Monday, 6 March 2023

We have paid dearly for having the corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF since 1980. What do we do now? N Garikai

 “It pays in the end to get the best in the beginning!” was Erick Davis’, a man’s wear shop in First Street, Harare, catchy advert. And true enough, their stuff was high quality and it lasted. 

When Zimbabwe gained her independence in 1980, the country had the potential to become the South Korea of Africa, according to the Japanese academic Ken Yamamoto. 43 years later, there is no deny the country has become just another failed African state. 

To realise the country’s full South Korea of Africa potential we needed a competent and visionary post independent government, the best in the beginning. What we got instead was a Zanu PF regime that had no clue what good governance was about nor cared about any of the niceties of justice and freedom. All Mugabe et al cared about is absolute power and the influence and wealth it brought to them and their cronies. 

“A year on from the coup that ousted Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe remains perched between piecemeal reform and old ways that are as intractable as they are destructive. That’s because the country is ruled by a clique with a partial and conditional commitment to change—and a total, obdurate determination to retain and enjoy power,” wrote Stuart Duran in ASPI Strategist.

“The ‘new’ regime can be viewed from different angles, but the nub of it is this: there’s a recognition that the economic fiasco of the last 20 years was suboptimal, but Emmerson Mnangagwa and his fellow travellers will burn the house down if they feel it necessary. Make no mistake, their will to power is every bit as intense as Mugabe’s—as is their belief that they own the country’s choicest fruits by right of conquest.”

Mnangagwa and company have not burnt the country down but only because a nation, unlike a company, can never be declared bankrupt. The four decades of gross mismanagement, rampant corruption and Mafia style lawless, have left the country in economic ruins and a pariah and failed state failing to provide basic needs such as education and health care to its people. The contrast between Zimbabwe today and what it would have been if it’s South Korea of Africa potential have been achieved is breathtaking.

Could Zimbabwe’s rot and decay under the Zanu PF dictatorship have been avoided? 

Yes, of course! The nation had many golden opportunities to end the Zanu PF dictatorship, the best of which being the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Sadly, MDC leaders who were entrusted the task of implemented the democratic reforms to end the dictatorship sold out and failed to implement even one reform. 

Worse still, since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have insisted in participating in flawed elections, so flawed getting 73% of the votes was not good enough to win power as the March 2008 election showed, only to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. The opposition have claim to have winning in rigged election strategies, feeble excuses to justify participating and hide the real reason they are participating - greed. 

Zimbabwe is set for fresh election in August, in less than six months. Can anything be done to salvage the situation?

We cannot get any meaningful democratic reforms to be implemented now, it is too late for that. We cannot stop the Zanu PF regime going ahead and hold the flawed elections. What we can and must do is:

  1. pointedly refuse to participate in the election process. It is nonsensical to ignore all the evidence the election process is flawed, participate and then denounce the process when the results are out. Don’t participate and denounce the process now. 

  1. point out the failure to produce a verified voters’ roll, failure to implement not even one EU reform recommendation since 2018, denial of 3m Zimbabweans in the diaspora the vote or 37% of the potential electorate, the wanton election related violence by mainly Zanu PF operatives, etc. It is inconceivable that an election process with such serious flaws and illegalities can ever be judged free, fair and credible

  1. no one should be in any doubt that the opposition are participating in these flawed and illegal elections out of greed. How can a discredited opposition give credibility to a flawed election process?

  1. Zanu PF is rigging the 2023 elections but it cannot rig political legitimacy; the election process is flawed and illegal and the opposition participating in the elections have lost political credibility.

 As much as President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF friends would want to portray themselves as invincible in their tortoise political armour, they are not. They have their Achilles heel weakness. In 2008 the party blatantly rigged the elections are was shocked when both AU and SADC leaders refused to grant Zanu PF legitimacy. 

Ever since the 2008 GNU, Zanu PF has rigged elections but has always bend over backwards to ensure the opposition participated by letting them win a few gravy train seats. In the 2018 elections President Mnangagwa even created POLAD, a body to reward the losing presidential candidates who endorsed the process as having been free and fair and his political legitimacy.

Late last year President Mnangagwa announced very generous housing loans, US$ 500k, 350k and 40k for ministers, deputy minister and MP/senators. He knew the bribe, even Chamisa could not deny it is a bribe, will whet the appetites of politicians on both sides of the political divide. Chamisa and his CCC friends are hell bent on participating in these elections regardless how flawed and illegal the process get, Mnangagwa knows that and banking on it. 

