Monday 17 June 2024

Epworth residence were promised title deeds and all the are getting, a year on, worthless offer letters! Zanu PF, cat toying with the mouse!

 The Presidential title deeds programme has intensified, with 18,000 title deeds issued in Epworth this month. The programme, launched by President Mnangagwa, aims to secure property rights for homeowners in previously informal settlements. The government plans to issue over 1.5 million title deeds this year, with initial phases already underway in areas like Chitungwiza, Gimboki in Mutare, and Cowdray Park in Bulawayo.

Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary, Nick Mangwana, announced that 1,000 deeds have been issued so far, with 18,000 offer letters ready for issuance in June. The government has also completed designs for essential infrastructure in Epworth, including a water treatment plant and sewage systems.

In Chitungwiza, 55,000 title deeds will be issued to longstanding municipal tenants, and 9,000 will be issued in Southlea Park once necessary services are constructed. Additionally, 21,000 deeds will be issued under the nationwide Government-enabled housing programme. The programme targets the regularisation of informal settlements, long-standing municipal tenants, and beneficiaries of government housing initiatives.

Mangwana noted that processes such as surveying, infrastructure design, and bond management registrations are ongoing in Chitungwiza, Gimboki, and Cowdray Park to prepare for deed issuance. Offer letters are being distributed, which precede the actual deed issuance. The Kwangu Trust Command Centre is equipped to issue at least 1,000 deeds daily using state-of-the-art technology.

Before independence the only place a blacks could have title deed on a piece of land was the urban centres in the so called high density suburbs with their matchbox house. After independence the only improvement was that blacks could now buy houses in the formerly whites only low density suburbs. 

John Robertson, a white economist and banker, gave Ian Smith a paper arguing the economic advantages of granting title deeds to rural blacks. Smith rejected the recommendations.

Beyond the urban centres the white regime stubbornly refused to let blacks have title deeds to even a few square metres on which their mud hovel stood. The white did not want the blacks other than the few in the urban centres to have ownership of land especially the rural folk because they did not want blacks to have any political power and what better way of political subjugation than through economic subjugation. 

After independence John Robertson gave Robert Mugabe the same paper arguing that rural blacks must the given title deed to the land. Mugabe rejected the recommendations for the same selfish political reasons.

After independence Zanu PF stopped giving blacks title deeds to the urban dwellers, especially in the new high density suburbs like Epworth. It is only now, 44 years after independence that the regime is grudgingly conceding to grant title deeds, and is making a biog song and dance about it. First you get a letter offer and then the title deed. It has taken over a year to get the letter offer for the residence of Epworth!

At this rate it will probably take another 44 years before the rural folk get their offer letter and then title deed to the postage stamp size land on which their mud hovel stand! Meanwhile millions of our people continue to sink deeper and deeper into economic despair whilst the oppressive ruling elite, the sadistic swines, continue to grind the masses into the gutter!


  1. Much has been said about the DANC (ANC-DA coalition) being the deathbed of the ANC, but what most have failed to appreciate is how the same coalition will shatter the illusion that whiteness (in this case, the DA) is synonymous with service delivery. In fact, this DANC will ultimately prove that the ANC was a more capable party at delivering services to all South Africans, while the DA stands for austerity and the throttling of services to black people."

    SA has been heading to be yet another failed African state after 30 years of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption under ANC. And so the ANC "more capable at delivering service to black people" is but a figment of your imagination. No doubt inspired by Mnangagwa's Vision 2030!


    Epworth residence were promised title deeds last year and all many of the have ever got from the Zanu PF regime are worthless offer letter. 44 years after independence millions of our people still continue to be denied the right to on the postage stamp size of land on which their matchbox high density house is built!

    Zanu PF continues to deny rural folk title deed to even one acre of land on which their mud hovel stand. The right to own land means more to the rural peasants than the right to a free vote.

    Indeed, give the peasant the title deed to the land and the right to vote will be secure! And hence the reason Zanu PF, before it the whites, continue to deny povo tile deeds.

    The fight for free and fair elections is, to the rural voters, synonymous with the fight for title deeds; they will never have the former until they have the later.


    World Economics names 10 WORST governed countries in Africa and Zimbabwe is one of them. What has landed us in this shit-league? All three of the key stakeholders; the ruling party, Zanu PF, the opposition, MDC/CCC and us, the people; are either corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless or a cocktail of all three!

    Both Zanu PF and CCC are benefiting from the dysfunctional political system; we the people are the big losers here. And so it is incumbent on us the people to end the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance if we are ever getting out of this hell-on-earth we in.

  4. @ Godfrey Matadi

    The question that must be asked and answered is: Did CCC, all the other opposition parties and the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who participated in the 2023 elections not know that the elections were flawed and, worse still, that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy?

    The politicians participated out of greed and the people of of ignorance, they are so gullible believe have again and again believed Chamisa's idiotic lies of having winning in rigged election strategies. SADC leaders know of the opposition leaders' greed and povo's ignorance and would not want to be involved in this mess of Zimbabweans' own making.

