Saturday, 6 January 2018

Did Mnangagwa and Tsvangirai discuss matters of national or mutual selfish interest? W Mukori

Politicians are like cats they growl when they fight and they growl even louder when they are making love. So, what was the purpose behind President Mugabe and VP Chiwenga’s visit to MDC leaders Morgan Tsvangirai’s home and who initiated the visit?
“The Daily News reports that the meeting was at the MDC leader's request,” reported Bulawayo 24, to answer the question.

“Tsvangirai had been eager to meet with Mnangagwa to discuss the way forward on elections and the worsening economic plight.
Tsvangirai left his SA hospital bed in a huff last year in November following the coup that forced Mugabe to resign. He did not condemn the coup because he wanted to be friends with Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and the rest of coup plotters. He wanted them to agree to the formation of a government of national unity in which, Richard Morgan Tsvangirai, will be given a prominent role, possibly his Prime Minister position of the last GNU. 
The big carrot to Mnangagwa and his coup cabal in Tsvangirai’s proposal was that MDC will support the postponement of the elections by two or three years on the ground the unity government needed time to prepare for free, fair and credible elections. The argument was that Mugabe had done nothing to prepare the nation for free and fair elections.
What Tsvangirai was conveniently ignoring was that the coup was an internal power struggle within Zanu PF; the Mnangagwa faction, which had emerged victorious, was as much a Zanu PF government as the Mugabe’s administration. It will be nonsensical for President Mnangagwa to argue that ZEC was not ready to produce a verified voters’ roll, for example, when as VP and Minister of Justice in Mugabe’s government it was his responsibility to supervise ZEC.
Mnangagwa and the coup plotters had insisted before the coup that they represented the real Zanu PF and the coup was to take power away from the “criminal elements surrounding the President Mugabe”. The fact that the plotters wanted Mugabe himself to resign too is a finer point they hoped no one would notice.
President Mnangagwa’s administration was a Zanu PF government there to service the remaining term of Mugabe’s five-year term. Of course, the incoming President Mnangagwa was free to invite anyone he wished to join him in his new government but what he could not do is extend his stay in office. Zimbabwe was due to hold fresh elections by the end of July 2018, at the latest, and it would be a serious breach of the constitution to postpone the elections under some fanciful pretext.
It is nonsensical to hope that the unity government Tsvangirai was proposing would implement any meaningful democratic reforms this time when it is the same Zanu PF and MDC leaders who failed to implement even one reform in the five years of the 2008 to 2013 GNU.
Tsvangirai’s “way forward” last November was nothing more than a desperate pitch for him and a few other MDC leaders to get back on the gravy train for another two or three years. He wanted President Mnangagwa to unconstitutionally postpone the elections, something that not even the tyrant Mugabe had never done; short changing the Zimbabwe electorate for no gain. One can only imagine what way forward Tsvangirai was proposing now!  

“Highly-placed sources familiar with the visit said the meeting was conducted in a friendly atmosphere so much that one would have confused it for an engagement among brothers,” continued the report.