What Mnangagwa does not know for certain is whether AU and SADC leaders will accept the participation of the opposition alone, regardless the flawed process and discredited CCC, as proof the 2023 Zimbabwe election is free and fair and grant Zanu PF legitimacy. The regime’s failure to arm-twist continental and regional leaders to get sanctions lifted and Zimbabwe readmitted into the Commonwealth has left the regime doubtful of its own powers of influence, especially when most people can see Zimbabwe’s present political system is unsustainable and therefore doomed.

We failed to get the best government in 1980, the challenge right now is putting an end to the Zanu PF dictatorship, clear the deck, so we can have a fresh start.  

We cannot stop Zanu PF rigging 2023 elections nor stop CCC participating in the flawed elections. What we can do and must do is stop Zanu PF getting political legitimacy!


  1. @ Takura

    It is nauseating that people still have no clue what constitute free and fair election. How any one would participate in an election process without even something as basic as a verified voters' roll beggars belief. How anyone can be conned into believing in winning in rigged elections even after 43 years of Mafiosi Zanu PF rigged elections! They are just participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy and that is insane!

  2. In a strong-worded statement, Dr Mangudya said it is gravely disturbing to note that the strange reports claim that "through the Bank, Government is using illicit ways as a scheme to bust international sanctions placed on political leaders and government entities".

    It is deeply concerning,  and the Apex Bank is disturbed by sensationally wild, false, and malicious media reports, carried in snippets of an unscreened Al Jazeera documentary, produced by the network's Investigative Unit, purveying the impression that the Bank is "Southern Africa's laundromat" or "Southern Africa's laundry service" for an alleged African gold mafia involved in illicit gold dealings, corruption, and money laundering, said the governor.

    Dr Mangudya is himself on public record admitting that gold smuggling in Zimbabwe is a serious problem and it is therefore inconceivable that some of the dirty money has never been circulating in the country’s financial system! The whole world has already made up their minds on Zimbabwe as a pariah state where looting has gone rogue!

  3. @ Godfrey

    ‘Free CCC vice chairperson Job Sikhala now or there will be no elections!’

    Zanu PF will ignore the threat, they know CCC leader love posturing and grandstanding.

    Indeed there have far more important reasons for boycotting elections than freeing an individual leader such as the failure to produce verified voters’ roll, wanton violence that has endangered many lives, etc. and yet the elections went ahead regardless. Why should CCC behave any differently this time!

  4. @ TG

    Well IMF, WB and many other western financial institutions stopped granting Zimbabwe financial assistance in 1999 because Zimbabwe was failing to service her debt; long before Western sanctions and ZIDRA were imposed in 2001!

    For the record the many of China’s mega projects were never carried out because the Chinese had “on condition the outstanding loans are repaid” added to each project. In other words the Chinese too stopped giving Zimbabwe financial assistance for the same reason the IMF, WB, etc. stopped - Zimbabwe was a bad debtor!

    Indeed Zimbabwe has been selling platinum, lithium and other minerals still in the ground for a song to the Chinese and Russians to secure loans. No wonder the Chinese have become so arrogant, they know they call all the shots because they now own Zimbabwe!

  5. @ Chitando

    “ZanuPF fear corruption to be expose more than sanctions !!!!”

    It is not only Zanu PF leaders who are corrupt, MDC/CCC leaders too are corrupt. The looting licences used by the gold smugglers are the same licence issued to diamond smugglers. All the MDC leaders knew about the looting in Marange and Chiadzwa because the late Edward Chindori-Chininga revealed the looting in his 2012 report tabled in Parliament.

    You were an MDC-T MP for Masvingo Urban during the GNU what did you do to stop the looting? F-all!

    Indeed your leader, Morgan Tsvangirai was the most senior politician send to investigate the looting in Marange and Chiadzwa during the GNU and he gave the operation a clean bill of health. A few week later he was on an all expense paid for Cruise ship - he did not pay for it and we can guess who did!

  6. @ Mavaza

    “President ED MNANGAGWA and ZANU PF considers corruption a major challenge to the goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity for the poorest 100 percent of people in Zimbabwe.
    Corruption has a disproportionate impact on the poor and most vulnerable, increasing costs and reducing access to services, including health, education and justice.
    Corruption erodes trust in government and undermines the social contract. The President of Zimbabwe recognises that corruption might impact service delivery. Each type of corruption is important and tackling all of them is critical to achieving progress and sustainable change. To that end the ruling party and the president will never support corruption in any way.
    Corruption is a global problem that requires global solutions. So attacking Zimbabwe hiding behind investigative journalism is cruel.”
    Corruption in Zimbabwe has been institutionalised in that those in positions of power and authority are the godfathers of corruption. And that it is rampant involving billions of dollars. These are the two key points the Al Jazeera documentary was going to reveal details of and hence causing all the panic in Zanu PF circles.

