Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Come 2031, what if Zimbabwe is still a failed state - proof vision 2030 was a mirage. What the Mnangagwa? W Mukori

 There are some things we can debate and even agree to disagree. There are others we should not even discuss because they are obvious and beyond dispute. The right of every Zimbabwean to a meaningful say in the governance of the country is one of those things beyond dispute. 

The right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country is more than just a right - it is the essence of good governance. 

Zimbabwe is a failed state precisely because for 45 years and counting the nation has been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF dictatorship. The regime has rigged elections to stay in power, denying the people a meaningful say in the governance of the country.

Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies rigged the 2023 elections. Both SADC and AU have condemned the election process as flawed and illegal. Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF government are illegitimate. 

It is therefore an outrage that the regime should be seeking to extend its stay in power by amending the constitution to give parliament the power to postpone 2028 elections to 2030.

“Muchida, mushingadi vaMnangagwa varikusvika nenyika mugore ra2030!” (Whether people like it or not Mnangagwa will remain in power until 2030!) boasted Zanu PF Minister Garwe. He even had the cheek to call those objecting to the outrageous proposals, demons.

Yes, I readily admit that I am one of these demanding that Zanu PF must not amend the constitution and that Mnangagwa must not stay beyond 2028. Mnangagwa and his cronies can call me a puppet, Uncle Tom, a demon, etc., etc.; I still stand firm on my demands.   

Mnangagwa has been at the heart of this Zanu PF government for 45 years the last 7 years of which he was the top dog and will remain in that office another 3 years till 2028 years. Why is he asking to stay in power for an additional 2 years beyond the 2028? 

Mnangagwa must answer the following questions:

  1. 1) What are these transformative projects you say will turn Zimbabwe, a failed state in which millions are living in abject poverty today, into an upper middle income nation by 2030 - the so-called vision 2030? 

  1. 2) Why has Zanu PF failed to deliver these projects these last 45 years,  48 years to the end of 2028 to justify amending the constitution to give you an addition two more years?

  1. 3) And what is so special about the projects and/or Mnangagwa that only him and no one else can be trusted to complete them?

  1. 4) The Zimbabwe economic has been in decline ever since the country’s independence, if the country is going to be an upper middle income nation by 2030; surely we should be signs by now of the economic recovery. Where is it that there are signs of economic recovery?

  1. 5) When Mnangagwa took-over from Mugabe in 2017 he proclaimed that “Zimbabwe was open for business!” He was cocksure his proclamation would be followed by a flood of investors kick starting the comatose economy. There was no flood of investors came and the Zimbabwe economy is still in the doldrums! Vision 2030 is just another one of his empty promises, isn’t it?

  1. 6) Last but most important of all; if the nation wakes up on 1st January 2031 to the reality of the nation is still a failed state and that vision 2030 was just a blatant lie, a mirage! What then Mr Mnangagwa?   

Of course, we all know the answers to all these questions. Vision 2030 is just the latest Zanu PF feeble excuse to remain in office, the party thugs believe they have the divine right to rule the country and to loot the nation’s wealth. 

Mnangagwa and Zanu PF will never ever admit to failure much less to looting and tyrannical oppression. Zanu PF would be plotting on how to rig the 2030 elections if the regime had not devised another extension of its mandate! 

“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.” Oliver Cromwell told the British Rump parliament in 1653 which too had over stayed its lawful mandate and its usefulness.

The people of Zimbabwe should have booted out this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime together with its equally corrupt and useless MDC/CCC side-kick decades ago. We did not and have paid dearly for our folly. The number one priority before us today is to stop Zanu PF amending the constitution to strip away the people’s right to regular elections and to make sure that from hence forth these elections are free, fair and credible. 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Chiwenga is just another corrupt and vote rigging Zanu PF thugs how any one can consider him the nation's saviour beggars belief. W Mukori

@ Zimeye

“The recent arrival of Vice President General Constantino Chiwenga at the National Heroes Acre incited waves of celebration among supporters, who are increasingly viewing him as a potential saviour for a nation desperate for change. This article will analyze the implications of Chiwenga’s return, his statements regarding corruption, and what they might mean for both the ruling elite and ordinary Zimbabweans.

Chiwenga’s arrival at the National Heroes Acre was met with enthusiasm from supporters, a reflection of their desire for transformative leadership. For many, he symbolised hope against a backdrop of political stagnation. The jubilation can be understood as a reaction to widespread frustration with the current government, led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. People celebrated Chiwenga not just for his military background, which evokes a legacy of decisive action, but also for his positioning as a beacon against corruption, a topic resonant in the minds of many Zimbabweans.

