Friday, 15 February 2019

Zanu PF "abiding with tenets of rule of law" - yet failed such basics as releasing voters' roll N Garikai

The Zanu PF thugs are certainly beginning to feel the growing pressure for meaningful political change; they are running around in panic and confusion!

“The EU said that it urges the Zimbabwean authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners,” argued Brightface Matema, a Zanu PF apologist, in Bulawayo 24.

“Who said they are political prisoners? I am sure this bloc needs to be reminded that these prisoners were violent demonstrators who annihilated property of fellow citizens. In short they were in conflict with the law and deserved to be incarcerated.”

Matema, ever since last July’s rigged elections Mnangagwa and his illegitimate regime have been trying to impose themselves on a nation by using brute force to cow the nation into subservient submission. The regime has used the protest as cover to descend on the people like a tonne of bricks. This is a tried and tested Zanu PF modus operandi the party has used repeatedly in the last 38 years, notably during the Gukurahundi massacre in which Zanu PF sort to crash PF Zapu under the disguise of  hunting dissidents. There were only a few hundred dissidents and yet the regime murdered over 20 000 innocent civilians because Mugabe suspected them of being PF Zapu supporters.

The excessive force by the state security on the 1st August 2018, two days after the rigged 30 July 2018 elections was to send a clear message Zanu PF would not tolerate anyone protesting yet another rigged elections. 

The excessive force by the state security during the two weeks starting 14 January 2019 was to send a double message: 

a)      The regime will not tolerate anyone protesting the country’s worsening economic situation. The regime is determined to stay in power regardless of the evidence it has no clue how to revive the country’s comatose economy. 

We can be certain there will be more stay-aways and street protest as the economic situation gets worse and worse because human beings will never suffer and die quietly like sheep in a slaughter house regardless the crashing tonnes of bricks dropped at them. 

b)     Mnangagwa and his cronies are aware that all they attempts to conceal the evidence of their vote buying and vote rigging schemes have all come to naught. The whole world knows that Zanu PF rigged last July’s elections, especially the would-be investors and lenders whose cash injection is the kick-start the country needs to revive the comatose economy. 

As long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs there is no hope of any meaningful economic recovery. Zanu PF thugs know that and, more significant. they know their political opponents and critics know it too. The violence crack down last month was aimed at the opposition leaders and the critics, many of whom were pick up from their homes in the dead of the night and, no doubt, many are now being falsely accuse of the rioting and looting. Of course, they are political prisoners.

Zanu PF has rigged elections and used brute force to maintain it iron grip on power in the face of growing opposition by the people complaining against the economic hardships and political oppression. The regime has denied the people the opportunity for peaceful and democratic change but only to foster the violent change now gripping the nation! 

“One wonders when the EU calls for the restoration of the rule of law in Zimbabwe while at the same time calling for the release of violent protestors is abiding with the tenets of rule of law. They purport to be champions of rule of law when they display double standards by calling for the unconditional release of those arrested while violating the same law,” continue Matema. 

Was Zanu PF “abiding with the tenets” of free, fair and credible elections when the regime failed to produce something as basic and fundamental as a verified voters’ roll? 

All this talk that Zimbabwe needs a political dialogue is all nonsense and a waste of time. What is there to talk about with Mnangagwa! Zanu PF rigged last July’s elections, the regime does not have the democratic mandate to rule, it is illegitimate and it must step down. Period! 

The continued use of the security service to beat and terrorise the nation must be condemned unreservedly. Mnangagwa is using State security to hold the nation hostage, that will not be tolerated!

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