Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Charamba fail to explain why past China mega deals came to naught - same end await latest deals W Mukori

When President Mnangagwa and his junta seized power in the military coup last November they those it was all going to be plain sailing from there on. It all looked deceptively easy, at least the first month or so, but not anymore. The wheels are falling off the Lacoste juggernaut train and it could not be happening at a worse time – elections to decide the regime’s legitimacy!

“The duck test is a form of abductive reasoning. This is its usual expression: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics,” explain Wikipedia.

Let us just say the 15th November 2017 military coup in Zimbabwe that saw former President Mugabe and a number of his close allies booted out of office passed the duck test is every aspect – it was a military coup in every sense. President Mnangagwa and his coup friends sold it to the world as “a military assisted transition” and surprise, surprise, seemed to get away with it.

The world was so pleased to see the back of Robert Mugabe, they did not care how it happened; is the one plausible explanation to the world’s indifference to the treasonous act of the coup. Whatever the reasons why the Junta was never castigated for the coup, it was a sure luck break for ED and his coup posse.

By the time ED was sworn into office the regime was convinced they had the world at their feet and there was nothing they could not do! Nothing!

With the Zimbabwe’s economy in total meltdown, unemployment a nauseating 90%, millions of Zimbabweans in the diaspora as economic and/or political refugees, etc. the junta regime set out to revive the nation’s economy. “Zimbabwe is open for business!” was President Mnangagwa’s clarion call.

Sadly, the flood of foreign investors that the regime had expected to answer ED’s call has not materialised and the regime has been at sixes and sevens to explain why.

“This time around he has gone to China, a country whose outbound investment capital is put at $300 billion,” explained George Charamba, President’s spokesman.

True, China has invested billions of dollars in many African countries every year, but Zimbabwe has seen very little of that investment although China never joined in imposing sanctions on Zimbabwe. President Mnangagwa, like President Mugabe before him, has blamed Zimbabwe’s economic decline on “illegal sanctions imposed by the West!”

Indeed, Zimbabwe should have benefited from China’s investment given the close political ties between Zanu PF and the Chinese Communist Party ruling in China dating back to the war of independence. And when Zimbabwe fell-out with the West, Zimbabwe openly advocated its “look East!” policies unlike all the other African countries China has been doing business with!

There is nothing to suggest President Mnangagwa will do any better than Mugabe in getting the Chinese to invest some of their money in Zimbabwe. Nothing!

“When you take away courtesy calls, you find there is a very clear strategy, very clear method to situate Zimbabwe in the SADC context and to find the resources for his mantra of Zimbabwe is open for business,” continued Charamba.

“The focus must remain on what follows from that effort. The president is also carrying forward his commitment to re-engage with the world so he is motivating FDI (foreign direct investment) and breaking the isolation of Zimbabwe.

Charamba is right, ED has been committed to re-engage with the world. Indeed, second to his “Zimbabwe is open for business!” clarion call has been his promise to hold free, fair and credible elections. Of course, President Mnangagwa knew that his regime was illegitimate born, as it is, out of a coup, a treasonous act. His courtesy call to SADC leaders was to reassure them that he will hold free, fair and credible elections to regain the lost legitimacy.

Keeping the promise to hold free and fair elections has clearly proven to be mission impossible for President Mnangagwa and his coup junta. Military coup is dirty business, make no mistake about that and they all knew they were risking losing all their looted wealth, their freedoms and even their very lives in staging the November coup.

Having just wrestled power from Mugabe and his G40 cahoots at great risk to themselves, they were not going to give up that political power a few months down the line by holding free and fair elections! They have called the coup “operation restore legacy”, and the legacy they are talking about is absolute power to coup plotters.

So, President Mnangagwa and his Junta knew from the word go that they will not be giving up Zanu PF’s dictatorial powers including the carte blanche powers to rig elections. The regime has pointedly refuse to implement any democratic reforms, no shrewd observers, especially the foreign investors could fail to see what the thugs were up to. The promise to hold free and fair elections was just a diversionary olive branch to mask the murderous dagga under the cloak.

The failure to deliver free, fair and credible elections is the Zanu PF junta’s Achilles’ heel because its economic recovery is totally dependent on the country attracting foreign direct investment. And by failing to deliver free and fair election the junta has per se failed to prove that the Junta has given up its pariah state character.

