Thursday, 1 March 2018

"You want lunch in Dubai," Chivayo taunt MPs - not be first or last MPs bribed Nomusa Garikai

“What were MPs expecting to find on a site for a potential solar power station? A triple story 10 bedroomed mansion with a tennis court and a swimming pool?” commented Nicknell Chiyayo, the young buccaneer paid to build a $5 million Gwanda Solar Power Project for ZESA but delivered a metal shack cabin, for far.

Good one Chivayo! 

What we must not lose sight of here is the hundreds of thousands whose lives would have been changed for the better if the money used to build the "triple story 10 bedroomed mansion with a tennis court and a swimming pool" or some such selfish end had instead been used for the Solar Project. It is these innocent victims of corruption that must be at the forefront of these nation, the authorities and all those involved. 

The way the parliamentary committee has handled this Wicknell Chivayo case is very amateurish, not worthy of the dignity of the august house, parliament, these members represent, to say the least.

Chivayo was awarded a contract to design, supply, install and commission a Solar Panel station. The detailed specifications of the equipment, start and finish date of the contract, the contract price, etc., etc., were all spelt out in the contract.

The MP’s task was to establish the facts of the case from Mr Chivayo. What aspects of his contractual obligations are complete, the expected completion dates of on-going works, which contractual obligation he will not fulfil, etc., etc. This is not what happened at the parliamentary hearing, it was a circus.  

Thanks to the sheer incompetence of the MPs before him, Chivayo was able to talk about his cat, his uncle who with athlete’s foot, anything and everything except the Solar Power Project. What a sick joke!

The line of question by the MP started nowhere, was going nowhere and ended, not surprising, nowhere! Given the seriousness of the matter and the desperate need for the nation to stamp out corruption; the whole sodded affair was a great disappointment.

Zimbabwe needs quality MPs and, unless we do something to ensure free, fair and credible elections, we will continue to fill parliament, Senate, cabinet and, dare I say it, the presidency with mediocre, corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and good for nothing thugs and murderers. All of them utterly useless, at best!

Ever since the 15 November 2017 coup – dubbed a “military assisted transition” by those who carried out the coup d’état for the obvious reason, they could not bear soil their good names with high treason charges, so they pronounced the judgement on the matter before anyone had even charged them and then got some puppet High Court Judges to rubber stamp it - President Mnangagwa has lauded the idea that Zimbabwe has changed. The coup has cleansed the nation of all the rot and decay of Mugabe years. All lies and damned lies, of course.

Mnangagwa has promised free, fair and credible elections and yet has done nothing to implement the democratic reforms without which Zanu PF will blatantly rig the elections as before. Indeed, President Mnangagwa has dismissed those calling for reforms as baking dogs.

There will be no free, fair and credible elections this year; being held to democratic account is a luxury Mnangagwa and his coup cabal cannot afford particularly now with the growing evidence that the expected flood of foreign investors will never happen. The world can see that the post November coup  Zanu PF is nothing but a whitewashed tomb, the same corrupt, vote rigging party of ruthless thugs under new management!

“A comprehensive feasibility report, designs, topographical survey report, geotechnical survey, EIA report, web designs etc. are all kept in the office unless you expect me to hang all these documents on trees at the site….Pane nyaya ndopa ziva LUNCH KU DUBAI hapana chimwe.(I know what you are after, lunch in Dubai that is it.)” Chivayo taunted the MPs.

It would not be the first time that those send out to hunt down criminals have ended up becoming criminals themselves. The situation is even worse, if the hunters, the MPs in this case, are hopelessly incompetent or hardened criminals in their own right; guilt of corruption, vote rigging, mass murder, high treason, coups, you name it!

The people of Gwanda are the ones suffering the consequences of the criminal activities like Chivayo. ZESA officials, the Police, MPs and all the other authorities entrusted to corruption, Chivayo’s case is just out of many other such cases, are the ones letting the innocent victims down. Sadly, unless we end the present corrupt and vote rigging political system, there is no hope ever stamping out corrupt followed by lunch in Dubai!  


  1. "Pane nyaya ndopa ziva LUNCH KU DUBAI hapana chimwe.(I know what you are after, lunch in Dubai that is it.)" Chivayo taunted the MPs.

    Well the young buccaneer is corrupt but he has also learnt that the MPs are equally corrupt, accepting bribes is standard gravy train etiquette. Zanu PF and MDC Mps, they are all guilty of being corrupt.

