Monday 15 November 2021

Lifting sanctions must not benefit "those stealing" ED acolytes told to their faces - still, they did not hear P Guramatunhu

 Zanu PF leaders and their acolytes know that sanctions are not the root cause of the country's economic meltdown and yet they continue to promote this false narrative purely for propaganda purposes. They are clearly leaving no stone unturned to their drive to keep sanctions on the Zimbabwe agenda at home and abroad.

"The present sanctions are crippling the poor," Andrew Wutawunashe, told the Head of Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

"Even now, we had the UN [United Nations] rapporteur who came and confirmed the same, investigated everything and discovered that the sanctions are actually doing the same, destroying infrastructure that is supposed to be for the poor and common people and destroying employment.

"Now we are requesting your voices and we felt in particular that your voice, if you are able to make a request you would help us, you would help political powers that be to have a bit of conscience for the suffering of the poor."

Wutawunashe was part of a high powered delegation of church leaders including Roman Catholic priest Father Fidelis Mukonori (Mugabe’s priest), Zion Christian Church leader and patron of the Zimbabwe Indigenous Interdenominational Council of Churches, Bishop Nehimiah Mutendi.

The church leaders had reportedly accompanied President Mnangagwa on his high power, 100 strong, COP26 Summit in Glasgow. The tyrant and his church leaders acolytes had more pressing matters than the green house gases on their minds - keeping sanctions on everyone lips talking about Zimbabwe!

Zimbabwe will reduce her emission of green houses by 40% by 2030 “if the restrictive sanctions are lifted”, President Mnangagwa announced to the world.

"Thank you very much. This is very, very important. I will obviously read this later today. I will discuss it with people here and see how we can advocate for the poorest while ensuring that those who steal from the country what is not theirs, be themselves not the beneficiaries (and) don't benefit from the relief of the sanctions," responded the Archbishop of Canterbury.

A little research by the Church of England staff would reveal that many of these church leaders masquerading as “men and women of the cloth deeply concerned about the plight of the poorest of the poor in Zimbabwe” are in fact among the principle beneficiaries of the wholesale looting in Zimbabwe - the principle cause of the country’s serious economic meltdown. And thus they are an integral part of Zimbabwe’s filthy rich and power ruling elite with an invested interest in resisting free, fair and credible elections - prologue of regime change - at all cost. 

The UN rapporteur did indeed visit Zimbabwe to investigate the effects of sanctions and she dismissed sanctions as “advocacy tool” used draw attention away from the real causes. The church leaders, like Mnangagwa and the rest, are now cherry picking; they are taking the very fact that she visited as confirmed sanctions are the root cause of the economic meltdown and ignore what she said.

No doubt, the church leaders will take the Archbishop’s acceptance of their petition as public endorsement sanctions are the root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown. Bishop Nehimiah Mutendi and company heard the bit about “those who steal from the country what is not theirs” will not benefit from the lifting of sanctions but will completely ignore it. 

The primary objective of Zanu PF and its acolytes is to keep sanctions on the Zimbabwe agenda. As long as people are talking about sanctions; they are not talking about corruption, mismanagement and rigged elections - the real issues Zimbabwean want to talk about. 

After 41 years of tyrannical rule that has all but destroyed the Zimbabwe economy and left millions desperately poor, powerless and helpless. It is disappointing that the UN, the Church of England and many other institutions have allowed themselves to be conned into discussing such issues as sanctions and thus giving the Zanu PF false narrative mileage. 

The sanctions are one of the few tools helping the voiceless ordinary Zimbabweans pressure the Zanu PF ruling elite to implement democratic reforms and thus end the corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF rule. Sanctions are not the real cause of the economic meltdown; rampant corruption and gross mismanagement are; and therefore sanctions must stay. 


  1. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged rural dwellers to be watchful of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as some have secret motives that do not benefit the people.
    He made the remarks while addressing the Gokwe community during the launch of the 2021/22 Pfumvudza farming programme. He said:

    Report any new NGOs to your Minister of State so that it is established whether the NGO is for the good or not. If you just accept such NGOs you end up regretting because some have ulterior motives and you may lend yourselves in trouble.

    Zanu PF is rigging these elections why we punish ourselves going through yet another meaningless elections whose result we already know - another Zanu PF landslide victory. Do we really don’t have the common sense to know what is going on here much less to stop this madness even after 41 years of rigged elections.

    To the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans whose lives is now a hell-on-earth after decades of gross mismanagement, rampant corruptions and tyrannical oppression; “blacks are incapable of self governing” is not just a racist cliché to be dismissed with the usual political correctness posturing. We really need to address the problem of our failed political system now before the nation sink even deeper into this man-made hell!

  2. There are many, many ordinary Zimbabweans, some of them professionals with university degrees, etc., who have a vague idea, at best, of the damage corruption has caused and that the damage caused by sanctions is small change in comparison. How this is so given the mountain of evidence out there is plain to see - for all their learning to read and write Zimbabweans must be some on the ill informed people on earth.