However, this fervent reception also exposes a schism within the political landscape. While Chiwenga is hailed as a potential leader capable of instituting change, his celebration also underscores a yearning for stability in a nation plagued by economic collapse and rampant mismanagement.”

The people of Zimbabwe welcomed the 2017 military coup because they were so focused on “Mugabe must go!” they were convinced any one else would be infinitely better. 

Even when they knew Mnangagwa was replacing Mugabe many were out shouting “Give Mnangagwa a chance!” They knew Mnangagwa was Mugabe’s henchman, he was the man behind the vote rigging, the looting and the cold-blooded murders of Gukurahundi, 2008 electoral coup, etc. 

The nation gave Mnangagwa a chance and the “Second Republic” as he loves calling his years as top dog, has turned out to be no different from Mugabe years. You do not get a silk purse from a sower’ ear; we all knew that Mnangagwa is a buffoon and it was mad to expect any good from him.

Constantino Chiwenga was top brass in the Army during Mugabe days and like all the other senior officers he played his part is the creation and imposition of the de facto one-party dictatorship, especially in the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi. He was rewarded for his role and amassed a fortune. 

He played the leading role in the 2017 military coup, he even claimed that the coup was to defend the nation’s constitution although he never said which chapter and verse in constitution supported a coup. There is no such chapter and verse. He was appointed VP, his reward for staging the coup. 

Chiwenga is up in arms against this Mnangagwa for 2030 because he thinks it is now his turn to be top dog. He has been speaking against corruption (Mr Squeaky clean, had his lion’s share of the wholesale looting) and in defence of the constitution (he has rigged elections and staged the 2017 coup). How anyone can ever consider Chiwenga the nation’s saviour beggars belief.

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we have such short memories and therefore are prone to repeated the same idiotic mistake of expecting good governance and economic prosperity from a buffoon, even some one with a well documented track record as a buffoon. 

We all know Chiwenga is a buffoon and we still want to give him a chance. To do what exactly? “Kukagamwa chezuro nehope!” as one would say in Shona! 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Third presidential term in democratic America will have no ill effect - not so in dysfunctional Zimbabwe. W Mukori

 “A Republican House member introduced a resolution to amend the American Constitution to allow President Donald Trump - and any other future presidents - to be elected to serve a third term.” reported CNBC.

One cannot the joy and jubilation this news has brought to Mnangagwa and his “Mnangagwa for 2030” bandwagon. If the Americans can amend their constitution to allow their president to serve a third term, surely Zimbabweans should be allowed to do the same! What is good for the goose is good for the gander!

Comparing the two amendments and the two nation is nonsensical and here is why:

  1. 1) American constitutional amendment will allow future presidents to stand for election for a third term, Zimbabwe’s proposed constitutional amendment is seeking to allow parliament to postpone elections to allow president, MPs, Senators and all other elected public officials to extend their stay in office without having to seek a fresh mandate from the people.

  1. 2) The people of Zimbabwe were stuck with President Robert Mugabe for 37 years not because they wanted him to stay. They could not get him out of office because he rigged the elections. When Mnangagwa took over from Mugabe following the 2017 military coup, he promised to hold free and fair elections. He failed to keep his promise and he rigged the 2018 and 2023 elections. Zimbabweans fought hard to make sure the two term maximum limit was added to the 2013 Constitution as a desperate measure to stop vote rigging presidential leaders staying beyond the ten years. 

  1. 3) America has a 250 year old tradition of holding free, fair and credible elections, all the nation’s presidents had the people’s mandate in a free, fair and credible elections. And so there is no fear that amending the constitution to allow a third term would have any detrimental effect on the quality of government. 

  1. 4) Zimbabwe has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections in the country’s 45 years of independence. Free, fair and credible elections are not just a fundamental right, there are the very essence of good governance. Zimbabwe is a dysfunction autocracy that has failed to remove failed leaders through elections because they rig elections and has been hoping to limit the failed leaders to stay in office through maximum term limit.

The proposed American constitutional amendment to allow future president to serve a third term will have no effect on the quality of government because it is the free, fair and credible people’s democratic mandate that has been the guarantor of quality government. The proposed Zimbabwe constitutional amendment to postpone elections will give the vote rigging ruling elite the absolute power to do as the damn well please and drag the nation even deeper into the economic and political abyss.

To compare amending the American constitution to allow one to serve a third presidential term to Zimbabwe’s amendment to take away the people’s power to elect leaders is as outrageous as comparing drinking water to drinking poison!