    Of course, the MPs will accept a free lunch in Dubai, after all they are in politics for the money and accepting bribes is accepted gravy train etiquette. Mugabe "greased" the palms Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends during the GNU, with ministerial limos, generous allowances, a $4 million mansion for the late MDC's leader, etc., etc. The MDC leaders saw to it that not even one democratic reform was implemented in five years of the GNU. Not one!

  2. Zanu PF won the 2013 elections by blatantly rigging the vote, as long as the party has unfettered access to the whole electoral process its ability to rig the vote is virtually unlimited. Those who say the opposition can win such elections without first doing something to end Zanu PF's unlimited powers to rig are day-dreamers. The people of Zimbabwe simply cannot afford another rigged election, the nation does not have the luxury to waste time, money and, most important of all, the opportunity to end this insanity of contesting flawed elections expecting a different result by listening to day-dreamers.

    No stone must be left unturned to expose those who want to contest the elections with no reforms in place, be they Zanu PF, opposition or overzealous idiot, to be misguided people. Their primary motive is greed; they want absolute power for Zanu PF and the opposition are after the gravy train scraps Zanu PF throws away to entice the opposition to participate regardless how flawed and illegal the process happens to be. The overzealous idiot simply has failed to accept the futility of contesting flawed elections.

    SADC leaders advised MDC leaders in 2013 not to contest the elections without first implementing the reforms. MDC leaders have since confirmed the wisdom of this advice by making their own "No reform, no elections!" pledge. There is absolutely no justification for them disowning their own party resolutions other than greed.

    It was greed that made MDC leaders fail to implement even one reform in the five years of the GNU. It would be criminal to let these greedy individuals betrayed the innocent ordinary Zimbabweans who have paid dearly for the failure to hold free and fair elections all these last 38 years.

    If Zanu PF fail to implement the democratic reforms then the regime has failed to honour its own post November 2017 coup pledge to "hold free, fair and credible elections". It made the pledge to the people of Zimbabwe and the international community and it must deliver or be damned. If the elections are not free and fair then the process must be judge null and void!

  3. In the application, Masasira said she is challenging "Mnangagwa's legitimacy. We cannot even trust him with the management of elections this year."

    She added saying, "a coup is a coup period, blood or no blood spilt. Once there is forceful removal (of a President), it matters not whether there is resistance."

    On the point of Mnangagwa not being trusted "to manage this year's elections" Linda is 100% right. This regime has promised free, fair and credible elections and yet it has stubbornly refused to implement the democratic reforms. There is no way the country can have free and fair elections without reforms! By the same token there is no way the country can have a competent and accountable government with making sure those in power are accountable to the people AT ALL TIMES!

    We have been stuck with the Zanu PF dictatorship for 38 years and we must make sure we do not extend that even if the dictatorship is now under new management. A dictatorship is a dictatorship!

  4. "My government is fully committed to the holding of free, fair and credible elections which are in line with Southern African Development Community and African Union principles and guidelines governing democratic elections," said President Mnangagwa.

    Which SADC is he talking about? The SADC we all know was very clear to both Zanu PF and MDC that Zimbabwe should not hold elections without first implementing the democratic reforms designed to stop the blatant cheating and wanton violence which had marred past elections.

    "If you go into elections next month, you are going to lose; the elections are done," SADC leaders had warned the MDC leaders before the 2013 election.

    MDC leaders paid no heed and we all know what happened. Still with not even one reforms was implemented since the rigged July 2013 elections, it is already clear Zanu PF is going to rig this year's elections.

    If the regime got away with the November coup by calling if a "military assisted transition" and thinks it can therefore also get away with rigging the elections and call them 'free, fair and credible'; it has something else coming!

  5. The demand for free, fair and credible is not negotiable. SADC leaders have already said Zimbabwe must implement a raft of democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections following the rigged 2008 elections. No one, not even those in Zanu PF, can deny that none of the reforms were implemented during the GNU and since the rigged 2013 elections.

    SADC leaders told both Zanu PF and MDC leaders in June 2013 that elections must be postponed to allow the reforms to be implemented before the 2013 elections. Since no reforms have ever been implemented, SADC's position has not changed - NO ELECTIONS WITHOUT REFORMS.

    Zanu PF keeps promising free and fair elections but has done absolutely nothing to implement even one reform.
