Friday 4 November 2022

If ED and Chamisa made up, sanctions will be lifted and all will live happily ever after - how naive and flippant W Mukori

“Imagine President Emmerson Mnangagwa and opposition leader Nelson Chamisa embarking on an international campaign against sanctions. That move alone would be a sign of political maturity and patriotism and would contribute to national common purpose and unity. But to do so the two would need to agree on what sanctions mean to Zimbabwe. This kind of consensus will not happen any time soon because they have both weaponised the sanctions for political gain,” wrote Trevor Ncube in recent Bulawayo 24 article.  

“Many in the opposition, including Chamisa himself, argue insincerely that all sanctions are targeted and have no effect on the man on the street. Their view is that sanctions are a fitting punishment for those in the ruling party who have played a big role in Zimbabwe's worsening misfortunes.

They purposefully ignore what scholars have long unveiled, namely that sanctions are a form of warfare - Fourth Generation warfare. (See Nicholas Mulder: "The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War). According to Mulder, sanctions are intended to cut "off a country from all access to the international economy and wait for it to exhaust itself or succumb to political revolution or social collapse."

He further postulates: "Economic sanctions have long been considered a nonviolent deterrent, but ironically they have become a tool of modern warfare."

It is clear that Mr Ncube not only agrees with Signor Mulder that sanctions are a weapon of war but more significantly that the sanctions imposed by the West on Zimbabwe are a weapon of war!  

“Chamisa is overly aware of this lethal effect of sanctions on Zimbabwe but because he sees them as a weapon to fight his way to State power, fat chance that he can team up with Mnangagwa to fight for their removal,” he writes.

It is important to remind the reader at this stage who Trevor Ncube is. He signed off as “Alpha Media Holdings chairman”, the biggest independent print and electronic publications in Zimbabwe and owner of Mail and Guardian is SA.

The media is often considered the fourth pillar in a healthy and functioning democracy (other three being Executive, Legislature and Judiciary) tasked to inform and educate the people. Democracy, as government of the people, for the people and by the people will not work unless the people are informed. In a country like Zimbabwe the importance of the independent media is even more important than ever given it has the added task of countering Zanu PF propaganda from the dominant public media.

By describing the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe as “weapon of war” was giving traction to the Zanu PF propaganda lie that sanctions are the root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown.

Zimbabwe’s economy was already in serious trouble long before the sanctions were imposed in 2001. The country adopted the IMF and WB sponsored 1990 to 1995 Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) precisely because the economy was in trouble. When that programme failed to revive the economy, the country signed another one, the 1995 to 1999 ESAP. That too failed to revive the economy.

It was at the end of the second ESAP that the IMF and WB stopped giving Zimbabwe any financial assistance because the country was failing to service its debts. Many other financial institutions followed IMF and WB’s lead sending the country’s credit rating to junk status.

“Sanctions bar banks from doing business with the targeted country,” argued Trevor Ncube.

Indeed, when the West imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe, Mugabe was very dismissive claiming he would do business with the East. His “Look East!” mantra did not last long because the Chinese too stopped giving Zimbabwe financial assistance for the same reason, Nǐ bù huánzhài!” (You don’t pay your debt!) the Chinese obliged to told Mugabe to his face!

“High-level corruption is a tax on the already overburdened taxpayer. Apart from taking from the poor and giving to the political elite and politically connected, high-level corruption has created a subculture of corruption everywhere. Corruption is a national cancer that is crippling provision of basic services to the poor and marginalised and must be decisively dealt with,” Ncube argued.

After going to town about economic hardships brought on by sanctions it is a damp squib to then give the real root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown and political paralysis a passing coverage.

One more key point Mr Trevor Ncube failed to point out is that sanctions is one of the tools used to pressure the ruling party to concede the need for meaningful democratic changes including the holding of free, fair and credible elections. Whilst the economic and political UN sanctions imposed on white-ruled Rhodesia caused far more economic hardships than the current West sanctions, all the black nationalists called for their imposition. They argued the economic hardship were worth the sacrifice to help end white colonial oppression. We are now being asked to believe that sanctions will not help end black oppression!

