Saturday, 18 May 2019

"It is my singular honour to launch Political Dialogue" - yes, and collective national insult P Guramatunhu

“It is my singular honour and privilege to welcome you all to this wonderful occasion, as we witness the historic launch of our Political Actors Dialogue. This marks a significant landmark in the history of our great nation under the Second Republic and is unique in many ways, being the first of its kind for Zimbabwe,” said Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“The Dialogue we are launching today will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on our country's political landscape and help contribute to the turnaround of our socio-economic fortunes. This platform is designed to be a vibrant forum through which we proffer solutions to the challenges that confront us as a nation, through peaceful, open and transparent discourse.

This is infuriating to say the least!

1)     It is your singular honour and privilege to launch POLAD, to launch the “Second Republic” following the 15 November 2017 military coup and, no doubt, it was your singular honour to have been a senior leading member of the “First Republic”.  The last lasted 37 years, thanks to your contribution in looting funds to finance the regime, rigging elections and use of brute force, and it was a total disaster for the nation.

The Second Republic is different in name only as it has employed the same dirty tactic to impose the Zanu PF dictatorship on the nation desperate for meaningful democratic change, free and fair elections and an end to the economic meltdown. It is a singular honour to you to impose the First Republic, the Second and now this national dialogue; we the people of Zimbabwe have been denied a meaningful say is all these matters and it is no honour but an insult to be treated as idiots with no say.

2)     Only an idiot would believe that POLAD will deliver “a vibrant forum for peaceful open and transparent discourse” because the dialogue has no legal or constitutional basis and it is nothing more than your word. You promised to hold free, fair and credible elections, and not just you but ZEC, judiciary and all the other state institutions were under legal obligation to implement the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections. You made it clear that you were not going to do this.

“Zanu PF ichatonga! Igotonga! Imi muchingo hukura! Nokuhukura!” (Zanu PF will rule! And rule! Whilst you (calling for reforms) bark! And bark!) Mnangagwa assured his Zanu PF hardliners publicly on his return from exile following the November 2017 military coup.

Mnangagwa has made it clear that the regime will accept political dialogue talking about the economy, lifting of the sanctions against the regime and anything else Zanu PF approves of. There will be no discussion of implementing the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections. Meaningful political reforms are taboo!

Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess precisely because the country has been stuck with this incompetent, corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship that has stayed in power for 39 years because it rigged elections. The prospect of Zanu PF staying in power until the next elections in 2023 is simply unthinkable because the party will rig those elections too.

The only “significant landmark” Mnangagwa wants to see is Zanu PF extending its corrupt and tyrannical rule regardless of the democratic wishes of the people of Zimbabwe. It will be unforgivable for those of us with eyes to see and the intellect to comprehend what Mnangagwa is up to. The political dialogue is nothing but a smokescreen to hide the illusion that Zimbabwe’s economy and politics are been transformed for the better when in reality economic chaos and the political repression are getting worse!


  1. "God bless Zimbabwe!"

    How ironic, you should evoke the name of the Almighty in your demonic work of creating and retaining this corrupt and murderous tyrannical regime that has brought so much human suffering and deaths to the nation. God has had no part in the creation of the Zanu PF dictatorship and will have no part to play in this National Dialogue because it is just an excuse to keep the Zanu PF dictatorship in power against the democratic wish of the people!

  2. The problem with Minister Mthuli Ncube is that he says something is going to happen and then the exact opposite happens. He said he would bring financial stability and instead brought financial chaos. He promise to bring investors and the IMF and WB to bankroll Zimbabwe's development plans and has failed to do so!

    He has been warned that there can be no meaningful economic recovery until we address the problems of corruption and pariah state and he would not listen! Ncube is just a big mouth with an bloated ego to match!

  3. @ Silungisani Ndlovu

    “Wilbert Mukori utters rubbish...let African Countries solve Zimbabwe's bad Governance...why you trying to shut doors for the assistance from African want the African problem to be solved by your Pay Masters United States of America European Union Countries...sorry Wifred let Zimbabwean Government waste Zimbabwe time being assisted by African Countries...”

    Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess (I assume you are not denying the country is indeed in a serious mess) because our leaders have blundered from pillar to post. But that is only half the story, the other half is that we the ordinary people have been naïve and gullible and have blindly followed our corrupt and incompetent leaders like sheep to the slaughter.

    If we want good and competent leaders then the very first thing we the voters must do is snap out of our sloth-like slumber. We must make the effort to understand the big issues in the land and not be content with scratching the surface. We must question everything before us and stop taking things at face value.

    “Let African countries solve Zimbabwe’s bad governance,” you say. Why have they not done so? What have I said or done to stop them solving our problems?

