late 1990s the people of Zimbabwe had finally come to the conclusion that the Zanu PF regime was corrupt, incompetent, tyrannical and, most significantly, that the nation will be stuck with the regime as long as it was able to rig elections. They realised that the nation needed democratic changes and Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends were elected on the promise they will deliver the democratic changes the nation was dying for.
23 years later MDC/CCC have not only failed to implement even one token reforms but worse still they have given up and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power.
Ever since the 2008 to 2013 GNU Zanu PF has realised that the party can rig elections t stay in power and will get away with it as long as it offers a few gravy train seats plus the POLAD freebies to entice the opposition to participate in the elections n matter how flawed the process get. It has worked so well that CCC are even participating in defiance of SADC and AU who have ruled the 2023 elections a farce!
You call for ED to see “the need to help his people instead of buying expensive cars” shows you have no clue what the GNU was about, what changes the nation needs, etc.
By taking up their gravy train seats as MPs, senators and councillors even when they knew this Zanu PF regime is illegitimate, CCC leaders have shown that all they care about is their share of the spoils of power.
ReplyDeleteThe Zanu PF illegitimacy can only be resolved by the formation of a new GNU. Both Zanu PF and CCC MUST NOT play any role in the new GNU. The primary task of the GNU will be to implement the democratic reforms, it will be naive to trust Zanu PF or CCC leaders to implement the reforms. Zimbabwe must implement these reforms and cannot afford to waste this second opportunity!
@ Nay Choice
ReplyDeleteThe primary purpose of the 2008 to 2013 GNU was to implement the democratic reforms. But of course if you have no clue what these democratic reforms are much less how they were to be implemented then you would not know that MDC sold out by failing to implement any.
The GNU was supposed to last 18 months but ended up lasting five years and still no reform implemented. Not even one!
One of the reasons why MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform is that the majority of Zimbabweans out there had no clue what the reforms are much less how they were supposed to be implemented. Many, like you, still have no clue even now with the benefit of hindsight.
Zimbabwe does not need more political parties, it has over 130 at the last count and that has not produced and quality leaders. If you have an electorate that has no clue what constitutes free, fair and credible elections in this day and age; who are so easily conned to give up their right to free elections because Chamisa said he has winning in rigged elections strategies; you are doomed.
Zimbabwe is not a failed by accident; the nation deserves nothing else. Worse still, as long as the electorate remains dum and stupid the nation will remain a failed state!
I am not going to lose sleep because you are not reading my essays, you clearly have not learned anything not even what reforms are, you clearly do not the intellectual ability. What is making me lose my sleep is how the nation is ever going to wrestle power from the buffoons and the village idiots who are keeping them in power - you!
"Under our Commonwealth parliamentary democracy, the opposition is recognised; we recognise the leader of the opposition in Parliament. This is what we are going to do ourselves,'‘ Mnangagwa is quoted to have said.
ReplyDeleteWhile, the position is provided for in many countries that use the Commonwealth legal system including Zimbabwe, it is usually taken up by a member of parliament from the opposition party with the highest number of seats in parliament.
Chamisa floated the idea during the campaign, ostensibly offering to Mnangagwa if he (Chamisa) won the elections. No doubt the message to Mnangagwa was that he (Chamisa) would accept the position if he lost. Whether Mnangagwa creates the post and Chamisa takes it; it is of no interest to the nation at present.
SADC and AU have said the election process was flawed and illegal it could not produce a legitimate winner. Mnangagwa was declare the winner by ZEC and has since been sworn in as the new president. This is all nonsense since the process was flawed.
The number one priority for SADC, AU, the people of Zimbabwe and the whole international community must be to implement the democratic reforms to ensure the country is finally cured of this curse of rigged elections and bad governance. The 2008 to 2013 GNU was supposed to implement the reforms unfortunately not even a token reform was implemented.
