Wednesday 25 September 2024

Ncube sheds buckets of crocodile tears over "disputed elections"! Disputed by whom; certainly not him! W Mukori

 When I was in High School; many, many moons ago; the high light of the year was a College Ball. The Master of Ceremony one year was X (real name withheld to protect the guilty as charged), a pompous guy. It was traditional to crown the day with a luck draw in which the three winners would drawn from the invited girls.

X called each winning number and rattled on about the young lady’s beauty to the accompaniment of Steve Wonder’s “Is she lovely” - a copycat from the Miss World Beauty contest. Rotten luck for X because all the three winners that year were not beautiful at all especially the last one who got the top prize.  

I repeat, this was NOT a beauty contest and the young lady was just lucky to win the gift humber, her looks, or rather lack there of, had nothing to do with it. Tell that to X! He was in the grove! The way he rattled on and on about about the young lady’s beautiful eyes, legs, curvy body, etc., etc.; all the things she did not have; had the whole assembly in stitches with laughter!

The moral of that tragic afternoon (none of three young ladies were impressed) it is better to say nothing than mock them with over the top flattery.

Professor Welshman Ncube’s, the acting president of CCC, recent speech in Tsholotsho reminded me of X’s comical High School performance. Whilst the latter evoked laughter there is precious little to laugh about the former’s cynical, dishonest and down right criminal betrayal of the nation by him and his fellow MDC/CCC leaders. 

“Addressing victory celebrations for Tsholotsho Ward 1 councillor Witness Khumalo over the weekend, Ncube condemned President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government, accusing it of selfish greed and a blatant disregard for democratic processes. He argued that electoral disputes, which have plagued Zimbabwe since 2000, are at the core of the nation's stagnation,” reported Bulawayo 24.

"Disputed elections have consistently led to the deterioration of our country," Ncube said, recalling the late Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai's warnings about the futility of participating in flawed elections. "Tsvangirai used to say, if you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results, that is the definition of insanity."

The sheer cynicism and dishonest in the statement is sickening for three reasons:

  1. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reforms in 24 years, including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and they forgot about implementing reforms

  1. Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put; and knowing fully well that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they went ahead, indeed they have conned their brain dead followers to participate in the millions, because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seats reward for participating no matter how flawed the process. 

  1. Yes, it is true that the root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown, tyrannical oppression and the tragic human suffering and deaths is the failure to hold free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF has blatantly rigged elections for 44 years, the last 24 years of which with the connivance of MDC/CCC leaders. 

The people should not be fooled professor Ncube and his fellow MDC/CCC leaders’ buckets of crocodile tears over the repeated “disputed elections”. Disputed by who? Certainly not by them since they are the one who have not only failed to implement reforms but, worst of all, are participating in the flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. 

Professor Ncube is already on the campaign trail to con Zimbabweans into participating in flawed 2028 elections on the basis of the same idiotic lies that the opposition has devised winning in RIGGED elections strategies. As soon as he and his friends have secure the gravy train seats reward, they will cry foul. 

After 24 years of risking livelihoods, limbs and even lives to elect MDC/CCC leaders in to power and yet not even one token reform implemented; it is the people of Zimbabwe who must wake up to the reality Professor Ncube and company are taking them for fools.

It is insane for ordinary Zimbabweans to continue participating in rigged elections, for 44 years and counting, hoping to win but only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and to perpetuate their own suffering. Zimbabweans must stop participating in these flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put.

SADC and AU election observers condemned 2023 Zimbabwe elections as flawed and illegal. SADC would have gone one step further and deny Zanu PF legitimacy, as they did in 2008; if millions Zimbabweans have not participated, nearly two million voted for CCC alone! 

The worst thing Zimbabweans can do is participate in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our own suffering. We must stop shooting ourselves in the foot by participating in the flawed elections and then complain the elections were rigged!






    Something must be done to reduce the criminal waste of human lives on Zimbabwe's roads. That something has to be ending the curse of rigged elections and bad governance!

    As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who have remained in power these last 44 years by rigging elections or be it the last 24 with MDC/CCC connivance; nothing will change.


    Zimbabwe is ranked the most miserable country in the world. Why am I not surprised! Well we have been down this path sign posted "HELL ON EARTH" for the last 44 years. Our idiotic and, at the very best, tribesman mentality as contrast to the broad and rational citizen mentality is the root cause we are the most miserable nation on earth.

    We have the opportunity end the Zanu PF dictatorship in 2028 if we can stop the Chamisa Chete Chete participating in the flawed elections in their millions to give Zanu PF legitimacy. This is easier said than done give the herd has the personality cult mentality!


