Emmerson Mnangagwa has shown a shocking popularity amongst Zimbabweans living
in South Africa as almost ten thousands Zimbabweans turned up to meet him in
what was meant to be a business briefing of an expected 100 people,” reported Paul
Diaspora has traditionally been an opposition stronghold with Morgan Tsvangirai
enjoying unfettered support which has now been shaken by Mnangagwa’s visit.”
are you shocked?
same Zimbabweans had remained loyal to Tsvangirai even in the face of the
mountain of evidence that MDC had sold-out during the GNU by failing to get
even one democratic reform implemented. Tsvangirai & co. had proven beyond
all reasonable doubt that they are breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent and
many Zimbabweans still remained as loyal to MDC as before. This proved that
their loyalty to Tsvangirai was not founded on ideological or admiration of
Tsvangirai’s leadership qualities, these were clearly lacking here. This was
just blind loyalty a blind man who give to whoever happen to be holding his
Zimbabweans, both in Zimbabwe and in the diaspora, have come to the conclusion
that the GNU did not deliver the free, fair and credible elections, as MDC leaders
had promised; they have never figured out that it was because MDC had failed to
implement even one democratic reform. They have never asked Tsvangirai &
co. what happened and the MDC leaders were shrewd enough never to offer any explanation.
only trouble with having blind followers is that it will not take much to persuade
them to baby dump you and follow someone else. They are like branches of a willow
tree, the whole branch swings one way then the other even in the lightest
is nothing, absolutely nothing, that President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF
cronies have done to deserve their new-found popularity. Zanu PF is a party of
ruthless thugs and the events of the last three years have shown just how
ruthless these thugs are. Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and the rest staged the coup that
forced Mugabe to resign not out of concern of the long suffering masses but as
the last throw of the dice to wrestle power from Grace Mugabe and her G40 faction.
Zimbabweans everywhere were overjoyed to see the back of Robert Mugabe,
regardless of the circumstances of his demise. By to herald Mnangagwa and his
thugs as heroes for staging the coup is to miss the very important point that
they are the ones who had imposed Mugabe on the nation all these years. Worse
still, the coup was about removing one dictator but only to replace him with
is nothing, absolutely nothing, that would lead anyone to belief Zanu PF is no
longer a party of thugs just because Mnangagwa and not Mugabe is the new
leader. Mnangagwa has moved swiftly to ruthless silenced his G40 faction rivals.
He has kept the same oppressive laws and practices he himself had perfected
when he was Mugabe’s henchman. He has been quick to promise free, fair and
credible elections although he has not implemented even one democratic reforms
to make this possible.
Zimbabweans who thronged to hear President Mnangagwa in SA are no different
from the thousands of ordinary Zimbabweans, up and down the country, who
marched in support of the coup on 18 November 2017. They are like a slave who mistakes
the replacement of one slave-master for another with his freedom! Zimbabweans
are equating the departure of Mugabe with the end of corruption, vote rigging
and tyranny and arrival of a new Zimbabwe of competent government in which all
their individual freedoms and human rights have been restored. The penny will
drop when they realise the corruption, vote rigging, etc. of the Mugabe days have
not gone away and it is business as usual!
only hopes that the penny will drop soon enough before the people make the
mistake of giving President Mnangagwa and his cronies the mandate to rule in
next year’s elections. If next year’s elections are free, fair and credible
then the people must vote Zanu PF out of office because that is they one chance
to make sure future elections are free, fair and credible.
@ Koni
ReplyDeleteWe should be careful not confuse reality with wishful thinking.
“The United Nations has commended Zimbabwe for its commitment to rebuild the economy and wish to normalise the international relations. This is so refreshing after such a long time in the chaotic economic and unattractive policies,” you say.
Who exactly at the UN “has commended Zimbabwe for its commitment to rebuild the economy” because I would want to know what exactly Zanu PF has done to deserve the commendations.
