Tuesday 13 August 2024

Chamisa & Co. have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years because they have no clue what they are doing. W Mukori

NC: No! 2028 is not in the picture at all, because talking about 2028, presupposes that we had 2023.

But 2023 was a nullity, a void and, therefore, does not exist. There was nothing and nothing stands on nothing.

The fact that we have had challenges does not mean that it's impossible or it's not doable. We must continue fighting until we get it.

That's why it's a struggle. It is never a walk in the park. It's not instant coffee or picking pumpkins.

That is where the problem is with those who choose to look at 2028 as a yardstick. It's not. We must fix what is broken now.”

This is the reason why MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 year, including the 5 in the GNU; here is some one who have no clue what they want and what is going on and yet would rattle on and on pretending they know what the want  and where they are going. Ask them later if they have accomplished what they said they will do and they will tell you another tale with no beginning or end!

Chamisa was warned of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections countless times but refused to listen. Last year he lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con the 2 million of his supporters to participate in the flawed elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy. And now he is the one saying “But 2023 was a nullity, a void and, therefore, does not exist. There was nothing and nothing stands on nothing.” Whatever that is supposed to mean!

He should be focusing on what he is going to do to make sure he does not con his brain dead followers into participating in yet another flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. He is just marking time talking about 2023 being a nothing whilst he yet to participate in the flawed 2028 just as he did whilst he waited to participate in 2023. 

The nation’s hope of ending this madness of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy is in reaching out to the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade and talk them out of participating. That is easier said than done because they are impermeable to reason and logic because of their personality cult mentality. 


  1. https://bulawayo24.com/index-id-opinion-sc-interviews-byo-244525.html

    Chamisa & Co. have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years, including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU because they have no clue what they doing. Never had and never will! Chamisa is fighting a lost about about the disputed 2023 elections only to mark time whilst he waits to con his 2 million followers to participate in the 2028 elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy - yet again.

    The challenge is to talk to the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade to stop them participating - easily said than done given they are impermeable to reason given their personality cult mentality! Still it is our only hope to end this insanity of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the nation's suffering.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idfQ4RubJhg

    Irony of ironies! Zimbabwe has chained out more "national heroes" in 44 years than most nations have done 400 years and yet has recorded some of the worst looting, human sufferings and unnecessary deaths and none of the heroes have lifted a finger to stop the madness.

    Indeed, many of the so-called national heroes played their part in imposition of the Zanu PF dictatorship and took their share of the looted wealth.

    "Do not take for granted the freedom you are enjoying today!" said Mnangagwa. What is he wittering about!

  3. In 2018 Chamisa said he wanted 2018 election resolved and would not pay attention to implementing reform to stop 2023 become a repeat of 2018. Now he is say exactly the same of 2023 and ignoring reforms for 2028! This is really becoming nauseating in its sheer stupidity!

    The one thing one can expect Chamisa to do is do the stupid thing. He will cross the road to step on a banana skin and slip and fall. The truth is 24 years of these slip-up are a luxury Zimbabwe cannot afford.

    Chamisa & Co. will never implement any democratic reforms to ensure free and fair elections and the very idea of winning rigged elections, “so flawed, so illegal the only logical step is to withdraw,” as Coltart aptly put it absurd.

    We need to focus on get the reforms implemented a.s.a.p. or there is no participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Enough is enough of this madness!

  4. Well here is a buffoon, he was breaking the law in the making of the law! He could not name the chapter and verse that said a military coup was constitutional because there is no such chapter and verse!

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2hRjROIeuE

    ANC is refusing to heed calls to boycott the SADC Summit in Harare in the light of Zimbabwe being a North Korea Police State in all but name. It is "normal for Summit to be held in the country of incoming SADC chair's country" ANC's Clayson Monyela argued. True but these are NOT times!

    It is no secret that ANC has propped up Zanu PF for the last 20 years for its own selfish political reasons. ANC leaders owe Zimbabweans an apology and what better way of repaying that debt than doing the right thing for a change. The last thing we want from ANC is a feeble excuse for their continued pampering of Zanu PF thugs at our expense!

  6. @ Bachipeneti

    You have failed to understand what the reforms are much less how they are implemented, etc., etc. You still continue to witter on and on about what SADC did and did not do last year as if SADC only came into existence last year. You do not know what SADC did during the 2008 to 2013 GNU, because you have no clue what the reforms are and everything else.