Both Zanu PF and CCC leaders were in the last GNU, they must not play any part this time. They will no doubt feel they have a right to play a part; they are the ones who got the nation into this mess. They would want to hold the nation to ransom, they must never ever be permitted to do so. Never again after all these years of doing just that!
HH in Angola to discuss Zimbabwe election results.
ReplyDeleteNo SADC leader can in all honesty deny Zimbabwe's elections were flawed and illegal. ZEC failed to produce some thing as basic as a verified voters' roll for Pete's sake! Mnangagwa thought he could rig the elections and get away with it just as he had done in the past since he was assured of the full participation of the opposition no matter what. What he did not count on is the SADC and AU observer teams deciding enough is enough!
Now that the Emperor has been declared naked and the gene is out of the bottle, there is no putting it back. Mnangagwa is illegitimate the only question is what to do next.
If Zimbabwe does not have a legitimate government then there is need for an interim government. The primary purpose of the interim government must be to implement the democratic reforms to stop this curse of rigged elections happening ever again. Without implementing the democratic reforms we can be certain this will happen again as we can see after the 2008 to 2013 GNU failed to implement any reforms.
SADC should ask the UN for assistance since the regional body handled the 2008 GNU and not even one token reform was implemented. There is no shame in asking for help and get the desired results that soldier on and mess things up again.
@ Muza
ReplyDelete“My sister mkatarisa mkori zvaarikuita haana chitsva chaarikunyora apa arikungopester maold text ozongo edditor achiisa ccc. ZANU PF. haina chitsva chaichsgona kuita the same as Mukori haana chitsva chaanogona kunyora coz pfungwa its like he is being driven by ZANU PF.”
As I said, Zimbabwe is not a failed state by accident, we have buffoons and sell outs in positions of power and authority and the mob of village idiots who elected them and are keeping them there.
We are talking about Zimbabwe being a failed state because the country has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF has rigged elections for the last 43 years. 23 years ago the nation made a consensus and right decision to fight for democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.
MDC/CCC were elected for the primary purpose of delivering the democratic changes as the party name implied. We have just had yet another rigged elections precisely because MDC/CCC have not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but they have given up on reforms and settled for participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for the sake of a few gravy train seats.
Chamisa and company have conned the mob of village idiots into believing CCC has winning in rigged elections strategies. The fools have believe the lies time and time again.
If we are talking about ending this insanity of rigged elections and bad governance we have to talk about Zanu PF rigging the elections, why MDC/CCC have sold out on reforms and the village idiots who follow blindly like sheep to the slaughter.
You are just one of the village idiots who think leaders, in this case Chamisa, are demigods who must never be questioned much less held to account. You have no clue what is going on because you spend all your time with your head stuck Chamisa’s backside, your brain has ossified into fat. Each time you stick out your head it is to silence all who dare question Chamisa.
You are frothing at me for speaking about rigged elections, reforms, etc. “repeatedly” and yet are oblivious of the reality of 43 years of rigged elections in Zimbabwe and the tragic consequences they have brought! You really are a village idiot!
“So the people of Harare and other over 70 constituencies which CCC has MPs must not be represented.”
ReplyDeleteIn 1978 Ian Smith had his internal settlement with Muzorewa and Ndabaningi Sithole. The two had MPs in the new parliament and Muzorewa was even Prime Minister of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. Should the world have recognised the new arrangement even though the regime was clearly illegitimate because the election process was not free, fair and credible in that the black majority were second class citizens who vote was deliberately diluted to suit?
These rigged elections have produced corrupt tyrannical regimes that have serve the few ruling elite at the expense of the nation. Zanu PF has allowed a few opposition to win just as Smith did in 1978.
Chamisa and his CCC friends know these elections are flawed and illegal, indeed they even had the opportunity to implement reforms but wasted it, and know they are participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They are just the modern day Muzorewa and Sithole!