One thing we should have learnt about Zanu PF is that this is a party of bullies who believe they are God Almighty’s gift to the world because they know best and everyone else should listen and yet again and again they have been hopelessly wrong. Mnangagwa keeps talking about a new Zimbabwe, ending corruption, etc. and yet he has done nothing to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. The real lasting change in Zimbabwe will come from those in positions of power and authority is accepting that they are fallible as anyone else and hence the reason they must accept democratic changes so they are democratically accountable just like everyone else.
For the last 37 years Mugabe has never failed to come up with projects to improve the wellbeing of povo and yet povo’s economic wellbeing has continued to get worse and not better. Mugabe has putting the cart, the economy, before the horse, political reform to allow the people to hold him and his cronies to account. Mnangagwa is doing the same!
The rebuilding of the nation’s economy will only start in earnest after we have a political system in which those in power are democratically accountable to the people. All this talk of new economic policies to bring development and jobs when there are no democratic reforms are just a waste of time. President Mnangagwa has done nothing to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and that is what should worry anyone who cares about Zimbabwe and is serious about seeing the country get out of the present economic and political mess!
Any economic recovery in the present toxic political atmosphere will like the seed that fell on the pathway, the thorns or rocky ground. Implement the democratic reforms to allow the free flow of ideas and democratic competition and we will have the good soil from which the crop will yield a hundred or a thousand fold!
It is correct to describe the Zimbabwe voters as blind who will follow a leader like sheep to the slaughter because they are shockingly ignorant. Zimbabweans have risked life and limb to vote Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends into power on the understanding they will deliver democratic changes. It is shocking that many of these voters have no clue, even to this day, what those changes are.
ReplyDeleteWhen MDC failed to implement any reforms during the GNU and thus wasting the golden opportunity to deliver the democratic changes, many people who had voted for the party never even asked what went wrong, it was all water off a duck’s back. How could they ask when they had no clue what the GNU was about! To be fair to these people, most of the MDC leaders themselves, people like Tsvangirai himself, do not have the foggiest idea what the reforms are much less how they should have been implemented. Here was a case of the blind leading the blind into the ditch!
It took many Zimbabweans nearly 20 years for them to finally accept that Mugabe was a corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrant; there was overwhelming evidence of who the real Mugabe was long before then people just refused to accept it. It took years for these people to accept the truth because they could only handle one bit of information at a time. It takes a while to fill a gallon from a drop by drop tap.
Even then these people have never really understood that it was not just Mugabe who was corrupt and a tyrant but those around him too. Their intellectual capacity took 20 years to accept the concept of Mugabe being a dictator it cannot extend that to include more than one or two close to Mugabe. The idea of a dictatorship, a political system, is too far-fetched. Hence the departure of Mugabe has wiped the slate clean, as far as many Zimbabweans are concerned, Mnangagwa and those still in Zanu PF are innocent of all the corruption, vote rigging, murderers, etc. of the last 37 years. It is pointless reminding these people of the role Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and the rest of the Zanu PF thugs now in power have played in the last 37 years, they will hear it but it all enters one ear straight out the other.
An ignorant electorate whose understanding of anything of substance is superficial at best if Zimbabwe’s greatest curse. After 20 years of the Mugabe dictatorship they elected a corrupt and incompetent MDC to bring democratic change. After 17 years of many wasted opportunities to deliver change by Tsvangirai and company, the people have gone back to yesteryear’s Zanu PF dictatorship. Each time the people have sort a change of leadership one thing is clear – they have learnt nothing from their past blunders!
“Rwendo rurefu rwunoda manyatera!” (Our political journey is going to be a long and monotonous one!) as one would say in Shona.
@ Machavio
ReplyDeleteDo they also have the democratic right to be ignorant and to suffer? It is ignorance that has made the Zimbabwe electorate feather weight to be blown from the clatches of a Mugabe led Zanu PF dictatorship into the sell-out MDC and now back to the Mnangagwa led Zanu PF dictatorship!
@ Zanga
ReplyDeleteFor you to still claim that "MDC did not fail (to implement) but were frustrated by ZANU PF in the GNU" only saves to prove the shallowness that has made our people so light intellectually the “sway in the lightest of political breezes”, Nomusa is talking about. Even now, with all the benefit of hindsight, you still have no clue what the reforms were much less how they were supposed to be implemented. Prove me wrong;
1) how did Zanu PF frustrate MDC?
