Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Mnangagwa is "a brilliant organizer' won 2013, says MDC - for Pete's sake, he rigged the vote N Garikai

MDC leaders’ incompetence is breath-taking. How is it possible that President Mugabe was able to fool, not just one or two but the entire, MDC leadership into kicking the democratic reforms agreed in the global political agreement into the tall grass is a great mystery? The whole purpose of the agreement was about implementing the reforms to stop a repeat of the barbarism of the 2008 elections, the MDC leaders themselves had witnessed the barbarism so they could be no excuse of them not knowing what the reforms were about.

How President Mugabe managed to keep MDC leaders away from implementing the reforms, ignoring the repeated pleas from SADC leaders who wanted them implemented, for five long years is yet another mystery!

If anyone thought that MDC leaders had learnt their lesson after the years of blundering from pillar to post; they were wrong. Ever those MDC leaders, like MP Eddie Cross, one would think have a few working brain cells keep coming up with one breath-taking blunder after another.

“So often in the past 50 years, Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the heat for Mr. Mugabe, it was the Vice President as Chairman of the Joint Operations Command who gave Zanu PF their two thirds majority in 2013 and returned Mr. Mugabe to State House for another 5-year term,” the MP tells us.

“An effective, even brilliant organizer he has held the State captive for Zanu PF. One of the very few Zanu PF Ministers whose hands are relatively clean of corruption he has survived in the Shark Tank – but now is under sustained and coordinated attack.”

For Pete sake Eddie! Zanu PF rigged the 2013 elections! We all know how many Zimbabweans were denied the opportunity to register to vote, nearly one million of those who did register failed to vote because their details were posted in another constituency other than the one they expected, we all saw hooded Zanu PF youths who were bussed from one polling station to the next casting multiple votes, etc.

We know many of the vote rigging dirty tricks would have been uncovered if the regime had produced a verified voters’ roll for the elections. The regime is required by law to release a verified voters’ roll a month before voting day, at the latest. The regime failed to produce a voters’ roll even to this day!

VP Mnangagwa has played a leading role in the vote rigging not just in 2013 but in the past elections too. How can such blatant abuse of power, resources and trust for selfish gain be worthy of praise?

VP Mnangagwa was a key player in the Gukurahundi massacre and the politically motived murders that have been the hallmark of the Zanu PF dictatorship. Over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans have been murdered in cold blood and Mnangagwa’s hands are red with blood.

“Many will argue that those who live by the sword will die in the same way, but still it’s a tough call for a man whose whole life has been dedicated to his Party and the State President, even though he knows full well, that the President, more than any other person, is at the very centre of our problems and must go or the country runs the risk of either armed conflict, a coup or simply becoming a failed State,” continued Eddie Cross.

Emerson Mnangagwa is a vote rigging and murderous thug; for anyone, much less a leading public official like an MP, to even suggest that he is suitable material to hold any public office much less the highest office in the land is absurd!

The people of Zimbabwe risked life and limb to elect the likes of MP Cross into power on the understanding that MDC would bring about democratic changes, as the party’s name implies. The party has failed to bring about even one democratic change in all its 17 years, 5 of which they were in the GNU, in politics. Is it not bad enough that the likes of MP Cross have allowed Zanu PF back into power through the back door, first, by failing to implement the democratic reforms and now by insisting in contesting flawed and illegal elections. Now, throw hot chilli power into our eyes, Eddie Cross is even campaigning for the election of Zanu PF thugs!

The people of Zimbabwe have risked life and limb for a democratic Zimbabwe where everyone enjoy all the freedoms and human rights including the right to free and fair elections and the right to life itself. It is depressing that the political leaders, on both side of the divide, has all proven to be hopelessly incompetent and, as soon as they got into power, have all mutated from the liberator to oppressor.

MP Eddie Cross you and your fellow MDC leaders were elected to remove thugs like Mnangagwa from power and end the Zanu PF dictatorship; not to endorse their candidature as the next dictators. MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent but I never thought they are this corrupt and incompetent. Never!


  1. They are refusing to consider the option of not contesting because they are single track minded. Not contesting makes good sense because there is evidence to prove 1) it is IMPOSSIBLE for Zanu PF to rig the vote and lose the vote and therefore it is insane to keep contesting the elections for 37 years expecting a different result. 2) By contest against the advice of SADC it is impossible for the latter to interfere even if they can see the blatant vote rigging because that is what we claimed to have strategies to defeat. 3) the opposition politicians know they will not win the elections and unseat Zanu PF, all they are after is the few seats the regime is offering as bait. The populous will not take part in the elections if they knew the truth and hence the reason the leaders continue to sell the public the dummy of winning rigged elections.

    1. The sheer incompetence of MDC leaders is shocking. The people elected them into power on the promise they would deliver the nation from the corrupt and tyrannical rule of Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs. But as soon as they tasted power they have forgotten about bring about the democratic changes!