“They said Tsvangirai's visitors pledged to materially support the frail opposition leader in his battle with cancer, which has drained the family's savings.
Just as I had feared; Tsvangirai had initiated the meeting supposedly to discuss “way forward on elections and the worsening economic plight”, matters of national interest; in reality all he wanted to talk about is what President Mnangagwa would do for him in return for MDC’s continued cooperation with Zanu PF. No doubt, Tsvangirai had a similar meeting with Mugabe to discuss the “cooperation” between the two leaders and parties during GNU.
As we know, Robert Mugabe granted Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends all the trappings of offices; the ministerial limos, generous salaries, a $4 million mansion for Tsvangirai himself, etc., etc. MDC leaders showed their appreciation by kicking the democratic reforms into the prickly pear thicket. Not even the repeated nagging by the SADC leaders, who were the guarantor of the GPA, would get Tsvangirai to implement even one reform and upset Mugabe.
Tsvangirai would insist to this day, indeed will swear on his dying bed, that he has always put the interests of the Zimbabwe people above his own personal interests. Of course, MDC sold-out during the GNU. MDC leaders had readily overlooked the coup was treasonous act, hoping they will have a share of the spoils. Tsvangirai is not interested in making sure the country holds free, fair and credible elections, the pre-requisite to meaningful economic recovery; all he cares about is what would President Mnangagwa pay him for playing ball!
President Mnangagwa and his cabal are smarting from the coup, they know it was a treasonous act; they all know the regime is illegal. The last thing they want is to compound their situation by failing to hold free, fair and credible elections. President Mnangagwa has promised free and fair elections and yet has done nothing to implement even one meaningful democratic reforms to make that possible.
The key coup plotters have all been rewarded with promotions in the Army and in government with more rewards lined up for the future. For example, President Mnangagwa is to serve as president for one or two terms and then hand over to VP Chiwenga. Of course, none these Zanu PF thugs would not risk their position and future prospect by holding free and fair elections is a luxury all Zanu PF leaders know the party cannot afford because they will lose the elections.
So, President Mnangagwa and his cabal are caught between a rock and the deep blue sea in that the need to hold free and fair elections to earn their legitimacy but risk losing their new found political power is the hold such elections. The way out is to bribe the opposition participate in the flawed and illegal elections to give the process the modicum of credibility – just as Mugabe has done for the July 2013 elections.
“Mnangagwa also undertook to look into the MDC leader's long-standing grievances about his outstanding pension, accrued when he was prime minister in the inclusive government between 2009 and 2013,” continued the report.

“It will not be the first time that Tsvangirai has been assisted by his rivals in Zanu PF.

“Under Mugabe's regime, Tsvangirai received about $70 000 to pay for his medical expenses.

“Sources said Mnangagwa repeated his commitment during his meeting with Tsvangirai that the forthcoming polls would be free and fair, and even pledged to work closely with the opposition in the event that he is re-elected.
Even if ZEC failed to produce something as basic as a verified voters’ roll for the coming elections, that will not stop Tsvangirai and his MDC friends contesting this year’s elections. I will leave the reader to make his or her own conclusion whether Mnangagwa and Tsvangirai discussed matters of national interest or of mutual interest, whether the cats were fighting or making love! 


  1. Valid points. However, there is a real danger with some people who want to deal with the Gukurahundi massacre not as a Zanu PF crime against the nation in its drive to create the platform for launching its de facto one-party state, which it is. Instead they are pursuing it as a tribal or regional matter. After 20 000 Gukurahundi victims Zanu PF has gone on to murder another 10 000 Zimbabweans to retain its dictatorship.
    When we get regime change, which I believe is now certain, it will be a great pity if we are going to waste time and resources in tribal or regional rivalry when we should be rebuilding the country from the ruins Zanu PF left!

  2. @Chalton Hwende

    "I also would like to thank the Government if it's confirmed that they have finally approved his Government Pension as the Former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe,” you say.

    "This is the right thing he is entitled even Mugabe who used to oppress us deserves a pension and rightly so the Government is giving him. Pres Tsvangirai has also previously said that if he feels that he is incapable of standing on behalf of the Party in 2018 he will inform the Party Leadership.”
    Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs are responsible for destroying the nation’s economy and infrastructure. They have been sending their children to school outside the country and doing the same for their own and family’s health needs. Are you saying they are “entitled” to all this whilst the majority of ordinary Zimbabweans have to live on US$1.00 or less a day?
    Tsvangirai and his MDC friends had the golden opportunity to save the nation from the corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF rule, all they had to do was implement the democratic reforms. No Tsvangirai is no more entitled to the $4 million Highlands mansion he got for selling out on reforms than the pension he is now asking for!
    Chalton Hwende, you are a political thug, you should really be in prison for attacking MDC VP Khupe and others because they had dared to hold a different view than Tsvangirai. What are you doing outside prison!

  3. Mzembi arrested for disappear TV

    All G40 members are considered a political threat to the Lacoste faction and that is why they are all being hunted down. Mnangagwa believes in a one-party dictatorship and he is pursuing this agenda with the single mindedness and ruthlessness we have come to know Mugabe had.

