Monday, 27 May 2019

MDC congress failed to transform the party - Chamisa plus 3 Amigos are back blundering N Garikai

Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because the country has had the great misfortune of having some of the most corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless politicians in human history. Having a ruthless mafia style political system that stifled debate and meaningful democratic competition has made our politics a downright dangerous occupation thus encouraging the scum on both sides of the political divide to occupy public office.
Eighteen months ago, there was euphoria in Zanu PF following the 15 November 2017 military coup which ousted Robert Mugabe, his wife Grace and a handful of the G40 faction members. Mnangagwa, the coup plotters and his Lacoste faction members went to town in portraying the coup as the spring cleaning cleansing the party of all the corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrants. The new government, we were told, was the “new democratic dispensation ushering the Second Republic”!
Mnangagwa and company were so convinced of the transformation of Zimbabwe from the pariah state ruled by corrupt, vote rigging and murderous thugs to a health and fully fledged democracy they did not waste time selling it as such to the world. By January 2018, just two months after the coup, Mnangagwa and friends were already shouting “Zimbabwe is open for business!”
It was all nonsense, of course. Zanu PF was still a party of corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous thugs, the removal of Mugabe a few others did change anything since many of those responsible for the corruption, etc. remained. By blatantly rigging the 2018 elections, Mnangagwa and company confirmed that Zimbabwe was still a pariah state or be it under a new dictator.
Nelson Chamisa and many of those around him have billed the just ended MDC Alliance congress as a transformative process. Whilst Mnangagwa booted out some of the deadwood and recycled the remaining deadwood, Chamisa has brought back many of the deadwood that had left the party in the past and recycled as new.
The MDC A congress has brought back Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and David Coltart; the 3 Amigos, into top leadership position as two VPs and Treasurer Generals respectively. The three played a pivotal role in convincing the nation to accept  the 2013 new constitution.
“In my last profession, I was Professor of constitutional law and this is the most democratic constitution I have ever seen!” argued Professor Ncube.
Soon after the nation had approved the new constitution with a warping 95%, Paul Mangwana, the Zanu PF MP and co-chairperson on the parliamentary committee tasked to write the new constitution, boasted that Mugabe had “dictated” the new constitution. It showed, the new constitution has failed its litmus test; it failed to deliver free, fair and credible elections and many other rights and freedoms. “The most democratic constitution ever!” Yeah right!
The corrupt and incompetent MDC of Tsvangirai days, blundering from pillar to post, back. Chamisa, just like Mnangagwa with his ill-conceived “Zimbabwe is open for business!”, has hit the ground running after the MDC congress.

"From here onwards, we are going on a diplomatic offensive. We will visit every African country to present our roadmap to recovering this country. We believe in African solutions to African problems." Chamisa said in his closing remark to the party congress.  
The MDC roadmap will be premised on implementing the reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections but who does not know that it was none other than Chamisa et al who failed to implement even one during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. So reforms are just a smoke screen behind which the MDC leaders are hiding their real agenda – they are desperate to secure a seat of the Zimbabwe political gravy train.
Zimbabwe is in a serious and urgent political and economic mess. Unemployment has soared to dizzying heights of 90%, ¾ of the population now live on US$30 or less a month, etc. Zimbabwe is on the edge of a dangerous precipice and may descent into economic chaos and political instability dragging the whole SADC region down with it. The country needs a solution to its seemingly intractable political problem of rigged elections.
The solution is for Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF junta must step down to create the space for the appointment of an interim administration that will finally implement the reforms the nation has been dying for.
The Zanu PF regime rigged last July’s elections and it is ipso facto illegitimate. Chamisa and company are calling for dialogue with Zanu PF for the sake of securing gravy train seats for themselves. We should be concerned about rescuing the nation from the consequences of the worsening economic meltdown and not appeasing the regime by granting it legitimacy by the back door.
If Zanu PF is allowed to remain in office till 2023, the party will rig that year’s elections too! That is one “African solution” the people of Zimbabwe does not want. Not again!


