Monday 16 January 2023

Baron Leong expect UK to hold free election but it's "too much and unfair" to ask Zimbabwe W Mukori

 There are four tenets to rule of law:

1)     The law must be simple, concise, relevant, and easily enforceable

2)     No one is above the law, especially those in positions of power and authority who will often be tempted to abuse their position for selfish gain.

3)     Those empower to apply and enforce the law must do so without fear or favour

4)     Society must stand firm in defending rule of law in the interest of justice and fair play because we all benefit from the stability, prosperity and progress rule of law engenders.

One of the root causes of the chaos and human suffering today is the willingness of some people to compromise on anyone or all the four tenets of rule of law out of ignorance or worse.

“The upcoming general elections in Zimbabwe should be a highlight of the country's willingness to re-join the Commonwealth but so far, nothing is pointing in that direction, according to Sonny Leong, a British Labour Party legislator,” reported News24 on the recent House of Lords debate.

"In the context of Zimbabwe's application to re-join the Commonwealth, the 2023 election could and should be an opportunity for the government to demonstrate its democratic credentials. Sadly, the portents are not good," admitted Baron Leong.

Therefore, asking too much of Zimbabwe was not fair.

"The Commonwealth is a progressive block, however, that does not make me blind to the flaws and inconsistencies of the organisation and its constituent nations,” he continued.

"On the issue of capital punishment, for example, only 37% of Commonwealth countries have abolished the death penalty in law, compared with 57% of all countries internationally."

Zimbabwe was not booted out of the Commonwealth in 2003 because it had capital punishment on its statute books so the honourable Baron’s last remark must be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. Zimbabwe was booted out of the Commonwealth for repeatedly failing to uphold the Commonwealth democratic values of rule of law, justice and respect of freedoms and rights of all as spelt out in the 1991 Harare Declaration.  

If Zimbabwe was readmitted into the Commonwealth before the 2023 elections and Zanu PF once again blatantly rigs the elections by violating failing to produce a verified voters’ roll, by using wanton violence, etc., etc. What will the Commonwealth do?

Will Commonwealth turn a blind eye to the blatant violation of the Harare Declaration or suspend Zimbabwe just a few months after readmitting it? Baron Leong has admitted himself that all the signs are Zanu PF is rigging the 2023 elections and so to go ahead with the readmission is fool hardy, to say the least.

However, if Zanu PF rigs the 2023 elections and Zimbabwe is not suspended from the Commonwealth then the organisation might just as well rip up the Harare Declaration.

The people of Zimbabwe are fighting for their basic freedoms, human rights including the right to a meaning vote and even the right to life. It is all very well for people like Baron Leong, the ripping up the Harare Declaration will not matter to him since he has already secured his basic freedoms and rights.

To Baron Leong asking Zanu PF to uphold the rule of law and respect the right to life is “asking too much and unfair”. It is a matter of life and death to the ordinary Zimbabwean whose hopes and dreams have been crashed underfoot by the regime.

Indeed, Zimbabwe will be forced to walk out of the Commonwealth at the earliest opportunity in protest the readmission of the country to appease Zanu PF at the ordinary people’s expense. How can Zimbabwe remain a member of an organisation prone to such callous indifference to the long suffering of the ordinary Zimbabweans and to their aspiration for freedom and human dignity! 


  1. @ Zvikomborero Sibanda

    "African politics is dogged by crises of legitimacy, monetised politics and corruption, personalised leadership, and lastly the sit-tight syndrome" notes the African Exponent. During an electoral season, policymakers easily find scapegoats to sanitise their inefficiencies.

    This is the case in Zimbabwe, where sanctions imposed by the West have emerged as public officials' major stumbling block for ensuring the delivery of quality and affordable public services. But a closer analysis shows that although sanctions surely exert enormous negative spillovers on Zimbabwe's economic affairs, the country's problems are more domestic than foreign – the gist of this opinion piece.

    Late last year, Finance minister Prof Mthuli Ncube bemoaned the impact of sanctions on the economy noting that the country has lost about US$40 billion in the last 22 years. It is the government's position that these Western embargoes had retarded the country's social and economic development, leaving the majority of citizens wallowing in extreme poverty. This then raises a question in one's mind, "Is the government's position on sanctions watertight?" My evaluation of this is two-thronged; yes, to a less extent, and no to a large extent as dissected below."

