Monday 30 September 2024

We been warned about the wholesale looting of our resources and are doing nothing to stop it at our own peril. W Mukori

 @ Farai Maguhu 

The relationship between Chinese-owned extractive companies and local communities in Zimbabwe has deteriorated, marked by growing mistrust, suspicion, and a series of reported abuses. A recent report by the Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG), titled "Investments or Plunder: An Assessment of the Impacts of Chinese Investments in Zimbabwe's Extractive Sector," sheds light on the troubling dynamics surrounding these investments, revealing severe consequences for local populations.

Launched last Friday in Harare, the report presents compelling evidence of the disregard Chinese investors have shown for the cultural sensitivities of host communities. It outlines shocking accounts of environmental degradation, health hazards, violations of labor rights, and instances of sexual abuse, particularly affecting women working in homes associated with Chinese companies.

According to the report, which assessed the environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts of Chinese investments, local communities have consistently raised alarms over the destructive practices employed by these companies. Farai Maguwu, the director of CNRG, noted the incessant distress calls received from mining communities where Chinese operations are prevalent.

"Every day, we are receiving distress calls from different mining communities where Chinese are blasting mountains," Maguwu stated. "Our goal is to defend the communities affected by the extractive industry, and the current model being pursued by our friends from the East is not pleasing."

Despite China being Zimbabwe's largest trading partner and controlling approximately 90% of the country's mining sector, the report highlights an alarming trend of exploitation. Maguwu criticized the lack of value addition to the country's vast mineral resources, which include over 4,000 gold deposits, platinum, chrome, lithium, coal, and diamonds. He pointed out that minerals are being exported to China for processing, leaving local communities impoverished.

The report also raised concerns over the impact of pollution on local water sources, with many communities reporting contamination from harmful chemicals like mercury. Maguwu emphasized that this issue is not merely the concern of CNRG but of all Zimbabweans, as communities see their natural resources exploited with little regard for their well-being.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs who have rigged elections these last 44 years to stay in power, or be it the last 24 years is with the connivance of the corrupt and incompetent MDC/CCC leaders, nothing will ever change. The criminal waste of the country’s human and material resources will continue. 

It is within our power to end this madness by implementing the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. We are paying and will continue to pay dearly for our failure to deal with the curse of rigged elections and bad governance. 

Sunday 29 September 2024

44 years of whole nation participating in rigged elections expecting a different result is insanity of steroids! W Mukori

 The Illusion of Education: A Critical Look at Zimbabwe's Political Landscape*


In a recent conversation on the platform "Rebuilding Zimbabwe," political analysts Tendai Mazenge and Wilbert Mukori laid bare a stark reality about the state of education and political engagement in Zimbabwe. Their incisive commentary invites us to reflect on a deeply troubling paradox: how can a nation with a reported 90% literacy rate be mired in poor governance and political turmoil?

Mazenge argues that the foundational flaw in Zimbabwe's education system lies in its inability to foster independent thinking among its populace. He asserts that Zimbabweans have been educated to memorize and regurgitate information for exams, rather than to critically analyze and engage with the world around them. This raises an essential question: what value does a high literacy rate hold if it does not translate into informed civic engagement? Mazenge provocatively characterizes the leaders, including Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa, as “daft, dull and uneducated,” suggesting that their academic qualifications are rendered meaningless when devoid of practical application and critical thinking.

Mukori echoes Mazenge's sentiments, lamenting the political naïveté that has persisted in Zimbabwe for over four decades. He points to the staggering reality that millions remain complicit in a political system characterized by rigged elections and authoritarian rule, driven by misplaced trust in opposition figures like Nelson Chamisa. The notion that educated individuals are falling prey to "idiotic lies" underscores a disheartening truth: literacy alone does not guarantee political acumen or the capacity to challenge oppressive regimes.

Both analysts highlight a crucial historical context: Zimbabwe's independence was not the result of military victory but rather a negotiated settlement. This fact complicates the narrative of heroism often celebrated in the country's war veterans, many of whom did not directly contribute to the liberation struggle. The implications are profound; if the architects of Zimbabwe's independence lacked a genuine mandate from the people, how can their successors claim legitimacy?