      "Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!" (MDC leaders have learned to enjoy the gravy train lifestyle and not rock the boat!) Zanu PF goons used to boast in reply to the public concern at MDC leaders' failure to implement the democratic reforms during the GNU.

      Having sold-out during the GNU when they had their best chance to implement the reforms Tsvangirai and company have given up all hope of getting an reforms implemented and are hunting for any gravy train spoils Zanu PF throws at them. Anyone who believes MDC has these Winning In Rigged Election (WIRE) strategies is a certified fool!

      Zimbabwe cannot afford another rigged elections and to risk one on the strength of MDC's WIRE is unforgivable folly!

  2. The opposition and those determined to contest regardless they will win the elections against whatever Zanu PF throws at them. They will accept that Zanu PF has been rigging elections and some even accept that the rigging has been so serious it is IMPOSSIBLE to win the rigged elections. Many block out all the supporting evidence of vote rigging to prove it is impossible to win because it is a bitter pill to swallow that one's best efforts are futile.
    They are all united in believing that they can win regardless whatever Zanu PF tries to do.

  3. The corrupt and incompetent opposition are now just as much a hindrance to the nation's drive for democratic change as Zanu PF itself. Many people have often complained of how Mugabe has infiltrated the opposition, I never realise how serious this is until now.

    Ever since Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends tasted the sweetness of power, look out from the luxury of a ministerial limousine, got the keys to the $ 4 million Highlands mansion, hobnobbed with world leaders, etc.; they have never been the same again. Before they got into power people believed them when they talked of the need for democratic change, they were a follower traveller then. After they tasted power, they talk at or down on people and not talk with just to underline that they are now no longer one of us; they are superior human beings and not to be confused with us inferior mortals!

    MP Cross is now one of the country’s ruling elite and so his sympathy with a fellow member of the ruling elite, Emerson Mnangagwa, is more pronounced that with the inferior mortals, povo. The abuse Mnangagwa is getting from Grace Mugabe is of greater concern to the Right Honourable MP than the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who are living on US$ 1.00 or less a day whilst her ladyship and her son squanders millions on new cars!

    MDC and many of those in the opposition camp have reached a political understanding with Zanu PF; the opposition will never do anything to implement the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible elections as long as Zanu PF allows them to win a few gravy train seats and thus have a share of the spoils of absolute power the later enjoys by virtue of its carte blanche powers to rig elections. The opposition will keep povo happy by promising them democratic change tomorrow! It is always tomorrow; we have waited for 17 years for MDC’s first democratic change and, so far, nothing!

    If Zanu PF won the 2013 elections thanks to Emerson Mnangagwa’s brilliant organizing ability it is little wonder MDC have done nothing to implement democratic reforms since.

  4. the party's blunders is a serious matter. A healthy and functional democracy is only possible where there is a wide awake electorate who would hold the leaders to account on every turn. A comatose electorate is a curse!
    Zanu PF is imploding and if the dog-fight continues the party will not be able to successful carry out its vote rigging schemes and thus allow the opposition to win next year's election. Many people will herald the election victory as the start of the free, just, prosperous and democratic Zimbabwe. They will be hopelessly wrong. A corrupt and incompetent opposition supervised by a comatose electorate is not the template for a healthy and functional democracy. The opposition will never implement the democratic reforms to ensure the next elections are free, fair and credible, for example. How can they implement something they do not know?
    The Right Honourable MP Eddie Cross, has no clue what the reforms are about. Go ahead, ask him? If he has no clue and he is one of the bright sparks in MDC there is no point in looking at the likes of Obert Gutu, Douglas Mwonzora and even worse Morgan Tsvangirai. The one thing we can be certain of is that they will all do their best to adopt the present system to consolidate their own hold on power.

  5. President Mugabe and his JOC cronies have devised a foolproof vote rigging system that has successfully kept them in power these last 37 years. They have freed themselves from the demands of democratic accountability and so do not care that the country has gone to the dogs causing untold human misery on the people.

    President Mugabe is a control freak megalomania who would grudgingly give up power to his but no one else. He has strung Mnangagwa and many others in Zanu PF along all these years making them believe that he will handover power next time only for him to trick them.

    Mnangagwa has served President Mugabe doggedly all his life and for the last two decades he thought he has one hand on the crown. The prospect of the crown being given to someone else will be the death of him no wonder he is fighting to the death for it.

    When he came back from SA, following the last attempt to poison him, there is no doubt he was a different man. His years of waiting on President Mugabe day and night were over, he was a man on a mission to get the crown at all cost even if that means dying for it. When President Mugabe met him at the airport there is no doubt he intended to intimidate Mnangagwa and must have been shocked that the latter looked him back straight in the eye instead of grovelling with the tail between his legs!

