Tuesday, 21 August 2018

"Pray for God to defend our vote!" calls Chamisa - ED has already stolen millions of votes N Garikai

The picture of Nelson Chamisa up in mountain in Murewa dressed in white, for purity, clatching the Bible and asking us all fast and pray. "I am urging the whole nation to pray. Let us go before God so that he may help us, we don't want the spilling of blood,” he said.
No doubt, the whole shebang was meant to evoke the image of Moses coming down Mount Sanai clatching the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. However instead of evoking the Moses, the picture evoked the memory of this religious fanatic, Innocent Gaka, at my High School.
Religion had always been an important part of my childhood and school life because both my parents are devout Christians and I had always attended Church based School. Innocent took religion to a new level; instead of the usual once a week Sunday Church service, he had four or five Bible discussions, Prayer meetings, etc. Come end of year examinations time, Innocent, went into overdrive, holding pray meeting to pray for examiners to ask clear questions, for students to answer clearly, there was even one prayer meeting to pray for the pens!
To cut a long story short, the High School had its worst ZJC, “O” level and “A” level results ever. The following year Headmaster told Innocent and his disciples that their religion activities will not be allowed to eat into study time.
Nelson Chamisa’s religious posturing has the same Innocent Gaka appeal – asking God to do for us what we are too lazy to do for  ourselves!
"We have to stand with our God to defend our vote within the confines of peace ... change does not come easy," Chamisa said.
Nelson Chamisa and his MDC Alliance friends agreed to go into these elections with no democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, against repeated advice not to. They did not even have the common sense to demand that ZEC must produce a clean and verified voters’ roll throwing the door wide open for all manner of Zanu PF vote rigging shenanigans.
There was no free public media. 2 to 3 million Zimbabweans in the diaspora were denied the vote. Zanu PF robbed the nation blind to bankroll its vote rigging schemes. Many voters in the rural areas in particular are beholden to Zanu PF handouts and/or so fearful of reprisals they did not dare to vote for anyone else.  
Whatever evidence Chamisa has submitted in his court challenge, it is but a fraction of the blatant vote rigging that has taken place here all because the nation had failed to implemented the raft of democratic reforms required to ensure free, fair and credible elections.
Millions of Zimbabweans LOST their right to a free, fair and credible vote because these election went ahead without first implemented the democratic reforms. So Chamisa is asking God “defend” the lost vote? This is just like Innocent Gaka asking God to help the student “remember” stuff they never learned because they never studies!


  1. "Of concern to investors is the continued hostility of the West, principally America which has been influencing IFIs (International Financial Institutions) negatively against Zimbabwe," Charamba said in an emailed response to questions about investor concerns over the election.

    "This has delayed a resolution to the debt question, itself the elephant in the room."

    It has taken a while for the penny to drop but it has now dropped: investors have not been fooled by the big smile and loud scarf! Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by vote rigging thugs; no investors wants to do business with thugs!

  2. US Gvt issues American Citizens With Travel Warnings On Zim

    These elections should have never gone ahead with no democratic reforms in place.

    "MDC has stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections!" said Chamisa.

    If Zanu PF did not rig the elections then why is Chamisa complaining about? What is more the court challenge will resolve nothing because whatever happens Zanu PF has a lot of political power already.

    This is one mess we should have avoided.

  3. @ Tom Nkala

    "It seems that today is the peak of all the events since November 2017. It is the absolute climax of a period unlike any other in Zimbabwean history. We should all be happy and grateful that we were here to live through it, to see the progress of our country towards the democracy. We are moving forward towards that final goal," you say.

    "And free democracy, after all, is the goal. We yearn for nothing more than the just rule of the people by the people. We pray for this every day, not only these three days as called for by Chamisa. We are closer to democracy than we have ever been in the history of our nation. We should be proud of this."

    How naïve!

    These elections were not free, fair and credible. How can these be free and fair elections when there was no free public media, when 2 to 3 million Zimbabweans in the diaspora were denied a vote, when ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a clean and verified voters' roll, etc.?

    Zanu PF blatantly rigged these elections to secure for itself a 2/3 parliamentary majority. So Zanu PF is guaranteed a pivotal role in determining Zimbabwe's destiny in the coming five years regardless who wins the presidential race! In other words we are stuck with the corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF!

    The challenge before the Con-Court is just another leg in this macabre political circus whose outcome either way will drag this nation deeper and deeper into this hell-on-earth Zanu PF landed this nation.

    What you see as "progress of our country towards the democracy", is but a figment of your imagination. Neither a Chamisa nor a Mnangagwa administration will implement even one meaningful democratic reform because the Zanu PF 2/3 majority will never allow any such thing. Five years from now the nation will still be talking of the need to implement democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections!

  4. @ Twnd Mabika

    And yet not even you can deny the country is in serious economic and political trouble after 38 years of blundering from pillar to post. Not even you can deny that these elections have been a total waste of time because a Chamisa administration with 2/3 Zanu PF parliament and senator will be a totally dysfunctional government.
    Chamisa and his 64 MPs will be nothing more than puppets dancing to Zanu PF's macabre music and savage dance moves. A Mnangagwa administration will only confirm the nation is in for the same old corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorial rule.
    And so at a time when the nation is right up on the very edge of the precipice and needed to pause and turn back these village idiots from both sides of the political drive are forcing the nation forward.
    The only way out of this madness if for these elections to be declared null and void, clear the political deck of all the village idiots, and appoint an interim administration that will implement the democratic reforms and give the nation a clean democratic start!
    "Unongohukura zvisina basa iwe!" you say.
    Well so you think continuing down the same path we have travelled these last 38 years is going to get us anywhere? There is no one more blind than he who has eyes to see but either close his physical eyes and/or mental eyes so he perceives nothing. Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because we have more than our fair share of village idiots whose brain has but atrophied after decades of being switched off! Mabika, you are one of those village idiots!

  5. Nelson Chamisa and his MDC friends have never cared about the oppressed majority who are denied their freedoms and basic human rights including the right to a free vote and even the right to life as long as they win the few gravy train seats Zanu PF offered as bait. MDC leaders like Tendai Biti, David Coltart and a few others whom won the 64 MP seats and senator seats are DE E LIGHTED. Chamisa would have been delighted to be the leader of the opposition but the prospect of winning the presidency has send him over the moon with joy.
    The fact that Zanu PF has won 2/3 majority in parliament and senate using the millions of stolen votes is not important to Chamisa and company. Worse still, Chamisa and his 64 MPs will be nothing more than puppets dancing to Zanu PF's macabre music and savage dance moves. Chamisa administration will never accomplish anything of substance, it will be Zanu PF thugs principle task to see to that.
    If Chamisa and his MDC Alliance village idiots had listened to the advice not to go into these elections with no reforms in place then Zanu PF would have never stolen the millions of votes to win 2/3 majority in parliament. Zimbabwe would not be stuck with this totally dysfunctional government with a MDC president and 2/3 Zanu PF parliament or else the usual corrupt and tyrannical 100% Zanu PF regime!
    Chamisa went up Mount Murewa an arrogant and egotistic village idiot and came down no wiser than when he went up! The village idiot allowed Zanu PF to steal the millions of votes now he is asking God to defend what is not there!