    There very fact that there are still millions of Zimbabweans and some high profile foreigners like some African leaders, who still believe the erroneous position that sanctions are the major cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown regardless of the mountain of evidence and over two decades down the line, proves these people are a lost cause. It is utterly pointless engaging them on the subject, the line of attack should be why have they failed to understand the evidence.
    If they have failed to understand because the mountain of evidence is in a language they don’t understand then repeating it in the same language is futile. Or if they have failed to understand because they are too thick, shallow and slow to make sense of the evidence; as I believe is the case here; then repeating it will make no difference.
    Indeed, there is a mountain of evidence proving we have more than our fair share of mentally challenged individuals in Zimbabwe; how else can one explain why the nation has failed to hold free and fair elections for 43 years and counting. Many Zimbabweans have no clue what constitute free elections and hence the reason they have foolishly participated in elections without even something as basic as a verified voters’ roll.
    Nelson Chamisa and his CCC friends have successfully sold the nation the idiotic oxymoron the y can win rigged election so flawed and so illegal that the opposition garnering 73% was not good enough to win! Only village idiots would buy that nonsense and Zimbabweans have bought is again and again!
    Of course, it is insane, sad and tragic that Zimbabwe is stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its entourage of corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless opposition. Nations get the government they deserve and we have what we deserve!

  2. @ Timothy Muswere

    We might not like some the styles from these people for various reasons but there comes a time where should go for the better. 2023 elections are a do or die for Zimbabweans. Imagine going for 5 more years with the current level of corruption, unemployment, political violence surely we will be doomed."

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. In Zimbabwe insanity has reached nauseating heights, the supporters of CCC are participating in the elections so flawed and so illegal that in the March 2008 MDC garnered 73% of the votes but still that was not good enough to win. Chamisa has promised them “winning in rigged elections (WIRE) strategies” which are all hot air.
    The worsen economic situation has many of them in panic mode, they are like panicked house-flies that have flown into the window a few times to remember they cannot fly through glass.
    By participating in these flawed elections these CCC supporters are only giving the election process credibility and thus giving Zanu PF legitimacy. Why are they participating if it is blatantly flawed especially when they have been reminded thousands of times to demand reforms before the elections.
    Indeed MDC/CCC had the golden opportunity to implement reforms themselves during the GNU but failed to implement even one.
    Nelson Chamisa and his CCC friends know Zanu PF is rigging these elections and that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy. They also know that Zanu is giving away a few gravy train seats as a reward for participating – this they have found irresistible!
    Tell the panicked, befuddled and dazed house-flies they are being conned, MDC/CCC leaders are sell outs and they should not participate and you might as well be speaking in a foreign language. The morning after voting day, Chamisa will cry foul, the elections were stolen and the house-flies will sober up to the reality of another five years of Zanu PF tyranny. Sad really that a whole nation can suffer this collective insanity! Very tragic!

  3. Peaceful free and fair elections have eluded Zimbabwe not only because of Zanu PF but also MDC/CCC who have not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but have undermined the efforts of those demanding reform by stubbornly participating in flawed elections out of selfish greed.
    Zanu PF has offered US$40k housing loan, US$60k car loan, farms plus many other freebies to MPs. Even losing candidate have received POLAD goodies. The opposition leaders have found the bait irresistible. David Coltart confessed in his book of the folly of participating in these flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy but admitted he and his MDC friends did participate in the 2013 elections out of greed. They did so again in 2018 and are hell bent on participating in 2023.
    If we are serious about getting reforms implemented and finally putting and end to the curse of rigged elections and bad governance in Zimbabwe, then we must accept the opposition is now fighting in Zanu PF’s corner and treat them accordingly. MDC/CCC are now part of the problem and not the solution, at least ever since the 2008 GNU!

  4. @ USEmbassy
    “We note with concern the events of January 7 and 14 that have targeted opposition members and supporters. As Zimbabwe approaches its 2023 general elections, the U.S. Embassy continues to urge peaceful and inclusive political processes.”
    Peaceful free and fair elections have eluded Zimbabwe not only because of Zanu PF but also MDC/CCC who have not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but have undermined the efforts of those demanding reform by stubbornly participating in flawed elections out of selfish greed.
    Zanu PF has offered US$40k housing loan, US$60k car loan, farms plus many other freebies to MPs. Even losing candidate have received POLAD goodies. The opposition leaders have found the bait irresistible. David Coltart confessed in his book of the folly of participating in these flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy but admitted he and his MDC friends did participate in the 2013 elections out of greed. They did so again in 2018 and are hell bent on participating in 2023.
    If we are serious about getting reforms implemented and finally putting and end to the curse of rigged elections and bad governance in Zimbabwe, then we must accept the opposition is now fighting in Zanu PF’s corner and treat them accordingly. MDC/CCC are now part of the problem and not the solution, at least ever since the 2008 GNU!
