Wednesday 28 August 2024

"We stand with Chamisa, he never betrayed the people<" insist VAAZ. Yet failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years! W Mukori.

 “Hupenzi inyama yegakava!” as my late mother would say. The great Physicist Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The two are more gentile, I am not. I have often said the village idiots as stubborn in their stupidity, paraphrasing my mother! 

“To set the record straight, we stand with Advocate Nelson Chamisa because he is the only consistent of all leaders. His service and sacrifice to the Poor People's Struggle is priceless, he never betrayed the Poor People's Struggle even when the Regime dangled a gold rich and poisoned carrot in front of him which others unfortunately salivated for.” Mandava Blessing Veterans Activists Association Zimbabwe (VAAZ) National Spokesperson.

Only a village idiot with no clue what the MDC/CCC was elected to do would say that! For the record, MDC leaders were elected to implement the necessary democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, as the party’s name implied - Movement For Democratic Change (MDC). 

Zanu PF not only blatantly rigged the 2023 elections but got away with it precisely because:

  1. 1) MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one democratic change in 24 years including 5 in the GNU when they had the best ever opportunity to implement the reforms. Mugabe dangled the trappings of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos, the generous salaries and allowances, US$ 4 million mansion for Save himself, etc. In return, the MDC leaders forgot about the reforms. Not even the constant nagging by SADC would get them to lift a finger on implementing reforms.

  1. 2) Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They have conned the brain dead party supporters to participate with idiotic claims like “I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” Freeman Chari of Team Pachedu released their report proving once again the sheer folly of CCC’s idiotic claim they could win RIGGED elections.

“For the record, fighting injustice and for the reclamation of our freedoms and liberties is  everyone's responsibility not Advocate Nelson Chamisa's burden to shoulder alone. LET'S CARRY THE CROSS TOGETHER AS ZIMBABWEANS!” continued VAAZ National Spokesperson.


“Cowards who hide behind a keyboard must come out of the closet and fight the dictator head on. President Chamisa is a real soldier unlike all these faggots.”

The truth is Blessing Mandava, like so many diehard MDC/CCC leaders and supporters alike, has no clue what the democratic changes/reforms are much less how they are implemented, the dire consequences of failing to implement them, etc., etc. The GNU was the golden opportunity for the nation to implement the reforms and MDC sold out big time but how can some one like Mandava see that when they don’t even know what the reforms are!

Mandava and company are no different from Boxer the horse in Animal Farm. Boxer had failed to learn the alphabet, something as basic as that, and could not string together even a few words to make a coherent idea. He gave up thinking for himself and accepted everything that Napoleon said. “Comrade Napoleon is always right!” was Boxer’s new motto. To Mandava and company, it is the Chamisa Chete Chete personality cult mentality. 

The democratic changes were supposed to be implemented in 18 months but the GNU lasted 60 months and still not even one token reform was implemented. After 24 year-end still not even one token reform implemented one would think even Boxer the horse would start to question his motto but not so the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade!

The fear is Chamisa will mobilise Mandava & co. to participate in flawed 2028 elections on the basis of yet another idiotic lie and they will participate in their millions to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. There is nothing one can do because Mandava & co. are brain dead and otherwise impermeable to reason and logic.

MDC/CCC leaders were elected to implement the democratic reforms and thus dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship. After 24 years including 5 in the GNU and still not even one token implemented and yet millions still believe Chamisa & Co. are still fighting in the ordinary people’s corner. How can anyone, much less a whole nation, be so shallow, thick and slow! 

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have millions of Zimbabweans who are not only insane but stubbornly so. Makakava! And to crown it all they have the vote!


  1. @ Chukwu

    Even a village idiot like you knows that it is elected official who can implement the reforms and not private individuals. You are asking me how many reforms I have implemented just because you do not want the truth to be said that Chamisa and Co. have been in public office for 24 years and have failed to implement even one reform.

    I am holding him to account and you are doing the exact opposite. You are defending him because you think he is a demigod who should never ever be held to account.

    Chamisa sold out on reforms and and this will be hammered into your empty head day and night! The very idea of village idiots like you participating in yet another flawed 2028 elections to perpetuate the dictatorship is unthinkable. Watch this space!

  2. “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” Isaac Asimov.

    The stupid are just using patriotism as an excuse for their stupidity and the intelligent, who are cowed down, are using safety as an excuse for their cowardice.