Sunday, 19 January 2025

"We refused to be lured with trappings of power," boasted Chamisa. So why did you fail to implement even one reform in 25 years? W Mukori

 The people of Zimbabwe have risked livelihoods, limbs and even their lives (over 500 were murdered by Zanu PF during the 2008 presidential run-off alone) to elect MDC/CCC leaders not power on the understanding they would implement the necessary democratic changes, reforms, to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Morgan Tsvangirai and company named the party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) when they it in 1999 to underline the primary purpose of the party was to deliver democratic changes.

Mnangagwa and Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and got away with it because MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform, particularly during the 2008 to 2013 GNU when they had the golden opportunity to do so. Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that doing so would give legitimacy to Zanu PF. Still they went ahead regardless out of greed.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Robert Mugabe bribed Tsvangirai and company with the trappings of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos, the very generous salaries and allowances, the US$ 4 million Highlands mansion for Tsvangirai himself, etc., etc. With their snouts in the feeding trough, the MDC leaders forgot about the reforms; that made sense. 

“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” boasted the Zanu PF cronies when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing the democratic reforms during the GNU. 

Greed has certainly played a major party in MDC/CCC leaders’ failure to implement even one reform in 25 years and keeping Zanu PF in power. Indeed, there is more than anecdotal evidence to prove MDC/CCC are Zanu PF team B, playing for team A to win and have legitimacy. 

Still, it must be said that MDC/CCC leaders’ share of the spoils of power are nothing more jackal’s scraps at a lion’s kill. So one has to ask why they have settled for be junior partners when they could have implemented the reforms and be the ruling party in their own right?

Answer: MDC/CCC leaders are not just greedy but more significantly they are breathtakingly incompetent. Nelson Chamisa has provided more evidence of his own incompetence in his own words.

“THIS IS MY STORY…When I have served my purpose and I’m long done and gone, after this earthly sojourn, I desire future generations to always remember and be inspired by our example of unrivalled resilience and unparalleled consistency in the midst of unmerited opposition, unwarranted persecution and undeserved attacks,” boasted Nelson Chamisa is his latest X posting. 

“We have not lost focus on the ultimate goal- to fully transform our society and its culture unto dignity, national pride, inclusion and prosperity. We have resisted shortcuts, and the cutting of corners. We have avoided easy exits or false answers. 

“We have turned down and warded off bribes and sweeteners. We have refused the lure of trinkets and trappings of power and all these enticing power fringe benefits and worldly pleasures. Standing firm unto the end. All for God’s glory. That is our story! 

“We thank #Godisinit for the continuing, providence, guidance and protection in this otherwise wicked, vile and dangerous world! Always and forever. nc.”

What the hell is Nelson Chamisa wittering about, one might well ask? MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform in five years of the GNU because Mugabe “lured them with trinkets and trappings of power”, the very things Chamisa is denying. 

The truth is Nelson Chamisa and many of his follow MDC/CCC leaders had no clue what the democratic changes the nation has been dying for were much less how they were to be implemented. Even now with the benefit of hindsight and a mountain of evidence and explanations of why Zimbabwe is a failed state because MDC/CCC blatant betrayals; Chamisa still has no clue what is going on. 

Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes to con his supporters to participate in the flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. And yet he continues to deny he lied - deny a self evident and simple historic fact!

The MDC/CCC supporters have remained loyal to the party leaders; they have gained nothing from the wasted opportunity to implement reforms and from participating in these flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. They were warned, repeatedly too, of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. They never listened. Why?

MDC/CCC supporters are notoriously ignorant, naive and gullible. Chamisa had no problem conning his supporters to participate in flawed 2023 elections on the basis of the idiotic lie that Chamisa plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. 

So the MDC/CCC supporters have gave up their fundamental right to free, fair and credible elections for the dubious oxymoron of winning RIGGED elections. How nauseating! 

“Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result,” remarked the great Physicist Albert Einstein. 

The insane do not self diagnose, they lack the intellect to comprehend the repeated results. Still, after 45 years of rigged elections one would think that the penny had finally dropped by now of the sheer insanity of participating in these flawed elections. Alas, that is not so!

There is a real danger that Chamisa will con CCC supporters to participate in flawed 2028 to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuate the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering. Ignorance is a curse worse than death! 

If we do not stop Chamisa from conning his supporters to participate in the flawed 2028 elections, they will participate in their millions as before giving Zanu PF legitimacy. How do we stop these MDC/CCC supporters from participating given they are brain dead. Well, that is the challenge!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Until Zanu PF amend constitution to postpone 2028, subject is mumbo jumbo; Chapungu focus free election guarantees. W Mukori

 Zimbabwe has many economic, social and political problems to be dealing with. The country is a failed state for Pete’s sake. So why is parliament wasting time, energy and God only knows the amount of human and material resource debating a constitutional amendment to postpone 2028 elections. 

