Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Doctor are on strike "hopeful ED has solution" - how so, he is now the problem

Clink on the link below to view the video.

1 comment:

  1. FORMER MP for Highfield West Psychology Maziwisa and former ZBC News presenter Oscar Pambuka have been convicted of defrauding the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) of $12 500 in a public relations deal.

    The pair have been jailed for 6 years and 5 months, but will serve 2 years and 6 months each after the rest of the term was conditionally suspended.

    Well, well Maziwisa was one character who had certainly "grown too big for his own boots"! He is the individual who claimed Zanu PF had delivered on its 2013 election promise to create 2.2 million jobs by creating jobs for the vendors! The two and half years in the cooler will teach him to be humble!