The conversation pivots on the assertion that Zimbabwe's leadership has prioritized power retention over meaningful governance. Mazenge's critique of Mugabe's multiple degrees as "useless" in the context of nation-building speaks to a broader issue: the disconnect between academic qualifications and effective leadership. This raises an urgent need for a re-evaluation of what constitutes education and success in governance. Are we content to allow those with formal qualifications but lacking in critical thinking to guide our nation?

As Zimbabwe grapples with economic instability, rampant corruption and social unrest, it is imperative that citizens demand more from their education and political systems. A literate populace must evolve into an informed and engaged citizenry, capable of scrutinizing their leaders and holding them accountable. The path forward requires not just education in a traditional sense, but a revolutionary approach to critical thinking that empowers individuals to question, analyze and act.

It is without doubt that the insights shared by Mazenge and Mukori serve as a clarion call for Zimbabweans to transcend the limitations of their educational experiences. If the nation is to break free from the cycle of oppression and misgovernance, it must cultivate a culture of critical thinking that empowers every citizen to participate meaningfully in shaping their future. The time for complacency has passed; it is time for Zimbabweans to reclaim their agency and demand a system that values informed dissent over blind loyalty.

_an extract from the conversation:_

Tendai Mazenge: *"Our greatest mistake was getting education that never taught us to think for ourselves but to study to pass exams. Zimbabweans are not educated, they have been to school only. Surely how can a nation with 90% literacy rate be ruled by daft, dull and uneducated people whose qualifications are just war participants. We have war veterans who did not even win the war. Zimbabwe's independence was a negotiated settlement. Zanu or ZAPU never win the war but had a dialogue with Ian Smith at Lancaster House in the UK. Mugabe was just a teacher with over 5 useless degrees. He never studied Economics, Engineering and Finance. He lacked critical thinking in developing a nation. He only studied politics and mastered the art of oppressing people and wanting Zimbabwe to be a one party state. Whatever Mugabe or Mnangagwa is doing, nothing makes economic sense but power retention at all costs."*

Wilbert Mukori: *"I agree with you 100%; Zimbabweans are literate in that they can read and write but are otherwise incapable of rational thinking. After 44 years of rigged elections, it is shocking that millions of Zimbabweans should be so easily conned into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship and our own suffering because they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lies. How can anyone be so foolish much less millions!"*

For more, contact Tichaona Mupasiri via email: or WhatsApp +263732231900.

Thank you. One of the hallmarks of rational thinking is the acceptance that none of us know everything there is to know any admission at the heart of the willingness to learn from the past, to embrace democratic accountability and the rule of law. 

Albert Einstein said insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. We have participated in flawed elections for 44 years and counting expecting to end the Zanu PF dictatorship. 44 years, even Einstein would have never expected anyone to be that insane much less a whole nation!

Friday 27 September 2024

Of all leaders, Mnangagwa begging for US$5.8 b food aid at UNGA; he has his beady eyes on "pound of flesh" cut for himself. W Mukori

 Of all the SADC leaders to be begging for food aid on behalf of SADC,  Emmerson Mnangagwa would be the last leader anyone would choose to do it!

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken the urgent plea for assistance from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), seeking support to combat the devastating effects of the El Niño-induced drought that has left millions at risk of hunger. The SADC has launched an international humanitarian appeal amounting to US$5.8 billion to address the growing food security crisis in the region,” reported Bulawayo 24.

“Mnangagwa, who assumed the presidency of SADC during the bloc's summit in Harare, Zimbabwe, in August, was unable to attend the UNGA in New York for unspecified reasons. Instead, he was represented by Foreign Affairs Minister Frederick Shava, who delivered Zimbabwe's address on his behalf on Wednesday night.

According to reports, approximately 68 million people - about 17% of the total population across Southern Africa.”