So, Zimbabwe is a nation still ruled by thugs and investors do not do business with thugs. George Charamba, not even Adolf Hitler’s chief propagandist Josef Goebbels, can change the fundament fact that Zanu PF junta is rigging these elections and investors do not do business in country whose next regime change is another military coup!


  1. The Zimbabwean government has invited 46 countries across the world including, China to observe general elections scheduled for mid-2018.
    We know the opposition politicians should have demanded a free media and freedom of expression, verifiable voters' roll, an independent ZEC, a transparent party financing system, etc. They did not demand the implementation of the democratic reforms so that elections are free and fair because they do not care that elections are flawed and rigged. All the care about is that they win some of the few seats Zanu PF give away as bait to the opposition.

    It is impossible to have free, fair and credible elections in Zimbabwe; this we can say here and now without having to wait for the voting day. What the people of Zimbabwe are asking the international observers to do is declare the whole flawed process null and void. By doing so they will give this nation a chance to finally implement the democratic reforms and end this charade of rigged elections and bad governance! That is not too much to ask!

  2. We now know that Obert Mpofu and Augustine Chihuri have evaded summons by parliament when both have much to answer probably more than anyone else. We now know that proceeds from diamond sales were not deposited in any bank account and there is yet to be any trail of where the proceeds actually ended up. We know that a former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Mines has been threatened by powerful people in the Mnangagwa government whom he is frightened of ratting out
    Some of the millions of dollars looted from Marange have been and are being used to bankroll Zanu PF's dirty vote rigging schemes such as the ten million dollars used to pay NIKUV in the 2013 elections, NIKUV is still on the party's payroll, buy twin cab trucks for chiefs, buy food packs and other stuff for freebies, etc., etc. Zanu PF's financial position, thanks to the wholesale looting that is going on in Marange, is so healthy compared to the opposition it is impossible to see how the elections can be judge fair on this issue alone.

  3. @ Sarah Mahoka

    We now know that Obert Mpofu and Augustine Chihuri have evaded summons by parliament when both have much to answer probably more than anyone else. We now know that proceeds from diamond sales were not deposited in any bank account and there is yet to be any trail of where the proceeds actually ended up. We know that a former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Mines has been threatened by powerful people in the Mnangagwa government whom he is frightened of ratting out
    Some of the millions of dollars looted from Marange have been and are being used to bankroll Zanu PF's dirty vote rigging schemes such as the ten million dollars used to pay NIKUV in the 2013 elections, NIKUV is still on the party's payroll, buy twin cab trucks for chiefs, buy food packs and other stuff for freebies, etc., etc. Zanu PF's financial position, thanks to the wholesale looting that is going on in Marange, is so healthy compared to the opposition it is impossible to see how the elections can be judge fair on this issue alone.

  4. China has poured millions of dollars in direct investment and loans in such countries as Mozambique and SA nowhere near what it was spend in Zimbabwe. Even the "all weather friend" Chinese found it impossible to do business with the Zanu PF thugs. The only business the Chinese were comfortable to do with Zanu PF was join in the looting in Marange and Chiadzwa. Guess what, even the "all weather friend" Chinese were booted out of Marange as the result of the musical chairs of the Zanu PF power struggle!

    President Mnangagwa and his Junta claimed to have "zero tolerance to corruption" and yet the only corrupt leaders the regime has arrested to date are G40 members mainly. It is nonsense to believe only G40 members were involved in the wholesale looting that has been going on in Marange, for example. People like VP Chiwenga did not build his mansion and accumulated all his luxuries on a Commander General's salary alone.

    The Chinese will not want to do business with these corrupt Zanu PF leaders just as they avoided them during Mugabe's days.

