Tuesday, 7 August 2018

"Calling ZDF thugs "rogue elements" is not enough, stop the madness!" argue News Day - good but still not enough N Garikai

There are those who want to treat the on-going violent crackdown by the Zanu PF regime that started on 1st August 2018 as a separate event totally divorced from this year’s elections. The two are related or be it the relationship is very subtle!

“The Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) needs to move in quickly and rein in "rogue elements" reportedly causing unrest across the country since last week,” wrote News Day in their editorial.

“Evidence abound of several people who have been brutalised by military elements operating under cover of darkness to mete out retributive attacks on perceived and known opposition activists in various parts of the country following Zanu PF's narrow victory in the just-ended harmonised elections.

“Quick intervention by the military bosses would go a long way in protecting the institution's public image.

Yes, President Mnangagwa and his junta would very much like ZDF, the Police, ZEC and the whole Zanu PF dictatorship to have a five-star public image but not at the expense of Zanu PF losing power. When it comes to doing anything to consolidate Zanu PF’s strangle hold on power that party has never ever hesitated to disregard the law, to harass, beat and even kill – damn the consequence of action to the ordinary people much less the regime’s public image.

The brutal military crackdown that has left ten people dead, hundreds injured and hundreds of thousands harassed and frightened out of their wits is for two primary purposes:

1)     Of course, Zanu PF knows that the just ended elections were not free, fair and credible. How can the elections be free and fair when there was no free public media, no verified voters’ roll, when Zanu PF robbed the nation blind to bankroll its vote-rigging and vote-buying schemes, etc. President Mnangagwa knew the ordinary people will be angry that they have once again been short changed. The military crackdown now, before he was sworn in, is a warning of what awaited those who dared protest against his regime.

2)     Before the elections Zanu PF leaders like Engelbert Rugeje, Zanu PF National Political Commissar, himself a notorious ZDF operative of the 2008 and 2013 wanton violence, and a number of ministers had warned that Zanu PF will use violence if the elections did not go its way. These elections were peaceful but only because Zanu PF was cashing in on the fear instilled in the past; this was operation harvest fear.

There is no double that the 1st August 2018 street protestors were not peaceful. There is no doubt many of the MDC leaders encouraged the violent protest in pursuit of their repeated threat “to make Zimbabwe ungovernable”.

The elections had shown that the people were forgetting that Zanu PF was a party of ruthless thugs and so the party need to remind the nation of this fact. The party needed an excuse to turn-on the violence and the street protests provided the excuse. Indeed, Dr Nkululeko Sibanda, Chamisa ‘s spokesman, has said most of the protestors were Zanu PF double agents, agent provocateurs. No one would put it beyond Zanu PF to do this, after all we all know of how the party stage managed the violent farm seizure to cover for its brutal repression of the MDC opposition.

What matters is that Zanu PF lured MDC into the trap and the latter fell for it!

So what Zanu PF are doing right now is unleashing the military to brutalise the civilians and remind the nation at large that Zanu PF is a party of ruthless thugs who will stop at nothing to win elections.

During the elections, with the international community spotlight was on Zimbabwe, Zanu PF had no chose but to keep its thugs on the leash and settle for “operation harvest fear!” The party was clearly disappointed by the harvest and knew it must do something about it now. The wanton violence against the civilians is therefore “operation sow fear!”

“Since the November 2017 military intervention that saw former President Robert Mugabe being forced to step down after 37 years in power, the army had gained some modicum of respect and trust among members of the public after soldiers quickly retreated to the barracks soon after the operation,” continued News Day.

“However, recent events which include the fatal shooting of seven opposition protestors and innocent passers-by in Harare last week and the subsequent night raids on MDC Alliance activists paint a different picture of the military which a few months ago had become the darling of the citizenry.

Last November’s military coup was about President Mnangagwa and his junta friends wrestling power from Robert Mugabe. The coup plotters knew that Zanu PF and Robert Mugabe were unpopular with the people after all it was none other than Mnangagwa and his gang of thugs who have been doing all the dirty work including staging the coup in 2008 to stop MDC getting into power. To get public support Mnangagwa and his coup plotters sold the coup as a solution to end Mugabe’s rule and the Zanu PF dictatorship. The junta delivered the former but not the latter.  

The vote-rigging and violent Zanu PF dictatorship is alive and thriving as events of these elections and the wanton violence of the last week have shown.  

“We believe it's not enough for military bosses to merely describe their men who are reportedly terrorising citizens while in military fatigue as "rogue elements". More should be done to put this madness to a stop, otherwise these unprovoked attacks on civilians could trigger civil unrest should the victims decide to fight back,” concluded News Day editorial.

“If this is not done as matter of urgency, members of the public will be forced to once again perceive the military as enemies of the people rather than guarantors of national security.”

Look ‘rogue elements’ of past violence have never been punished. Indeed, many of them, Minister Perrance Shiri and President Mnangagwa himself have been promoted and rewarded handsomely for their “gallant role” in shedding the blood of innocent Zimbabweans in the Gukurahundi massacre, for example.

