Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Zimbabwe awaits EU, USA, etc. election report: honest and constructive or patronising bulls**t W Mukori

In next day or so the international community election observer teams will be releasing their preliminary reports on Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections. The reports must answer the central question: Where the elections free, fair and credible?

The AU, SADC and COMESA the three African bodies who had election observer teams have all endorsed the controversial election process. COMESA’s report boldly stated that the elections were "generally peaceful, transparent and adhered to national, regional and international standards".

Yes, these elections were very peaceful with very few reported cases of politically motivated violence and very low key intimidation of the electorate. A far cry from the mayhem of wanton violence of past especially 2008 when Zanu PF thugs, rogue war veterans actively assisted by the Police, Army and CIO went on the rampage harassing, beating, raping and murdering people, forcing them to vote for Zanu PF.

This years the party settled for reminding people the violence would return if Zanu PF did not win the election. Operation harvest fear, the party boasted. Zanu PF did well in the parliamentary elections but only managed to scrap through with a 50.8%, just enough to avoid a run-off, on the presidential vote.

Clearly the party was not amused and lo behold there was violence in which the soldiers were deployed to stop street protest of the result and a pre-emptive strike against any protest against the regime. No doubt the regime is thinking to future elections too and is sowing fear now for a bumper harvest next time.

The AU, SADC and COMESA teams had written their reports before the military crackdown started and so they can reasonable argue that the elections had been “peaceful”. But even then, having peaceful elections alone is not enough for free, fair and credible elections.

How can these elections be judge free, fair and credible when there was no free public media; when 3 million Zimbabweans in the diaspora were denied the vote; when no one knows who the 5.6 million registered voters were because no clean and verified voters’ roll was released; when Zanu PF robbed the nation blind to bankroll its vote-rigging and vote-buying schemes; etc.; etc.?

It is a great tragedy for Zimbabwe and Africa that the AU, SADC and COMESA endorsed Zimbabwe’s flawed and illegal elections. The root cause of Zimbabwe and many other countries in Africa’s economic mess and political instability can be traced to one thing – failure to remove corrupt and incompetent leaders because they rig election. By endorsing Zimbabwe’s flawed elections AU, SADC and COMESA have thrown the door wide open for other African leaders to rig elections. Monkey see, monkey do!

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa has yet to prove that the vote was fair, creating a problem for international donors and investors whose help is desperately needed to revive the country,” said the New York Times editorial. 

“Last week’s national elections in Zimbabwe were a critical test of whether President Emmerson Mnangagwa was really prepared to lead the revival of a country brought to ruin by his autocratic predecessor, Robert Mugabe. So far, the aftermath of the elections that gave Mr. Mnangagwa and the governing ZANU-PF party at least five more years in power has given little reason for celebration.

“There is little likelihood that Zimbabwe’s electoral commission or courts will overturn the results, posing a difficult choice to the International Monetary Fund and other donors and investors whose help is desperately needed to sort out an economic mess that has sent more than a quarter of Zimbabwe’s citizens abroad to work.”

The New York Times has put their finger on the money – the investors!

The investors and lenders did not have election observer teams on the ground in Zimbabwe and they will be writing no reports; they have no time to waste. They do not need to be told that these elections were not free, fair and credible; they can see it with their own eyes. There will be no investors flooding into Zimbabwe because they do not do business with thugs who rig elections to stay in power.

By rigging the elections President Mnangagwa has just confirmed Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by thugs. Investors are very shrewd and savvy people they pay more attention to what leaders like him do than to what he says. By rigging the elections President Mnangagwa has blown all the country’s hope of any meaningful economic recovery.  

On the political front, President Mnangagwa will be spending the next five consolidating his hold on power; he will be fine ZEC, Army, Judiciary, etc. to make sure they deliver a landslide Zanu PF victory in future. These elections, with all their flaws, is the template of what future elections will be; this is the closest we will ever get to holding free, fair and credible elections.

With no meaningful democratic reforms, President Mnangagwa will never reform himself out of office, there is no hope of Zimbabwe holding free, fair and credible elections in five years from now or ever. The scourge of rigged elections has haunted this nation for the last 38 years it is not too late for us to bite the bullet, reject these farcical and fraudulent elections and demand the implementing of the reforms.