Could not have picked a worse person to beg for food on behalf of the starving - Mnangagwa, THE fat cat, renowned for wasteful incompetence and looting! Who has not heard of how Zanu PF destroyed Zimbabwe’s once upon a time productive agricultural sector by seizing the farms from the whites to give to unproductive ruling elite and the cronies. There is wholesale looting in Zimbabwe and Mnangagwa and his cronies are the godfathers of it all! 

There are millions of Zimbabweans who are starving but that did not stop Mnangagwa squander US$5 billion plus in bribes from povo with chicken and chips, chiefs and church leaders with new cars right up to MPs, Judges and Ministers with US$ 40k, 400k and 500k housing “loans” respectively. 

Mnangagwa has his beady eyes set on winning 2028 elections to extend his rule beyond the constitution two term limit. And the new cycle of bribing key players has already kick off with chiefs receiving new trucks only last week.

Whatever the donor give, everyone knows that Mnangagwa and his cronies will have their “pound of flesh” one way or the other! 

For the period Mnangagwa remains SADC chairman, each individual country would be better off handling its own affairs even when collective regional action would be called for. Having Mnangagwa leading that collective action is a curse, given his notoriety. For one thing Mnangagwa is illegitimacy, SADC election observers condemned 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. 

The regional body did not take the next rational step of publicly denying Zanu PF political legitimacy because Nelson Chamisa and his CCC fiends (out of greed) and millions his brain dead supporters (out of sheer stupidity) had participated in the flawed elections. 

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Ncube sheds buckets of crocodile tears over "disputed elections"! Disputed by whom; certainly not him! W Mukori

 When I was in High School; many, many moons ago; the high light of the year was a College Ball. The Master of Ceremony one year was X (real name withheld to protect the guilty as charged), a pompous guy. It was traditional to crown the day with a luck draw in which the three winners would drawn from the invited girls.

X called each winning number and rattled on about the young lady’s beauty to the accompaniment of Steve Wonder’s “Is she lovely” - a copycat from the Miss World Beauty contest. Rotten luck for X because all the three winners that year were not beautiful at all especially the last one who got the top prize.  

I repeat, this was NOT a beauty contest and the young lady was just lucky to win the gift humber, her looks, or rather lack there of, had nothing to do with it. Tell that to X! He was in the grove! The way he rattled on and on about about the young lady’s beautiful eyes, legs, curvy body, etc., etc.; all the things she did not have; had the whole assembly in stitches with laughter!

The moral of that tragic afternoon (none of three young ladies were impressed) it is better to say nothing than mock them with over the top flattery.

Professor Welshman Ncube’s, the acting president of CCC, recent speech in Tsholotsho reminded me of X’s comical High School performance. Whilst the latter evoked laughter there is precious little to laugh about the former’s cynical, dishonest and down right criminal betrayal of the nation by him and his fellow MDC/CCC leaders. 

“Addressing victory celebrations for Tsholotsho Ward 1 councillor Witness Khumalo over the weekend, Ncube condemned President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government, accusing it of selfish greed and a blatant disregard for democratic processes. He argued that electoral disputes, which have plagued Zimbabwe since 2000, are at the core of the nation's stagnation,” reported Bulawayo 24.

"Disputed elections have consistently led to the deterioration of our country," Ncube said, recalling the late Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai's warnings about the futility of participating in flawed elections. "Tsvangirai used to say, if you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results, that is the definition of insanity."

The sheer cynicism and dishonest in the statement is sickening for three reasons:

  1. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reforms in 24 years, including 5 in the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and they forgot about implementing reforms

  1. Ever since the GNU debacle MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections; “so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put; and knowing fully well that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they went ahead, indeed they have conned their brain dead followers to participate in the millions, because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seats reward for participating no matter how flawed the process. 

  1. Yes, it is true that the root cause of Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown, tyrannical oppression and the tragic human suffering and deaths is the failure to hold free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF has blatantly rigged elections for 44 years, the last 24 years of which with the connivance of MDC/CCC leaders. 