  4. @ Tamborinyoka

    “In the 45-minute closed door meeting, President Mnangagwa, was accompanied by Vice President Chiwenga. The two leaders discussed the current dire situation in the country, the plight of the people, the cash crisis afflicting the country, the urgency of free and fair elections to ensure a return to legitimacy as well as the need to engage the international community so that the country re-joins the family of nations,” you say.

    If this was a “closed door meeting”, then how do you know they discussed “the plight of the people, etc.” I do not believe they discussed these matters at all considering both men have had many golden opportunities to not only discuss the plight of povo but to do something concrete to end it but did nothing. Mnangagwa has been a key player in the Zanu PF regime for 37 years that has brought all the suffering we are facing, why has he done nothing to stop the mismanagement, corruption and tyranny.

    As for Tsvangirai, he had his golden opportunity to end the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe during the GNU, why did he sell-out?

    The two political thugs discuss how they could help each other. Tsvangirai, the sell-out he is, is looking for what he will be paid to help Mnangagwa get away with yet another rigged elections!

  5. @Kiddnile

    Mnangagwa has not implemented even one democratic reforms and has no intention of holding free and fair elections. He wants MDC to contest this year's elections even if they are flawed and illegal. He was visiting Tsvangirai to agree the bribe! How can that be considered moving in the right direction?

    Mnangagwa is a political thug and thugs like him will not change. You need to wake up and smell the humus!

  6. President Mnangagwa has been promising free and fair elections and yet has not implemented even one democratic reform to make this possible. He knows that Zanu PF has been rigging elections in the past and knows exactly how because he has always been at the heart of the party's vote rigging juggernaut. If he really wanted free and fair elections then he knows exactly what needs to be done better than anyone else.

    He does not want to hold free and fair elections, he is just making the right noise!

  7. To avoid losing the property, Tsvangirai had consistently referred intrusive Zanu PF hawks to Mugabe, who made sure the MDC leader continued to enjoy his full rights to the property. Following the change of guard at Munhumutapa Building, it was feared that Tsvangirai could lose the property as part of the so-called Operation Restore Legacy spearheaded by the military and whose biggest casualty has been Mugabe, who was forced to resign last November.
    The new administration has, however, come to the defence of the MDC leader, saying he was not going anywhere.
    For the record, Tsvangirai got the mansion as reward for doing nothing about implementing the democratic reforms during the GNU. Not even the SADC leaders managed to get MDC to implement the reforms although they did put the pressure.

    No wonder SADC leaders complained of “MDC leaders enjoying themselves and forgetting why they were in the GNU for”, in sheer frustration!

  8. @ Edita

    We are talking about free and fair elections which, if elections are rigged again, will mean no meaningful economic recovery and no improvement to the lives of the 90% unemployed, the 72.3% living on US$1.00 or less per day, etc., etc. and all you have to say is "the second sentence is wrong"? I despair!

  9. @ Mechavio

    Least you forget, the people of Zimbabwe risked life and limb to elect Tsvangirai and his MDC friends on the understanding that they would bring about democratic change. The MDC leaders have had many golden opportunities to bring about that change, the best of which was during the GNU. It is a matter of historic record that MDC failed to get even one democratic reform implemented in 5 years of the GNU because they are corrupt, incompetent and they sold-out.

    The $4 million Highlands mansion Tsvangirai now claims as his was one of the bribe goodies Mugabe paid him to forget implementing the reforms. He is demanding a retirement package from President Mnangagwa as his price for contesting in this year’s flawed elections and thus giving the process the much-needed credibility.

    By failing to implement even one reform MDC have allowed Zanu PF to rig elections and remain in power and thus condemning the nation to the 90% unemployment rate, the ¾ living on US$1.00 or less a day, etc., etc. The unemployed were not looking for a mansion freebee but just an opportunity to work and earn enough to rent a single room and feed their family. Tsvangirai is now after a generous pension for selling-out the very people who risked all to get him into power. How sick is that.