“Imagine President Emmerson Mnangagwa and opposition leader Nelson Chamisa embarking on an international campaign against sanctions. That move alone would be a sign of political maturity and patriotism and would contribute to national common purpose and unity!”

The sheer naivety of that statement beggars belief! I would expect that from one of the brainwashed Zimbabweans, not a leading intellectual and trailblazer!

The West will never allow murderous demagogues like Mnangagwa and/or incompetent sell outs like Chamisa dictator their foreign policy. Zanu PF and MDC cooperated, at least in the sharing of the spoils of power, during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and were of one accord in the call to lift the sanctions. The West ignore the call because there was no evidence of Zanu PF dismantling the dictatorship. None!

Interestingly, the economy registered a 12% growth in 2009 to 2010, although sanctions had remained throughout the GNU, largely because the GNU scrapped the Z$ forcing the hyperinflation to fall from the dizzying height of 500 billion percent. Proof the economic meltdown was not caused by the sanctions. A few sound economic policies were enough to restore some sanity in the economic and generate some economic growth.

The economic recovery registered in the first year of the GNU fizzled out when it became clear MDC, much less Zanu PF, leaders were going to implement any democratic reforms to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship.

Although the EU 2018 Zimbabwe election observer mission issued a damning report on the elections. The EU Foreign Ministers decided to lift all the sanctions imposed of Harare, that has not translated into any meaningful economic recovery because Zimbabwe is still a pariah state plagued by mismanagement, corruption and lawlessness.

Zimbabwe is heading for new elections next year, 2023, and there is already overwhelming evidence to show Zanu PF is rigging the elections. There not even one reform recommendation has been implemented, there is no verified voters’ rolls, cases of Zanu PF orchestrated political violence are on the rise, etc., etc.

The suggestion that the sanctions will be lifted and Zimbabwe will enjoy peace and economic prosperity if only Mnangagwa and Chamisa kissed and made up; regardless of the reality of the country remaining a pariah state with rampant corruption, etc.; is laughable. Especially when the foolish suggestion is coming from someone who should know better!

Still, the foolish suggestion explains why Zimbabwe is in this seemingly intractable economic mess and political paralysis. If Zimbabwean intellectuals are so flippant about the country’s economic and political crisis, why should the rest of the world care when we  clearly don’t care!


  1. Some of Zimbabwe's embassies around the world are so broke they cannot afford flags to display outside, diplomats said on Thursday.

    Responding to information minister Monica Mutsvangwa's comments that ambassadors should "market brand Zimbabwe," the diplomats – one after the other – listed a litany of challenges, all caused by lack of funding.
    So these ambassadors have been tell the world Zimbabwe is on course to become an upper middle income nation in 8 years time, Vision 2030. Meanwhile embassy has a tattered and torn flag flying on an improvised bamboo pole! Vision 2030 is a mirage we should just call it delusion 2030!

  2. @ Peace Marangwanda
    As President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa consolidates his grip on power, and openly creating parallel structures intended to entrench him as Zimbabwe's Führer, can it still be debatable that any talk of removing the reviled dictator through elections is now simply insane and foolish?

    Furthermore, the man has gone all out unleashing a reign of terror on known and suspected opposition senior and junior members, including assaulting and arresting MPs, with Job Sikhala being thrown in prison, whist Jasmine Toffa suffering broken limbs at the hands of Mnangagwa's thugs.

    The electoral commission is clearly captures, as it goes out of its way in closing the democratic space, witnessed by the ridiculous nomination fees (reaching a staggering US$20,000 for a presidential candidate), access to the voters roll (which itself is questionable and in shambles) costing a shocking US$187,000, and the entire voting process rigged with an uneven playing field.
    You are right, it is indeed insane to talk about the opposition winning the 2023 election. Chamisa’s winning in rigged elections strategies are all hot air to justify why CCC is insisting on participating in these flawed elections. The party is after the few gravy train seats Zanu PF is offering as bait to entice the opposition to participate no matter how flawed the process. The people themselves have been slow to realise MDC/CCC are selling out on reforms and free elections for a share of the spoils of power.
    Having participated in the flawed elections and given Zanu PF legitimacy the only way to remove the regime is by yet another coup and/or bloody street protests (they will necessarily be bloody because Zanu PF will not give up power without a fight).
    It must be noted that the violent change could have been avoided if MDC had implemented the reforms or sold out by participating in flawed elections. Indeed, the nation can still be saved from a violent end if people reject these fraudulent elections and demand that SADC leaders stop endorsing rigged elections and giving Zanu PF legitimacy!