One of key demands in the fight to end white colonial oppression was the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country encapsulate in the demand “One man, one vote!” Blacks did not have a vote! 

Zimbabweans have yet to participate in a truly free, fair and credible election, Zanu PF has devised many ways to short changed the people and deny them a free vote. In 1980, in the country’s first elections, the people were warned that if the party does not win the the election. 

Of course, the people voted to end the war and out went their hopes and dreams of a free vote. As soon as Zanu PF got into power the regime corrupted the state institutions to create a de facto one-party and consolidate it satanic grip on power. 

Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the 2023 elections but getting away with it proved near impossible particular after both SADC and AU election observers condemned the process as flawed and illegal. He is worried that Zanu PF may not get away with rigged elections in future and hence the frantic activity to amend the constitution and do away with elections altogether.

We started with fighting for the right to vote, “One man, one vote!” After independence in 1980 the people found their vote had been holed out, they could only vote for Zanu PF. And now the regime is proposing taking away even the holed-out vote. We have come full circle to where we start before independence. We have no vote!

However until the regime was passed the amendment to postpone the 2028 elections and acted on it by actually postponing the elections we would be better advised focusing on making sure 2028 elections are free, fair and credible or Zanu PF does not get political legitimacy. Professor Jonathan Moyo explains why it is folly to be excited about the proposal to postpone the election.

“It is an oxymoron, that is a contradiction in terms, to claim or to assert that the so-called 2030 proposal to amend the Constitution of Zimbabwe allegedly being mooted by some sections of the governing ZanuPF is unconstitutional,” Professor Moyo explained.

“A proposal to amend the constitution is just that; a proposal, nothing less and nothing more. It is not a crime or a civic wrong for anyone to want or to seek to amend the Constitution of Zimbabwe.  A constitutional proposal cannot be unconstitutional.

“Accordingly, it is important to understand and appreciate that, as a matter of fact, there is no democratic constitution anywhere in the world, which cannot be amended. All such constitutions have very clear and precise provisions for their amendment.

“In this connection, all that matters is that proposals to amend the Constitution of Zimbabwe must be done and must proceed in terms of section 328 of the Constitution, as read with section 131. That is all. The rest is mumbo jumbo.”

So if push came to shove, there will be nothing “unconstitutional” about postponing 2028 elections if the right procedures laid out in the 2013 Zimbabwe Constitution were followed. The very fact that such an amendment with far reaching implications on the democratic rights of the citizens can be easily passed is a measure of just how weak and feeble the 2013 Zimbabwe Constitution is. 

A weak and feeble constitution produces equally weak and feeble institution such as ZEC, Police, judiciary, media, parliament, etc. Mnangagwa is able to do as he damn well please precisely because we have weak and feeble State and public institutions.  

The real oxymorons are the one arguing the people be denied their right to hold those in public office to account, the very essence of democracy and good governance, “to give Mnangagwa more time to finish the development projects he is working on”.

What development projects are they wittering about? Zimbabwe is a failed state precisely because the nation has been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 45 years and counting because Zanu PF rigged the elections. 

And look how is wittering the same buffoons who have landed the nation into the economic and political mess. Of course, they are not interested in the nation’s development but rather the chance to continue looting!  

Even if the economy was thriving, it would be very foolish for the people to give up their only control over those in power because having given up that power they may never ever get it back. Never ever! 

Still, the most important point Professor Moyo has made is that there is very little the nation can ever accomplish engaging the regime until there is an approved amendment to the constitution to postpone elections and the regime has acted on the amendment. Until then the nation must assume the 2028 elections will go ahead. 

The nation must Bateleur Eagle (Chapungu) focus on the following four points:

  1. 1) all democratic reforms must be implemented to ensure free, fair and credible elections and end a repeat of rigged election of the past.

  1. 2) if no meaningful reforms are implement all hands on deck to stop Nelson Chamisa and company conning Zimbabweans into participating in their millions on the basis of another idiotic lie only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people’s suffering. 

  1. 3) Zanu PF would want to push postponing of the 2028 elections making is appear as it is a certainty for the purpose of making the nation panic and draw their attention away the two above tasks. We must not allow ourselves to be caught off guard chasing the postpone 2028 mist, “mambo jumbo”, as Professor Moyo called it.

  1. 4) We demand the rule of law and the guaranteed right of all citizens to a meaning “One man, one vote!” We demand the full implementation of all the democratic reforms to guarantee free and fair elections and democratic rule. No one should ever be above the law ever again.