    In 2019 RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya revealed that Zimbabwe was losing US$1.2 billion a year to gold smugglers alone. This constitutes 30% and 12% of the country’s national budget and GPD respective. It is nonsense to keep wittering about corruption being “a global problem” name the other countries where the haemorrhage is comparable?

    President Mnangagwa promised to stamp out corruption back in 2017 and other than the infamous “catch and release” he has done nothing and corruption is now a runaway train. He cannot end corruption because it is institutionalised and he is head of the Mafiosi. Zanu PF is using the billions of dollars from the wholesale looting to bankroll the 2023 election.

    President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF will never ever end corruption in Zimbabwe no more a cobra can give up its venom!

  7. @ Chapman

    The Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) leader, Robert Chapman says he will win the Presidency with 74 percent of the poll.

    "If I am to be honest we are targeting a majority."

    Chapman says he decided to run for president in election set for later this year after getting frustrated by the collapse of Zimbabwe's economy and the state of opposition politics.”

    Chapman should know that in 2008 the people of Zimbabwe voted change giving MDC’s leader, Morgan Tsvangirai 73% of the vote but still he failed to get into State House because the Zanu PF vote rigging juggernaut was switched on before he got the keys.

    The 2008 to 2013 GNU was supposed to implement the democratic reforms and once and for all dismantle the voter rigging juggernaut. Not even one token reform was implemented in 5 years or thereafter. It is therefore naive to think DUZ or any other opposition party can ever win elections in Zimbabwe as long as the Zanu PF voter rigging machine is switched on.

    Chapman and his DUZ friend are participating in these flawed elections because they, like Chamisa and company, know Zanu PF is giving away a few gravy train seats to entice the opposition to participate no matter how flawed the process gets.

    Of course, Richard Chapman knows what constitutes free, fair and credible elections, he knows that Zanu PF is rigging these elections and is participating because greed has the better of him. The fight for reforms and free elections is once again being sold for 30 pieces of silver!

  8. @ Godfrey

    "My fear is this report can be swept under the carpet by deliberate dilution of its impact - No one would be able to push the narrative that corruption is the main cause of Zimbabwe's economic woes - The sanctions narrative will overshadow the corruption. How will the Al Jazeera report reach Chendambuya or Muzarabani with the same impact the sanctions one has.”

    The narrative that corruption, not sanctions, is the root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt. What you have to understand is that there are those whose grasp of the issues is superficial at best because they are incapable of understanding anything in detail. They will agree with whoever happens to be speaking or spoke last.

    Zanu PF has won the narrative that sanctions are the root cause of the country’s economic meltdown without producing an iota of evidence to support their claim but by simply repeating the unsubstantiated claim loud and often. If you want to win back these people then you too must join the rat race - you don’t need the facts and figures from such report as A Jareeza documentary, nor the photo of the Blue Roof mansion and other Pantheon tempts of human greed, etc. these people do not believe their own eyes.

    These of us who care about facts, evidence and truth will not join the rat race because it is an exercise in futility. These who are incapable of grasping facts are not worth winning over, period!

  9. @ Godfrey

    High Court dismiss call for ZEC to release Voters Roll for “security reasons”.

    Zimbabwe must be the only country in the world claiming to hold free, fair and credible election and yet has never ever produced a verified voters’ roll! Snippets of the voters’ roll that have fallen into public hands have turned out to have so many serious errors to render the voters’ roll meaningless.

    If the High Court was really concerned about the security of the voters then why did he not order that an independent body must be appointed to an audit of the voters’ roll? This would have addressed the need for a verified voters’ roll with the need to keep the data secure!

    Surely the judge must be aware of the democratic deficit born out of the failure to produce a verified voters’ roll! How can we have free, fair and credible elections without something as basic as a verified voters’ roll!

    The willingness of the opposition to participate in these flawed elections even without a verified voters’ roll has only given the Zanu PF Mafiosi the confidence to break the rules as it wished.

    Indeed, why would the party bother producing the voters’ roll and reduce it vote rigging options when it knows the opposition will participate even without a verified voters’ roll!