  5. One of the truly sickening qualities of our politicians is their greed and opportunism which is why MDC leaders, for example, sold out during the GNU. The people had risked life and limb to elect MDC leaders into power on the promise they will implement the democratic change. MDC has failed to get even one democratic change implemented even when the party had the golden opportunity to do so during the GNU.
    MDC leaders have shown again and again that they have no principles and will betray the people’s freedoms and human rights even the right to free election and right to life itself.
    Zanu PF leaders, notably Robert Mugabe, President Mnangagwa and many in this junta today, have all ridden roughshod over the people’s freedoms and human rights over the last 38 years for selfish political gain. Many war veterans like Jabulani Sibanda, Chris Mutsvangwa, Chinos and many others have been the willing tools of the Zanu PF dictatorship notably during the 2008 wanton violence.
    People like Jabulani Sibanda have unashamedly used violence against innocent Zimbabweans and has never denounced violence. Many MDC supporters have been victims of Jabulani Sibanda’s thuggery. Just because Jabulani Sibanda and many other thugs have fallen out with their Zanu PF handlers is that an excuse to embrace these thugs are friends? The only reason why Chamisa is ignoring the reality that Jabulani is a thug is the usual greed and opportunism – Chamisa does not care that there are thugs in Zimbabwe as long as they are MDC thugs!
    “From the Joshua Nkomo museum, I went to Nkulumane to meet with another distinguished son and war veteran—Jabulani Sibanda,” boosted Chamisa.
    “For one and half hours while at his home, we shared our aspirations and the vision for the future of the country that both of us so much love. At the end, we discovered we shared the same passion for a future with multiple possibilities for the people of Zimbabwe.”
    Did you also discuss the level of barbarism Jabulani Sibanda and his rogue war veterans commitment when they ruled the roost? Some love of Zimbabwe they showed then!
    These elections should NOT be happening without first implementing the democratic reforms. The only reason they are taking place is because politicians like Chamisa sold out on reforms and now all they want is the few gravy train seats Zanu PF gives away as bait!

  6. During an interview with the Sunday mail, ZEC Chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba said that: “The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has gone on record to condemn all forms of violence. We have also created dispute mechanisms to take care of that. “Political parties have a code of conduct which prevents them from electoral violence. They have agreed that they will enforce their own code of conduct. “The judiciary system has set up fast track courts that deal with politically motivated violence and we also need the police to investigate and send dockets to the courts on time. In fact, there are now special prosecutors and magistrates have been appointed to specially deal with such cases.”
    This is the kind of political stupidity that is holding the nation back! So the ZEC Chairperson, Justice Priscilla Chigumba, believes all political violence will seize forthwith from now on because ZEC “has gone on record to condemn all forms of violence”!
    We need officials who take their duties and responsibility of their post with the seriousness the matter demands and not these idiots!
    We condemn the holding of these elections without first implementing the democratic reforms to ensure an independent ZEC run by competent staff and not these Zanu PF stooges in all but name! It is impossible for ZEC, as it is presently constituted to deliver free and fair elections. We therefore demand that these elections must be declared null and void!

  7. With no reforms implemented these elections are not going to be free, fair and credible. If it was not for opposition politicians greed, there would be no opposition candidate taking part in these flawed elections. MDC-T alone has nearly 4 000 individuals contesting for 200 MP, 80 Senator and a few hundred Council seats. It is MDC leaders who failed to implement ever one reform when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the GNU.

    These elections "are done" as SADC leaders once warned.

    We clearly cannot stop these flawed elections going ahead as both Zanu PF and the opposition do not care that the millions will be denied their right to a meaningful election. What we can do is demand that the charade must be condemned and the process declared null and void!

  8. Those who believe Zimbabwe can achieve any meaningful economic recovery much less economic prosperity without the political reforms as exemplified by the holding of free, fair and credible elections are day dreaming. Zimbabwe is in this economic mess precisely because for the last 38 years the nation was stuck with a corrupt and incompetent tyrannical regime that rigged elections to stay in power.

    President Mnangagwa's "Zimbabwe is open for business!" call has had no takers because investors are a shrewd lot who do NOT do business in pariah states ruled by thugs. By failing to hold free and fair elections the junta regime will have confirmed the country is still under the Zanu PF dictatorship. Not even the "all weather friends" Chinese have done much business in Zimbabwe hence many of the Chinese mega deals Mugabe signed have never happened.

    It is ironic that the Americans are having to arm-twist Zanu PF to hold free and fair elections.

    We demand the implementation of the reforms and the holding of free and fair elections as the basis of good governance and our ticket out of this hell-hole Zanu PF has landed us! If Zanu PF fails to implement the reforms then these elections must be declared null and void. Enough of these insane elections!

