Tuesday, 14 August 2018

"Land reform is irreversible! said ED - Smith said the same and he was productive, unlike you. W Mukori

President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday said the country will not return land seized from former white commercial farmers almost two decades ago.

"It is now behind us, it is irreversible," Mnangagwa said in a speech to mark Heroes Day commemorations at the National Heroes Acre in central Zimbabwe, broadcast on television.

He said "the land reform programme was one of the fruits of the liberation struggle" and since it is "now behind us, it is irreversible." He said "the task ahead is to fully utilise the land to increase agricultural production."

The Zanu PF land reform programme was a complete mess in that it not only failed to give the land to those who needed it, the landless peasants, forced to eke a living off marginal land. The need to resettle these people is more urgent than ever now that unemployment has soared to dizzying heights and so many of these people have no other source of income other than what they can get off the land. We need to settle these peasants on land where they can earn a decent living.

The other need to resettle people off overcrowded marginal land is to give the marginal land the chance to recover from the decades of serious land degradation.

Zanu PF gave the land to the party thugs and their families and friends. The likes of Robert Mugabe and his family has 13 farms! These are the individuals who were responsible for destroying the country’s economy through gross mismanagement and wholesale looting and corruption.

75% of the population today live in abject poverty because of the misrule by these Zanu PF thugs and their cronies. It is an outrage that these thugs rewarded themselves by dishing out the land amongst themselves and dragging the nation even deeper into economic trouble and despair. It would be criminal to let the looters and their descendants keep the land, as a matter of entitlement even when they have failed to put it to productive use, whilst the victims of their misrule continue to suffer in damn anguish!

Of all the nation’s resources Zanu PF thugs have looted over their 40 years of corrupt and tyrannical rule, land is the one resource the people of Zimbabwe can recover from the looters.
The speed of Zimbabwe’s economic recovery will dependent on how quickly the nation can recover the land from those now holding the nation to ransom over this key resource.

Zimbabwe’s chaotic land reform carried out by this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship is one of the reasons of Zimbabwe’s economic collapse and for the country to have meaningful economic recover it is imperative to reverse the reform. Land must be taken away from those who looted it and given to the landless peasants.

“Land reform is irreversible!” said President Mnangagwa. Of course, you and your fellow looters would say that and so did Ian Smith and his Rhodesia Front friends before you. At least Smith and his cronies did put the land into productive use for the economic prosperity of all; the same cannot be said about you and your Zanu PF cronies. The economic, social and political imperatives to reverse Zanu PF’s land reform are overwhelming and it will be done!


  1. @ Shame Isaki

    ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a clean and verified voters' roll how anyone with even half a brain can still claim that "ZEC delivered credible election!" beggars belief. Sadly Zimbabwe has more than its fair share of such brain-dead individual including ZEC officials themselves.

    Ordinarily Justice Chigumba, like the rest of her fellow ZEC members, Zanu PF cronies, MDC leaders, etc., is a normal human being with some modicum of common sense even. Her brain switch-off when she the regime dangled the bribe of a good-life if she would do Zanu PF's dirty bidding, as we can see she did not hesitate even for one second.

    After 38 years of this Zanu PF rot it is no surprise that Zimbabwe society has been corrupted to the point that it is now taken for granted that everyone is corrupt. When the big chefs VP Chiwenga, former Police Commissioner Chihuri, all the Judges, cabinet minister, President Mnangagwa, former President Robert Mugabe himself all have farms, mansions, business empires and live lifestyles of unparalleled luxury it is little wonder those below them are corrupt, they have a lot of catching up to do!

    "Instead of conceding defeat, Adv Chamisa opted to challenge the electoral outcome at the Constitutional Court. It is his right, but the grounds for his challenge are shaky and I foresee a final defeat that will condemn him into political oblivion," writes Shame.

    "Meanwhile Justice Chigumba and her team of steadfast commissioners must be applauded for delivering a credible election.

    "Well done ZEC. We now eagerly await ED's inauguration."

    No doubt shameless Shame has his/her eyes on getting their foot on the Zimbabwe gravy train, if he/she is not on it already, and knows that surest way of doing it is through shameless bootlicking.

    No nation will ever enjoy peace, justice and prosperity when it is ruled by incompetent and ruthless thugs with their entourage of corrupt officials and shameless bootlicking minions.

    Zimbabwe needs to clear the deck implement the democratic reforms and have a fresh clean start!

  2. I agree Zanu PF thugs and their dependents must not be allowed to keep what the looted from the people. They are the ones who benefited during the years of the the lawlessness and once rule of law is restored, they cannot be allowed to continue to benefit frow the stolen wealth whilst the rightful owners of the wealth continue to suffer. This would be a gross miscarrage of justice