2) What did MDC do or were supposed to do about Zanu PF frustrating their efforts?
@ Corruption ichapera
ReplyDeleteCould not agree with you more and thank you very much for flagging the rot at Bindura University and other Institutions. I am particularly pleased that you have notice how this new Zanu PF regime has focus all its attention at punishing the former G40 supporters as if they were the only one who were corrupt. If we are ever going to root out corruption in Zimbabwe then we must appoint an independent body who will seek out the corrupt individuals without fear or favour!
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has made the fight against the scourge of corruption one of his top priorities if the country is to attract investors and achieve prosperity for the majority.
ReplyDeleteIt is great to see that he is arresting some people already but one cannot help but notice that only known G40 supporters are being targeted. Are we not dealing with only a fraction of the problem here and thus sending the message that those with the right connections are above the law? If we are serious about rooting out this problem then we must arrest everyone guilty of corruption and thus send out the message that NO ONE is above the law!
Rome was not build in a day but ask the Romans themselves they will tell you that it was NOT build by thugs either. Rome was built on the success of it Empire, the Roman Empire, one of the most powerful and influential Empires in human history. One of the most important pillars of the Roman Empire's success is rule of law!
ReplyDeleteZimbabwe is in this economic and political mess for one reason and one reason only; it is a lawless nation ruled by thugs. What Mnangagwa, now masquerading as the country's new President, and his cabal of ruthless thugs did last month is boot out Mugabe as the figure head of the Zanu PF dictatorship for no other reason than that he was going to boot them out of the dictatorship.
It is naive to think that just because Mugabe was booted out the Zanu PF dictatorship has changed. The coup itself was an act of high treason even by the warped Zanu PF thug standards. As the coup was to restore absolute power back into the hands of the Zanu PF ruling elite supremo, the Junta, Joint Operation Command, as the coup plotters themselves readily boasted.
Zanu PF is a party of thugs and the thugs have just decided to replace one dictator for another, that is all. A black mamba that has shed off its old coat is still a deadly snake and only a fool would assume otherwise.
The euphoria that we see today is not new, we saw the same euphoria in 2008 and 2013 when the people were sure MDC had won and the same again in 1980 when the country attained her independence. On all these past occasions the euphoria misplace just as the present one is misplaced. This is euphoria based on our idiotic panache for quick easy solution to our problems.
Yes, it would be nice if Zanu PF, in booting out Mugabe, has been transformed into a party of thugs into a law abiding democratic one. That is the easy and quick fix to Zimbabwe's current problems. The reality on the ground is that Mnangagwa is a thug and the thugs have just been renewed the dictatorship and tightened its grip on power. Thugs do not build nations, they destroy nations and it is naive to expect Mnangagwa to do else.
If we are serious about ending the country’s economic meltdown and political paralysis then we must get the democratic reforms necessary to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and lawlessness. It is hard work, we have made it even harder for ourselves by time and time again going for the easy solutions which have compounded our situation without solving anything.
@ Zimeye business reporter
ReplyDelete“The latest of Presidential advisor, Chris Mutsvangwa as well as Masvingo Minister Josiah Hungwe saying that the army will assist President Emmerson Mnangagwa to win the upcoming 2018 elections, has seen the price of car batteries rise from $60 to $169,” you reported.
Mutsvangwa and Hungwe are only saying out loud what everyone with any common sense knows President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs will do next year. The Zanu PF thugs have risked all to stage a coup against a ruthless tyrant knowing fully well that if the coup had failed the deposed tyrant would be roasting the lot on a spit!
Anyone who therefore thinks the Zanu PF thugs, who have just successfully restored their grip on power, are going to risk losing it again in free and fair elections are day-dreamers. Next year’s elections are going to be peaceful, free and fair as long as the regime is happy the people are voting for Mnangagwa and Zanu PF. The regime will not implement even one democratic reform, deploy the Army, make sure there is no verified voters’ roll and all its other vote rigging dirty tricks on hot standby just to be doubly sure there is no regime change.
