Jeremiah Masawi aka Nyoka Yamabhunu, the self-appointed spokesperson of Blessed Geza and company, is just a rabble-rouser with no clue why Zimbabwe is a failed state. Indeed, he is seeking to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga, swapping one dictator for another; only an idiot would not see that this will change nothing of substance!
After 45 years of rigged elections and the nation up to our eyes in s***t, the consequences of decades of failed state, one would have thought the tragic human suffering has forced Zimbabweans to finally come to their senses and not to be so easily conned. Alas! The long suffering has had the exact opposite effect, it has panicked them and made them desperate. As we know, desperate people do desperate things.
Zimbabweans welcomed the 2017 military coup, even though it was clear the nation would be swapping Mugabe for another dictator, because after 37 years of rigged elections the people were desperate to see the back of Mugabe at any and all cost.
Mnangagwa got into power on the back of a military coup, the people were called upon to rubber stamp that. He has remained in office by blatantly rigging the 2018 and 2023 elections, contrary to his promise to hold free, fair and credible elections.
When Blessed Geza and his war veteran friends denounce Mnangagwa and his regime as corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs; they were stating the obvious.
“This Mnangagwa must stay until 2030, is bulls**t!” said Blessed Runesu Geza, to universal public acclaim.
Geza and company have made it clear they want VP Chiwenga to takeover from Mnangagwa. Chiwenga is no stranger to the people of Zimbabwe, he is a Zanu PF thug through and through. He has played his part in the creation and imposition of the Zanu PF dictatorship all these 45 years, notably in the 2008 Operation Mavhotera Papi and he commanded 2017 military coup.
Chiwenga, like all the other Zanu PF chefs, has enjoyed his lion’s share of the spoils of power; he retired from the Army as commander to become Vice President following the 2017 coup. He is filthy rich; he has many farms, properties and business interests, fleet of posh cars, 45 gold-watches, etc.
Replacing Mnangagwa with Chiwenga will be swapping one corrupt, incompetent and murderous dictator for another! The nation did that in 2017 when we swap Mugabe for Mnangagwa and we KNOW that did not end the corrupt and tyranny. Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga will be more than an act of desperation, it will be insane. It will show we have learned nothing from the past. Nothing!
As much as the ordinary people had played no party in the 2017 military coup that forced Mugabe out of office; the Zimbabwe public will likewise have no party in whatever it is Geza & Co. are planning to force Mnangagwa out of office. What Geza & Co. want the public to do is come out in the street in their hundreds of thousands, as they did in 2017, to rubber stamp.
Swapping Mnangagwa for Chiwenga is more than an act of desperation it is insane; Zimbabweans must not rubber stamp this insanity!