Saturday, 19 December 2015

People First "major focus" is toppling Mugabe - if all we do is replace one tyrant with another then we have failed! by P Guramatunhu.

According to a report in Zimeye Joice Mujuru’s People First is attracting some following with a number of people deserting other parties to joint. Notable amongst those joining her is Jeffryson Chitando, Former MDC political strategists and one of Tendai Biti’s PDP heavyweights.  


“We are now People First and the major focus is for us to topple Mugabe and his wife Grace from power .That is our objective and there is need for us to join hands and focus on one common objective,” said Chitando.

The nation would be very foolish indeed to listen to people like Chitando.

Yes toppling Mugabe from office is important if all we achieve is remove one corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrant but only to replace him with another then we have not learnt much from all the tragic suffering and sacrifices of the last 35 years. Mugabe has been the head of the Zanu PF dictatorship but the tyrant has sown his seed far and wide in our land, we have tyrants in every section of our society from the brainwashed village bullies who have been frog-matching our people to attach Zanu PF rallied to thugs in parliament and cabinet.

The dog-eat-dog fighting in Zanu PF which has resulted in people like Joice Mujuru and Didymus Mutasa being booted out of the party has weakened the dictatorship and created a unique opportunity for the nation dismantle the whole dictatorship and not just topple its head. In other words people like Joice Mujuru and Didymus Mutasa are as much part of the dictatorship as Mnangagwa and the others who have remained with Mugabe in Zanu PF.

If People First was to get back into power Mutasa will resume his ruthless campaign of terror in Manicaland from where he left off when he was booted out from Zanu PF last year. Mujuru will not be implementing any of the 2008 GPA reforms but will instead concentrate on replacing all those political appointees who have served Mugabe well all these years with ones who will serve her with the same blind loyalty.

People First will create an new Zanu PF dictatorship in all but name.

The only reason people like Chitando are not concerned about replacing the Mugabe dictatorship with a Mujuru dictatorship is because whilst they have been victims of the former they will, hopeful, be holding the thick end of the whip this time.

It is us, ordinary Zimbabweans, who must demand not just the toppling of Mugabe but the dismantling of the oppressive one-party dictatorship because we are the ones who will be at the business end of the whip – there will be no comfort to be had from knowing that it is now Mujuru and not Mugabe who now wields the whip!  


  1. Stupidity is doing something once get disappointing result, repeat the same thing and still get the same disappointing results and repeat the same thing again and again thereafter expecting a different result but of course still get the same disappointing result.

    If is very disappoint that anyone should be stupid, worse when the affliction affects a family or a community. When it is the whole nation that is stupid; one despairs!

    Zimbabwe is in this political and economic hell of having a corrupt and incompetent regime that has completely destroyed the nation’s economy forcing millions into a life of abject poverty and millions more into exile as economic or/and political refugees. The nation has failed to remove the regime for the last 35 years because it is a ruthless tyrannical dictatorship. All this has happened because before independence the nation was preoccupied with removing the oppressive white colonial regime they ignore the important question of whom they will replace it with.

    Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs have turned out to be the corrupt, incompetent and tyrants who landed us into this hell.

    In 2008 the nation had a real golden opportunity to end the Mugabe dictatorship but, sadly, the opportunity was wasted. The nation was again focused on getting Mugabe out of power people paid little attention of the calibre of leaders they were entrusting to implement the democratic reforms and end the dictatorship.

    Tsvangirai and his MDC friends turned out to be so corrupt and incompetent Mugabe was able to bribe them with easy to kick the reforms into the tall grass. After five years of the GNU, MDC failed to get even one reform implemented. Not one!

    We had clearly learnt nothing from our short-sightedness in 1980 and so repeated the same mistake in 2008 with the same disappointing results!

    Zanu PF is imploding giving us yet another opportunity to finally end the Mugabe dictator-ship root and branch once and once for all! Sadly, it seems the nation is settling for removing the dictator Mugabe but keep the dictatorship.

    After 34 years in power what has Joice Mujuru ever accomplished other than join in the looting of the nation’s wealth and grow fat! Of course Joice is corrupt and incompetent and yet the nation is so focused on removing Mugabe people are ignoring her pathetic track record.