Business people are a lot more hard-nosed and will not be easily bowled over by cheap gimmicks like the Zimbabwe mob think the coup plotters are heroes. The business people can see through the delusionary fog of mass hysteria, they can see the Zanu PF thugs who have ruled the nation with an iron fist have just reasserted their iron rule!
@ Guru
ReplyDeleteTell us why you say the message is wrong and stop this idiotic Zanu PF knee jerk response of always shooting the messenger just because you do not like the truth spoken!
MDC-T vice-president Advocate Nelson Chamisa on Wednesday revealed that his boss, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, approached the new administration led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, pushing for an inclusive Government.
ReplyDeleteAdv Chamisa said they had to go to the United States last week under an MDC-Alliance banner after realising the idea of an inclusive Government had collapsed and they had to gear up for an election.
MDC, “the party of excellency”, as Chamisa never tire of boasting, is a party of breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent people whose dithering and blundering from pillar to post has costed the nation dearly. So if President Mnangagwa had acquiesced to Tsvangirai’s demands to be included in an inclusive government the MDC would have agreed in return to the postponing of next year’s elections in direct violation of the constitution and without allowing the nation to have a meaningful say.
The last GNU accomplished nothing since MDC failed to get even one reform implemented. There is nothing to suggest the inclusive government Tsvangirai was after was going to do any better. MDC sold-out during the GNU and it is clear the party has been looking for any opportunity to sell-out again.
So Tsvangirai not only tried to sell-out on the inclusive government but then lied about it when he was asked! How can anyone continue to trust such a man!
Nations get the government they deserve and, after 37 years, we cannot say we did not have many opportunities to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. We have wasted all these opportunities because we have a corrupt and incompetent opposition which has become expert at selling-out instead of implementing the reforms to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. Those foolish MDC supporters who continue to follow the party blindly like sheep are not doing the nation any great favours.
Zimbabwe’s economic and political recovery must start with electing competent leaders and MDC leaders have proven beyond doubt that they are corrupt, incompetent and sell-outs. What else do they have to do to force these idiotic MDC supporters to open their physical and mental eyes!!!!!
I would like to personally welcome the ex-ministers and and ex-MP to the real world of grinding poverty that 3/4 of our people have been forced to live thanks to the decades of Zanu PF misrule. These politicians have pointed refused to listen to the stories of growing poverty. It is heartening that these politicians will get a chance to know what it is like to live on US$ 1.00 or less a day. There is poetic justice in this!
ReplyDelete@ Sarah
ReplyDeletePresident Mnangagwa has clearly fooled the ordinary Zimbabweans with all these promises of jobs, jobs and jobs. He was in SA telling the world "Zimbabwe is open for business!" Sadly, very few, if any at all, will be taking him on that offer because business people are a lot more shrewd that the naive and gullible Zimbabweans who march on 18 November or who thronged to meet him in SA.
The reason why business people have shied away from Zimbabwe for decades is because Zimbabwe has become a lawless nation ruled by thugs. Only a first class idiot like Mnangagwa and his cronies would believe Zimbabwe is now a law abiding nation just because the regime has replace one dictator with another. The change came about as a result of a coup - what an ominous start!
The price of bread and batteries has gone up, the business people are voting with their feet! The penny will drop in the empty heads of all foolish enough to believe Zanu PF has change and that it will bring about meaningful economic recovery. As the doubt sets in Zanu PF will react by rigging the elections. There will be no free, fair and credible elections next year. At that point the people will finally realise that Zanu PF dictatorship led by Mugabe is just as corrupt, incompetent and oppressive as that led by Mnangagwa.
“Why must people vote Zanu PF out?” you asked.
They will be voting Zanu PF out, if they have a free vote, because they will be desperate to end the economic meltdown the nation is facing and the only way to achieve this is by removing the regime from office. If the elections are not free and fair, which is a certainty, the people themselves or SADC will have to pressure the regime to accept the implementation of the democratic reforms. The bottom line is Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown with the 90% unemployment level, etc. is socially and politically unsustainable!