    Is there is regime change Tsvangirai will not keep his $4 million mansion or the pension no more than Mugabe would keep his Blue Roof mansion and all his other looted wealth!

  10. @ Mechavio

    “Wilbert Mukori Pasi nemhanduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.” You say.

    Now ask yourself who is “mhandu” (traitor) to the nation. One who has made a career of harassing, beating, raping and even murdering innocent Zimbabweans for sole selfish purpose of denying them a meaning say in the governance of the country so that he can enjoy absolute power and rob the nation blind? How can I be a traitor when I am not the one who has stage a military coup to seize political power or be it from a tyrant the coup plotters had imposed on the nation. The November 2017 coup was the second coup Mnangagwa and company had stage the first was in 2008 to stop Tsvangirai getting into power.

    If I am a traitor because I have dared spell out these historic facts then so be it!

    The traitors have promised free, fair and credible elections this year, they have done nothing to implement even one democratic reform – proof they only paying lip service to free elections when they are up to their usual vote rigging dirty tricks. Mark my words and mark them well – I will not leave one single stone unturned just to make sure these corrupt and murderous traitors do not get away with another rigged election!

  11. "Tsvangirai had been eager to meet with Mnangagwa to discuss the way forward on elections and the worsening economic plight." Yeah right! As if he spent the five GNU years discussing matters of public interest!

    SADC leaders failed to get Tsvangirai and his MDC friends to implement even one democratic reform and yet that was the primary task the GNU was set up to do! Now that he and his MDC friends have no real political power, he wants to give the people the impression that he is cannot sleep at night thinking about their economic plight as if he does not have his own worries. Living in a $4 million mansion on zero income per year is no joke! There is some poetic justice in that he is paying for his sins for doing nothing to fix the economy when he had the chance!

    Tsvangirai and his MDC friends had kicked reforms into the prickly pear thicket because they were cocksure Mugabe had accepted them as fully paid members of the ruling elite. They were really shocked that Zanu PF rigged the 2013 elections and booted so many MDC leaders off the gravy train. Tsvangirai was lucky to hang on to the $4 million mansion or be it on zero income.

    Of course, Tsvangirai was very eager to meet Mnangagwa to beg for money. Tsvangirai still considers himself a member of the country’s ruling elite, he believes Zanu PF cannot rule the country without him and MDC, and is therefore entitled to the choice cuts of the looted wealth.

    MDC lost political credibility when they failed to implement the reforms and the people saw their opportunity to ditch the party when the coup plotters booted Mugabe out of power. They people were so glad to see Mugabe go they did not care who took his place. When they finally realised that Mnangagwa and his fellow coup plotters are nothing more than the flip side of the same Mugabe coin, they people will not vote for Zanu PF!

    Tsvangirai does not deserve the mansion, have his SA hospital bill paid and the pension he is now after no more than Mugabe deserves the Blue Roof mansion, his Singapore hospital bill paid and all the billions of looted wealth he has amassed. These men have destroyed the nation’s economy, basic health and education services, etc. to gratify their insatiable greed for wealth and power. They are filthy rich whilst ¾ of our people now live in abject poverty on US$1.00 or less a day. The least the nation must do is recover some of the looted wealth and not reward the looters for impoverishing the nation!

  12. @ Heeee

    Yes, you are right to be concerned with the bread and butter issues such as when you are going to get your money without having to spend hours in bank queues. But you are making the fundamental mistake of thinking that politics does not matter. After 38 years of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption by these Zanu PF thugs it should have dawned on you that it is they doing that has landed the nation in this economic mess in the first place. If we are ever going to get out of the mess then we need to remove these corrupt and incompetent politicians and replace them with men and women with some common sense and whom we can hold to democratic account.

    “Seek ye first the political kingdom and all else shall be added unto you,” said Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first post-independence president.

    Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs understood Dr Nkrumah well enough when it came to fighting the white colonialists. But as soon as they had secured political power for themselves, they quickly switched; they told povo to forget about all these freedoms and human rights, they were for the petty bourgeois, and focus of the economic needs. Mugabe promised povo “Gutsva ruzhinji!” (Mass prosperity!) But when he failed to deliver, the people thought they could remove the tyrant only to discovered they needed the freedoms and human rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country, the very things Mugabe had said they did not need.

