Thursday, 2 May 2019

"I will unlock legitimacy crisis and get financial aid" boasted Chamisa - wittering, ignore him P Guramatunhu

"I am ready to meet President Mnangagwa for a political dialogue that is needed in the country to help us to unlock the legitimacy crisis in the country, so that he can be accepted by everyone and the country can get the financial aid it needs," Chamisa said.

"We need to sit down with President Mnangagwa representing Zanu PF and ourselves as MDC Alliance, and the meeting should be chaired by a mutually respected adjudicator, local or international, and preferable a former head of state."

Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF junta are an illegitimate regime and hence Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. Last year’s election process was flawed and full of illegalities and hence the reason the regime and not just Mnangagwa are illegitimate.

The notion that it is only Mnangagwa who is illegitimate is nonsensical and figment of Chamisa’s sick mind. Chamisa believe the elections should be judged free, fair and credible on the basis of the result; if he is the winner then elections were free, fair and the result is legitimate and if does not then Mnangagwa is illegitimate.

Chamisa also believes that he can, if he so wished, declare the illegitimate Mnangagwa, legitimate. Another figment of a bloated ego!

Chamisa and Mnangagwa can have their “political dialogue” wherever they, with whoever they want to be adjudicator and agree to whatever they want. None of these things will ever change the political reality that Zanu PF rigged last July’s elections and that Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs even if Chamisa was to hold a senior position in the dictatorship. Zimbabwe will not get any meaningful financial aid or achieve any meaningful economic recovery as long as the country remains a pariah state.

The only viable solution to end the country’s curse of rigged elections and pariah state is for Mnangagwa and Zanu PF to step down to create the political space for the appointment of an interim administration that will be tasked to implement the democratic reforms leading to the holding of free and fair elections.

Zanu PF cannot be trusted to implement the reforms because the regime will never reform itself out of power especially when the ruling elite have so, so much at stake. After 39 years of absolute power and billions of dollars in looted wealth; giving this all up is simple unthinkable. Besides many of them have a murderous past they do not want uncovered.

Indeed, Mnangagwa and company risked life and limb to stage the November 2017 coup because they could not bear the thought of losing power.

A Zanu PF/ MDC A GNU will not implement all the reforms, if it implemented any at all. MDC leaders failed to get even one reform implemented during the 2008 GNU, it is naïve to think they will do any better the second time round.

Zimbabwe’s economic and political situation is now in such a perilous situation the country demands a definitive solution, a competent administration to implement all the reforms timeously, and not another wishy-washy GNU whose principle desire would be to retain as much of the dictatorial power as possible.

Mnangagwa and Zanu PF rigged last year’s elections they must be told in no uncertain terms that they are illegitimate and must step down. All political machinations to stay in power is nothing short of the regime holding the nation hostage.

Chamisa and his MDC A friends’ wittering must be ignored. They have had many, many golden opportunities to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and they have sold-out. They should not be allowed to waste another day another chance to end the political nightmare the nation now finds itself stuck in.   

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