It is not enough that Mugabe has gone, the Zanu PF dictatorship itself is doom!
@ Chiduri
ReplyDelete“Most Zimbabweans have placed their hope on ED and the new government. I personally think ED will play an integral role in the resuscitation of our failed economy. My stance for MDC still remain unwavered,” you say.
There lays the reason why Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess! You have supported MDC all your adult life and, like many other Zimbabweans, risked life and limb only to be disappointed by the party. MDC has failed to deliver even one democratic reform in all its 17 years on the political stage. And yet you still remain doggedly loyal to the party. If that is not proof of your stupidity, I do not know what is.
You have supported MDC all these years because, presumably, you had realised that Zanu PF was led by corrupt, incompetent and oppressive thugs. All Zanu PF has done is replace Mugabe with another dictator, Mnangagwa, and you think that is enough to turn the party into a competent and democratic one. All it shows is just how naïve you are!
Zimbabwe is in this dog-house because the Zimbabwe electorate have again and again failed to make the right political choices because they are stupid and/or naïve. The country is not going to get out of this hell-hole until the voters wake-up to the important task of electing competent leaders with some common sense.
Your “unwavering” support of breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent leaders like Morgan Tsvangirai and the rest in the MDC is not a blessing to the nation but a curse. You are just one of the idiots the nation will be better off you were never even born!
@ hapson
ReplyDeleteZanu PF is corrupt but so too is MDC, why are you limiting you selection to these two alone? You need to think outside the box.
We need to implement the democratic reforms which will open up our political system to real debate and democratic competition. Many of the deadwood now crowding the political stage will not last a few months and thus opening the door to quality leaders.
Zimbabwe's undemocratic system has not only narrowed our political choice of leaders but worse still it has narrowed our thinking too. Instead of seeing all the colours of the rainbow some people only see monochrome, black or white, Zanu PF or MDC! How tragic!
@ Sarah
ReplyDeleteZanu PF is a party of thugs only the naive and gullible are being fooled into believing that a Zanu PF has changed into a law abiding party by staging a coup. Since the coup Mnangagwa, just to confirm, we have thugs running the country has been hunting down G40 members as if they are the only ones who are corrupt. People like Chiwenga has his C&M mansion which not even generals in the US Army can afford!
Mnangagwa has promised free and fair elections and people can see that he has not implemented even one democratic reform. Anyone with eyes can see that the regime is going through its usual vote rigging gears already.
The world does not want to do business in a country ruled by lawless thugs; Mnangagwa and his cronies are lawless thugs.
Speaking at Zimbabwe’s South African embassy, Mnangagwa said he has forgiven every Zimbabwean apart from the three.
ReplyDeleteMnangagwa urged Zimbabweans in the Diaspora to come back home “to help rebuild the country.”
He has forgiven “every Zimbabwean” for what? I hope he is not implying that any Zimbabwean who left the country for political, economic or whatever reason did something wrong for which he, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, out of the generosity of his big heart is now forgiving the individuals.
The sheer arrogance and chutzpah of the idiot is astounding!
As for the people of Zimbabwe forgiving him for all the looting, vote rigging and mass murderers, he must know that forgiven must never precede or short circuit the law. The law must be allowed to take its course, he and his cronies must be investigated for all their crimes and treasons and tried and punished in the Court of law. Then and only then can we talk of forgiveness.
Former US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Chris Dell, reported back to Washington that Morgan Tsvangirai "was a flawed and indecisive character," after meeting the guy a few times. And yet here we are, after decades of case after case of MDC corruption, incompetence and selling out many of us still continue to vote for this lot.
ReplyDeleteWe have risked life and limb to get MDC into power so they can implement the democratic changes the nation has been dying for. They have failed to get even one reform implemented after 17 years in politics and many golden opportunities to do so. It has yet to occur to many of us, especially the MDC supporters, that there is something wrong with the opposition, they are simply not up to the task.