    You are just an empty drum making a lot of noise! The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that there are millions others just like you, the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade. And, worst of all, you lot have the vote!

    Chamisa & Co. sold out not only by failing to implement reforms but by participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. He conned you and your fellow Chamisa Chete Chete brigade to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and now you want to blame SADC for the mess.

    The greatest fear is that Chamisa will con you nincompoops to participate in the flawed 2028 elections and thus perpetuating the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering. You lot are impermeable to reason because of your personality cult mentality.

    I have become public enemy number one for no other reason than that I have dared to point out that Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes. Of course, he lied and you know it; you just cannot bear to have the truth about Chamisa said.

    Well I am here to speak the truth and fight to stop Zimbabwe giving Zanu PF legitimacy yet again by participating in flawed elections in numbers as happened last year! It would be remiss if I should allow myself to be silenced by an empty drum, a braindead nincompoop, like you.

  7. The fact of the matter remains that Zanu PF is denying rural folk title deed because the regime does not want them to be economically empowered for fear it will lose its political strangle hold on them! If this is not modern day slavery, I do not know what is!

  8. @ Charles

    You talk with the arrogance of the slave master talking about the advantages of being a slave. How typical!

  9. @ Tangwireyi

    “Uchafira kuhope iwe nekubatikana naChamisa. It’s not good for your mental health.”

    The late Eddison Zvobgo lamented of Zimbabweans’ favourite tactic to avoid dealing with facts, reality and truths, calling it the Mozambique syndrome.

    "Whenever they lost an argument when we
    were in Mozambique, they would accuse you of
    being CIA to avoid the substantive issues,” he said.

    Chamisa & Co. did fail to implement even one token reform in 24 years, including the 5 years in the GNU. Worst of all, they have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Of course, Chamisa lied about plugging all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop hole to con his 2 million brain dead supporters to vote for him whilst 3 to 4 million in the diaspora cheered and bankrolled the elections.

    Instead of addressing the substantive issues of failure to implement reforms, etc. the wildebeest herd will accuse you of hating Chamisa - the variant of the Mozambique syndrome.

    Like it or not Zimbabwe is a failed state partly because Zimbabweans have again and again opted to bury their heads in their leaders’ backsides. No wonder millions are brain dead - after decades of being starved of oxygen their brains have ossified into fat!

    Man is supposed to be a creature of reason, but when most of your brain is fat you are impermeable to reason and can hardly string two words together to constitute a coherent thought!

    Hold Chamisa to democratic account is the duty of every citizen; only a brain dead nincompoop like you would call it hatred in your effort to silence the dutiful citizens!

  10. @ Grace

    Zimbabwe’s failure to hold free and fair elections is an important topic. You are free to bring up what you think is important but do not be so presumptuous as to tell everyone else what they must talk about!

  11. Chiweshe fooled no one except the fools. He said the coup was lawful and constitutional and yet failed to quote the chapter and verse of law or constitution because there was no such chapter and verse!

  12. @ Mavhunga

    Zanu PF is denying rural people title deeds and thus denying them a chance to economically empower themselves for selfish political reasons - you flatulent nincompoop!

  13. “A street trader ran into her house and locked herself inside and watched in trauma while a group of people wearing Operation Dudula T-shirts ransacked her vegetable stall in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa.

    For about 30 minutes the woman, who managed to save some of her stock, stood in her shack in fear after her tomatoes, onions and potatoes were tossed to the ground as the group of men and women chanted Struggle songs. The group included residents with Patriotic Alliance regalia.

    She came out after some members of the group had moved on to other shops and stalls. She told Sowetan that she was from Mozambique and has been in South Africa for about 12 years and had permit documents for her stay in the country.”

    It does not take much to light up the anti-foreigner hatred in SA. And so foreigners will always live in fear and have a packed bag ready to flee at a moment's notice.

    It is disappointing that ANC has propped up Zanu PF for the last 20 years or so and thus contributing to making that country a failed state.

  14. ZIMBABWE has assumed the chairmanship of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Council of Ministers from Angola.
    The development comes ahead of the 44th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government where President Mnangagwa will assume the regional bloc’s rotational chairmanship.