    Zimbabwe is a failed state, a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF thugs who have rigged elections for 44 years and counting or be it the last 24 years with the connivance of corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC leaders. The ordinary Zimbabweans have been denied a meaningful say in the governance of the country and the nation is looking to SADC and the AU to help us get out of this mess. This is why many Zimbabweans were disheartened to see the vote rigging Mnangagwa assume chairmanship of SADC.

    The prospect of Mnangagwa being a permanent UN Security Council Member with veto power makes me sick! It is a foolish idea, period!

  5. @ Nicky Sithole

    “Stopping Chamisa is the best solution to who?? You??
    If so you are free to support those who are capable of removing Zanu PF.”

    Chamisa has been participating in these flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. He and his cronies have participated regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seats. Here is what David Coltart said on the matter.

    “The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

    Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con his brain dead supporters to participate in the flawed elections.

    People participated in the flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy, CCC leader the few gravy train seats and to perpetuate their own suffering. Of course, it is foolish to participate in flawed process only to perpetuate your own suffering and it is insane to do it again and again and again! Stopping the people participating in the flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering and that of others is in the nation’s interest! Who else?????

  6. Ibrahim H. kamara message to African leaders at the UN General Assembly.
    As the UN General Assembly convenes, it is imperative to address a pressing issue that has long plagued the African continent: the mental slavery imposed by neo-colonialism. Africa must rise and assert its rightful place on the global stage, free from the shackles of dependency and subservience.

    It is disheartening to witness African nations still pleading for representation on the UN Security Council, a body that has historically failed to prioritize the interests of the continent. This is not merely a matter of representation; it is a call for African leaders to recognize that these organizations often serve the agendas of Western powers rather than the aspirations of African people. The time for pretense is over. African leaders must confront the reality that these institutions have not been beneficial to us and must take decisive action to reclaim our agency.

    We urge our leaders at the UN Assembly to move beyond empty rhetoric and celebrity speeches. The world is watching, and we are tired of hollow promises that do not translate into meaningful change. It is time for strong resolutions and concrete actions that reflect the true needs and aspirations of our people. We must draw inspiration from courageous leaders like Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who are taking bold steps toward liberation and self-determination.

    Change will not come from complacency or passive observation. It requires the courage to confront uncomfortable truths and the determination to forge a new path. The world must learn from this moment, and our leaders must take it into account as they navigate the complexities of global politics.

    Let us stand together, united in our resolve to break free from the chains of mental slavery and neo-colonialism. Africa deserves better, and it is time for us to claim our destiny.”

    Has the AU ever served the interest of the ordinary African? Why have African leaders failed to make the AU work for Africa?

    Why are African leaders keen to “rise and assert” their power on the global stage when they have done that in their own homes with disastrous consequences to their own people?

    What Africa needs is leaders who will address their national problems, regional problems and then continental problems with courage and resolve and not always be looking for handout much less scapegoats to blame for their own failures.

    The prospect of Zimbabwe’s dictator Emmerson Mnangagwa a permanent UN Security Council Member with a veto is simply unthinkable!


    Professor Welshman Ncube, Nelson Chamisa, David Coltart, Tendai Biti and the rest of the MDC/CCC leader could and should have ended the curse of rigged elections by implemented the democratic reforms, specially during the GNU when they had the chance. They did not because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office.

    Ever since the GNU they have been participating in flawed elections out of greed. They habitually complain of rigged elections and shed buckets of crocodile tears over disputed elections to fool the gullible and naive!

  8. @ Nicky Sithole

    “Obsessed with Chamisa @Wilbert Mukori 🤣🤣🤣
    The name Chamisa is yr status on all your media outlets and his pic is yr profile pic of all your social media outlets such as WhatsApp and the likes.”

    Chamisa conned 2 m to participate in the flawed 2023 election to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship. That is a lot for him to account for particularly when it is almost certain he is planning to do this again in 2028!

    There are nincompoops like you who have no idea what is going on and are defending Chamisa because you think he is a demigod who has done no wrong. Thank God, we are not all nincompoops!


    Village idiots see truth but believe lies because they lack the intellect to comprehend facts.

    The Chamisa Chete Chete village idiots participated in the flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation's suffering because they were stupid enough to believe Chamisa's idiot lie of plugging all vote rigging loop holes. Chamisa is gearing to participate in the 2028 elections on the basis of yet another idiotic lie we must stop the village idiots participating in the millions again!