If it had been up to Ambassador Dell, the minute he had concluded that Tsvangirai was not up to the task, there is no doubt the nation needed competent and decisive leaders, his next course of action would have been go get a competent leader. The few Zimbabweans who have come to the conclusion that MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent, after decades of agonising over this, have failed to connect the final dots necessary to conclude we need competent leaders. For the Ambassador making that decision was logical and natural for him but for these Zimbabweans that is a bridge too far.
Man is a creature of reason we are told but clearly not all man. Those nation that have showed that man is indeed a creature of reason have prospered and those whose minds have remained impermeable to reason as rock to water have languished in poverty and despair.
The decision to dump Tsvangirai and follow Mnangagwa comes naturally with some of these MDC supporters. Where one would expect even a capuchin monkey to make the right decision, you can be certain that these MDC empty heads will agoinise over it for years and even then still get it wrong!
Gen Constantino Chiwenga and the current Defence & Security Minister, Kembo Mohadi, have been announced on radio as Zimbabwe’s new Vice Presidents. The announcement was made Saturday morning by presidential spokesman George Charamba
ReplyDeleteSo the coup was about the Joint Operation Command thugs seizing power and sharing the spoils. All the key players in the coup have a chunk of the spoils. President Mnangagwa did not even have the common decency to let the Zanu PF congress members have the satisfaction of rubber stamping his VP appointments!
The contrast between Zanu PF and ANC, for example, could not be more stack! Whilst the latter had proper elections to fill the party’s top positions Zanu PF had a coup to remove the top dog and he then not only appointed his cronies into all the top positions but has been after his main challengers arresting and harassing many and some have gone into hiding because they fear for their life!
Of course, Zanu PF is a party of ruthless thugs! Of course, there is no rule of law in Zimbabwe. Of course, there will be no meaningful economic recovery in Zimbabwe because no one in his right mind would ever want to invest in a country where there is no rule of law and the only hope for any regime change is with the probing with a loaded gun!
If anyone thinks thugs like Chiwenga, Perrance Shiri, Chris Mutsvangwa, Minister S Moyo, etc. are going to risk losing their new found power by having free and fair elections then they are naïve. These thugs will rig the vote, use the gun to force the people to vote for Zanu PF as happened in 2008 if need be.
We have all heard of the gun marriages of the wild West; in dark Africa we have gun coronations and gun elections!
When you hold the State leader at gun point that is a coup, and all attempts to say otherwise is just nonsense!
ReplyDeleteGodknows Fumayi
ReplyDeleteThe opposition is corrupt and incompetent, I agree; but that is no excuse for Zanu PF to ride roughshod over the people's freedoms and basic human rights including denying them the right to free and fair fair elections and even the right to life! The liberation war was about freedom, liberty and human dignity for all and not just a select few. Zimbabwe is not the only nation that has waged a war in the fight for freedom and it is utter nonsense to accept these Zanu PF thugs's foolish argument that because the fought in the liberation war they therefore have special rights including the veto on who rules the nation. And we do not need the opposition alone to articulate that fundamental truth, every Zimbabwean must stand up and be counted!
@ Mabuza
ReplyDeleteThere was no change here; that is the message you are failing to grasp! Just because a black mamba has shed-off his old coat it does not mean he seizes to be a danger. The Zanu PF dictatorship removed its old dictator and appointed another and you think the dictatorship itself has been transform and all the vote rigging, corruption and political murders will all stop. Do you real believe any of those thugs, Chiwenga, Shiri and Mnangagwa himself will accept being booted out of power next year following a free and fair election when they are just getting comfortable? Of course, they will never allow that to happen.
The coup was about the Joint Operation Command, the Junta that has ruled the country with an iron fist grabbing power back from Mugabe who was going to hand it over to his wife and the G40 faction. It had nothing to do with giving back povo their freedoms and human rights, only the feeble-minded think so because they are too stupid and naïve to accept the reality.
