Thursday, 16 May 2019

"Total madness" Khupe lead 2 m Chamisa voters, - insane, even 1 vote for sell-outs N Garikai

“Dear Thoko Zanu Khupe … You did your congress together with Gutu, Linda Masarira and others, you were elected president and you indicated that your party is the original MDC-T. You participated in the presidential race using the name MDC-T and you got 0.9 percent … Chamisa also participated and got over two and half million votes, so I don’t see the logic why you are saying you want to lead the MDC, which MDC?” wrote Senator David Coltart.

No one, absolutely no one, in his or her right mind can ever deny that the way Chamisa bulldozed his way to became leader after Tsvangirai's death was undemocratic. Chamisa was taken to task over this by the BBC HardTalk presenter and he failed to justify his actions. This is a problem of MDC’s own making and the chickens have come home to roost.

In a popularity contest Chamisa would win over Khupe hands down, as the results of last year's rigged elections showed. But, however much Coltart would wish otherwise, the High Court ruling was about the undemocratic process followed by Chamisa and not popularity contest. Justice Mushore ruled the process was undemocratic and it is simply foolish to dispute that point!

Still few people are surprise that Coltart, Chamisa and the rest of the MDC leaders are disputing the High Court judgement. They are renowned for saying one thing and doing the exact opposite or worse, selling out.

The people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb to elect MDC leaders into power on the understanding the party would deliver democratic changes the nation has been dying for. The party has failed to deliver even one democratic reform in all its 19 years on the political stage. Not one!

People like David Coltart have known that it is foolish to keep participating in elections knowing the process is flawed and illegal and Zanu PF will just rigged the elections. However, they have continued to participate regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF would give away a few gravy train seats as bait and it was these they are after as Coltart has admitted in his book.

“The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn’t now do the obvious – withdraw from the elections,” confessed Senator Coltart in his book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of tyranny in Zimbabwe.

“The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility.”

The failure to form a coalition Senator Coltart just a feeble excuse for taking part in the flawed and illegal elections in 2013 because a number of the MDC factions did form the MDC Alliance in 2018 and still they participated in the elections regardless of the flaws and illegalities.

Worst of all, the MDC leaders together with all the other opportunists opposition candidates would participated in last year’s elections have all endorse those elections as free, fair and credible. How they have come to this given all the documented irregularities, flaws and illegalities; beggars belief.

Of course, MDC leaders have sold-out big time!

Zanu PF rigged last year's elections, the regime is illegitimate and ever since that election the regime should have been under pressure to step down so the country can appoint the interim administration to implement the reforms and hold free, fair and credible elections. The effectiveness of that pressure has been seriously undermined by the opposition participating in the elections in great numbers. There were 23 presidential candidates alone! They made the situation worse by endorsing the elections regardless of all the documented evidence of flaws and illegalities.

The country's worsening economic meltdown constitutes the added pressure for Zanu PF to step down. But once again its effectiveness is heavily compromised by the opposition who are using it to pressure Zanu PF to hold inter-party talks. The opposition want to pressure Zanu PF to concede more gravy train concessions such as the "Official Opposition Leader" post complete with ministerial limos, generous salary, etc. for Chamisa.

There was nothing democratic in the path followed by Chamisa in seizing power following Tsvangirai’s death; proof Chamisa and his fellow MDC leaders call themselves democrats but have nothing but contempt to democratic values. Similarly MDC leaders will never deliver free, fair and credible elections because they sold-out MDC will participate is elections regardless how flawed and illegal the process as long as Zanu PF offers them a few gravy train seats as bait.

“You want to be a leader of 2 million people who didn’t vote for you really, this is total madness give us a break madam Khupe …This will not work, you will not work, Chamisa will work … Simple!” continued Coltart.

The real madness is the 2 million who continue to doggedly support MDC leaders regardless of the overwhelming evidence these leaders are breathtakingly corrupt, incompetent and sell-outs. MDC will never implement the reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections. Never ever!


  1. The way Chamisa seized power after Tsvangirai's death was no democratic and anyone denying this is being dishonest. This political mess in MDC is one of their own making and what is tragic here is the nation's attention is once again being diverted and wasted on trivial matters at a time the nation should be concerned about the burning issues of the worsening economic situation and rigged elections.

    MDC are no longer serving the people of Zimbabwe's cause of implementing the reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections. It is a great pity that many Zimbabweans still continue to follow and support MDC leaders blindly, this is no helping the nation move forward.

  2. Newly appointed energy minister hits the ground running says he is yet to sleep! Well that is an excuse for his doomed failure - he was sleeping on the job!

    Anyone who thinks 40 years of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption behind the fuel shortages and power blackout can be reversed by anyone in a few weeks or months is naive! As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state the country will continue to sink deeper and deeper into the abyss!

  3. Minister Chasi said even if the courts have exonerated the company and its director, Government needs the money recovered at all cost.

    “We want our $5 million back,” he said.

    How are you going to get the money back since it has been spent on the 350 pairs of designer shoes, holiday trips and other extravagant pursuits. Besides if anyone squeezed Wecknell Chivayo or the ZESA managers too hard they will spill the beans on Zanu PF bigwigs. Is Minister Chasi ready for that!!!!

    Minister Chasi should know that corruption “is deep rooted” as Mnangagwa has himself admitted. If Mnangagwa has failed to up root corruption what makes Chasi think he can?

    It looks like in Minister Chasi we have yet another naïve and boastful minister like Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube! Ncube want appointed he said he would get the investors, get IMF and WB to bankroll Zimbabwe’s development, etc. Now eight months later, now of these things have happened.

    Zanu PF has failed and some of these Minister have very large ego, they think they can make the dictatorship achieve miracles, and have no common sense at all.
