Monday, 27 August 2018

"Zero tolerance on corruption," Dr Moyo advised ED - what, fire everyone including VP and ED himself N Garikai

Ever since Dr Nkosana Moyo decided to take part in the elections he knew and was repeatedly warn would be rigged, he lost my respect. He compromised himself and sold his very soul to the devil; there was no coming back on that.

Now we hear he has “acknowledged that the elections were held on the basis of which the Constitutional Court affirmed President Mnangagwa's win which, he said, is indicative of the will of the people.

Dr Moyo, were these elections free, fair and credible? Just answer in plain English and stop talking in riddles!

How can these elections have been free, fair and credible when there was no free public media? When 2 to 3 million Zimbabweans in the diaspora were denied the vote by the very regime that forced them to leave the country as economic and/or political refugees.

I was shock that someone like you, Dr Moyo, did not even have the common sense to draw the line and say no to participating in the elections when ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a clean and verified voters’ roll!

"Our offer to rehabilitate Zimbabwe as articulated in our manifesto was clear on what we believe the task ahead of the nation is. Economic management based on meritocracy, transparency, zero tolerance to corruption, nation building and introspection. We hope the incoming administration will pay heed to these guidelines," continued Dr Moyo.

Poor Dr Moyo, he is now fishing for a job in the Mnangagwa led government!

To those readers who may not know this; Dr. Nkosana Moyo was appointed Minister of Industry and International Trade in a Robert Mugabe government. He resigned his post 2001 after serving less than a year. He said he was frustrated because his views were ignored by the corrupt, incompetent and autocratic regime.

He contest last month’s rigged elections, ignoring the warnings that the elections will be rigged, because, like the rest of the other opposition candidates, his eyes were set on winning a seat on the gravy train and he refused to see the futility of his participation.

As expected, Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections and let us just say very few beyond his immediate family voted for him. And now he is hoping that President Mnangagwa will re-appoint him Minister on the basis of his (Dr Moyo) election manifesto.

Dr Moyo, he clearly has not noticed this yet, President Mnangagwa rigged the elections, Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by the same corrupt, incompetent and autocratic thugs you could not stomach in 2001!

If, it is a big IF, President Mnangagwa was to appoint you Dr Moyo into a senior position in his government it would be nice to hear how many cabinet ministers were appointed on merit. If you insisted on your “zero tolerance to corruption,” then you will have to fire the majority of the Zanu PF cabinet including VP Chiwenga and President Mnangagwa himself!

But then, you will become more tolerant of corruptions, etc. once you get the ministerial limo, generous salary, etc., etc. You clearly saw nothing wrong with the blatant vote rigging, good start!


  1. President Mnangagwa revealed this when he handed over 90 cars to chiefs to fulfil Government's commitment to improve the welfare of the traditional leaders.

    Said Mnangagwa: "We are going to have rallies in your respective areas to thank the people for voting me into power."

    The 90 cars to Chief is the final instalment of cars, a bribe to the Chiefs to make sure the rural voters were frog marched to vote for Zanu PF. Everyone knows that the people in the rural areas are nothing more than serfs beholden to the landlord, Zanu PF, through its proxies the Chiefs, Headman, rogue war veterans and the local government Zanu PF machinery who keeps povo in line through carrot and stick tactics.

    Mr President, we all know that these elections were not free, fair and credible; Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections, as it has always done in the past. So please stop insulting us with all this rubbish of "thanking people for voting me into power". Why don't you ask ZEC how many real people, out of the 2.4 million cast ballots, voted for you!

    Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess because the nation has been stuck with a the same corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF regime that rigged elections again and again to stay in power. Zanu PF rigged these elections again just to extend its tyrannical and ruinous rule to 43 years. You are just going around the country to boast about Zanu PF's vote rigging skilled, nothing more!

  2. Martin Luther King had some wise words for us all:

    "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Even a superficial look at history reveals that no social advance rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. Every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Without persistent effort, time itself becomes the ally of the insurgent and primitive forces of irrational emotionalism and social destruction. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action."

    Coltart it is rich coming from you when it was you and your fellow MDC leaders who failed to implement even one reform during the GNU when you had the golden opportunities to do so. You had five years and failed to get even one reform implemented!

    You have admitted yourself that it was folly to participate in the elections with no reforms in place and did that anywhere out of greed.

    "The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn't now do the obvious - withdraw from the (2013) elections," you confessed in your book.

    "The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility."

    And yet come this year's elections you participated yet again and thus gave the flawed process credibility!

    In other words by failing to implement the reforms and then participating in flawed elections when you should be putting aside your selfish greed for the few gravy train seats Zanu PF is offering as bait; you are the ones who are helping Zanu PF stay in power. Of course, you are over the moon with joy that you managed to get a seat back on the gravy train this time!

    "There are some who are suggesting that we who believe the will of the Zimbabwean people has been thwarted, should just give up and accept the profound injustice which has taken place. There are many patriots who think that it is impossible for democratic elections ever to be held in Zimbabwe. Others feel we may as well just accept that the obscenely rich oligarchy will rule for ever," you saying.

    Of course, the nation's fight for democratic changed has been thwarted again and again by corrupt and incompetent MDC leaders like you Coltart. Zimbabwe will be better served in their struggle to end Zanu PF rule if corrupt and incompetent man and woman like you retired from politics or, better still, had never been born!