  9. @ Make Zimbabwe great

    "It is important to dissect only the real issues at play here. China is not a charitable organisation which just showers out money like confetti at a wedding to failed states. They do not just loan out money or invest with the objective of helping people. They expect a return or repayment on investment or loaned funds. The truth of the matter is that under Mugabe Zimbabwe received a relatively large number of loans from China and we defaulted on repayments. As a result China's export credit guarantor no longer offers cover for Zimbabwe making it financially dangerous for any Chinese financial institution to offer credit.

    "And it is not only Chinese financial institutions that we have fallen foul of as nobody in the world including the Bretton Woods institutions is currently interested in us.

    "Thanks to the efforts of the late Tsvangirai during his tenure as ZCTU president, Zimbabwe has some of the most investor unattractive labour laws. We now visit China with a begging bowl but fail to take anything from their success.

    "A complete paradigm shift is what we need. We must heed president Xi Ping's advice to put in place policies that work, we need to shift our focus on spending scarce foreign currency on useless things and jealously guard our forex reserves, we need to stop looting our natural resources stashing proceeds outside."

    Thank you! You really hit the nail on the head there. The tragedy for Zimbabwe is there will never be this “complete paradigm shift” in Zimbabwe politics without first implementing the reforms to allow free, fair and credible elections. We need quality leaders who are democratically accountable to the people and that is only possible if we completely dismantle the present failed political system.

    Whilst President Mnangagwa appreciates the need for Zimbabwe to get away from the counter productive and downright foolish Mugabe economic policies he is, however, determined to keep Zanu PF’s carte blanche powers to rig elections to stay in power at all cost. He has promised free and fair elections knowing fully well that he has no intention of ever implementing not even one reform.

    He is locked into holding these elections with no reforms in place. He is hoping that the election observers will turn a blind eye, as many have done in the past, to the political reality and let him get away with yet another rigged election.

    The real paradigm shift we want in Zimbabwe right now is people realising the desperate need for the country to put an end to these meaningless elections. We are in this economic and political mess because for 38 years we have been stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless regime that rigged elections to stay in power. We must demand these flawed election must be declared null and void.

  10. @ Sokomurehwa
    “Vanhu hamuna penyu. People wanted to see Mugabe go by whatever means and from whoever; whether the aftermath regime that removed him was legitimate or not. Now that was achieved, you are crying again...eish !!!!!” you say.
    How naïve! Mnangagwa and his coup posse stage the November coup because it was either they will be booted out or the boot out Mugabe and G40. Operation restore legacy was about restoring power to the Joint Operation Command most of his members belonged to the Lacoste faction of Zanu PF and nothing to do with ending the dictatorship and replacing it with a democracy which is what the ordinary Zimbabweans have been fighting for these last 20 years!
    What good is it to the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans out of work and living on US$1.00 or less a day if all the coup achieved is replace one dictator with another, which is exactly what happened!
    President Mnangagwa and his junta are banking on naïve people like you who are so foolish they are busy celebrating the demise of the dictator Mugabe and fail to see that there is another dictator in State House and the dictatorship itself is alive and thriving!

  11. @ Rufi

    Mugabe has never held free, fair and credible elections in the last 38 years and, interestingly it was none other than Mnangagwa and his coup cabal who have carried out all the vote rigging dirty work including mass murder. If you are suggesting Mnangagwa stage the coup to remove Mugabe because he was illegitimate then that is the height of hypocrisy given Mnangagwa was the one who rigged the elections!

    Even if Mnangagwa had nothing to do with the Zanu PF vote rigging and Mugabe's illegitimacy; staging a coup then does not make Mnangagwa legitimate!

  12. The one thing I like about G40 is that they know how Zanu PF has been rigging elections in the past and it takes a thief to catch a thief, especially when the former has a grudge to settle! Mai Mujuru and her lot, much less Chamisa and his MDC red mongooses, have no idea how the elections were being rigged. As VP Mai Mujuru must have come across the evidence but it was all Greek to the simpleton!

    President Mnangagwa and his junta are locked into rigging these elections, they are not going to implement any reform now even if they wanted to; the regime knows that the details of what they are doing will leak out. They have too many G40 supporters still in the party and the coming primary elections will flush them out office giving them the motive to seek revenge!

    If the Lacoste faction thought that it had won the factional war with the November coup, it was wrong. G40 know they will never get back into power what they are fighting for now is to make sure Lacoste members do not rule either! "Shaisano!" as one would say in Shona.