    It too the people of Zimbabwe nearly 20 years to come to the conclusion that they needed their political rights to effectively secure their economic rights and hence in the late 1990s they started demanding democratic reforms to regain their freedoms and human rights. Tsvangirai and his friends named their political party the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) to capture the popular national sentiment.

    It is deeply regrettable that MDC failed to bring about any meaningful democratic changed although they had many golden opportunities to do so. We still need the democratic changes to empower us to address the economic challenges!

    It is tragic that people like you are once again falling for the foolishness of putting economic rights before political rights.

    “We are being diverted from the real issues. I want to be able to access my money at any time everywhere, etc.,” you say! How naïve!

  13. “State media reports that exiled former President Robert Mugabe’s right-hand man Professor Jonathan Moyo is plotting to regroup ousted ZANU PF G40 faction members. It reports further that the group will allegedly destabilise the ruling party’s re-election plans ahead of the crunch elections set for later this year,” reported Zimeye.

    That G40 members would want “to destabilise the ruling party’s re-election plans”, that goes without saying. Professor Jonathan Moyo has a silo full of information on how Zanu PF has rigged elections in the past and he is not the sort of man to let that sort of information go to waste when he can use it to deliver revenge on his enemies.

    We have the winner in the Zanu PF factional war, President Mnangagwa and his Lacoste faction, but there is some serious fighting ahead still. Professor Moyo is like a snapper with a high powered rifle as long as he remains at large Mnangagwa will never relax because he knows not when the snapper will strike.

  14. “I'm on Twitter; not in Kenya. It's an open secret that ZanuPF putschists who are insecure in their military coup imagine I'm in Kenya or want me to be in Kenya so they can send their murderous SAS snipers there, after their attempt to assassinate me in Harare on 15 November 2017!”

    Good one! Let's see if the snipers can get you on twitter!

  15. @ Mechavio

    What “nation building politics”, are you wittering about? ¾ of the people are living in abject poverty whilst the filthy rich few ruling elite are living is leisure and luxury not even Holy Wood megastars would dream of! The Zimbabwe Zanu PF has imposed on the nation is not the country the people want!

    Zanu PF’s reign of corruption and terror is drawing to a close. Mugabe thought he was going from State House to his grave; where is he now?

  16. It is all very well for Tsvangirai and his MDC friends, they sold-out during the GNU and for five years they lived like kings and queens; us povo who risked life and limb to get them on to the gravy train got nothing but more trouble. Tsvangirai got his $4 million mansion, has had $70 000 of his SA hospital bill paid for and now he out asking for more. He is going to SA because the local hospitals are a waste of time, we the poor are dying of even the simplest of disease because we cannot afford to travel outside the country.

    It is an outrage that people like Tsvangirai should continue to be paid by the taxpayer for all his basic needs when it was them who betrayed us all to land us in this hell-hole!

  17. @ Nyasha
    Tsvangirai does NOT deserve the Highlands mansion and the pension no more than Mugabe deserves the Blue Roof mansion and all the loot he has amassed. These men are responsible for the political and economic mess we are in.

    Tsvangirai had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms which would have ended Zanu PF's rule, he failed to get even one reform implemented. Why is it so hard for you to grasp the reality that MDC leaders sold-out? Only an idiot would argue that someone who betrayed the whole nation for a bribe deserves the bribe!
    “MT served as PM in the GNU for a Term. He hasn't been paid his Pension and Terminal benefits since 2013!” you say.
    What did he accomplish in those five years other than selling out on reforms! Even now, with all the benefit of hindsight you still fail to see what happened! Zimbabwe is in this mess because of the many nincompoops who simply refuse to see the reality that our political leaders are corrupt, incompetent and sell-out!

  18. “What I have said to the MDC Alliance is a warning — do not underestimate him (Mnangagwa). He is a very skilful operator and a superb organiser.