  10. @ Pan African

    “We are tired of chamisa this chamisa that, mnangagwa this mnangagwa that.
    We want a way forward for our country Isusu..”

    Who is stopping you defining the way forward? You have fcuked up these last 44 years, was it because you were waiting for me to define the way forward for you?

    I have spelt out the way forward: DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN FLAWED ELECTIONS TO GIVE ZANU PF LEGITIMACY. So why are you asking for a way forward?

    You are just one of those stupid idiots who are determined to support the status quo, Chamisa or Mnangagwa, and refuse to think outside the box. Any one who dares to challenge the status quo drives you nuts! Well I am here to rubbish both Chamisa and Mnangagwa because they are both corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless. You don’t like it! Well tough luck, I am not here to massage your misplaced ego and stupidity!

  11. @ Shaw

    "We are worried about zanupf buying Chiefs cars in the midst of this hard hitting drought and you are here talking about Chamisa uri right right here mudhara iwe."

    If Chamisa did not sell-out and implemented the democratic reforms and stopped Zanu PF rigging elections then Zanu PF would not still be in power today - that is the argument.

  12. What was the number one purpose Zimbabweans have risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders to do these last 24 years if not to bring democratic changes as the party name implied???????

  13. @ Chato

    Do you accept that participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering is foolish? Only a village idiot would do a foolish thing because others are doing it!

  14. @ DAZ

    Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes and it is shocking that some people believed the lie at the time and now they accept the elections were rigged but will not accept that Chamisa lied. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we really have some foolish people in Zimbabwe!

  15. @ Pan African

    Shame! You still failing to grasp the simple concept that those in public office must be accountable to the people. In your personality cult mentality you believe Chamisa must not be accountable for failing to implement any reforms, for lying about plugging vote rigging loop holes, etc., etc. because he is a demigod.

    How any one can be so shallow , thick and slow to consider a mere mortal a demigod in this day and age beggars belief. No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state; we really have some foolish people! Fcuk me!

  16. @ Pan African

    And that is why Chamisa lied about plugging all the vote rigging loop hole and why you believed the lie? Fcuk me! How is it possible that a human being in this day and age can be so stupid and irrational!

  17. He boasted of infiltrating Zanu PF and yet he was the one who was to abandon his own party because it was heavily infiltrated by Zanu PF! The real irony is his brain dead followers believed him when was boasting and believed him when he was crying foul, no questions asked.

    Mankind is supposed to be a creature of reason; but decades of idleness must have ossified Chamisa supporters’ brains into fat!

    Zanu PF is counting on the Chamisa Chete Chete participating in the flawed 2028 elections in their millions giving the party legitimacy once again. Once the herd is on the stampede, they are unstoppable. What a nightmare!

  18. In an address delivered to the United Nations General Assembly, President Emmerson Mnangagwa called for collective global action to create an inclusive, just, and sustainable world built on solidarity and mutual respect.

    Speaking through Foreign and International Affairs Minister Dr. Fredrick Shava in the early hours of this morning, President Mnangagwa highlighted the need for urgent collaboration to foster peace, strengthen multilateralism, and ensure sustainable development.

    "The world is not in a good place, and urgent action must be taken," President Mnangagwa stated. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, noting that "sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace, and peace cannot be sustained without addressing the root causes of conflict," including poverty, inequality, and resource scarcity worsened by climate change.

    Mnangagwa did well not to show his face at the UNGA, he would have been one of the few illegitimate heads of state. Even SADC and AU election observers condemned the 2023 Zimbabwe elections as flawed and illegal.

    There is talk of giving two African countries a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and even a veto! The very thought of Mnangagwa or Mugabe before him having a veto makes me sick!

  19. @ Chito

    “Iwe uri murume saChamisa wacho.iye akazvitadza, iwewe Chiita Kuti mareform aiitwe kwete kuda kuswero ita noise dzisina chadzinotipa.”

    Are you Chamisa’s spokesperson? He has never admitted to failing to implement reforms, lying about plugging the vote rigging loop holes, etc., etc.

    When he conning the nation to participate in 2023 elections, was that his way of admitting he had failed?

    Let Chamisa speak for himself, for Pete’s sake! You are just a nincompoop who thinks Chamisa is a demigod who must not be held to democratic account. Chamisa is a public official and, per se, accountable to the public. Get that simple democratic reality into your empty head!

    No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state; in this day and age we still have some nincompoops who believe a mere mortal and corrupt and incompetent upstart like Chamisa is a DEMIGOD! They come here fuming and frothing in defence of the idiot!