    SADC, EU and everyone else with half a brain has been saying Zimbabwean must implement the democratic reforms BEFORE elections.

    SADC will not be calling for fresh elections and those Zimbabweans wishing to waste time and have nothing else better to do can go ahead. We know this is just wasting time whilst they wait to participate in 2028 elections with not even one reform out of greed and they will once again complain of rigged elections!

  5. @ Godfrey

    “The fact that opposition successfully plugs holes and wins some seats in some constituencies to deny Zanu the luxury of super majority which they desperately need (some believe Zanu gives away the seats and use them as bait - I don’t think so based on ZANUs desperate moves before during and after the elections). This is what buoys the opposition belief in winning if they apply the same diligent approach.”

    Ever since the 2008 election debacle in which Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections only to be denied political legitimacy by both SADC and the AU and forced to eat humble pie of the 2008 to 2013 GNU; Zanu PF has since learned that the days of the de facto one party state are over.

    Mugabe’s number one task after signing the 2008 Global Political Agreement was to bribe MDC leaders and make sure they do not implement as few meaningful democratic reforms as possible in the five years of the GNU. In the end, not even one token reform was implemented. We all know Mugabe held Tsvangirai and company in contempt but even he never expected the MDC leaders to be this corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent!

    Ever since the GNU, Zanu PF allowed MDC/CCC to win a few gravy train seats to entice the opposition to participate no matter how flawed the process got. Mnangagwa created POLAD for no other reason than to reward the opposition leaders who participated in the 2018 elections. You do not believe me, well here is what Coltart said on the matter.

    “The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

    The few gravy train seats MDC/CCC have been winning are no different from the seat Muzorewa and Sithole won in Smith’s Zimbabwe-Rhodesia! How anyone can still consider these seats as proof of “opposition successfully plugging vote rigging loop holes”, even now with the benefit of hindsight, beggars belief.

    Alas! there are millions of Zimbabweans out there who do believe it and, worst of all, will just as easily conned to participate in the 2028 elections. After 44 years of rigged elections in this day and age we still have millions of Zimbabweans who have no clue what constitute free, fair and credible elections. no wonder we are a failed state and, at this rate, are doomed to remain a failed state.

  6. @ Godfrey

    “I believe Opposition

    Win’s deservedly the seats they get
    Plugs some holes

    Zanu aims to win seats in opposition strongholds and never gives them away

    Zanu rigs but fail to do so in other areas.”

    If Zanu PF had won 2/3 of the seats would you still say the opposition had successfully plugged the vote rigging loop holes?

    Do you judge the elections on the basis of how many seats the opposition has won and thus the vote rigging loop holes opposition successful plugged or on the process itself being free, fair and credible?

    Are you saying the elections in those areas the opposition won were free, fair and credible because the opposition successfully plugged all the vote rigging loop holes? And what are these loop holes they successfully plugged?


    Zanu PF and CCC in "unity talks!"

    Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have failed to hold free, fair and credible elections. What we need is to implement the reforms and end this double curse of rigged elections and bad governance.

    Unity talks! SADC and AU condemn 2023 election because the process was flawed and illegal and not because there was no unity between there was no unity.

    Indeed, Zanu PF and CCC have connived in participating in these flawed elections and shared the spoils of power! If anything the talks are about giving Zanu PF some modicum of legitimacy in return for a seat on the gravy train for Chamisa and a select few CCC leaders whilst they all wait to participate in another flawed elections in 2028.

  8. @ Engineer Wezhira

    “You’ve posted this article for more than 200 times, since late last year. Aren't you tired of writing or copying and pasting the same story over and over again????)?”

    How many times has Zanu PF rigged elections? You are protesting my demanding an end to rigged elections but are indifferent to the 44 years of rigged elections. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we have some really stupid people!

    Well reforms are going to remain on the national agenda until we implement the reforms and end this curse of rigged elections even if that means talking reforms 24/7!

  9. @ Changamire Maboreke

    “AU and SADC didn’t condemn elections you fool!”

    How nauseatingly stupid! So you think the 2023 Zimbabwe elections were free, fair and credible? It is foolish enough for you to think so but your stupidity goes over board when you deny what SADC and AU said.

    “Conclusion 13.3

    The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.


    "IT's ROTTENNESS EVERYWHERE...!" protested Chamisa. And yet only talked of Zanu PF rottenness and not a word of MDC/CCC rottenness.

    Indeed it is the rottenness in the MDC/CCC that has allowed the rot in Zanu PF to continue these last 24 years. The primary purpose ofd the opposition is to implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections, a task Chamisa and company have failed to carry out. They clearly enjoy reminding us all of Zanu PF rottenness and how miserable we are from their new found gravy train comfort!

    We need to elect competent opposition leaders who will not compromise on reforms BEFORE elections!