As for the public “perceiving the military as enemy” that is as inconsequential as an ant threatening an elephant!  And yet a swarm of bees is known to drive away a herd of elephant – they sting the most sensitive part of the elephant, its ears.

Force Zanu PF to implement all the democratic reforms, striping the regime of all its carte blanche powers to rig elections, and thus hold free, fair and credible elections; Zanu PF will be like Biblical Samson with his head shaved smooth as a baby’s bottom! Hold free, fair and credible elections and the Zanu dictatorship will lose. Free and fair elections is Zanu PF’s Achilles’ heel, it is the of the dictatorship’s sensitive elephant’s ears!

We all know that the just ending elections were not free, fair and credible and we, the people of Zimbabwe must insist they are declared null and void. The international election observers are yet to make their judgement, our task is to make sure that they condemn these flawed and illegal elections.

By declaring these elections null and void, the international community will clear the way for the appointment of an interim administration that will be tasked to implement the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.

Zimbabwe is stuck in this economic and political mess because for the last 38 years the country has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections and, until we hold such elections, we will never ever get out of this mess. Never ever!

Even if President Mnangagwa was to punish the one or two soldiers responsible for the violence of the last week, Zimbabwe will not see any meaningful economic or political change until we hold free, fair and credible elections. The elephant’s ramp may present a more tempting target for a bee to sting but the elephant will feel nothing because the skin there is one inch plus thick! We need to be smarter and focused in our dealing with this Zanu PF dictatorship and not just shot from the hip.  

I agree, it is not enough for President Mnangagwa to use ZDF, ZEC and all the other state institutions to continue impose the Zanu PF dictatorship and pretend those responsible for the wanton violence are “rogue elements” in the army. He must accept the just ended elections were flawed and illegal, that Zanu PF rigged the elections, and he and his junta must now step aside!


  1. @ Al Jazeera

    "Only a few hours before the start of the deadly post-vote violence, the African Union Electoral Observer Mission to Zimbabwe (AUEOM), the SADC Electoral Observer Mission to Zimbabwe (SEOM) and the COMESA Election Observer Mission, three very important African bodies, had all released individual communiques that endorsed the controversial election process.

    "While all three African observer missions were quick to give their stamps of approval to the July 30 presidential and parliamentary elections, the COMESA mission, had offered the most gushing words of praise. It said the controversial elections were "generally peaceful, transparent and adhered to national, regional and international standards".

    "It is a shame that these eminent regional bodies have chosen to side with the military-backed Zanu-PF leadership. Their endorsement of Zimbabwe's objectively problematic and unjust election process undoubtedly symbolises the structural, political and electoral ills afflicting African politics."

    The writer is spot on. By endorsing sham election, the African regional bodies have thrown the door wide open other African to rig elections too! Monkey see, monkey do!

    It is tragic that many ordinary Africans out there are blind to what their leaders are doing within the country's borders much less outside. When elections are rigged, these people will finally wake up and complain but their voices will be drowned out!

    "In the next five years, with Mnangagwa in office, Zimbabwe may witness a cosmetic change in governance style. But, in essence, the Zanu-PF will continue to rule the country in the very same way it did before this controversial election. After another - albeit highly contested - electoral victory, the governing party is unlikely to abandon its problematic but also successful political and electoral formula of intermittently appeasing and intimidating both its support base and opponents."

    I could not agree with the writer more on this and hence the reason the people of Zimbabwe must argue the rest of the international community to declare these elections null and void and to demand the appointment of an interim administration. We need to break this vicious cycle now and not be caught in this folly of hoping we can win the next rigged elections!

  2. "If certain individuals think that they can decide on behalf of the people, the people will walk away. We now have many enemies inside the party and outside the party there are many who are getting money to sell out the party," Matemadanda thundered.

    This is just an excuse to justify the dog-eat-dog fighting that has consumed Zanu PF and will never stop until the party is burnt down to ashes. There is nothing anyone can do to stop Zanu PF imploding but what we must do is stop Zanu PF dragging the nation into this hell with it!

    These elections must be declared null and void, that is the only peaceful means of decoupling the party Zanu PF from Zimbabwe the nation.

  3. @ Nick Mangwana

    "Elections have come and gone. The people have spoken," you said.

    It is nonsensical to say the "people have spoken" when millions of Zimbabweans in the diaspora were denied the vote and even then the regime still failed to produce a verified voters' roll to say who voted!

    These elections were flawed and illegal and no one in their right mind will ever accept them as free, fair and credible. These elections must be declared null and void; enough of this Zanu PF bullshit!

  4. @ MP Hoey

    Said Hoey, "There should be no change to @P_VanDamme_EU or @UKinZimbabwe or American government policies to Zimbabwe government until at the very minimum Chiwenga is removed from his Vice Presidency and his control of the military."

    The Zimbabwe elections were a sham. How can anyone in all honest judge these elections free, fair and credible when there was no free public media, no verified voters' roll, when Zanu PF was free to rob the nation blind to bankroll its vote-rigging and vote-buying shenanigans, etc.? For the British, Americans, EU or anyone in a democratic country to judge these elections free and fair would be an insult to every Zimbabwean.