  3. @ Nicholas Masasa
    Peace huya kuno kumba tibatsirane kubvisa uyu kwete kunyora uri UK ikoko. Ndiyani waunida kuti atungamire basa racho iwe usipo? For now my advice to you is please go and seek the services of mental health personal urwere hwako hwakurisa hama yangu. Stop hallucinating my dear.
    There is no denying that Zimbabwe is in a serious economic and political mess, the need to find a way out is therefore the nation’s holy grail. We can argue about many things but there are some over which there cannot be any debate and one of these is that no one has the monopoly to knowledge. The way out can come from anyone, male or female, Shona or Ndebele, tall or short, in Zimbabwe or outside the country, young or old, etc.
    Therefore anyone, anyone at all, who should seek to silence some one on the basis of gender, tribe, etc. must be slammed down without a moment’s hesitation. Zimbabwe cannot afford to waste time, energy and space with these egotistic village idiots who have nothing useful to contribute.
    Marangwanda does not need to be in Zimbabwe to point out what is wrong in the country.
    We must end this Zanu PF blinked mentality that only those who fought in the liberation war and their cronies have the right to rule the country and the rest have no right to a meaningful say in the governance of Zimbabwe. Of course, every Zimbabwean has the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and they can exercise that right from wherever they are!
    It is bad enough, the nation has wasted the last 4 decades fighting for the right to be heard, I will be damned if this foolish carry-on is allowed to continue!

  4. @ Innocent Mpoki
    The main opposition will enter next year's election with a new name, Citizens Coalitions for Change (CCC). Hidden in the acronym perhaps not deftly is the personalistic nature of opposition politics in Zimbabwe.

    The name comes from the slogan Chamisa Chete Chete (No one, but Chamisa — the current leader of the main opposition.) Opposition politics in Zimbabwe revolves around one popular individual, rather than a programmatic agenda or ideology.

    Prior to Nelson Chamisa, opposition political discourses used to revolve around the late Morgan Tsvangirai. People in the opposition rally around a popular individual with the loudest megaphone to stir up their emotions.

    The leader's word is the party's manifesto. Because opposition politics is about personalities, this is why there have been many divisions in the opposition. These divisions are often over trivial issues such as personal grudges.
    You have hit the nail on the head there, Zimbabwe politics, not just opposition politics, “revolves around personalities rather than a programmatic agenda or ideology”!
    It was the great Greek philosopher, Socrates, who said "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." Zimbabwe is a nation of small minds. Whilst many ancient Greeks, 2 500 years ago, had already made the quantum leap to be great minds – a prerequisite for democracy to work. We in Zimbabwe with the benefit of 2 500 years of human civilization are still failing to make the quantum leap.
    It took Zimbabweans over 20 years to accept the simple reality that Mugabe was a corrupt, incompetent and murderous thug. The nation had welcomed him and his Zanu PF friends in 1980 as the nation’s liberators who could do no wrong and so the people refuse to believe their own eyes as Mugabe started ridding roughshod over the people denying them their freedoms and rights.
    Other than the simple desire for democratic change to remove Mugabe and Zanu PF the people had no idea what the democratic changes they needed were much less how they were to be implemented. The elected Morgan Tsvangirai to spear head the changes without any idea what the reforms are much less programmatic agenda to implement the reforms.
    Politics has become the career path to fleece the public legally, especially in a country like Zimbabwe where the electorate have no clue what they want. Tsvangirai and company were quick to promise to deliver the democratic changes the nation was asking for without knowing that those changes are.
    The fact that even now, 22 years after the launch of the MDC, the party has not implemented even one token reform and the people themselves have not even noticed it goes to show the people’s continued support has nothing to do with performance, ideology or anything of substance.
    Until we get our people’s intellectual ability to rise above the small mind discussing people level, Zimbabwe will remain a poor nation blundering from one crisis into another, replacing one mediocre leader for another!
