Monday, 8 February 2016

Economic reforms will fix the engine, need GPA reforms to fix the brakes c/w emergency and get sober driver. By Nomusa Garikai

One of the outstanding feature of our economic and political crisis is seen it coming but for the last 20 years at least we have been powerless to stop it because we lost the power to a meaningful say a long time ago. I learnt from my late father the importance of why those with an interest in a matter should always have a meaningful say.


I spent many of my school holidays in Gweru, where my father worked. My cousin, Benji, lived with us and he worked in one the big supermarkets in town. He was just a labourer; sticking price labels on merchandise and stacking them on shelves, packing good for customers at the checkout, etc.



Benji had the can-do self-confidence; he convinced me he would make a better manager of the supermarket. This was soon after independence when the whole nation was drunk with can-do euphoria. I raised Benji’s case as an example of how the whites had frustrated talented blacks and denied them the opportunity to advance.



“True, white racism has frustrated many talented blacks,” replied my father. “The supermarket Benji works for is now under new owners and management. I have no reason to believe they would deliberately refuse to appoint the best candidate for whatever post and forfeit the opportunity to expand their business and increase their profits just because of the candidate's race or gender. In fact the current manager, whom I have noticed Benji holds in total contempt, is a black woman and yet she has made the supermarket very popular.



“If the supermarket appointed Benji the new manager and he failed to run the business properly all your cousin will lose is the labourer’s wage. The owners of the supermarket will have a lot more to lose and so too will all the other workers, the farmers who have thrived on the back of the supermarket's current success, etc.



“Whilst Benji’s enthusiasm and exuberance is to be encouraged; even if his enthusiasm is completely justified, we must never allow that to cloud our judgment. He has the right to be given a chance as manager as long as all those with an invested interest in the matter have a meaningful say, always!”



The lesson from my father did not sink in until years later. The story goes that Benji, with his usual unquenchable enthusiasm and exuberance, had bullied one of our aunts into allowing him to carry out some repairs on her husband’s car. Benji was working as a car mechanic’s assistant at the time but to hear him talk one would be forgiven to think he was BMW’s most valued car design consultant.



To cut the long story short; Benji had welded the broken component causing it to bend, it ended up causing even more damage to the car.



Very few Zimbabweans would deny that they were swept off their feet by President Mugabe’s scientific socialism rhetoric and promises of mass prosperity in the early years of our independence especially when the promises were backed by the rapid expansions in the health and education sectors.  All President Mugabe’s critics were silenced by the mountain of evidence of how his policies were improving the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans.



It was only in the 1990s when Zanu PF started cutting back on its social welfare that people paid attention to the regime’s critics' warning that the reckless spending on welfare, bloated cabinet, bloated civil service, bloated army, bloated everything were unsustainable.


By the turn of the century many Zimbabweans were convince that President Mugabe’s mass prosperity was a myth, a mirage. It was then that the people made a determined effort to remove President Mugabe and Zanu PF from power and, much to their surprise and disgust, found it easier said than done. The regime had eroded their rights to a meaningful say in the governance of the country.



“All those with an invested interest in the matter must have a meaningful say, always!” my father advised came flooded back. His advice was as valid for reining in Benji’s exuberance as it is in reining in President Mugabe’s really annoying I-know-best posturing when the evidence on the ground told a completely different story.



As the nation searches for the way out of political and economic hell we find ourselves in, it tempting to focus on what to do to revive the economy and end the economic suffering. The most important and urgent matter is to fix our political system which stopped us taking corrective measure years ago when we first became aware of the economic slow down.

Before we do anything else, we must restore the people's right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. Our economic mess would have never sunk to these sickening depth if the people had not political powerless to stop its collapse. 



If reviving the economy is comparable to fixing the engine, repairing the lights, etc. then ending the dictatorship and restoring the people's right to meaningful say in the governance of the country is comparable to repairing the brakes, the stirring shaft and, most important of all, making sure there is a sober driver behind the wheel!

It is not enough to have President Mugabe removed from power and keep the dictatorship in tact; that is tantamount to replacing the driver and hope he/she is a competent driver but fail to ensure the brakes, especially the emergency brakes, and stirring are working. 

The GPA reforms are design to ensure comprehensive political reforms are carried out this time so that never again will the nation find itself in the situation now obtaining today of having  a corrupt and incompetent tyrant in State House and the people totally helpless to remove him! Implementing the GPA reforms is the most important task of our generation; SADC leaders realized this during the GNU, it is tragic that many Zimbabweans failed to realize it back then and still do not even to this day!


  1. Give someone like Benji a gun and you transform him into a dangerous I-alone-know-best tyrant!

    SADC Heads of State tried to hammer it into the heads of Zimbabwe's opposition MDC leaders to implement the GPA democratic reforms and after five years of the hammering they failed to get MDC to implement even one reform. Not one.