The choice of letting President Mnangagwa get away with yet another Zanu PF rigged elections is a false choice in that there will be no meaningful economic recovery in the next five years and at the end of it we will still face the real prospect of yet another rigged election.

The EU, American and all the other western based election observer teams must honest and declare these elections null and void because, in all honesty, no one can ever say these elections were free and fair. Declaring the elections null and void will force the people of Zimbabwe to finally deal with the scourge of rigged elections.

Let me state it here, now and loudly; the EU, the Commonwealth, British, etc. will not be doing Zimbabwe any favours by endorsing these flawed and illegal elections because with Zanu PF regime will never bring about any meaningful economic recovery or political stability.

Those who endorse these elections as being free and fair must ask themselves if they would do the same if elections in their own country were held with no clean and verified voters’ roll, etc. So the only reason they are doing so here is out of a deep seated superiority complex. Naturally, every thinking Zimbabwean will find the decision deeply offensive and patronising!


  1. Tendai Biti arrested as he tried to escape to Zambia.

    These elections should have never taken place without implementing the democratic reforms, if this had happened then all this would not be happening!

  2. @NYT
    “President Emmerson Mnangagwa has yet to prove that the vote was fair, creating a problem for international donors and investors whose help is desperately needed to revive the country,” you reported.
    Actually, by rigging these elections ED has proven to the investors and donors alike that Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by thugs. He did not create any problems for the donors and investors; they will continue to stay away from Zimbabwe and let the economic meltdown get worse. He created a problem for himself and, worst of all, the ordinary Zimbabweans, who are the ones paying with their very lives for the economic mess.
    Unemployment is already seating at 90% and 75% of the people in Zimbabwe are living on US$1.00 or less a day. Another five more years of this will only mean the poor will get even poorer and economic recovery, if it ever happen, will become even harder and take even longer.

  3. These elections should have never taken place without first implementing the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. The elections went ahead because Chamisa, Biti and the rest of the MDC leaders would not listen.

    "MDC has stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections!" Chamisa claimed.

    It was all nonsense, of course. Even when ZEC failed to produce a clean and verified voters' roll; MDC leaders did not have the common sense to withdraw. Only a first class idiot would agree to go into an elections in which he does not even know who the voters are!

    "Tsvangirai made the stupid mistake of going into the elections with no voters' roll in 2013. I will not make the same mistake!" boasted Chamisa. Lo behold, he made the same mistake.

    "I will die for the cause!" boasted Tendai Biti only a few weeks ago. And yet when the street protestors were being shot not even one MDC leader was anywhere near the city centre. They all vanished like the morning mist under the African sun! Now we here Tendai Biti was off to Zambia!

    These elections should have never taken place without first implementing the reforms, to complain about Zanu PF rigging when you have been warned this will happen is just a nonsense!

  4. MDC dragged the nation into these elections on the promise they will win rigged elections. It is high time MDC leaders are held to account for their blundering incompetence!

  5. Nelson Chamisa’s lead counsel, Advocate Thabani Mpofu says the legal advisory team is now ready to challenge in the Constitutional Court (Concourt) presidential results announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, but did not specify when exactly they will be approaching the courts.

    At numerous other press conferences, the MDC Alliance has indicated that they have gathered enough evidence but they continue to appeal to ordinary citizens to bring forth any evidence that might assist them in their case.

    MDC is a party of blundering fools who have blundered from pillar to post because they never listen to sound advice. They had five years to implement the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections and they failed to get even one reform implemented. Not even one!

    SADC leaders amongst many others advised MDC leaders 100 000 times and 100 000 times again not to contest the elections without first implementing the reforms but the advice fell on deaf ears.

    “MDC has stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging elections!” Chamisa boasted. So what happened to the stringent measures?

    This Court challenge is just a waste of time! Eight months ago the same court ruled that military coups are “legal” in Zimbabwe. If the Court can say an act of high treason is legal why would it find it difficult to rule rigging elections as being “legal” too!

    By taking the case to Court MDC is giving credibility to the Court by recognising its existence and per se also giving credibility to the Court’s judgement!