    So after 35 years of relentless matching into the abyss, we still have not figured the serious mistakes we made before independence, repeated in 2008 and God knows how many other times in between. Zimbabweans are always boasted of being one of the most literate nation in Africa; the nation has had no few than 50 000 College and University graduate this year alone. For all our high literacy, we are still one of the most stupid nations on earth because we keep electing stupid leaders and never seem to learn from the past!

    The “major focus” is on toppling Mugabe, Jeffryson Chitando argues and he is supposed to be a “political strategists”! No wonder the nation is in a real mess but worse still, it is hard to see how we are ever going to get out!

  2. @ Vusimuzi Mkholo

    No one has said anything about doing nothing; the issue here is not about doing nothing but rather one of doing the right thing but by half measure. Zimbabweans have the opportunity to implement the 2008 GPA reforms designed to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship for good just as they had the same opportunity to do the same during the GNU. By focusing on removing Mugabe and keep the dictatorship all we will have done is remove one dictator and keep the same system that will allow the next dictator to emerge.

    Getting rid of Mugabe is important but that is not all that matters; we will have the very difficult task of rebuilding the nation and we will certainly not do it with a corrupt and incompetent leader like Joice Mujuru.

    Most important of all, if we do not implement the 2008 GPA reforms before People First get into power then we will never end the dictatorship because Mujuru will never implement the reforms!

    I agree that SA is going through some teething problems of their own and Zimbabweans must not forget what happened in the past!

  3. @ yithilabo

    People reached for the gun to drive the white men out of the country and look what we got for all our sacrifices - a corrupt, incompetent and murderous dictatorship!

    If Tsvangirai and his MDC village idiot had implemented the 2008 GPA reforms then we would have dismantled the Zanu PF dictatorship without firing a single bullet. Tsvangirai failed to im-plement even one reform because he was corrupt and incompetent. The lesson of the GNU is we should be careful whom we vote for and not vote for village idiots!

    There is an excellent opportunity to force Zanu PF to implement the reforms right now because the regime is under great pressure from within, Zanu PF is imploding, and from outside, the economic meltdown is really and it is not sparing anyone including the ruling elite. All we must do is demand the full implementation of the reforms.

    If people think getting rid of Mugabe is all that matters then they will not implement the reforms and go to the next elections with the present system. Zanu PF will want that because that gives them a fighting chance of rigging the elections again.

    Joice Mujuru, Mutasa and other knew Mugabe has been rigging elections but they will not tell you the details because they have no clue. There is a very good chance Mugabe will rig the next elections and outwit Mujuru; he has outwitted her a thousand times in the past and will do so again! Easy!

    Those who think Mujuru will win the next elections are no different from those who said Tsvangirai would win the 2013 elections. They were so sure the talked Tsvangirai to ignore SADC's advice to implement the reforms first. Indeed the same people are the once telling the nation to again forget the reforms and just go for the elections!

  4. @ Nkomo

    I agree with you but the danger here is that people see Mujuru as the person poised to defeat Mugabe and they get so excited about that the forget three key things:

    1) the people are now so sure of a Mujuru victory they are forgetting the most important task was to implement the 2008 GPA reforms to ensure the next elections and all elections thereafter are free, fair and credible. Implement the reforms and the toppling of Mugabe is guaranteed but better still we would have closed the door for another dictator to emerge.

    2) they are so excited about getting rid of Mugabe the people are forgetting that Mujuru is the corrupt and incompetent; Mugabe can easily cheat her just as he cheated Tsvangirai, especially if no reforms are implemented.

    3) Even if Mujuru was to win the next elections, she will not be much good for the reconstruction ahead, since she is corrupt and incompetent. But worst of all, she will not end the dictatorship but seek to consolidate her own position by revamping it!

  5. Details of Bhasikiti's, a leading People First member, murderous activities when he was a Zanu PF member in 2008 are coming out; the man is a ruthless murderer. It is sickening that anyone in his or her right senses would ever want such a man to hold public office and vote for him in a free, fair and credible elections All his victims he has murdered over the years must be turning in their graves to hear the free vote they died for is now being wasted on the very man who killed them because he did not want Zimbabwe to enjoy such a right!