  1. Chamisa is the leader of the three amigos but certainly not one of them, he is a foreigner in that whilst the other three will talk until the cows come home about everything and anything he does not. His forte is being single track minded. During the GNU he never ever said anything about the democratic reforms and tagged along during the referendum on the new constitution and repeated what everyone else had said more because he needed to be seen than out of conviction. The only thing Chamisa cared about is the Nokia mobile phone ring-tones.

    During the 2018 election campaign he waffled about everything else without a clue what he was talking about. He came to life when he was talking about bullet trains, spaghetti junctions and airports. He wanted a 30 minutes bullet train between Bulawayo and Harare but would not listen to the argument that NRZ track was in such a sorry state the maximum speed limit is 50 km/hour. He wanted every growthpoint in Zimbabwe to have a spaghetti junction and failed to notice the collapse health and education services.

    Chamisa, gringo, and his 3 amigo, were in UK and had the mistake of appearing on BBC HardTalk. Let us just say the gringo was grilled. It is not therefore surprising that the four have confine their roadshow to African countries with its more naive and gullible audience and media.

    The real tragedy here is that Zimbabwe is absolutely desperate for a competent opposition, one with some common sense at least, and what do we get Gringo, and the 3 Amigos!

    Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs must be celebrating their early Christmas gift! They know exactly what the four want, a gravy train seat and plenty of media coverage to message their egos and the MDC A will once again forget about the reforms. Zanu PF's election victory in 2023 is as certain as ever now the gringo and his 3 amigo are campaigning for Zanu PF!

    Mnangagwa must be so pleased with Chamisa et al, he will have the four accompany him in his hired luxury jet one of these fine days. Chamisa will be thrilled to bits, he will be dreaming of every village must have one so he will not have to use the potholed roads!

  2. Name one thing Tendai Biti, David Coltart and Welshman Ncube have ever accomplished in their 19 years in the MDC? We are talking about reforms today and yet that was the very thing MDC promised to do, bring change as the party name implies.

    We all know you, Chinono, you are a Mnangagwa loyalist and are therefore thrilled to see a feeble and utterly useless opposition!

  3. David Coltart, the newly elected MDC Treasurer-General, has admitted that Chamisa would never deliver economic recovery. A party that cannot run its own affairs cannot run the country, he argued.

  4. @ Francis Maposa

    “Wilbert mukori form your party.You have very good ideas.Form it now and contest in 2023.Theres plenty of time to organise your party.I think it will be interesting to have you on the race.If you form your party you will put more effort to it than criticising our party and the people's president.Come on give us break form your party,” you said.

    I hear what you are saying and understand where you are coming from but I do not think you are hearing much less understanding what I am saying.

    What I am saying and have been saying all along is that we should focus on forcing Zanu PF to step down so we can finally implement the democratic reforms designed to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. This is a national project that transcends party politics.

    Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends thought they could dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship in the context of party-politics have clearly failed for one obvious reason - greed. They needed to get into power to dismantle the dictatorship but the minute they got on the gravy train they started to enjoy the trapping of power, Mugabe saw to it that they were denied nothing, and they forgot all about the reforms.

    MDC leaders like Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, David Coltart, etc. have tested absolute power, just like Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and the other Zanu PF thugs, they will never ever implement the democratic reforms because they will always have one eye on securing power for themselves.

    If supporters like you could think for yourselves then you would have realised by now that MDC leaders sold out. Your party loyalty has clouded your judgement. You need to see the fight for free, fair and credible elections as a national issue, only then will you see MDC leaders for the corrupt, incompetent and sell-outs they are.

    I am not pushing a partisan agenda and yet you have refused to judge what I have said on merit because you can only see the arguments in the context of party-politics even when I have had it abundantly clear this a national issue. If I was to form or join one of the 130 plus political parties people like you will then have even more ground to refuse to accept the concept of a national issue.

    If we implement the democratic reforms and dismantle Zimbabwe’s dictatorship, drain sewage pond, there will be plenty of time to form new political party. To try to form a new political party now is like trying to introduce fish in the sewage pond, drain the pond and refill with clean water and only then can you introduce the fish.