    Foreign Affairs Minister Frederick Shava took over leadership of the SADC Council of Ministers from his Angolan counterpart Ambassador Tete Antonio during the handover ceremony Tuesday at the New Parliament Building in Mt Hampden, situated on the outskirts of Harare.

    Zimbabwe will steer the organisation’s efforts in fostering development and integration for the next year.

    So SADC is entrusting the task of “steering the organisation’s efforts in fostering development and integration for the next year,” to Zimbabwe a pariah state whose own economy is in total economic meltdown precisely because it is a pariah state. This is as foolish as entrusting the hyena to be the midwife to a goat!

    SADC leaders accepted the damning SADC Election Observer (SEOM) report condemning Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections as flawed and illegal making Zimbabwe, per se, illegitimate. The regional body, for whatever reasons, decided to do nothing about denying the regime legitimacy and to punish it.

    So Mnangagwa was allowed to become President of Zimbabwe and, by virtue of it is Zimbabwe’s turn, chairman of the regional body for 5 and 1 year respectively. Zimbabweans and SADC members will each be hoping the consequences of having Mnangagwa at the helm will not be too disastrous!

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a-Ih0U-8yQ

    One of the number one task as SADC chair would be to foster development within the region and with outsiders on behalf of the region. Zanu PF has failed to revive the country's own economic development because it is a pariah state and by rigging 2023 elections Zanu PF confirm the nation's status.

    No would be investor would want to do business with Mnangagwa and his Foreign Minister, Frederick Shava; these are hyenas! Hyenas cannot be midwife to a goat.

  16. All those holding public office are accountable to the people. Linda may be a leader of another political party, she is still, first and foremost, a member of the homogeneous people. She has the right to hold Chamisa to account just like anyone else has the same right.

    Democracy is a double edged sword. Those who have embraced the word and spirit of doing on to others as you have others do unto you have no problem with democracy being double edged. They know that for democracy to work it MUST be double edged.

    How they are many who whilst readily accepting the benefit to them of everyone doing to them exactly as they would want to be treated; they have the problem returning the favour.

    They want their right to freedom of expression respected and honour and yet their instinctive response is to deny others the same right. They do not want their obligation to put hold others’ right and, instead, demand that their freedom of expression must be extended, by hook or by crook, to include the right to force others to shut up.

    Those in positions of power and authority never see anything wrong with the exercise of their power and authority. One can find an excuse to justify their actions, no matter how outrageous the act. The truth is, there is no such thing as a benevolent dictator.

  17. @ Grace Ruredzo

    “Kupiko …
    Focusing 2024
    Sadc chairmanship mu πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΌπŸŽΆπŸŽ΅”

    Who elected him president of Zimbabwe so he can be chair of SADC? He elected himself.

    Who interest will he serve as president and chairman? His selfish interests and that of his cronies.

    Zimbabwe is a failed state because the nation has been stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF regime for 44 years and counting. 49% of our people are living in abject poverty held back by thugs who believes they have the divine right to govern the country until “donkeys have horns”! If this is not modern day slavery I do not know what is.

    Whilst the slave masters celebrate slavery and the good life it has afforded them; the slaves on the coal face of the suffering and mental anguish slavery has brought will not be celebrating.

    What I find nauseating is that yesteryear’s oppressor were foreigners and today’s oppressors are our own follow blacks. It is a crying shame that black Africans are the one group of humans that has repeatedly oppressed its own kith and kin with cold indifference. During the slavery trade of the 18 th and 19 th century it was blacks who hunted down their fellow blacks and sold them to the white men for beads and pieces of calico cloth. Nothing has changed.

    Today Mnangagwa is holding millions of ordinary Zimbabweans in abject poverty, denying them title deeds to even one acre of land on which they mud hut stand. He has uprooted rural people from Marange and Chiadzwa without so much as “By your leave!” so that Chinese and Russians can loot the diamonds. He has no clue the true value of the loot and so he and his cronies get paid a mere pittance of the loot - modern day beads and calico cloth! What a moron.

    Celebrate Mnangagwa’s chairmanship of SADC! The sheer stupidity of some people simply beggars belief. One cannot reason with some one whose brain has ossified and turned into fat. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state in the dark continent!