The Zimbabwe-Rhodesia settlement was rightly rejected because it served the interest of the whites and the sell-out blacks and NOT the interest of the nation. In like fashion this illegitimate Zanu PF regime must be rejected together with the sell-out CCC.
@ Shock
ReplyDelete“If they do not occupy the space it means the seats are vaccant and means by elections .
But the fact remains the elections was flawed.”
Zanu PF has always counted on greed of the opposition to give the process legitimacy. All CCC have done by participating in these flawed elections is give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people's suffering. How any one fails to see that beggars belief! But then Zimbabweans are so easily conned.
Chamisa has been telling Zimbabweans he has winning in rigged elections strategies time and time again, to hide the real reason for participating in these flawed elections - greed. The people have believed him even after 43 years of Zanu PF mafiosi rigging elections!
“Correct down to the y. You can’t go into an election against a violent party, then after winning that little against all odds monzi regai kupinda muparliament. Even pa1980 ZANU haina kuramba independence nekuti constitution yati no compulsory acquisition. It would have been extremely foolish.”
ReplyDeleteEver since the 2008 to 2013 GNU, Zanu PF has learned that it can continue to rig election and get away with it as long as the party allows the opposition to win a few gravy train seats. Zanu PF need the opposition to participate to give the regime legitimacy. In 2018 Mnangagwa added the POLAD freebies to the opposition bribe!
Tendai Biti, David Coltart, any opposition leader with any brain will tell you the sheer futility of participating in these flawed elections. Coltart admitted why they are participating regardless - greed.
“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.
These sell outs are participating in these flawed elections out os selfish greed to perpetuate the dictatorship and ordinary people’s suffering. How anyone can be so foolish as to think CCC sell outs are doing the nation a great favour only goes to show just how shallow, thick and slow some people are!
@ Gwezh
ReplyDelete“Fine. Let’s say Chamisa anga asina kupinda election iyi, maonero enyu Mnangagwa airega kumaita here.
Chechipiri, kana amaita, ndeipi Zhira yaigona kushandisiwa kuti padzoke legitimacy yamataura iyi.”
Let us not waste time talking about hypothetical cases because there are real cases to choose from.
The primary purpose of the 2008 to 2013 GNU was to implement the democratic reforms. Why did MDC leaders fail to implement even one reform?
When SADC realised no reforms were in place they begged MDC not to participate in the 2013 elections without reforms. Why did MDC ignore the advice then?
For you to be suggesting that CCC participated in these 2023 elections for no other reason than that Zanu PF would have gone ahead anyway is nonsensical because you are ignoring the historic reason why MDC have done the same thing - GREED!
However, analysts believe the swearing-in of CCC legislators this Thursday reflects that the opposition agrees with the election process and eventual outcome.
ReplyDeleteLegal expert, Advocate Fortune Chasi said, “The process today indeed shows that their utterances on social media were just that and they have gone on to show that they agree that the election process was well handled in a free manner and additionally, that they respect the results.”
A political analyst, Dr Leopold Chakanyuka said, “The swearing-in today says that they agree, that they acknowledge the election process that gave them these seats and the victory of ZANU PF and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.”
But what would have happened had the opposition chosen not to be sworn in?
Any one who denies that the participation of CCC is these flawed elections even when it was clear the process is flawed gave Zanu PF the confidence to ignore calls for reforms and free elections. Mnangagwa has increased the gravy train bait with more perks including the new US$40 000 house loan (bribe) for MPs and senators added last year plus the POLAD freebies just to be certain the opposition would participate in the elections no matter what.
It is laughable that Chamisa and company complain the elections are rigged and yet they have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years, 5 of which in the GNU. CCC leaders have taken up their seats knowing fully well that the move will come as good news to the illegitimate Zanu PF regime and bad news to SADC and AU who are fighting to end the curse of rigged elections.
@ Openly African
ReplyDelete“This GNU you propose, who should be in it if you say Zanu PF and CCC ought to have no part in it.”