The dog-eat-dog fighting in Zanu PF has left the party weaker than it has ever been in 37 years, we should have taken full advantage of this and pressed our demands for democratic reforms. Instead we have been conned by the likes of Chris Mutsvangwa who insisted his rogue war veterans’ quarrel with Mugabe was common cause. For decades now, the same war veterans are the ones who had been harassing, beating, raping and even murdering povo to force them to vote for Mugabe and Zanu PF. Now that Mnangagwa has won Mutsvangwa and his war veterans are already on the campaign trail to make sure Zanu PF wins next year’s elections and if need be, they will harass, beat, rape and murder civilians to ensure Zanu PF victory.
If Mnangagwa was serious about democratic change and making sure that next year’s elections are free and fair then why has not ended Zanu PF’s monopoly of the public media, implemented the democratic reforms, etc.? These changes would cost him nothing and they could have been put into effect the day he was sworn into office!
You, my friend, are seeing change that is not there, a mirage, after 37 years you should know the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy. You are insisting in seeing what is not there because you do not have the intellect to accept and deal with reality!
Zimbabwe is up to her eyes in this mess by accident, it is the decades of wishful thinkers with the intellect of a five-year old who have dragged us into the mess. The foolish decision to give Mnangagwa “a chance he will deliver, of course ZANU PF committed a lot of bad things they have learnt their lesson” is based on nothing other than wishful thinking. Mnangagwa will deliver nothing other than drag us even deeper into the mess. We are not going to get out of the mess we are in on the back of foolish wishful thinking!
No nation on earth has ever thrived under a ruthless dictatorship and Zimbabwe is not going to be the exception to that historic fact!
@ Tshuma
ReplyDelete“To say the truth Wilbert you don't know whose side you on and what you really want for your country,” you say.
On the contrary, I know exactly what I want for Zimbabwe – I want the country to get out of the political and economic mess Zanu PF has landed us into. I also know exactly what we need to do to get us out of the mess – implement the democratic reforms designed to restore all the individual freedoms and human rights including the right to free and fair elections and the right to life.
I know that Mugabe and his fellow Zanu PF thugs have systematically undermined and denied the people their individual freedoms and rights create and retain the de facto one party cum one man dictatorship which has enable them to enjoy absolute political power and influence and material wealth that flowed from it.
After 37 years of enjoying unfettered power the Zanu PF ruling elite have wasted the nation’s material and human resources landing us in the economic mess in which unemployment has soared to 90%, nearly ¾ of the population live on US$ 1.00 or less a day, etc. Meanwhile the few ruling elite have become filthy rich, the live in mansions worth millions and have assets worth billions.
The economic gulf between the rich and the poor has become so frightfully big and the national economic has shrunk in the face of the exponential growth of the rich’s appetite for more wealth. There is dog-eat-dog fight amongst the rich for the prime feeding position and those who are muscled out face poverty. The rich are also fighting against those demanding the reforms just to keep their privileged position.
I know Zimbabwe best chance to get the reforms implemented was during the GNU; sadly MDC leaders sold-out and failed to get even one reform implemented.
I also know that President Mnangagwa and his cronies stage the coup as part of the factional dog-eat-dog fight for political control of the Zanu PF dictatorship. The coup was NOT about ending the Zanu PF dictatorship; both the G40 and Lacoste factions wanted the Zanu PF dictatorship to remain.
President Mnangagwa has promised to carryout a number of economic policy changes and scrap some of Mugabe’s foolish policies such as the indigenisation act; these will result in some economic recovery. He has been very careful not to implement even one democratic reform and so the Zanu PF dictatorship with all its vote rigging, looting and political tyranny will remain untouched. He will not deliver free, fair and credible elections next year. With no meaningful political reform there will be no full economic recovery because no one wants to invest in a banana republic ruled by thugs!
In short, I know that some people want to give this Mnangagwa administration a chance to see if it can bring about the economic recovery because they are naïve to think there can be any recovery under a dictatorship. Some people know we need democratic reforms but are willing to let the regime rule because they know it will not accept any reforms. Accept the dictatorship is the easy way out. I now we are in this mess because for decades we have sort to appease Mugabe and his cronies instead of standing up to him.
We need to reject the Mnangagwa government now and not waste a day and demand the implementation of the democratic reforms as the only way out of the mess we are in!