    Ambassador Mbete is telling us that this Political Actors Dialogue is the “African solution” to our problem. I am challenging him, Mnangagwa, you and anyone else who says so to explain how this foolish idea will force ZEC to produce verified voters’ roll, to restore the vote to 3 million Zimbabweans in the diaspora, etc. I refuse to take Mnangagwa’s word for it that this dialogue is not just another time wasting proposal.

    I do not need anyone from America or Europe to tell me last July’s elections were rigged. But naïve and gullible people like you; who have been brainwashed by Zanu PF into utterly uselessness, incapable of one original thought; believe all blacks are brain-dead, like you. You cannot believe that I KNOW last year’s elections were rigged, I must be regurgitating what the Americans or Europeans TOLD me.

    Your black inferiority complex is has blinded you to reason. You will not acknowledge that Mnangagwa rigged the elections because that would be tantamount to admitted that your great leader is incompetent, corrupt and a thug and so you bury your head in the sand and soldier on. Only a first class idiot would not see that as idiotic, even with the benefit of 39 years of hindsight and the country up to her eyes in the s***t!

    Cry the beloved Zimbabwe! What did she ever do to be cursed with so many village idiots; we are in this mess because we have more than our fair share of village idiots alright! Worse still, we are not getting out of this mess as long as the village idiots continue to rule the roost.

  4. Mnangagwa is a crocodile in every sense of that metaphor. He does not believe in the rule of law and that everyone else has basic freedoms and rights including the right to free, fair and credible elections. He resisted all pressure to force ZEC to conduct last year's elections in accordance with the country's laws and accepted democratic practices. In the end the elections were not transparent, traceable and verifiable.

    Instead of letting the Police and other state institution enforce the laws of the land to ensure free, fair and credible elections; Mnangagwa wanted political parties to sign a code of conduct which the parties will police and enforce themselves.

    This Political Actors Dialogue is an exclusive club in which the ordinary people have no voice, it is to be governed by a code of conduct outside the existing state institutions and yet it may well wield more political power than lawful public institution like parliament.

    Mnangagwa will only be too familiar with Joint Operation Command (JOC) the shadowy junta that has been the real power behind the throne in Zimbabwe. No one kept an minutes of JOC meetings. Indeed, there were no formal meetings, with rules of quorum, etc. everything was kept secret and everyone kept guessing what would happen next. There is no doubt many decision attributed to JOC were Mugabe's own decision. So Mugabe became the supremo dictator and kept the quislings around him happen convinced JOC made all the decisions and they, as member of the junta, had a say.

    is replicating JOC by appointing a new cabinet and yet kept the old Mugabe cabinet in place in an advisory capacity. He has appointed a 24 Presidential Advisory Council and now he has this new kid on the block the Political Actors Dialogue. JOC is still in place, it has not been disbanded. He says he is a listening president, whatever that is supposed to mean. What matters here is that he has never listened to the ordinary Zimbabweans.

    Indeed, everything he and Zanu PF have ever done for the last 39 years has been geared at denying the people the basic freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. When the people have demanded free, fair and credible elections he has done everything to frustrate their demands, rig the elections and claim the elections were free, fair and credible.

    The principle purpose of this Political Actors Dialogue is to make sure nothing is said about implementing reforms to ensure 2023 elections are free, fair and credible. He wants the same flaws and illegalities that marred last year's elections to remain in place. Like his name's sake the crocodile, Mnangagwa does not want free, fair and credible elections just as the crocodile does not want hunting in clear water.

    Free, fair and credible elections is a fundamental right, not a privilege for Mnangagwa to withhold to gratify his insatiable greed for power and wealth, and it is now imperative that the democratic reforms are implemented and 2023 elections are free, fair and credible! We owe it to ourselves and posterity to put an end to this madness of rigged elections! Mnangagwa rigged last July's elections, he and his regime are illegitimate and we must not allow ourselves to be bully into accept the regime much less let it con us into yet another rigged election.

  5. Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube announced the regime will inject $500 million in the economy and promised this will bring price stability from tomorrow 20 May 2019.

    Where did the money come from, that is a good question!

    We know that Minister Ncube has been trying to get IMF, WB and other international financial institutions to fund Zimbabwe but without success. They have refused to help because the country is still a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. The Zimbabwe of Mugabe days has not changed; no one has been fooled by all this talk of new dispensation and Second Republic.

    Zimbabwe's credit rating in "junk" because the country has struggled to repay its debts and it is clear why. This $500 million is going to pay for recurrent expenditure most of which will generate very little wealth if at all. So if the money is not generating any wealth, it is little wonder the nation has struggle to repay the loan. So whoever granted us the loan must know there is a very high risk of losing their money and would factor this in by charging an arm and leg in interest rate.