The people should not be fooled professor Ncube and his fellow MDC/CCC leaders’ buckets of crocodile tears over the repeated “disputed elections”. Disputed by who? Certainly not by them since they are the one who have not only failed to implement reforms but, worst of all, are participating in the flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy. 

Professor Ncube is already on the campaign trail to con Zimbabweans into participating in flawed 2028 elections on the basis of the same idiotic lies that the opposition has devised winning in RIGGED elections strategies. As soon as he and his friends have secure the gravy train seats reward, they will cry foul. 

After 24 years of risking livelihoods, limbs and even lives to elect MDC/CCC leaders in to power and yet not even one token reform implemented; it is the people of Zimbabwe who must wake up to the reality Professor Ncube and company are taking them for fools.

It is insane for ordinary Zimbabweans to continue participating in rigged elections, for 44 years and counting, hoping to win but only to give Zanu PF legitimacy and to perpetuate their own suffering. Zimbabweans must stop participating in these flawed elections, “so flawed, so illegal that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart aptly put.

SADC and AU election observers condemned 2023 Zimbabwe elections as flawed and illegal. SADC would have gone one step further and deny Zanu PF legitimacy, as they did in 2008; if millions Zimbabweans have not participated, nearly two million voted for CCC alone! 

The worst thing Zimbabweans can do is participate in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our own suffering. We must stop shooting ourselves in the foot by participating in the flawed elections and then complain the elections were rigged!

Sunday 22 September 2024

Zimbabweans are their own worst enemy; in their ignorance, they have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. W Mukori

 @ Developer

A million dollar question..

By Akson Potera 

Will the 2023 election make any difference if the referee is also a player?

If indeed the opposition had been winning the election since 2000 to 2018 but failed  to take the reins of power, what will be the difference between the previous elections  and  that of 2023? 

Unless the opposition admits that they were lying that they had won  the past elections, I don’t think  the 2023 election will be different from other elections since the same deceivers are still on duty 24/7. 


The opposition must come clear: How will the very important vote be protected from theft?  

If it is true that the loser is always walking out of the race (as) the winner, then this is  a grim cause for concern.

Kana une mhinduro usa tsamwa pindura mubvunzo ti protecte vote yedu.”

The MDC/CCC leaders failed to implement even one token reforms when they had they best chance ever to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and the rest is history. Ever since the GNU debacle they have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a share of the spoils of power. They have been Zanu PF team B in all but name. 

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that the electorate, especially the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade are so ignorant and naive they have failed to realise that MDC/CCC leaders have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds. And to crown it all we have universal suffrage, we have given the ignorant and naive the vote and the corrupt and incompetent politicians on both side of the political divide have exploited their ignorance and naivety to keep themselves in power. 

The ignorant electorate are their own worst enemy; they have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF thugs legitimacy, give the opposition a few gravy train seats and only to perpetuate their own suffering! Even after 44 years of rigged elections, the electorate still fail to see the sheer futility of participating in flawed elections because, in their ignorance, they have still have no clue what constitutes free and fair elections. 

Sunday 8 September 2024

CCC participated 2023 to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate our suffering for US$1.6m bonanza and will do so again 2028. W Mukori

 “Tshabangu smiles all the way to the bank.” screamed the Bulawayo 24 headline accompanied by a picture of Senator Sengezo Tshabangu smiling from ear to ear!

“Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim leader Sengezo Tshabangu stands to benefit financially after the government disbursed over ZWL 22 million to the opposition party as part of the political parties finance fund,” Bulawayo 24 reported.

“The distribution, outlined in the Government Gazette, allocated ZWL 22,116,500 (US$1.6m at official exchange rate) to the CCC out of a total of ZWL 70 million for parties that participated in the August 2023 harmonized elections.”

This is only a fraction of the gravy train good-life package. There is the US$60 000 car loan, the generous salary and allowances, in 2022 there surprise US$40 000 house loan (no doubt there will be one in the pipeline), etc., etc. No wonder CCC leaders were falling over themselves to take up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU elections observers had dismissed the 2023 elections as flawed and illegal. 