    Now with a well-established record of breath-taking incompetence and corruption Tsvangirai et al will have an invested interest in ensuring that no reforms are ever implemented; they are as scarred of free, fair and credible elections as Mugabe et al. The fight to get the GPA reforms implemented is going to be a long and bitter fight. The fighting has only just began.

    "Rwendo rurefu rwunoda manyatera!" as one would say in Shona! (It is going to be long had road ahead!) And we have only just begun!

    1. I agree, the GNU offered us the best chance ever to end the Zanu PF dictatorship quickly and easily. SADC leaders did their best to get MDC to implement the GPA reforms and when that failed to get the people of Zimbabwe themselves to bring pressure to bear on MDC to do the right thing. Sadly neither of their effort bore any fruit.

      I am very surprised and disappointed at just how few Zimbabweans were paying any attention to what MDC was doing to implement the reforms during the GNU and now since the rigged elections. This is one of those must do to progress to the next stage issue and until we implement the reforms this nation is going nowhere.

      Getting the people to implement the reform is going to be a task and a half!

    2. Who would dare argue with I-alone-know-best looking up the business end of his/her AK47 rifle? President Mugabe gave us a stern reminder of that very fact in 2008 when boasted that what was achieved by the bullet cannot be undone by the ballot! The nation cowed down immediately when they found themselves once again looking up the muzzle of a gun!

      Those like Tsvangirai, Mujuru and Musewe who think the nation can have a stable and thriving democracy without implementing the democratic reforms are fools. As long as those in the country's security sector can hold the gun to those in power to demand special treatment or can be brainwashed into holding the gun to the people's temple by those in power as has often hap-pened in Zimbabwe; this country will never have a stable government.

      Removing the dictator, Mugabe, is good for the here and now of we have removed the head of the dictatorship but it is nowhere near good enough to end the dictatorship. Many of the Zanu PF hardliners wield a lot of political power enough to make the nation ungovernable if they so decided. The only way to take away their undemocratic powers is by implemented ALL the dem-ocratic reforms agreed in the 2008 GPA.

      We need to clean up the whole political system and start afresh and not to mess around with removing the tyrant and then one after another of his political appointees as and when the new regime sees fit and has the courage to do it!

    3. @ Patrick

      The seed of GPA reforms has been sown and like all good seed it has germinated and it is thriving. I believe there are today a lot more Zimbabweans who know what the GPA reforms as contrast to the electoral law reforms. All these people know the later reforms are a waste of time. I agree there is still a big mass of people who still do not have a clue what the difference are and therefore are vunerable to misinformation by the likes of Tsvangirai and his NERA.

      Even then by holding Tsvangirai and his MDC friends accountable first for their failure to implement the GPA reforms during the GNU and now holding them accountable for insisting on implementing the weak and ineffective electoral reforms people have dared Tsvangirai and company to come out of the closet and publicly declaim that NERA will deliver free, fair and credible elections. They have not done so because they know they are not and making a false statement like that would make them lose even more political credibility when the events prove them wrong.

      There is a large pool of voters who care easily be swayed into supporting the NERA reforms because they do not know any better but those who would have taken advantage of these voters are fearful of being exposed as the political opportunists they are.

      It would be great if this large pool of voters can be educated so they understand the difference between GPA and NERA reforms; that would be check mate! We have the next best thing, those NERA reformists cannot exploit these ill informed voters without placing themselves into check!

    4. The armed struggled help deliver independence quicker than otherwise but now with the benefit of hindsight the nation knows that price we have paid for accelerating the independence has been more than the nation could bear. Not only has Zanu PF dragged us backwards in terms of economic development, the idiots have dragged us so far back that it is going to take generations, if at all, to get back to where we were in 1980 but worst of all we have lost over 30 000 lives to political violence alone to say nothing of the lives lost hunger and disease caused by the decades of misrule!

      The AK47 drove the white oppressors out of our country; sadly it has stayed on to rule the nation with tragic consequences for us all! Of course President Mugabe does not have the answer to everything but with the AK47 in his hands he believed he knew best and has used the gun to force us all to accept he knew best.

    5. @ Nomusa

      We should have never waged an armed struggle because of the dangers of the kind of leaders such struggles always throw up; tyrants whose rule is worse than the oppression you want to end. The truth is the ordinary people were never consulted on this matter, they were sucked into the war.

      By implementing the democratic reforms the nation will have the opportunity to reset the relationship between those who carried the AK47 during the war and those carrying the weapons of war now to the civilian population. The current relationship has set the one group against the other with the former group believing they are the masters and the later are the slaves. The security sector are the defenders of the people and peace and not the defenders of the tyrants and no-regime-change nonsense!

      We need to implement the democratic reforms including security sector reforms and all those who want to sweep this under the carpet clearly do not understand what is happening here.