    Finance Minister, Mthuli Ncube, should have expended his time and energy in ensuring the country end the scourge of corruption and lift the curse of pariah state, spring cleaning Zimbabwe's dirty reputation, and only after this is done go to the IMF and the world with a recovery programme. He has failed to do his home-work and now he is coming up with quick fixes that will offer temporary relief at the price of even greater pain tomorrow.

    Mthuli Ncube has turned out to be more than a great disappointment; he and his voodoo solutions are now a curse to this nation.

  6. Gudyanga is in court for a corruption case where he accused of misappropriating $1.6 million. The money was however paid to companies linked to Nikuv.
    The Mines and Mining Development ministry apparently tried to keep the matter from public platforms such as courts. On 17 May 2017 then minister Walter Chidhakwa filed an affidavit which contained the following:
    Discussions in the matter relating to payments made by the MMCZ to Pedstock at the instruction of the permanent secretary of the ministry, Professor Francis Gudyanga, affects the security of the State and disclosure of activities funded by this said payments prejudicially affects the security of the State
    “Rinemanyanga hariputirwi!” (No matter how hard one tries to hide the truth will always come out soon or later!)

    One of these fine days the truth will also come out what exactly NIKUV was paid to do! Zanu PF has maintained that the country’s elections were free, fair and credible and the nation will get a new chunk of evidence showing that the regime rigged the elections.

  7. The new Minister of Energy and Power Development Fortune Chasi has got off at his new responsibility with a bang of controversial positions.

    His first move on assuming office was to instruct power utility company ZPC to recover $5m advanced to Intratek Director Wicknell Chivayo for the Gwanda Solar project besides the courts ruling on favour of Chivayo.

    In his latest stunt has told Zimbabweans who are failing to get fuel to purchase electric cars.

    Here is yet another Minister (Mthuli Ncube being the other) who cannot shut his trap and talks crap! Most Zimbabweans consider themselves lucky to be driving the old bangers the rest of the world do not want. Electric cars are a novelty in the developing countries and so it will be a while yet before they are thrown on the scrap for us in Zimbabwe to use.

    Even is the electric cars started to find their way from Japan's scrap metal dealers to Zimbabwe how would we get the cars charged up when there ZESA blackout and chronic shortage of fuel for those lucky enough to have generators at home!

    It is clear Minister Chasi has a problem keeping his mouth shut just as Shrek should a problem stopping blowing bubbles in his mud bath. It speaks volumes of the man who appointed Chasi Minister. No wonder Zimbabwe is in a serious mess, with such an utterly hopeless regime we are well and truly lost!

  8. Mnangagwa rigged last year's elections confident he will rig economic recovery - he clearly had no intention of ending corruption, end the pariah state, etc. He thought he will fool the investors and lenders into believing he ended corruption, held free and fair elections, etc. etc. and Zimbabwe was a Second Republic, a new dispensation as he had promised. The investors and lenders were not so easily fooled.

    There is some mileage to be gained in launching the national dialogue, there are many naive and gullible people who think some good will come out of these talks. What good, few will say. Many believe Nelson Chamisa's claim "to have the key to unlock Mnangagwa's illegitimacy and the economy". It is all nonsense of course. Chamisa is just fishing for a gravy train seat for himself.

    If Mnangagwa thinks the gimmick of the national dialogue will fool the investors and lenders into believing that has transformed Zimbabwe from being the pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs then he is even more naive and stupid than he looks!

    Zimbabwe's economic meltdown is going through its gears; in January the RTGS$ was 1:1 to the US$, three weeks ago it was 3:1 and today it is 7:1. There is no doubt we are now on the slippery slope and inflation is accelerating. Even organisations like the UN which have been very supportive of the regime they are openly criticizing it.

    “Ncube also said Zimbabwe’s budget deficit would hit its 5 percent target this year, adding that the recent introduction of a 2 percent transfer tax would help achieve the goal of improving Zimbabwe’s public finances,” reported The Zimbabwean.

    “But higher taxes might exacerbate the issue of low disposable incomes, a recent UN report found, while hardly helping Zimbabwe attract business investment and create new jobs.

    “The government is pushing people further into poverty. We are not aware of any government measures to provide even minimal safety nets for those who are already living on an economic cliff-edge and who will suffer the most from these regressive policies”, the UN report read.

    Zanu PF has failed to rig economic recovery and there is no doubt the worsening economic situation is not socially and politically sustainable. Mnangagwa and his junta must step down now and allow the nation the time and space to chart a peaceful way out of this mess before it is too late.