Of course, Fadzayi Mahere, David Coltart, etc. all knew the elections were flawed and, worse still, that their participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. They had their eyes on the gravy train loot and did not give a damn about anything else. 

“Conclusion 13.3

The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.

The SEOM report was clear as day, the 2023 election was flawed and illegal and, per se, did not produce a legitimate government. “So why did SADC fail to come out right and deny this Zanu PF regime political legitimacy, as the regional body did following the marred 2008 elections?” some Zimbabweans continue to ask.

What these Zimbabweans have failed to ask is; What good came out of the 2008 to 2013 GNU? 

Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders with the trapping of high office and they, in return, kicked all the democratic reforms the GNU was tasked to implement into the thorny-devil Cactus. What good would come out of SADC sponsoring yet another GNU now particularly when we still have the same corrupt and incompetent opposition leaders of yesteryear! 

Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF friends used the rhetoric of freedom, one-man one-vote, etc. to gain confidence and support of the masses in the fight to end white colonial oppression. What Mugabe & co. really wanted was to take the white men’s place as the new oppressors. 

“Zimbabwe is what it is because of a political subculture, centred on the ruling party, that has hegemony and subjugation as its highest ideals. Violence, disdain, paranoia and plunder are among its natural progeny. It is fundamentally antithetical to genuine political competition, dissent and notions of stewardship,” wrote Stuart Doran in the Strategist.

Zanu PF believe they have the right to rule the country and to the choicest fruit by right of conquest, they spearheaded the liberation war. They would rather burn the whole country to ashes than see anyone else rule. Zimbabwe is a failed state and in economic ruins.

44 years of corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF misrule have turned Zimbabwe from an upper middle income nation with a robust economic infrastructure, the bread-basket of the region into one of the poorest nations failing to provide its people with even the most basic services such as education and health care and everywhere there is rot and decay. We could not even hold on to what we inherited from the whites in 1980 much less build on it!

It took nearly 20 years for most Zimbabweans to finally admit that Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF friends were corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs. The people realised that as long as Zanu PF retained its dictatorial powers to rig elections, the regime would drag the whole nation deeper and deeper into this hell-on-earth it had landed the nation into ever since 1980. What was to be done to stop Zanu PF dragging the nation into hell?

The solution was self-evident: the nation must elect opposition leaders who will implement the democratic reforms to end Zanu PF’s dictatorial powers to rig elections! The late Morgan Tsvangirai and his friends launched their party in 1999 to answer the nation’s call for democratic reforms naming the party appropriately, Movement for Democratic Reforms (MDC). 

Zanu PF not only blatantly rigged the 2023 elections but got away with it precisely because MDC/CCC leaders have not only failed to implement even one token democratic reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU, but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy all out of greed and incompetence. 

Chamisa & co. have again and again conned Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging the elections and participating will give the regime legitimacy. Chamisa & co. are gearing to participate in the 2028 elections with no reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging and will, no doubt, come up with yet another idiotic winning in rigged election lie to entice their brain dead followers to participate in the millions. 

44 years of corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF misrule have taken a heavy toll on this nation, the longer this continues the deeper the nation will sink and the harder and longer it will take to get out - if at all. Zanu PF has continues to rig elections and drag us deeper and deeper into this hell-on-earth these last 24 years because we have been slow to accept the MDC/CCC leaders sold out just as the nation had taken 20 years to admit Zanu PF leaders were thugs! 

Chamisa & co. participated in the flawed 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship out of greed. In the ensuing CCC factional war for the spoils, the Sengezo Tshabangu faction prevailed and they are cashing in the US$ 1.6 million Political Party Finance Act annual bonanza. Make no mistake, Chamisa & co. will be participating in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy to perpetuate the nation’s suffering out of greed. 

It is for the people of Zimbabwe to wake up to the political reality that MDC/CCC leaders have done nothing to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. Zanu PF has continued to rig elections and loot the nation’s resources for 44 years or be it, the last 24 years with the connivance of MDC/CCC. It is for the people of Zimbabwe, not SADC, to stop the rigging and looting.