    With Mnangagwa, President Mugabe knows that he has a fight in his hands!

    The tragedy is whilst all this dog-fight is taking place the country continues to slide deeper and deeper into the abyss.

    If only Morgan Tsvangirai and his band of banded mongoose had implemented the democratic reforms when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the GNU, the country would have got rid of Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs following free, fair and credible elections. Even with Zanu PF tiring each other to piece the regime is still set to win next year's elections thanks to mongooses' folly of disregarding SADC leaders' advice and contest the elections with no reforms.

  6. Cross ruefully observed: “After a lifetime of principled struggle, to have it all threatened by a disease in you body — life can be a bastard at times.”

    The nonsense is claiming that Tsvangirai has "a lifetime of principled struggle" when he sold-out during the GNU. The man is living in the $4 million mansion today which he got as a sweetener for him to kick democratic reforms into the tall grass.

    MP Eddie Cross was in the MDC cabinet during the GNU and thus one of the team who failed to implement the reforms. He like everyone else in MDC refuse to admit the sold-out that makes them all bastards in my book!

  7. It is beyond doubt that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on the ropes and is literally fighting for his political life, as Zanu PF’s infighting gathers momentum and heads for an inevitable climax.

    This is just wishful think of the ill informed who are desperate for change and so they imagine what is not there.

    President Mugabe and G40 have been trying every dirty trick they can think of to boot Mnangagwa out of the party without success. Mugabe had the chance to fire him but did not have the guts.

    Mnangagwa like Professor Moyo know a lot about Mugabe, the tyrant has found firing them impossible. Only the naïve think Mnangagwa can be fired just as easily as Mujuru!

  8. "Zec cannot afford any more slip-ups because it will be perceived as aiding Zanu PF in the next elections. The elections body may explain the cause of the problem, but trust in the organisation is very low and sceptics are looking for a way to nail ," you say.

    Has it not yet occurred to you that all these "slip ups" are all part of the elaborate plan which is all falling into place very nicely thank you? If the regime wanted the voter registration exercise carried out properly to ensure free, fair and credible elections it would have started the exercise in 2015 and right now we would have a verified voters' roll! The regime has no intention of releasing a verified voters' roll for next year's elections and hence the reason everything has been left to the last minute and the process is chaotic.

    SADC leaders advised MDC leaders (and through them the people of Zimbabwe) not to contest elections with no reforms in place because Zanu PF will rig the vote. The MDC banded mongoose would not listen and the people of Zimbabwe are foolishly following the mongoose. If you believe the mongoose's claim that they have devised Winning In Rigged Elections (WIRE) strategies then you need to go to the nearest mental institution (assuming they are any still running in Zimbabwe).

  9. I have come to the conclusion that MDC will never ever bring about any democratic changes the nation needs to move on. Never.

    The people of Zimbabwe risked life and limb to elect MDC on the ticket the party will deliver democratic changes. Whatever fighting spirit the party had for change it all died during the GNU when the party leaders suppered with the devil. Of course, MDC leaders sold-out during the GNU and they have been in Mugabe's pockets ever since.

    "In less than 12 months from today, Zimbabwe will be holding the 2018 harmonised elections. The million dollar question is: Is Zec prepared and capable of conducting a free and fair election that will pass the test of credibility, an election that will be largely free from contestation?" asked Obert Gutu.

    It was a rhetorical question which he promptly answered himself.

    "The situation that is presently obtaining on the ground points to a situation whereby Zec is thoroughly ill — prepared, under — capacitated and thus, incapable of satisfactorily discharging its constitutional mandate," he answered.

    The real million dollar (rhetorical) question is: Now we know, ZEC will never deliver free and fair elections, what is MDC going to do about it?

    It is a rhetorical question because we all know the answer: nothing, MDC is going to contest next year's elections regardless how flawed and illegal the process becomes.

    It is clear ZEC is dragging its feet over the voter registration exercise and so hundreds of thousands if not millions of would be voters will not even get a chance to register. Those opposition supporters who do register, the regime has many other tricks up its sleeve to deny them the vote. Many in the rural areas are being herded like cattle to the dip tank, to register and, when the time comes, they will be herded once again to vote for Zanu PF. And through it all MDC is determined to contest the elections regardless!

    "Our ICT experts, together with us the politicians, are working round the clock to ensure that the 2018 elections are not stolen as was the case in 2013. As we say in the Shona language : “tamba tamba chidembo muskwe takabata’’. We will never, ever allow Zec and their Zanu PF surrogates to once again steal the people’s vote in 2018," continued Gutu.

    This is a nightmare. Zanu PF is rigging the elections already and MDC are pretending not to see what is happening and we know why. MDC are in these elections for the few gravy train seats Zanu PF gives away to entice the opposition to contest the flawed elections.