    The British can deal with this Zanu PF dictatorship but they must not do so without patronising us too by telling us these flawed elections is the nearest to free, fair and credible elections we deserve!

  5. Chinese President Xi Jinping has congratulated President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa on his election as Zimbabwean president.

    In a congratulatory message dated Sunday, President Xi expressed hope that the people and government of Zimbabwe will record more achievements in national development under Mnangagwa's leadership.

    So it took China nearly a week to gather enough courage to congratulate its own puppet it helped rig the elections.

    What does China know about free, fair and credible elections?

    As for Zimbabwe's development, since when has China care about Zimbabwe's economic wellbeing? China is the one country that has taken full advantage of the political chaos in the country to milked Zimbabwe dry throughout the last 38 years. No doubt China is pleased the chaos is going to remain and it will have the opportunity to continue milking the nation.

  6. "The fascists are trying to steal this election, but we won't accept it," said the veteran opposition leader, who is one of the co-leaders of the seven-party Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC Alliance) coalition which contested the presidential and parliamentary poll," said Biti.

    "Our data shows we have won by 61 percent; Nelson Chamisa has won 61 percent of the votes.

    Biti is known for saying one thing today and eating his words the next. He claimed Tsvangirai had won in 2008 but only to revise his figure later. He should give us the figures and stop messing around!

  7. @ New York Times editorial

    Last week's national elections in Zimbabwe were a critical test of whether President Emmerson Mnangagwa was really prepared to lead the revival of a country brought to ruin by his autocratic predecessor, Robert Mugabe. So far, the aftermath of the elections that gave Mr. Mnangagwa and the governing Zanu-PF party at least five more years in power has given little reason for celebration.

    There is little likelihood that Zimbabwe's electoral commission or courts will overturn the results, posing a difficult choice to the International Monetary Fund and other donors and investors whose help is desperately needed to sort out an economic mess that has sent more than a quarter of Zimbabwe's citizens abroad to work.

    These elections were a fudge. Zimbabweans can pretend the elections were free, fair and credible and that things are back to normal but we will only be deluding ourselves. The best way out is for the country to bite the bullet, accept the elections were rigged and declared null and void.

  8. Australia notes the strong desire of the people of Zimbabwe to move their country forward, as seen by their enthusiastic and largely peaceful participation in the historic elections.
    One thing that cannot be denied is that these elections were not free and fair because the peaceful environment alone is not enough for elections to be judged free and fair. There was no free media, no verified voters’ roll, Zanu PF robbed the nation blind to bankroll its devilish vote-rigging and vote-buying schemes, etc.
    All thinking Zimbabweans would find anyone, especially from a nation that has held democratic elections, who judges these elections free and fair insulting and patronising. Because the individual will be effectively Zimbabwe does not deserve free and fair elections and must be content with these flawed and illegal elections. All one can say to the individual, fcuk off! Who do you think you are!

  9. Speaking on Twitter, Hoey who is a Member of Parliament for Vauxhall said:
    “There should be no change to @P_VanDamme_EU or @UKinZimbabwe or American government policies to Zimbabwe government until at the very minimum Chiwenga is removed from his Vice Presidency and his control of the military.”

    With all due respect to MP Hoey, what would the dismissal of VP Chiwenga accomplish? Zanu PF has rigged these elections and unless something is done here and now will continue to rig elections in the future. These elections must be declared null and void and the dismissal of VP Chiwenga is nothing more that a slap on the wrist of a mass murderer!

  10. “Let me assure you that the military of this country is generally a well-trained and very disciplined force, which has operated for a period of almost over three months from November to about January 2018,” said Foreign Affairs Minister S Moyo.

    “At one stage it took over the responsibility of policing, it is well experienced in dealing with people and it will not indulge in that.”

    Of course ZDF are a “very disciplined force” and you Minister and a number of others showed this only 8 months ago when you staged a military coup!

  11. “In 1964 Harold Wilson of Britain had one seat, beating the Conservatives by one seat and he formed Government and ruled England and I have two thirds majority and you are talking about me abandoning my two thirds majority to set a Government of National Unity?

    “Not that it’s a bad idea, but it doesn’t show that there is any need. I am saying politics should now take the back seat because the elections are behind us.

    “We should now put our shoulders to the wheel for purposes of modernising our economy, growing our economy together. Those who have voted against me, those who voted for me, we say Zimbabwe is ours together.

    “Let’s move on. The best argument, the best vision, the best ideas have taken the day.”

    ED is even more naïve than I ever thought. He and his coup junta staged a military coup last November and they called it “military assisted transition”! It was a very foolish thing to do but only made worse by pretending anyone of substance would not know this was a coup. Now the junta is at it yet again; they promised to hold free, fair and credible elections, they rig the elections and now expect the thinking public to believe these were free and fair elections!

    By rigging the elections ED has confirmed Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by ruthless thugs. Zimbabwe’s economy is not going anywhere because investors do not do business with thugs!