FORMER Midlands Provincial Affairs minister Jason Kokerai Machaya was reportedly picked up by Gokwe police yesterday over alleged criminal abuse of office after he fraudulently acquired 1 000 residential stands from Gokwe Town Council and later resold them.
ReplyDeleteIf the truth be told Machaya’s crime was not s much the fraudulently acquiring of the 1 000 stands but to have done so and having belonged to the G40 factions – the losing side!
s Chinos not a G40? He certainly spend a lot of time grovelling to Grace Mugabe. Parliament will be better off without idiots like him! Just because he is a bootlicker Chinos thinks that everyone must be like him!
ReplyDeleteIn his tweet Moyo said:"5/5 My politburo video of 19 July 2017 on the Mnangagwa/Chiwenga coup plot has been proven by events. About the coup, it's a lie to say it was bloodless. There are untold fatalities, rampant torture, illegal arrests & detentions & internal & external displacement of citizens!."
ReplyDeleteZanu PF is a party of ruthless thugs and you, Professor Jonathan Moyo, are just one of the thugs! It was you, Professor Moyo, by your own admission, who has help Zanu PF rig elections to stay in power. The Zanu PF dictatorship has been the greatest man-made disaster to befallen Zimbabwe and it is going to take generations, if at all, for this nation to recover from this.
You are now sending your tweets from some dingy fox hole scarred stiff of coming out in the open. The days of living in mansions and driving bullet proof limos in unparalleled comfort and leisure are over. I hope Mnangagwa and his blood hounds sniff you out wherever you are hiding and you face justice for all the misery you brought on millions of innocent people.
May the pitful end to you and your fellow Zanu PF thugs’ careers of selfish greed and deceit be a lesson to all.
@ Mandikwaza
ReplyDeleteThe Mnangagwa administration has not lacked confidence in its own ability to turn things round and make Zimbabwe a prosperous nation again. Mnangagwa's beaming self-confidence is one quality he certainly shares with Mugabe. We all remember Mugabe's "Gutsa ruzhinji!" (Mass prosperity!) which turned into mass poverty but even with poverty everywhere Mugabe did not hesitate even for a second to announce his ZimAsset economic recovery programme and its promise to create 2.2 million new jobs. There is unbridled self-confidence for you!
Sadly, unbridled self-confidence is not the only quality Mnangagwa has learned from Mugabe, he has learnt to be a ruthless thug. The dog-eat-dog fighting inside Zanu PF has not been for the faint-hearted. Mugabe has been a ruthless operator and hence the reason why he has managed to stay in power for 37 years although his performance track record has been one of economic ruin and tyrannical oppression and murder. When he tried to short change his fellow Joint Operation Command Junta thugs they gang up on him!
Mnangagwa is a thug and his cabinet is a cabinet of ruthless thugs. If anyone believes even for one minute that these Zanu PF thugs who risked their own lives to wrestle power from Mugabe will risk losing it in a free and fair elections then that people is very naïve. There will be no free and fair elections next year or ever, not if Mnangagwa and his fellow thugs can help it!
“Will the government guard against selfish national leadership and promote inclusive development within the context of the four modernisations? Much of Zimbabwe’s future prosperity is contingent upon the effective implementation of policies that stimulate both the private and public-sector efficiencies. The informal sector must be empowered to get in the mainstream economy,” you say.
It does not matter how sound Mnangagwa’s economic policies are (it is nonsense to expect his cabinet of thugs to implement the policies but even if they can) that is not enough. The country’s economic recovery will depend on sound economic policies and political stability grounded on the rule of law. Mnangagwa’s rule had an ominous start, it was born out of a ruthless coup and purge of political opponents who only yesterday had been erstwhile party members.
By failing to hold free, fair and credible elections - Mnangagwa has not implemented even one democratic reform necessary for free and fair elections – the regime is only reaffirming that Zimbabwe is still a lawless nation ruled by thugs. No one wants to invest in a lawless nation just as no cow would want to graze in a field with ticks as big as monkeys!