Saturday, 25 May 2019

"My politics is about masses living decent lives" said Gutu - they don't, proof it is about selling-out P Guramatunhu

“I can never, ever be happy when the majority of Zimbabweans continue to live in penury and deprivation. My politics is all about ensuring that ordinary people in the village and townships live a decent life with access to health and educational facilities,” twittered Obert Gutu, VP of the MDC-T led by Dr Thokosani Khupe. 

The trouble with you Obert Gutu is you assume every Zimbabwean is as naive and gullible as your MDC supporters who have followed you lot like sheep to the slaughter. The MDC wildebeest herd has never held you to account on any matter, they believe anything you say no questions asked. Well, not every Zimbabwean out there is as stupid, naive and gullible as the MDC supporter. 

The tragic reality is that the country’s health and education facilities have all but collapse and millions of ordinary Zimbabweans today live is abject poverty. We all know that the root cause of the country’s economic and political mess in 39 years of corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF rule. First Mugabe and now Mnangagwa and the Zanu PF thugs have rigged elections to stay in power all these years.

The country had many, many golden opportunities to end the Zanu PF corrupt and tyrannical rule and the best of these chances fell to you, Mr Obert Gutu, and your fellow MDC leaders. The people of Zimbabwe risked life and limb to elect you into office on the promise you will bring about democratic changes, as your party name implied. You had the golden opportunities to do just that during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. You failed to get even one democratic reform implemented. Not one!

Robert Mugabe bribed you lot with the trappings of high office, ministerial limos, generous salaries and allowances, a $4 million Highlands mansion for Tsvangirai, etc. You, Mr Gutu, was deputy minister of Justice and had your fair share of the gravy train spoils. With your snouts in the feeding trough, you all forgot about the reforms. 

Ever since the 2013 elections in which Zanu PF blatantly rigged and so many MDC leaders lost their gravy train seats including yourself, Mr Gutu, you have once again presented yourself as one who care about the welfare of the masses, in the hope many of them will not remember that you sold-out and all you want is win a seat on the gravy train. 

“My politics is all about ensuring that ordinary people live a decent life!” Well there are millions out there who do not live a decent life and all because you and your fellow MDC leaders sold-out! Your politics is about deceit and selling-out the nation for thirty pieces of silver! 


  1. There is no doubt that the Zimbabwe electorate have been shallow thick and slow and hence the reason they have failed to hold the country's leaders to account on anything. The politicians themselves have taken full advantage of this weakness and have promised the voters the moon on a silver platter but only to deliver hell-on-earth.

    Of course, Obert Gutu and his MDC friends sold-out big time in failing to implement even one reform especially during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Even now with the benefit of hindsight, it is amazing that many Zimbabweans out they still have no clue what the GNU was about much less that the MDC sold-out.

    A healthy and functional democracy demands a diligent and alert electorate who understand issues of the day and are not afraid to hold the leaders to account. Not an electorate that has no clue what is going on and are easily conned by corrupt and incompetent politicians.

  2. @Francis Maposa

    “Well said whoever you are. But give us solutions. You talk as if you have solutions, please gives one. I for one am tired of your good analysis. Its high time you talk of solutions,” you say.

    The article highlights the problem of a naïve and gullible electorate who are easily conned by sell-outs politicians like Obert Gutu. The solution is clearly that the electorate must wake up to the reality of con politicians if the country is ever going to get out of this hell-on-earth we are stuck in. So it is nonsensical for you to be demanding solutions when the solutions have been offered!

    Even if Patrick had not offered any solutions, his contribution is of great value in helping us define the country’s problems. Let others offer the solutions.

    It seems to me you agenda is to criticize and since you could not find fault with the analysis you are taking great comfort in criticizing the failure to come up with solutions, even when solutions have been offered. If you have nothing constructive to say, you should just shut up!

  3. President: Nelson Chamisa

    Vice Presidents: Tendai Biti
    Welshman Ncube
    Lennet Kairenyi Kore

    Secretary General: Charlton Hwende

    Treasurer General: David Coltart

    Chairperson: Tabitha Khumalo
    Deputy Chairperson: Job Sikhala

    This is laughable! This is just the same deadwood recycled and now being sold new. Another “new dispensation”!