    Having a corrupt and tyrannical regime like Zanu PF in power is our greatest curse; the regime is entrenched in power and flushing it out is not going to be easy. The tasked has been made near impossible by having a corrupt and incompetent opposition who claim to know it all when they have no clue. MDC are now helping Zanu PF to stay in power by their blundering incompetence!

  6. @ Kaitano

    "In the run up to the Zimbabwean harmonised election, I gave warning after warning to the United Nations about Zanu PF’s dirty tricks – that was after I realised the United Nations Representative to Zimbabwe had fallen victim to Mnangagwa’s tricks to try to pretend to be a good man, and that Zimbabwe was on course to becoming a new dispensation," you say.

    Whilst still at warning UN about Zanu PF trickery, did you give the same warning to MDC?

    MDC were warning against going into the elections with no reforms in place and they refused to listen. Zimbabweans are responsibl;e for this mess and we must learn to take the log out of our own eyes before we remove the speck in the outsiders' eyes!

  7. A few days ago Tendai Biti was telling the world "he was ready to die for the cause!" When the Army was shooting the protestors he and his fellow MDC leaders disappeared like the morning mist. Now we hear he was seeking asylum in Zambia! Typical of these MDC politicians they drag the nation into a dangerous situations and leave others to face the consequences.

    We should not have had these foolish elections without firstb implementing the democratic reforms; there is nothing, absolutely nothing to be gain by doing so.

  8. @ Don Chigumba
    My friend I give you full marks for effort but zero for everything else because what you are saying does not make any sense!

    "Past historical events in Zimbabwe have taught us that, the democratic struggle's objectives cannot be achieved by becoming lenient and submissive to the existing laws. These laws were created to silence democratic voices and keep dictators in power. The military coup of November 2017 was done outside the constitution of Zimbabwe. If General Chiwenga and SB Moyo were going to remain submissive to the constitution of Zimbabwe, R.G Mugabe could have been the president of Zimbabwe today," you said.

    "The genuine democratic fighters should (at one point in time) move 'out of the box' and confront dictatorship and its dishonest for the good of the future generations. It is bad to violate the constitution of the country for the sake of evil deeds but good to break the constitution for the common good of the country's future. At one point in time, Jesus broke the Sabbath law by working during the Sabbath because he wanted to serve lives."

    It was none other than ED, Chiwenga, S Moyo and the rest of the junta who had been at the very heart of the Zanu PF dictatorship, rigging elections and using brute force to keep Mugabe and Zanu PF in power for 37 years. So, the very suggestion that the coup to topple Mugabe was in any way a fight against oppression is nonsense since the people staging the coup were the oppressors and, worse still, since the coup removed one dictator only to replace him with another!

    Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. The coup plotters committed high treason in staging the coup and it was for the selfish reason of wrestling absolute power from the dictator Mugabe so that ED and the junta can enjoy the same for themselves. There is no link between ED and his coup with the Jesus and the Sabbath; none!

    As for Tendai Biti and his MDC friends, they are the ones who have been holding back democratic change for the last decade. During the GNU, MDC leaders had the golden opportunities to implement the democratic reforms which would have ended the Zanu PF dictatorship. They failed to get even one reform implemented in five years.

    Since the GNU it is MDC leaders who have insisted in taking part in the flawed and illegal elections against advice not to. By participating MDC have given the flawed process credibility and thus help perpetuate the dictatorship.

    "Tendai Biti's arrest expected to push the struggle to its boiling point!"

    Nonsense! Biti & co. dragged us into this utterly insane elections promising "to die for the struggle". When the Army was shooting protestors not even one MDC leader was to be seen. What the hell is Biti doing in Zambia! Fools like Tendai Biti will never accept the need for reforms as long as he can incite other people to die for the struggle!

  9. If anyone had ever doubted that last November's coup removed one dictator to replace him with another without changing the dictatorship itself then these elections have cleared the cobwebs! There can be no doubt now that Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by vote rigging thugs.

    ED had made a big splash with his "Zimbabwe is open for business!" mantra complete with colourful scarf and broad smile. Many people were fooled but not the investors and lenders. The junta and its spin doctors went into overdrive about the flood of investors who were coming in answer to the mantra call. The hyper has all but died because the flood of investors never materialise.