It is not just me who is saying Zanu PF and CCC should not be in the new GNU, I am sure SADC and AU and anyone will some common sense would not want them in given their track record
I can name at least 10 Zimbabweans whom I know understand what the reforms are and what must be done to implement them. It is not rocket science for Pete’s sake!
@ Esquire
ReplyDelete“How does one prove that elections are rigged if you don't subject yourself to the process.”
Right! So CCC participated in elections so flawed there was no verified voters’ roll, no free public media, etc to prove the process is flawed and illegal.
If we go back to the GNU, MDC leaders did not implement any reforms because they did not want ZEC, Police, Judiciary, etc. to be free and independent to hold free and fair elections because they wanted to expose rigged elections?
No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, with people like you there was no escape!
SADC has dismissed 23 August 2023 elections as flawed and illegal and, per se, cannot produce a legitimate government. As much as Mnangagwa was sworn in and the rest of the minions has followed; it is not business as usual!
@ Semper
ReplyDelete“You wanted them to boycott so you create a one party state🤮”
So you continue participating in elections so flawed and illegal they can never produce a legitimate government under the pretext of stopping "creation of a one party state"? MDC/CCC failed to implement even one reform in 23 years even when they had the golden opportunity to do so. What that also because they did not want "to create a one party state”?
They are participating in these flawed elections for the same reasons they failed to implement even one reform - greed and breath-taking incompetence. Sad that even now with all the benefit of hindsight any one can still be so naive to think CCC are doing the nation a great favour participating in these flawed elections.
Mnangagwa and his minions, including the sell-out CCC minions, have all taken their oaths and their gravy train seats - they are still illegitimate.
ReplyDeleteThe number one task before us right now is to give SADC our 100% support in their stated position that Zimbabwe's 23 August 2023 elections were flawed and illegal and could not produce a legitimate government. We want a end to the curse of rigged elections a SADC have just given a way out. We must not waste this chance!
@ Godfrey
ReplyDelete“Earlier there was a question about the aim of our proposed GNU
The Aim in this instance should be to sort out legitimacy crisis.
But How then are we going to arrive at the composition of GNU - which parties to include. If its based on votes garnered in last election - then we run the risk of condoning and sanitising the existent flaws in the voting system that produced the figures.
What if Dhagi insists to be part. The GNU shouldn’t be a hodgepodge of parties.”
We the people must be clear what we want from the new GNU, many of us had no clue last time, i.e. to have all the democratic reforms implemented and get the nation on a democratic footing. All those who were in the last GNU that failed to implement even one reform cannot be in the new GNU. What would they be doing there?
Both Zanu PF and CCC are the problem, they cannot be the solution too. The temptation to appease these two must be fought and defeated - no one must be allowed to compromise the work of the GNU much less hold the nation to ransom.
Who is Douglas Mwonzora? If you named you pet rat Douglas Mwonzora and insist it must be in the GNU I will treat it with the same consideration!
National Assembly
ReplyDeleteZANUPF: 176 MPs.
136 direct election.
33 women’s quota.
7 youth quota.
CCC: 103 MPs.
73 direct election.
27 women’s quota.
3 youth quota.
CCC: 27.
18 Chiefs.
2 representing People With Disabilities.
The people of Zimbabwe are used to this utterly meaningless political posturing from the country’s politicians.
Gift “Ostallos” Siziba’s insistence that CCC’s taking up their gravy train seats not an endorsement of ZANU PF’s win and legitimacy is as hollow as the late Sibusiso Moyo’s insistence that the 15 November 2017 military coup was not a coup but “a military assisted transition”!
SADC Special Summit will meet in a "few week" to review Zimbabwe's rigged elections. The wheels of justice turn very slowly but they TURN!
After 43 years of rigging elections and getting away with it, Mnangagwa has run out of rope. The Emperor is naked, Mnangagwa is illegitimate and this time he will not get away with it.