  20. @ Shalom B

    "Chamisingaziwi Machinja, nyika ino inemweya yayo. Zvose zvinoitika Kana zvakaitika zvaikonzerwa nemweya iyi. Mbuya Nehanda, Sekru Kagubi etc are those spirits controlling Zimbabwe yose now."

    Are you now blaming Mbuya Nehanda for the looting, murders, vote rigging, military coup, etc., etc.? That is just as stupid as Mnangagwa blaming it all on sanctions!

  21. @ Shalom B

    Just because MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms does not mean no one can can implement them!

  22. @ Nicky Sithole

    The challenge is stopping the brain dead Chamisa Chete Chete village idiots participating in yet another flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy because they are conned into believing another idiotic lie. Stopping the brain dead is not ease because you cannot reason with them!

    Just because you have the right to vote does not mean you should not consider the consequences of your exercising your right. Voting in a flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the suffering of the whole nation is irresponsible.

    Rights are not absolute, they come with duty of care to others. But being the nincompoop that you with no sense of duty to other, this aspect will have to be hammered into your empty head.

  23. @ Lithal

    “Sir Wilbert. How do you reconcile your perennial berating of Nelson and your accusation that he cheated the people into going into an election while at the same time berating Zanu-PF for rigging elections. Is it not a contradiction on your part. Had Zanu-PF not rigged the election what would have been the outcome?”

    There is no contradiction. Mugabe bribe the MDC leaders with the trappings of high office during the GNU and they, in return, forgot about implementing the reforms.

    Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give he regime legitimacy. They have soldiered on regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF would be giving away a few gravy train seats to entice opposition to participate no matter how flawed the process got.

    Read for yourself, this is exactly what David Coltart said on post GNU participation in elections.

    “The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

    MDC/CCC are Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing to give team A victory and legitimacy. Many people have failed to realise this because they are simpletons who see the political choice as a simple binary Zanu PF or CCC not knowing the two are a senior partner plus his side kick.

  24. @ Netanyahu

    Of course, we are still talking of a nation in which 49% are living in abject poverty because it has failing to hold free and fair elections after 44 years of independence - but what would an idiot like you know about these things!

  25. @ Nicky Sithole

    Your stupidity is nauseating. Are you saying no thief should be held to account until all thieves are arrested? Chamisa not only conned millions of his followers to participate in rigged elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. How many millions of voters voted for all the remaining 9 opposition leaders last year? What is 4% for the 9 compared to 44% for Chamisa!

    Worst of all, Chamisa is gearing to con his village idiot supporters, like you, to participate in 2028 elections and give Zanu PF legitimacy yet again. Only a fool like you would suggest that the nation should allow this foolishness to continue.

    SADC will deny Zanu PF legitimacy is half of Chamisa’s village idiots do not participate in 2028 elections.

    The more one listens to idiots like you the more one worries about Zimbabwe. With such fools like you, no wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state and, worse still, has no chance of ever digging herself out of this mess. You really are failing to understand even a simple fact that 44% is more important than 4%. Simple arithmetic! Fcuk me!

    I have heard of throw back - you must have the IQ of apeman over 3 million years ago! How is it possible than any one can be so shallow, thick and slow!


    In 1975 Ian Douglas Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia predicted that "If blacks rule themselves they will be walking on sewage and believe it's normal." This has come to pass.

    So what was it that Smith saw in blacks which enabled him to make such accurate predictions? One of the weakness he saw in us is our penchant hatred of knowledge, truth, facts and order. Nothing we say and do is ever resolved and fixed because none of it is based on facts and truth.

    Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have yet to hold free, fair and credible elections because we have yet to agree on what constitute free, fair and credible elections! 44 years after independence, in this 21 st century we are still failing to hold free and fair elections!

    Zanu PF is set to rig 2028 elections and Chamisa and company will participate out of greed. We can deny Zanu PF legitimacy if we can stop Chamisa's brain dead followers participating in the millions - easier said than done, they are brain dead!

  27. @ The Cool Breeze

    “Tony why waste your time ma elections akapera zvese izvo hazvisina basa . People should move on. You wasting your time tichiridza same song all the times.”

    People should move on, yes but if that means repeating the same mistake over and over again then moving on is just synonymous with insanity.

    Zimbabweans have been participating in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal, the logical thing to do was to withdraw,” as Coltart put it; only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering since 2013, at the very least. Of course, it is insane! But not every one would see the sheer madness of this - the insane do not know that they are insane!

  28. @ Adam Chanaiwa

    You are what you are! This is why I said convincing the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade will not be a walk in the park - one cannot reason with the certified brain dead!