    After rigging the elections and confirming Zimbabwe's status as a pariah state "Zimbabwe is open for business!" is dead in the water!

  10. God helps those who help themselves! Zimbabweans have been taking part in rigged elections for the last 38 years and counting; that does not suggest a nation that even has the common sense to see the folly of repeating the same mistake over and over again.

  11. @ Nomazulu

    Part 1 of 2

    "He was buried in Chinamhora, writes German Journalist Christian Selz and there was not even one MDC-Alliance at his funeral. Ishmael Kumire was a street vendor eking out a living for his family when he was caught in the cross-fire. "He was not a political activist, he was the right place but wrong time, they shot him and he died like all other six victims of uncalled-for violence whose lives have been sacrificed by the most unscrupulous politicians of our time," you said.

    "Ten days before the elections, the World Council of Elders visited Harare and warned our politicians about reckless rhetoric that could be very dangerous. "Do not incite people in your rallies, warned Ambassador Kofi Annan." Chamisa knew it all, he did not take heed. He boasted instead: "I can make this country ungovernable; I can put Harare and Bulawayo to a stand-still." The words of Comrade Julius Malema of South Africa today came rather too late for Chamisa and his henchmen to understand what mature politics is about. Malema said you cannot judge your winning elections just by the number of people who came to your rallies: that's not maturity. Well experience has taught him so, rather too late, we have six deaths.

    "There is nothing that exited Chamisa as the crowds that attended his bumper rallies. Again Chamisa is an excitable person, and he was excited to the point of madness. His rallies made him think he had already won the elections. A woman on audio also an MDC-Alliance member informed us all about what transpired at the Harvest House on that day. Beers after beers and strong stuff of alcohol were given to the youth outside to drink in the early hours of August Wednesday morning. They waited for the presidency to address them but none of them came. Charged with anger about the late-announced elections by ZEC, they took it upon themselves to go to ZEC to demonstrate there. The path of destruction was already on course."

    What a waste of human lives!

  12. @ Nomazulu

    Part 2 of 2

    What a waste of human lives!

    These elections should have never ever gone ahead with no meaningful democratic reforms in place. Zanu PF had the carte blanche power to rig the elections and that is exactly what the regime has done and by participating people have given the flawed and illegal process the modicum of credibility.

    Zanu PF has been clever enough to know that as long as it allowed some opposition members to win some gravy train seats there will always be opposition politicians who will participate no matter how flawed and illegal the process becomes. This is exactly what is happening here; David Coltart has admitted this in his book.

    "The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn't now do the obvious - withdraw from the elections," explained Senator Coltart.

    "The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility."

    We live in a country where the overwhelming majority of the people took over 20 years to accept that Zanu PF was corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime. And to remove the regime from power that the country needed democratic change design to stop the regime rigging elections to stay in power against the democratic wishes of the people. Sadly, the majority of the people have no clue even to this day what these democratic changes are much less how they were going to be achieved.

    The people risked life and limb to elect the late Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends into power on the mistaken belief they will bring about the democratic changes. MDC leaders have turned out to be corrupt and incompetent, they failed to implement even one reform in five years of the GNU when they had the golden opportunities to do so.

    MDC leaders sold-out during the GNU and continue to do so to this day; they are only interested in whatever scraps they can get from Zanu PF. They are exploiting the people's ignorance by pretending they are still working to bring about democratic change.

    MDC dragged the nation into these meaningless elections, incited the people to "make Zimbabwe ungovernable" and when the regime was shooting to kill Chamisa, Biti and the rest of the leaders where nowhere to be seen. Povo like the late Ishmael Kumire and the others killed and the hundreds beaten are nothing more than pawns whose suffering and deaths means nothing to these MDC leaders.

    As long as the majority of our people remain a naïve and gullible lot ruled by fear and ignorance they will be political vultures like ED, Chamisa, etc. who will prey on them to the end of time! Breaking this political mould is easier said than done!

  13. @ Dingani

    How typical! Anyone who dares to express a different point of view to yours must be a Zanu PF supporter!