    Someone once said if you want to hide something in plain sight write it in a book or some such place; he must have had Zimbabweans in mind.

    The events of the 2008 to 2013 GNU were the game-changer events of our generation and yet even now with the benefit of hindsight many Zimbabweans do not know the GNU was about implementing the democratic reforms to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. Indeed, many have no clue what the reforms are much less how they were to be implemented.

    It is no surprise then that both Zanu PF and MDC has taken full advantage of the people’s ignorance to do as the damn well pleased. The former has imposed the dictatorship and the latter has sold out on the many opportunities to end the dictatorship.

    These Zanu PF acolyte church leaders command huge followings in Zimbabwe - the penny has not yet dropped they, together with their Zanu PF masters, are the ones robbing the masses blind! Some of these church leaders are filthy rich! It is doubt whether the penny will ever drop in such thick mud!

  3. "I will not disappoint!" Really?

    Please name just one meaningful democratic reform MDC had implemented in the 22 years since its formation, 5 years of which in the GNU?

    You admitted yourself that during the 2008 to 2013 GNU MDC "sat, ate and did nothing!" If you think that was not disappointing then you clearly don't have a clue why the people risked life and limb to elect MDC into power.

    You are just hungry to get back on the gravy train and you will participate in the 2023 election to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. You will disappointing as usual!

  4. Exiled former G40 stalwart Saviour Kasukuwere is set to release a tell-all biography in 2022.

    According to one Tyson Wabantu foot soldier Never Maswerasei the biography is meant to tell the story of Kasukuwere in his own words.

    We have heard that one before! The only place Kasukuwere can be expected to tell the truth is in court face to face with the witnesses testifying what he did!

  5. What’s The Difference Between The Ordinary And The Political Thief?

    It has taken us a long time to appreciate this subtle difference between an ordinary thief and a political thief, it is great that we have finally got there, that the penny has finally dropped. I dread to think how long it will take us to act on this!

  6. Learning how to fight one virus may leave protection against another
    Blood samples showed these people already had (as in before the pandemic) protective T-cells, which recognise and kill cells infected with Covid.
    Leo Swadling, one of the researchers, said their immune systems were already “poised” to fight the new disease.
    These T-cells were able to spot a different part of the virus than the bit most of the current vaccines train the immune system to find.
    Vaccines are largely aimed at the spike protein, which covers the outer surface of the Covid virus. However, these rare T-cells were able to look inside the virus and find the proteins that are necessary for it to replicate.
    “The healthcare workers that were able to control the virus before it was detectable were more likely to have these T-cells that recognise the internal machinery before the start of the pandemic,” Swadling added.
    These internal proteins are very similar in all related species of coronavirus, including the ones that are widespread and cause common cold symptoms.

    When the late Julius Nyerere was told about the Americans landing on the moon he said, with regret “and we are still strangling to cross the street!” That was back in 1969. Nothing has changed since then. Indeed, Zimbabwe was getting better under white colonial rule and since independence has been back sidling!

  7. TEACHERS aligned to the militant teachers’ association Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) are reportedly receiving threats from unidentified individuals, but suspected state security agents after they did not report back for work Monday, the union says.
    The ARTUZ announced a 12-day industrial to push for teachers’ salaries in US dollars or equivalent local currency pegged at their October 2018 monthly wage of US$540.

    However, Taungana Ndoro the information director in the Education Ministry, said the strike by the teachers was retrogressive.
    The problem of slave wages for teachers, nurses and other civil servants was already there before the corona virus outbreak - a result of the country’s decades old problems of gross mismanagement, rampant corruption and failure to hold free, fair and credible elections.

    The corona virus has caused serious education disruption in Zimbabwe and the longer the country has taken vaccinate its people to reach its herd immunity the greater the disruption. Whilst most developed nations have reached herd immunity Zimbabwe will be lucky to do the same in another year.

    These teachers strike and shortages will cause even more disruption to the children’s education over and above the disruption caused by covid-19; as much as two academic years, at least. I cannot imagine the damage to my education if I had lost just one month of school what worse two years.

    Students who have lost two year plus of formal education can be written off as a lost. We have just written off a whole generation! How do we expect the nation to develop without skilled man-power!

    As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state there will be no meaningful economic recovery, no end to teachers and nurses strike and/or exodus! We are sleep walking into hell-on-earth and of our own making!

  8. "So, why does the government not trust NGOs?" That is rhetorical question since Mr Reeler has already answered the question: Zanu PF is rigging these elections and using food and all aid as one way of buying votes. The party has redused many Zimbabweans, especially in the rural areas, into medieval serfs dependent on overbearing Zanu PF landlords for handouts backed by other coercive measures, if need be.

    The elephant in Zimbabwe's politics is MDC. We must finally ask Chamisa and his MDC friends why the failed to implement even one reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU? And why are they insisting on participating in flawed elections to give legitimacy to vote rigging Zanu PF?
