The BVR voter registration exercise
that started four days ago is failing already. In Bulawayo, for example, ZEC Officials
are manually write the polling station name on registration slips, resulting in
the exercise proceeding at a snail’s pace.
Voter registration in
opposition strongholds has always been beset by one problem after another
resulting in many failing to register and even those who did manage to register
failed to vote because, come voting day, their details were not in the polling
station register they expected. History is repeating itself here.
“When the address of the
registrant has been captured, the BVR machine is supposed to capture and print
the name of the nearest polling centre relevant to the registrant,” ZEC
official told New Zimbabwe.
“Since voting is going to be
polling station based, the name of the polling centre nearest to where the
registrant stays is supposed to appear on the voter’s registration slip but the
machines are failing to bring up some of the polling centre names.”
The voter registration is
already going to be a rushed job because it should have started three years ago
but was delayed and is only starting now with less than a year to go to voting
day. Even this late start is not really a start since the majority of the BVR
kits are not yet in the country. And now these reported malfunctions, will all
mean one thing – many people will not be able to register as voters.
It is all very well for ZEC
officials to manual add the name of the polling station on the registration
slip. Who is going to make sure the data downloaded on the main server is up
dated to reflect the manual field changes?
Data captured in the field
should be downloaded to the main server(s) unedited so that auditing it is easy
and straightforward.
Last time the regime
increased the number of polling stations from 2 000 to 9 000, a 350% increase,
just a few days before voting day. The regime has only to increase or decrease
the number of polling station by even 10% and hundreds of thousands will be
denied the vote because they will turn up at a polling station not knowing the
system has allocated a different polling station.
Just looking at how ZEC is
handling the voter registration exercise so far it is clear already that
everyone entitled to vote will be given a chance to do so. There is no way ZEC
is going to register all 7 million people to in the four months allocated and
produce a verified voters’ roll in time for the elections. No way!
The blatant vote rigging and
wanton violence shown during Zimbabwe’s 2008 elections proved, even to all those
doubting Thomas who made a virtue of burying their heads in the sand, that Zanu
PF rigged elections. Tsvangirai polled 73% of the votes in the March election,
according to Mugabe’s own inadvertent admission. ZEC were ordered to recount
and after six weeks of cooking up the figures the 73% to whittled down to 47% -
enough to force the run-off.
In the run-off, Mugabe “declared
war on the people’, as Tsvangirai readily admitted when he announced his
withdrawal from the race. Mugabe and his thugs harassed, beat, raped and even
murdered over 500 innocent Zimbabwe; forcing people to vote for him. He
overhauled his 27% defeat in March turning it into a landslide 84% victory.
No one, not even the SADC and
AU election observer teams notorious for approving dodgy past elections in
Zimbabwe and in other countries, endorsed the elections as free, fair and
credible and Mugabe’s victory as legitimate.
The Global Political
Agreement that gave rise to the Zanu PF and MDC GNU and guaranteed by SADC was
about implementing the democratic reforms designed to stop the vote rigging and
barbarism of the 2008 elections. SADC leaders were very disappointed that at
the end of the GNU not even one reform had been implemented. The regional
leaders advised Morgan Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC leaders not to contest the
2013 elections with no reforms in place. They wanted the elections postponed
until reforms are implemented.
“In 2013 the Maputo Summit,
in June 2013, before the elections, the Maputo Summit was all about having the
elections postponed – the SADC summit,” explained Dr Ibbo Mandaza, in an
interview with Violet Gonda.
“I went there. I was there at
the Summit and Mugabe pretended to agree to a postponement of the elections. If
you recall, the postponement was based on the need to reform at least electoral
“After that Summit, Morgan
Tsvangirai, Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, all of them were called to a separate
meeting by the Heads of State of SADC in the absence of Mugabe, that same
evening. And they were told; I was sitting there outside the room with Mac
Maharaj; they were told ‘if you go into elections next month, you are going to
lose; the elections are done’.”
Since not even one democratic
reform was implemented since the rigged July 2013 elections, it is obvious Zanu
PF is going to rig the 2018 elections just as readily as the rigged the 2013
I will nail my colours on the
mast; I will state it here and now that ZEC will NOT release a verifiable voters’
roll a month before the 2018 voting day as is required by law. The regime
failed to release a verifiable voters’ roll for the 2013 elections; it was the
smoking gun to the many voting rigging irregularities employed that year. Zanu
PF’s vote rigging of next year’s elections is well and truly underway already
through this rushed and chaotic voter registration. The one thing the regime will
not do; come rain, come thunder, come hurricane; is release a verifiable voters’
roll and let the world know how it rigged the elections!
