Monday, 30 November 2015

Allowing his wife to run for president is the dumbest thing Mugabe had done - old man must never a wild cat. By P Guramatunhu

“History has the habit of repeating itself; if Zanu PF uses wanton violence in the next elections the whole world will, as happened in 2008, refused to accept the result as a true reflection of the democratic wishes of the people. Instead of being given the option of the GNU soft-landing Zanu PF will be forced to implement the democratic reforms followed by fresh free and fair elections,” wrote Wilbert Mukori.  You are spot on there, my friend.

Only the other day the British ambassador to Zimbabwe Catriona Laing was warning this Zanu PF regime that if it is serious about re-joining the commune of nations it must hold free, fair and credible elections.

“Ultimately, the 2018 election is going to be an absolutely critical moment for Zimbabwe. If Zimbabwe wants to return not just economically to the international fold and also politically, it will need those elections to be endorsed by international observers of some kind,” said the ambassador firing the warning shot across the Zanu PF’s bow on free elections.

Even if Zanu PF resist the pressure to implement the 2008 GPA reforms, the pre-requisite for free and fair elections, and implement Tsvangirai’s ineffective electoral law reforms instead; the regime will still face a serious challenge from the ordinary people. The party is underestimating the misery the economic meltdown is inflicting on the people and how the suffering is hardening their resolve to vote Zanu PF out office.  

To win the next elections, Zanu PF will have no choice but to once again deploy its “Third Force” and carry out a rerun of its 2008 operation “Mavhotera papi!” (Whom did you vote for!) Only this time the whole world will be watching very closely and they are not going to let Zanu PF off the hook; not even SADC and the AU will have any excuse to do so this time round.

In her blind determination to be president Grace, like a cocky but inexperience lead wildebeest, has blundering into a pride of hungry lions in stormy night; there will be carnage. Grace has dragged President Mugabe and Zanu PF into an election the party cannot win but, worse still, will lose disgracefully!

As if the crisis caused by the economic meltdown – he is entirely to blame for it since it is his 35 years of misrule that caused it – was not causing Mugabe enough headaches; he is now forced to deal with the political crisis of his party imploding. Zanu PF is being torn apart by the factional wars instigated by his wife’s unbridled ambition and insatiable appetite for power and wealth. For the last year he has sat there helplessly wringing his fingers; there is very little he can do this late to stop the two tragic events; he does not have physical and mental strength to do anything now that he is frail with old age and ill health.

Of all the dumb things President Mugabe has ever done in his checked political career, being bullied by his young but half-shilling wife into letting her run for high office must be the dumbest. The moral of this tragic tale is; old man must never marry a young wild cat, she will bully him to doing the dumbest things ever!


  1. Nikuv was working with Registrar-General (RG) Tobaiwa Mudede’s office to compile the voters’ roll and was paid in excess of US$10,5 million between February and July though the RG’s Office’s FBC account.

    A day before the elections, Nikuv founder and CEO Emmanuel Antebi, in the company of his deputy Ammon Peer, met Mugabe and then defence minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, then transport minister (former state security) Nicholas Goche and Central Intelligence Organisations deputy director Aaron Nhepera for an hour-and-half at State House.

    As a nation we owe it to ourselves and to history to have a thorough investigation carried out in all vote rigging allegations. The truth must be established one of these fine days as a matter of cause!

  2. @ Ken Yamamoto
    There is no doubt that Mugabe is corrupt and having allowed corrupt to grow and spread for these years, 35 years, he is helpless; even if he wanted to end corruption he cannot. Mugabe has become the puppet controlled by those below him he has allowed to be corrupt.
    “Jinping also knows that his host (Mugabe) has become a puppet,” you said. “Due to his mindless lust for power at any cost, he owes a lot of people, and has been propped up by people who have become puppeteers – his wife Grace, the CIO under Happyton Bonyongwe and most importantly, money peddlers like Sam Pa who Jinping has arrested back home.”

    No doubt Sam Pa never for one minute thought he would ever be arrested and his corrupt activities opened like a book for all to see. Happyton Bonyongwe and all the others in Zimbabwe must be worried sick to know Sam Pa was arrested and his past is an open book; they know their corrupt past too is now an open book too since Sam Pa’s life and theirs have so many chapters in common!

    Mugabe and Zanu PF’s hold on power is waning in fighting tearing the party apart and the worsen economic situation due to years of wasteful misrule just as the tyrant’s own strength is waning due to old age and poor health. Bonyongwe will have their day in court as their past is opened up for the whole world to see!