  11. The Army did not stop the 2008 to 2013 GNU from implementing the democratic reforms, both Zanu PF and MDC partners sold out. It is nonsensical that political leaders like Mzembi now promoting the false narrative that the Army is invincible!


    Zanu PF is stopping the ZiG devaluation by making sure the currency is not even in circulation. This is a huge blow for the poor with no access to the US$ and the electronic money!


    Ncube says "Chamisa's strategic ambiguity" destroyed CCC credentials as Zimbabwe's democratic alternative to Zanu PF. Nonsense! MDC/CCC betrayed the nation by failing to implement even one token reform during the GNU and by participating in flawed elections out of greed.

    CCC are now to engage Zanu PF on reforms only to take advantage of seismic political shift brought about by the damning SEOM 2023 Zimbabwe election report and SA election result that ended ANC's patronising interference in Zimbabwe politics. We should not by conned into believing to corrupt and incompetent CCC leaders.

  14. So Professor Jonathan Moyo is telling us that a staggering US$ 12 to 15 billion in diamond revenue alone was looted between 2007 to 2014. Well he and other Zanu PF officials plus MDC leaders in 2008 to 2013 were all there and they did nothing to stop the rot.

    The tragic truth is that Zimbabwe has had the great misfortune of having some of the most corrupt and utterly useless politicians on both sides of the political divide. And, to crown it all, Zanu PF and MDC/CCC have connived to rig elections and deny the people a meaningful say in the governance of the country. And so the nation has been stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime for 44 years and counting!


    The solution to Zimbabwe's political paralysis and economic mess is making sure the electorate is educated, knowledgeable and diligent. The damning SADC Election Observers Mission (SEOM) Zimbabwe 2023 election report and 29 May 2024 SA election results denying ANC continued interference in Zimbabwe politics has opened the door for meaningful change in Zimbabwe. We must not waste this chance!

  16. @ Trevor Ncube

    “Failure is always a good thing if we learn from it. Has Chamisa and his indisciplined supporters learnt a thing from defeat?

    Only time will tell.

    Granted, Zanu-PF and the State security system played a big role in destroying the opposition, but Chamisa and those around him must take some responsibility.

    That is the first and arguably most important lesson.

    Studying political adversaries is well and good, but introspection is perhaps much more valuable. As things stand, Zimbabwe has no opposition to speak of.

    Chamisa still has potential to be the leader of the first successful opposition, only if he has learnt from the hard knocks of his two failures.

    Understanding the assignment at hand is important for success.”

    I am surprised that you, of all people, would even now with the benefit of hindsight would still ask whether Chamisa has learned anything from the past blunders. The nature of the blunders and the numerous times he has repeatedly made the same blunders proves the man in breathtakingly incompetent.

    The fact that Chamisa continues to enjoy the support of millions of Zimbabweans does not mean he is not corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. He is. The key point is the multitude do not have the intellect to see him for the corrupt and incompetent individual he is.

    Chamisa’s supporters are no different from Boxer the horse in Animal Farm. Boxer took just as long to learn the first four letters of the alphabet as other animals took to learn all the alphabet. He took just as long again to learn the next four letters and by then he had forgotten the first four. Boxer struggled to follow and argument and could not string together more than two sentences to express his own view.

    Boxer accepted everything that Napoleon said and soon adopted “Comrade Napoleon is always right!” as his motto. Of course, he had no clue what Napoleon had said, he just believed it all blindly.

    It is a waste of time telling these Chamisa supporters that he sold out by failing to implement even one reform during the GNU, for example. They have no clue what the reforms are mush less that the primary purpose of the 2008 to 2013 GNU was to implement reforms. The hundreds of man-years spend explaining what the reforms are have all been wasted, water off a duck’s back, because the herd does not have the intellect to understand any of it no more than Boxer to learn the alphabet.

  17. @ Tavin-it

    “Who is going to educate the Zimbabweans this time if i may know.”

    Identifying the need for citizens to be educated is the first step getting them to accept it is the second and getting the teacher is the third. We have not completed the first step yet!

  18. "I cannot stop drinking beer since I cannot make tea because of power cuts!"

    This is the same irrational reason Zanu PF would give for rigging elections - sanctions. When a state president is as irrational as an ape, there is trouble!

  19. By Zimlive Reporter - Corruption allegations engulfing the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) have deepened after ZimLive was shown evidence that the elections body ordered 2,000 non-flushable toilets on the eve of the August 2023 elections at a cost of US$7.6 million.

    The toilets, priced at an astronomical US$3,800 per unit when they retail for about US$300 in South Africa, were only delivered in April this year – eight months after the election.

    Questions will also be asked of the finance ministry’s chief paymaster, permanent secretary George Guvamatanga, who okayed the payment on September 7, two weeks after the election had been held.

    As long as Zanu PF retains the carte blanche powers to rig elections and remain in office, we will never see an end to this wholesale looting.