    “Just look at how the “coup” was managed. He had everyone watching as he played out the farce on the global, continental and regional stage. Remember 2013 — an election in which the Ngwena team just rolled over the MDC,” said MDC MP Eddie Cross.

    The coup was a farce and if MP Cross thinks that Mnangagwa won an brownie points for staging it, he could not be more mistaken. No one of any substance believed any of that nonsense that it was not a coup. Even though the coup removed a tyrant many people despised still no one gave Mnangagwa and Chiwenga to the credited for it because it was their thuggery that had help keep Mugabe in power.

    The trouble with people like Eddie Cross is even on the straight forward subject such as whether Zanu PF rigged the July 2013 elections or not, he is still dithering. Of course, Zanu PF blatantly rig the vote and, with still no reforms in place, the regime is certain to do the same thing. The MDC Alliance are contesting this year’s flawed elections for the same reason the party contested the flawed July 2013 elections – greed.
    “The worst aspect for me about the failure to agree a coalition was that both MDCs couldn’t now do the obvious – withdraw from the elections,” admitted Senator David Coltart, in his recent book.

    “The electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility.”

    Zimbabwe’s opposition, especially the MDC, has lost all political credibility and once the international community including SADC accept this political reality they will have no problem declaring the result of this year’s sham election null and void.

  19. G40 member and Senator Jason Machaya for Gokwe’s corruption changes keep growing.

    Zanu PF is party of thugs as long as you are one of them, you are above the law once you have been booted out of the party all your crimes are brought out and the party will be after you like hyenas after a wounded kudu!

  20. When even the country's big hospitals like Harare and Mpilo have to cancel life-saving operations because they do not have something as basic as pain killers it is criminal that the same government should have $70 000 much worse $3 million to send Tsvangirai and Mugabe to SA and Singapore for their health needs! To make matters worse, the country is in this sorry state because of the two's incompetence and greed.

    Mugabe was President and he thinks he deserves $4 billion Blue Roof mansion and Tsvangirai was PM and he too thinks he deserve $4 million mansion. Not even rich countries like US or UK do that to their leaders! Both Mugabe and Tsvangirai must be booted out of their respective mansions. We need to stamp out this foolish notion that one goes into public office to benefit at public expense!

    The people of Zimbabwe elected Tsvangirai to bring about democratic change, he has failed to bring about even one reform because he sold-out. You want us to let him keep the bribe and pay him a bonus for selling out.

    You accept Tsvangirai is corrupt and still you say "Hauna hanya iwe!"? It is you how have no shame for your continued indifference to the 90% who are unemployment, the 72.3% living on US$1.00 or less a day, etc. Your stupidity never seizes to amaze me, girl!

  21. A private Learjet that flew President Emmerson Mnangagwa to South Africa Saturday afternoon has flown back into the country.
    ZimEye early Monday morning revealed the development which was confirmed by Lanseria airport, that the private jet had flown into South Africa on Saturday just after 5pm.
    We must do something to end this culture of a nation divided into the filthy rich who go out of the country on a regular basis for their education or health needs or for shopping and leisure, on the one hand. On the other the filthy poor majority unemployed and living on US$1.00 or less a day who have to make do with the country's collapsed education and health delivery services.

  22. @Sarah
    Zimbabwe is a very poor country and right now it is failing to keep even the most basic health service going and 72.3% of the people are living on US$1.00 or less. How do you justify buying a political leader a $4 million mansion, worse still one who sold-out and failed to implement the democratic reforms necessary for meaningful political change.

  23. @ E Moyo

    What makes you think Tsvangirai did not keep his PM limo?

    Tsvangirai and his MDC friends got the limos, mansions, farms, etc. as a bribe so they will forget implementing the reforms. These guys sold-out. Judas Iscariot gave back the 30 pieces of silver and hanged himself for betraying Jesus. These MDC guys betrayed the nation and instead of asking them to give the bribes to the poor and hang themselves you want them to not only keep their bribes but also want the victims to give the traitors bonuses. How idiotic is that!