I am not a man given to
betting but will bet 100 to 1 ZEC will never release a verifiable voters’ roll
a month before the elections, as is required by law. I will double the odds on
the wager that MDC politicians will still contest next year’s flawed elections
with no reforms implemented and no verified voters’ roll, just as they did in
July 2013!
MDC claim that they are a party for democratic change but that is all empty talk. Tsvangirai and company have had many, many golden opportunities to deliver meaningful democratic changes, especially during the GNU, but they have wasted them all. After nearly two decades on the political stage MDC have absolutely nothing to show for it.
ReplyDeleteIt was MDC leaders who failed to get even democratic reform implemented, ignoring all the pleading by SADC leaders for them to implement the reforms. The regional leaders literally begged Tsvangirai and company not to contest the 2013 elections with no reforms in place but, once again, MDC leaders ignored the advice. If MDC leaders had listened then the GNU would have been extended, giving the nation the chance to implement the reforms. By contesting next year’s elections with no reform in place MDC are yet again forcing the nation to forfeit yet another golden opportunity to force through meaningful democratic changes.
Zanu PF is set to rig next year’s elections just as the regime has rigged all the other elections in the past. There really is no point in participating in such an utterly pointless process. I for one will not bother registering for elections nor will I bother to vote.
MDC is as much an oxymoron as the Democratic Republic of North Korea; Tsvangirai has resisted democratic change as much as the tyrannical regime in North Korea has denied the people there their democratic rights!
@ special correspondent new Zimbabwe
ReplyDelete“How to prevent this form of rigging:
EVERYONE should register to vote, especially the youth between 18 and 29 that make up the bulk of the voting population. The new biometric voter’s register should be checked by all parties, ward-by-ward, poll station by poll station to ensure no over-registering of ghost voters. Three months should be given for all parties to check and verify the voter’s register before signing it off as OK as this is the key to preventing rigging. A master copy of the poll based voter’s register should be uploaded onto the ZEC website for scrutiny by the public at large and not just the political parties. The only way to stop Zanu PF rigging next year's elections is by implementing the democratic reforms designed to dismantle the Zanu PF vote rigging juggernaut. SADC spelt this out in the GPA but sadly Tsvangirai and company failed to implement even one reform because they thought they knew better,” you say.
This is nonsense, Tsvangirai won 73% of the March 2008 vote, by Mugabe’s own inadvertent admission – so people did register to vote and they went out to vote for him in droves come voting day – and yet Tsvangirai still failed to go to State House. Mugabe ordered a recount of the 5 million votes and after six weeks of cooking up the figures the 73% was whittled down to 47% forcing a run-off. In the run-off povo were punished as Mugabe boasted that “What was accomplished by the bullet cannot be undone by the ballot!” Three months later povo were frogmarched to vote for Mugabe, he win by 84%.
With no reforms in place Mugabe has devised many ways to stop people registering to vote, denying them the vote come voting day, frogmarching povo to vote for him, allowing Zanu PF youth casting multiple vote, etc., etc.
Those who still think Zanu PF can rig the vote and somehow lose the elections are insane, they lack imagination and are stuck in their single track mindedness. As far as they are concerned we must contest next year’s elections no matter how flawed and illegal the process happens to be.
Zanu PF’s blatant cooking up of the votes and wanton violence in 2008 has shown that something must be done to stop this and contesting elections under these conditions in insane. The number of people offering all manner of excuses to justify why we must contest flawed elections, even after 37 years of rigged elections, is a reflection of their own sick minds, their insanity.
How much longer are we, the people of Zimbabwe, going to follow these insane politicians and their gaggle of apologists and be dragged deeper and deeper into this economic and political hell-hole? If people are not going to stand up and demand the implementation of the democratic reforms then they must boycott the voter registration, rallies and, come voting day, do not even bother to vote!
If Zanu PF is not going to reform itself out of power by accepting the fundamental truth that conduct of elections, like a game of football, must be governed by an agreed set of rules then there is real no point in taking part in elections in which Zanu PF is the contest, the referee, linesmen and is free to come up with new rules as it sees fit!
@ Juice
ReplyDeleteAfter 37 years of misrule I had hoped that we had learned something about leaders who say one thing whilst they are seeking power and do the opposite once in power. I was wrong, there are some people who never learn!
You say Tsvangirai has "given all his life for the nation" then please explain why he has failed to bring about even one democratic reform in all his many years in politics? MDC had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms which would have ended the Zanu PF dictatorship during the GNU. Not even one reform was implemented because President Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders with the trappings of power, a $4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, etc. and they, in return, kicked reforms into the tall grass. If you cannot get your head round this even now with hindsight it must be because you are thick!