  3. "Justice was not served by Con-Court confirming Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa as the duly elected president when the court itself, not just Chamisa, failed to bring out the primary source evidence everyone knows would have proven beyond doubt that the elections were rigged. Indeed, the betrayal by both Chamisa and Con-Court in demanding the opening of ballot boxes will go down in history as yet another golden opportunity to end the Zanu PF dictatorship that was wasted!"

    This is very true! Chief Justice Luke Malaba did acknowledge that the court challenge was of great national interest. He also acknowledged that there are were many things questions such as why ZEC in its own signed affidavit had three different election results - one announced, one released on the CD and a third figure in its sworn affidavit.

    If the Con-Court judges in their infinite wisdom did not want to judge any of the many glaring irregularities as serious to render the process flawed because they were based on sworn affidavits and not substantiated by information from the sealed ballot boxed then why did they not ask the boxes to be opened.

    What is the point of asking for parties to submit affidavits if the information contained therein cannot even be used to justify the sealed boxes!

    One got the distinct feeling that Chief Justice Malaba was relieved that Chamisa did not ask for the sealed boxes to be opened. It is inconceivable that the Con-Court judges are not aware of the seriousness of Zimbabwe's economic and political situation and that the root cause of it is the country's repeated failure to hold free, fair and credible elections.

    Only a Con-Court in the pocket of Zanu PF would have ignored the overwhelming public good from declaring the flawed elections null and void.

  4. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) did a perfect job in its conduct of the just ended harmonised elections and all the observers were amazed at the elections management systems implemented to an extent that they took away at least 5 best practices in election management, a ZEC Commissioner, Netsai Mushonga, has said.

    Nothing in this life is constant, this Zanu PF dictatorship's days are numbered. Mugabe thought his rule was going to last to his grave and look where he is now!

    One of these fine days Zimbabwe will be free from the iron grip of this Zanu PF dictatorship and the truth will come out in the open. It will be interesting to see if ZEC Commissioner Mushonga will repeat this foolishness then!

  5. In a few days most nations that send a team of election observers will be coming out with the verdict on the elections. The majority of those country are expected to condemn the elections as having been rigged. The Chinese and a few others have already said the elections were free, fair and credible but then what do these Chinese Communist Party buffoons know about free and fair elections!

    If people like Dr Nkosana Moyo thought by participating in these flawed elections he will enhance his CV he will now find he was hopeless wrong. He will always be known as one of the 22 Zimbabwean idiots who were so stupid and naive they participating in elections so flawed the ruling party failed to produce a voters' roll. With no voters' roll, Zanu PF bussed in its supporters to cast multiple vote at the over 11 000 polling stations - an increase of 450% from the 2 000 in 2008. And guess what, some of the idiots still said the elections were "a reflection of the people's democratic will!"

    No wonder the country is in deep, deep trouble; not only do we have corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging thugs in the ruling party, we also have a whole galaxy of corrupt and incompetent opposition politicians. Nowhere in the world has there been so many idiots with university degrees and even PhD crowding the political stage and making a complete mess of everything!

    After declaring these elections a mockery of democratic elections, the western nation must move swiftly and impose the targeted sanctions of the Zanu PF leaders and all those in the key institutions such as ZEC, Con-Court, etc. who help the regime rig the elections. The sanctions must now be extended to all those in the opposition who participated and thus gave the modicum of credibility to the flawed and illegal process!

    We need to send a clear message to the likes of Dr Moyo, Tendai Biti, David Coltart, etc. that selling-out on the common goal of making sure elections are free, fair and credible for selfish greed is not acceptable in an civilised society.

  6. "I am your listening President, a servant leader. In this vein, those who will occupy public office at any level, under my Government will be required to exercise servant leadership in the execution of their duties and to be humble and responsive in their interactions and dealings with the citizenry.

    "Equally, the bureaucracy in the Second Republic will be expected to be development oriented, responsive to the people's needs as well as exhibit high principles of professional ethics and integrity," said President Mnangagwa.

    This is just empty rhetoric no different from Mugabe's "Gutsva ruzhinji!" (Mass prosperity!) swan-song the first decade after independence. We all know Mugabe's mass prosperity turned into mass poverty. Even with the evidence of growing poverty everywhere, Mugabe stopped his swan-song but only to redouble his efforts to stay in power regardless. It was none other than Emmerson Mnangagwa and the same thugs around him today who rigged elections and committed all manner of violence including harassment, beatings, rape and even mass murder just to ensure Mugabe and Zanu PF stayed in power NO MATTER WHAT!

    Some things never change, Mnangagwa and his coterie of power hungry thugs have just blatantly rigged these election, contrary to their own promise to hold free, fair and credible elections. "I am your listening President, a servant leader!" Yeah right! The tyrant denies the people the ultimate voice, a free vote, and then claim he is a listening President! He is listening to all those ghost voters who cast the multiple votes not real people!

    By rigging the elections Zanu PF has just confirmed that Zimbabwe is still the pariah state it was always been under this Zanu PF dictatorship. Nothing much has changed since last November's coup. Accordingly there will be no flood of investors coming in to help kick start the comatose economy because investor do not do business with thugs!

    All that "Zimbabwe is open for business!" carrion calls were a waste of time. As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state no one would want to do business in the country!

  7. Spot on! The corrupt and murderous tyrant blatantly rigged elections and now he has chutzpah to say he "is a listening president!" Listening to the ghost voters who voted him into power!