    You need to open your eyes and accept that these MDC leaders are sell-out! Have you ever asked them why they failed to implement even one democratic reforms in 5 years of the GNU? These elections would have been free and fair if MDC had implemented the reforms.

    Of course, MDC leaders incited the violent protests and then disappeared to leave povo to face the music. To likes of Chamisa and Biti povo are just pawns whose suffering and even death is nothing!

  14. @ Shumba

    Yes but we must also hold those responsible for inciting the violent protests and then leave other to pay with their lives to account. Otherwise this will happen again and again!

  15. @Sibanda

    Nonsense! Tsvangirai incited the violence and then made a dash for the Netherlands Embassy. Tendai Biti way on his way to Lusaka, is that where the lion is?

    We are looking for a way out of the mess Zanu PF has landed us into and we must welcome ideas from all quarters and to judge them on the basis of who said them, where about they live, how old they are, etc. is plan foolish. Some great ideas have come from people in the diaspora and likewise some foolish ideas have also come from people in the diaspora. The same can be said about those in Zimbabwe, the young and old, etc.

    "If you want to help solve Zim's problems, come back home than to prescribe your prescriptions away in Germany, why are in Germany if your heart is with Zimbabwe, cowards shout from the top of mountains while real man fight the lion," you said.

    That is one example of a very foolish idea!

  16. @ Bloomberg

    "Help with all this requires Mnangagwa to make the first move. For starters, he should heed calls to let legal challenges arising from the election play out and hold accountable those responsible for violence," you argue.

    This is a trap that only the foolish will walk into.

    Eight months ago the same Court you are going to ruled that in Zimbabwe staging a military coup was "legal". Do you really believe the same Court will have any qualms in saying vote rigging is "legal", especially when it is the same thugs who stage the coup who have rigged the elections too!

    By agreeing to take the case to the Court you have, per se, given it your approval and will be obliged to accept its verdict whichever way it goes. To then complain of the Court being corrupt and bias afterwards is the kind of MDC idiotic reaction that got us into this mess in the first place.

    MDC leaders were warned not to take part in these elections without first implementing the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. MDC leaders wanted the elections to go ahead with no reforms confident the party will win rigged elections. Zanu PF went on to rig the elections and, of course, it is nonsensical that MDC should now the complaining about Zanu PF rigging!

  17. Mawarire said Mwonzora was told there were conditions to receiving Mugabe's support. These included recognising that Mugabe's exit from power was a result of "a coup" and that the MDC should stop attacking Mugabe in public.

    MDC sold-out big time during the GNU when they failed to implement even one reform in five years. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office; ministerial limos, generous salaries, $4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, etc. And in return, the MDC leaders kicked reforms out of the window. Hobnobbing with the murderous tyrant and promising him that he will keep his looted wealth, etc. is small potato to MDC!

  18. @ Guardian

    "The poll was seen as a potential turning point for Zimbabwe, which desperately needs foreign investment to avoid economic breakdown. But hopes for dramatic and immediate change have been dashed by violence and alleged human rights abuses since the election.

    "According to dozens of testimonies gathered by the Guardian, security forces have since harassed hundreds of MDC leaders and activists, arbitrarily detaining and beating scores of people.

    "At the weekend, soldiers moved through neighbourhoods of Harare and surrounding towns, targeting opposition supporters, smashing property and assaulting dozens of people."

    By rigging the elections and reverting to its tried and tested political ethos of brutal repression President Mnangagwa and his junta have just reminded the world that Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by vote-rigging and murderous thugs. The "Zimbabwe is open for business!" goody-goody image of the post-November coup the regime had tried so hard to promote was nothing more than mud on a topi; the demands of holding free and fair elections washed off the mud to reveal the regime in all its ugliness.

    Zimbabwe's economic recovery has just been put back on hold because no foreign investors are coming to Zimbabwe. Investors do not do business with thugs, period!

    Of course, President Mnangagwa and his junta are thrilled to bits they still have a iron grip on absolute power in Zimbabwe. "Zanu PF ichatoga! Igotonga!" (Zanu PF will rule! And rule!) as he has often boasted.

    The reality of the worsen economic situation is something that has never bother these Zanu PF thugs. Indeed, the step up in the political repression is meant to send the message that the regime will not tolerate descend!