Yes, we all know that Tsvangirai was arrested, beaten up, etc. by this Zanu PF regime but is no excuse for him selling-out. President Mugabe and his cronies were arrested and jailed by Ian Smith and many of them risked their lives fighting in the liberation war but that is no excuse for them becoming corrupt and murderous tyrants either!
Tsvangirai is a corrupt and incompetent politician who has sold-out big time. The sooner people like you get this simple reality into your head the sooner the nation can start the important task of looking for competent leaders. It is people like you’s blind loyalty to corrupt and incompetent leaders like Mugabe and Tsvangirai that has landed us in this mess. Wake up!
NPP failed to get People’s Democratic Party (PDP) into a coalition and has so far managed to have an agreement with small parties while the others have been swooped on by Tsvangirai. She is now getting ready to run the polls by herself,” the source said.
ReplyDeleteThe deal between Tsvangirai and Mujuru flopped after NPP refused to join the MDC Alliance, saying it would only be comfortable with a neutral name.
The task for the opposition after the rigged July 2013 election was to implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the next elections. They have completely failed as not even one token reform has been implemented. If they had any brains at all then these opposition politicians would have honoured their own "No reform, no election!" party resolution.
They have wasted the last four years talking of forming a grand coalition and now it looks like this has come to naught. Even if the grand coalition was to materialize, with no reforms, the opposition will never dislodge Zanu PF.
If Zanu PF was to lose next year's elections it will only be because the party has imploded and failed to run the vote rigging juggernaut. An opposition win will not mean we are out of the woods because whichever leader get into power they will not be interested in democratic reforms. They will, instead, fight to remake the dictatorship in their own image!
MDC are complaining that the voter registration is not going on well.
ReplyDelete“ZEC should openly admit that so far, the BVR system, particularly in urban areas, has been nothing short of shambolic. Be that as it may, the MDC would like to call upon Zimbabweans to be patient and to turn out in their millions to register to vote. The Zanu PF regime sustains itself on voter apathy and voter intimidation,” Obert Gutu complained.
What is he complaining about when he has all those Win In Rigged Elections (WIRE) strategies all nicely formulated ready to deal with all these vote rigging shenanigans!
Zimbabwe cannot afford another rigged election next year and it would be folly for the nation participate in these sham elections on the basis of something as stupid as MDC's mythical WIRE strategies. The best course of action is for the people to make it clear they want the reforms implemented BEFORE the elections. They must make sure they have nothing to do with Zanu PF and MDC's flawed, illegal and shambolic elections!
The decision the High Court to rule Kenya’s election result null and void was unprecedented. It must be remembered that this would have never happened was it not for the then Prime Minister Raila Odinga who implemented the democratic reforms that freed the Courts, Police, Election Commission and all the other state institutions from the shackles placed on them by Jomo Kenyatta’s de facto one-party dictatorship that had ruled that country with an iron fist until the 2007 to 2012 GNU.
ReplyDeleteNo Zimbabwean Court would dare make a similar ruling against Zanu PF even if it was presented with similar facts or worse because our institutions are still under the thumb of the de facto Zanu PF dictatorship. We had our chance to get democratic reforms implemented by Tasvangirai when he was PM during our 2008 to 2013 GNU. Sadly, he failed to get even one reform implemented. Not one!
Africa has had many opportunities to have good, competent and democratic government but has wasted them all because its people have turned out to be incompetent, corrupt and, as has happened in many cases, murderous tyrants to boot!
We yearn for good government after generation of corrupt and chaotic rule but are not prepared to put in the effort to find out what qualities we need in good leaders and then go out and find them. Order, I have learned, demand effort it is disorder, entropy, that will happen effortlessly.
Harare East Youth Assembly have set the record straight ahead as the voter registration started that they are fully geared to ensure that every youth get registered to vote in the looming 2018 election.
ReplyDeleteThe MDC youths can say what they please but it is the reality on the ground that will decide how many of them register. It is the unreformed ZEC that will decide who will be register and that is that.
“Remembrance Drive district offices in Mbare, Harare, hundreds of aspiring voters had turned up as early as 6am on Wednesday morning, September 20, 2017. However, by mid-day, less than 50 people had been able to register as voters,” complained MDC national spokesman Obert Gutu.
The voter registration will end 15 January 2018 and at this rate ZEC is registering voters many MDC youths will be disappointed, that is certain.
MDC are the ones who failed to implement the reforms to free ZEC to do its work properly during the GNU and they are the one who insisted in contesting the elections with no reforms. Gutu said the party had Win In Rigged Elections strategies; no doubt those strategies will get every MDC youth member on the voters’ roll!
These MDC youths are not doing the nation any great favour by foolishly following MDC’s leaders like sheep to the slaughter. If they had any brain then they would have asked Tsvangirai and company why they failed to implement the reforms during the GNU and, more significantly, why they are contesting flawed elections!